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From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature


by Comradelost (cml_df [at]
Reports received from Radio Universidad tells that civil population is under attack in the streets of the city of Oaxaca. Also this radio station informs that Indymedia reporter Will Bradly was shot death.
The firsts attacks were reported early this morning, around 10 am when unknowns attacked Radio Universidad with heavy gunfire. This radio is under control of students and members of the Popular Assemly of the Pueblos of Oaxaca, APPO. This group is movilized since jun 14, when the Governor of the state, Ulises Ruíz Ortiz attempted to repress teachers protesting in demand of a raise in salaries and for better conditions. Eventhough the use of force was brutal, the police failed to expell the teachers from downtown where they had been camping. This provoqued a huge popular movement wich demanded the Governor to resign.

After this morning attack on the radio, the organization declared full alert. Also Flavio Sosa, a very well known activist of this movement announced that a young man was kidnaped in one of the many barricades in the city, in a place known as Puente Cinco. Other clashes were reported in another spots like colonia Volcanes, where a group of people tried to dismantle another barricade.

Then, around 2pm a group attacked from a pickup another barricade, injuring a boy in the foot, who later on was moved to a hospital. Then in Avenida del Ferrocarril, another pickup truck atacked the members of the APPO. Early reports talked about three people injured by gunshot in this action.

At 6:03 pm, Radio Universidad confirms the death of Bradly Roland, New York Indymedia reporter , shot in the chest or in the throat. This ocured in the municipality of Calicante. Also another reporter from Milenio Diario, Oswaldo Ramirez resulted injured by gunfire.

6:05 pm. Reports indicate that snipers are shooting indiscriminately against civillians from the roof top of the Municipal Palace of Santa Lucía del Camino. Then police attacked the barricade in the Procuraduría de Oaxaca,leaving seven people lying on the groun, their health condition is unknown.

More and more reports keep coming in through Radio Universidad. The state in the city is completely caotic as the civil population keeps under attack by unknown shooters and police. The activists keep calling to resist. Radio Universidad is the only radio station left from many that the people used to have in their control. If this station falls, the movement will found itself unarticulated and cut off from the outside. APPO calls for a national movement of suport.

Another person is reported death in another clash between APPO members and other people from Santa María Coyotepec. The circumstances are not yet clear. New reports of shootouts and more attacks continue.

Since the beggining of the conflict, Ulises Ruiz has been usin a paramilitary group known by the people as "The caravan of death". This attackers use AR-15 and AK-47 rifles, shotguns and 9mm guns against unarmed civillians. Before today, the movement had lost 15 members under fire from this killers or by police. Many leaders and activists have been thrown in jail. They also have been kidnapping simpatizers of the movement. The APPO has always claimed to be a pacifist movement. Federal goverment refused for a long time to interfere claiming that there was no ingobernability, and trying to make the conflict appear like a minor local problem, until pressure was to much, but even then they refused to remove the governor from his position. The Indymedia activist Bradley had been making coverage of this conflict and the represion for more than a month in the streets of Oaxaca.
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