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On Tuesday, February 6th, there was a noontime press conference in support of Josh Wolf on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. A benefit for Josh's legal defense was held on Tuesday night at 8:00pm at House of Shields in SF. The Free Josh Coalition says that Josh has become the longest-imprisoned journalist who has ever been held on contempt charges in the United States. imc_audio.gif Audio | imc_photo.gif Photos and Words from Josh | imc_video.gif Video: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Tue Jan 30 2007 (Updated 02/06/07)
Two Charges Dropped Against Lt. Ehren Watada
On January 29th, Army prosecutors of Lt. Ehren Watada dropped two charges of “conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.” These two charges—each of which carried a one year possible prison sentence—were based on interviews Lt. Watada held with Oakland-based independent journalist Sarah Olson and Greg Kakesako of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. In exchange for the dropping of the two charges, Watada agreed to testify that he made the comments attributed to him by the reporters. Watada still faces up to four years' confinement on three other charges. Sarah Olson will no longer be forced to testify.
In 2006, a blogger named Spocko began posting examples of inflammatory rhetoric common to several talk radio hosts on KSFO, an ABC Radio-owned station in San Francisco. Spocko also sent numerous letters to corporations advertising on KSFO with examples of the content their commercials were funding. This letter-writing campaign apparently got results, as major advertisers such as MasterCard, Bank of America, and Visa pulled their ads from the station. On December 21, ABC Inc. issued a cease-and-desist letter targeting Spocko and his blog for copyright violation and Spoko's internet service provider, 1&1 Internet, briefly shut down his blog.
On January 4th, Lt. Ehren Watada sat before a military judge in Ft. Lewis, WA for a pre-trial hearing that defined what will be admissible during the court-martial, which begins on February 5th. The Army's lead prosecutor, Captain Daniel Kuecker, repeatedly defended his subpoenas of civilian reporters Sarah Olson and Gregg Kakesako, and anti-war activists Phan Nguyen and Gerri Haynes, as “relevant” and “admissible” for the prosecution. These reporters and activists remain under order to take the stand on Feb. 5th. imc_photo.gif Report and photos

Meanwhile, Iraq Veterans Against the War Deployed established "Camp Resistance", an encampment outside the gates of Ft. Lewis to support Lt. Watada that will remain through the upcoming court-martial. imc_photo.gif Photos

In San Francisco, 28 protesters were arrested after over 200 people gathered at the Federal Building on January 4 to show support for Watada. imc_photo.gif Photos: 1 | 2 | imc_video.gif Video
Sun Dec 24 2006 (Updated 01/01/07)
Indybay Urgently Needs Your Financial Support Now
UNLESS INDYBAY RAISES $4000 in 30 days we cannot afford our web hosting and the site will go off the air.
This is serious! We are an all-volunteer collective and our costs are miniscule in comparison with the service that the website provides to the Bay Area, Santa Cruz, and Northern California activist communities.
Thanks to dozens of generous donations so far we are getting closer to covering our expenses but we are not there yet.
Please DONATE NOW! And consider becoming a Friend of Indybay to help us secure our financing into the future.
On January 2, 2007, shortly after her appearance on Democracy Now, journalist Sarah Olson received word that the U.S. Army was backing off of its demand that she testify at the January 4 pre-trial hearing in the court-martial of Lt. Ehren Watada. The Army subpoenaed Olson in December to testify about her interview with Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse his orders to deploy to Iraq and the first military officer charged with public dissent since 1965. Olson remains under subpoena to testify at the full court-martial of Lt. Watada scheduled for early February at Fort Lewis in Washington State.

On December 14th, a US Army prosecutor subpoenaed independent journalist, radio producer and former Indybay volunteer Sarah Olson, seeking her sworn testimony at the court-martial of First Lieutenant Ehren Watada. Watada refused deployment to Iraq earlier this year.
Sun Dec 10 2006 (Updated 12/11/06)
Oaxaca Solidarity Night in Santa Cruz on Dec 13th
On Wednesday, December 13th, at 7pm, there will be a solidarity event for the people of Oaxaca, Mexico at the Veterans Hall in Santa Cruz. Bilingual film screenings of Granito de Arena (Grain of Sand), a documentary of the teacher's struggle in Oaxaca and Victoria en Todos Santos (Victory in All Saints), shot on the streets during the attempted illegal takeover of Radio Universidad by the Federal Police, as well as a bilingual presentation from Miguel Zafra, a native Oaxaqueño and member of the Frente Indigena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB). imc_photo.gif Read more (en español)