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Indybay Feature

Should A Mother Of 5 In Prison Since 1996 Die In Prison Over $260?

by Cindy Boskofsky (BOZCindyK [at]
Grant CLEMENCY to TAMARA LLAMAS, mom of 5, serving sentences for crimes she DIDN'T commit.
Tamara Llamas has been incarcerated since 1996 for 3 crimes SHE DID NOT COMMIT. She was also charged with distribution of marijuana, which she admits guilt to. But SHE IS INNOCENT of the other 3 crimes. She was sentenced to 4 concurrent life sentences for use of a firearm in a drug crime, witness tampering, and conspiracy to murder for hire . She has PROOF that she was WRONGFULLY accused and sentenced for the 3 crimes SHE DID NOT COMMIT.

Tamara was illegally COERCED and wrongfully THREATENED by her lawyer under duress with the death penalty for murder if she failed to “accept” a plea agreement that stated she participated in the murder even though she did not. At the time of the plea negotiation she was OVERMEDICATED on 35mg of Prozac and 200mg of Trazodone. At those toxic amounts she should have been in an in-patient hospital, but instead she was being coerced to sign a plea agreement. Fearful for her life, and on the advice of her family, who also feared she would be executed, she accepted the plea bargain in order to save her life. But she has PROOF of her innocence:

- A WRITTEN AFFIDAVIT by the actual murderer, Jimmy Wakefield, states HER INNOCENCE of the murder and HIS OWN GUILT. He implicated her to save himself from the death penalty. Yet this evidence is being disregarded by Jimmy’s attorney, Prosecutor Brasher, and the courts. Jimmy’s subsequent admission of guilt is not being accepted and entered into evidence on behalf of Tamara.

- SWORN AFFIDAVIT and numerous personal letters by Jimmy Wakefield confessing that Prosecutor Brasher coerced him into implicating Tamara in order to avoid the death penalty for himself, and admitting that HE ALONE COMMITED THE MURDER and that SHE WAS NOT INVOLVED IN ANY WAY.

- Several letters and an affidavit accumulated as evidence of her innocence, copies of which were sent to both the Court and the Prosecutor.

- A Polygraph test she was administered by the FBI which SHE PASSED.

- A Polygraph test by Jimmy Wakefield which HE FAILED.

When Tamara was arrested, her five children were 1-14 years old. Among all the things she has missed while incarcerated, two of her children were killed in separate car accidents and she was unable to attend their funerals or mourn with her grandchildren and family.

She wants to be able to return to her family, to once again be part of her children's lives and become a part of her grandchildren's lives. Tamara wants justice:

1) Her case re-heard with ALL the evidence especially Jimmy Wakefield's admission of perjury and his guilt of the murder.
2) She is given credit for her time served and is immediately released from prison.
3) A reduction of her sentence to reflect only the marijuana charges, with the possibility of a further reduction of her sentence to reflect the changes in marijuana laws since her incarceration.

Tamara has exhausted all legal avenues available to correct this injustice.

Tamara does not have the legal knowledge to navigate around the legal arena to help herself. If you are an attorney or celebrity willing to help her or advocate on her behalf, please contact me. Thank you.

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by Cindy boskofsky (wandascott788 [at]
I feel that what Tamara went thru was a terrible tragedy to the 100 power, all tho justice pervaled in the end it's still not enough cuz she will never get those years back all the birthdays , Christmas, and holidays not to mention the moments when her children needed there mom.tamara I full understand your pain I've been there my self and trust me it's not an easy thing to do. But you can put the past behind you and move with your life and make new memorys and the love the your children will surround you heart with hopefully it will.mend the pain.bless your heart girl you will be in my paryers
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