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On November 30th, The Federal Preventative Police expanded its operations into the surrounding towns around Oaxaca City. Today they have conducted a raid into Zaalchia, 11 kilometers outside of Oaxaca City and numerous other towns. Read More

On November 29th, Radio Universidad was handed over to the administrators of Benito Juarez Autonomous University. As part of an agreement with APPO, the University will now handle security for the station. This week, outgoing Mexican President Fox said that he would use a hard hand against the movement in Oaxaca.

There was a Oaxaca reportback, November 30th, at Bound Together Books in SF. December 1st was an international day of solidarity with APPO. There was a protest at 2pm in Oaxaca. There also was an all-day protest at the Mexican Consulate in Sacramento. On December 6th, Barucha Calamity Peller, who has contributed to Indybay from Oaxaca will give a reportback "Oaxaca: Portrait of Rebellion," at 8pm at Station 40 in San Francisco.
Tue Nov 28 2006 (Updated 12/01/06)
November 30th Screening of FARMCORE Benefits Indybay
SF videographer Mike Kavanaugh screened "FARMCORE - The Movie: Punk Rock History of the SF Farm" on Thursday, November 30th at 7pm at the Roxie Film Center (3117 16th St, at Valencia). "Farmcore" is a documentary that tells the story of San Francisco's legendary Farm, located in the Mission District during the 1980s. Punk shows at The Farm featured such bands as the Dead Kennedys, Bad Brains, Black Flag, and Butthole Surfers. The Farm also hosted community gardens, an art gallery, child daycare center, and a multicultural community space. After all other major punk clubs in the city had been shut down, the Farm raged on until late 1987, when it became an early victim of gentrification of the Mission District.
Mon Nov 20 2006 (Updated 12/10/06)
Josh Wolf to Stay in Prison, Says Judge
On Tuesday, November 21st, attorneys for jailed indymedia journalist and video blogger Josh Wolf appeared before Federal District Court Judge Alsup to argue for Josh's release from federal prison; the request was denied. This 90+ day imprisonment is believed to be unprecedented for a journalist who refuses to hand over information to a grand jury. Josh is one of dozens of US political prisoners who will not be with their loved ones for the holidays. A benefit for Josh was held at Balazo in San Francisco on December 7th.
Thu Nov 16 2006 (Updated 11/19/06)
Oaxaca Benefit at RCNV in Santa Cruz
On Friday, November 17th, Santa Cruz Indymedia presented a benefit in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca. The event started at 7:00pm at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, in Santa Cruz. There was a suggested donation of $5-20, but no one was turned away for lack of funds.

There was music from Ryan Harvey & Mark Gunnery of Riot Folk Records, a billingual presentation from Miguel Zafra who is a native Oaxaqueño and member of the Frente Indigena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) and film screenings of Granito de Arena and Infamy in Oaxaca. imc_pdf.gif Read more and download the flyer
On Thursday, Nov. 9th, The Northern California Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists honored imprisoned videojournalist, Josh Wolf, and Chronicle sports writers, Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, with the distinction of Journalists of the Year "for upholding the principles of a free and independent press." They were recognized for the award because they chose the risk of jail time, rather than reveal confidential sources or turn over unpublished parts of their work to federal grand juries. Josh Wolf was also awarded Best Male Vlogger and Most Controversial Video at the first annual Vloggy Awards in San Francisco on Nov. 5th.
November 3rd, 2006 - danielsan and ariel write: The climate for journalists has worsened in the days since the Federal Police occupied Oaxaca City. Today we talked to Juan Carlos Gomez, who until recently worked with a local radio station. He says he had recieved repeated threats on his life, and today was beaten by several men whom he believes are the same men who were shooting at Barricade 3 last friday, and that they were some of the same men who shot and killed Brad Will. In the interview below he describes the attack, saying 'They hit me in the stomach and the mouth... I fell back on the ground and felt a kick to my neck. I ran to the Cinco Señores [an intersection near the University] where I passed out. Some people picked me up and took me to the clinic [behind the barricades protecting Radio Universidad].'
imc_audio.gif Audio: Download the mp3 (es) (3 min. 17 sec.)

With the PFP in town, local PRIistas are threatening members of APPO, teachers, and visible members of the Oaxacan resistance, including members of the organization CIPO-RFM (Consejo Indigena Popular de Oaxaca - Ricardo Flores Magón), as well as foreigners in general and foreign journalists especially. Indymedia has an especially high profile due to Brad's affiliation with NYC indymedia. We've heard rumors that indymedia is on the minds and lips of PRIistas and government loyalists high up the chain of command, who have claimed that indymedia correspondents take orders from APPO, and that foreigners are stirring up trouble and encouraging the continuing resistance. imc_photo.gif Read more and view photos
According to Friday evening's reports from mp3 audio Radio APPO and other sources, paramilitaries began an assault on Oaxaca, which has been held by the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) for over 5 months. People were killed, injured, disappeared, and hospitalized. New York City Indymedia reporter Brad Will (William Bradley Roland) was shot in the chest and killed, while Oswaldo Ramírez, photographer for Milenio Diario, has also been shot and is injured. imc_video.gif Brad Will's Video from Friday APPO also confirmed that schoolteacher Emilio Alfonso Fabián died from three bullet wounds after an attack by shooters for Ulises Ruiz Ortiz outside the state government palace. Reportes en español: 1 | 2 | English: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 There were several protests over the weekend. People gathered Saturday at 7pm at San Francisco City Hall for a vigil for Oaxaca and the 5 people who were killed there on Friday. Photos: 1 | 2
imc_photo.gif Day of the Dead Memorial Altars: Barricade 3 | Calicanto