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Wed May 31 2023 (Updated 06/01/23)
"Fentalyfe" Poster Campaign Redecorated
In a pseudonymous communiqué published on Indybay on May 21, "some vandals" write: Under the cover of night, with the Frisco fog as our accomplice, a crew of friends vandalized over 10 of the right-wing, pro-police “Fentalyfe” street poster installations.... These disturbing posters are part of a $300k campaign, by reactionary group Together SF, that is shaming drug and Narcan users, and calling for the racist criminalization of poor people.
image icon Antwon Cloird - My 'Freedom From Active Addiction' Mike Raccoon Eyes Kinney Posted: Mon Jul 15th 11:54am
image icon The Hook Outlet's Proposed Dispensary Project with WAMM Faces Appeal to City Council Santa Cruz News (3 comments) Posted: Sun Mar 31st 3:37pm
Fri Oct 11 2019 (Updated 10/12/19)
Union Members Strike at Janus of Santa Cruz
National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) members at Janus of Santa Cruz held their first-ever strike on September 26, after management imposed a first contract that did not remedy poverty wages that have forced many workers to find new jobs. In the nearly two years since Janus workers joined NUHW, more than 60 percent of them have left for other jobs. With its workforce in constant flux, state records show that Janus is serving fewer clients and forcing more of them to wait for services that were once immediately accessible, worsening Santa Cruz’s addiction crisis.
A sticker carrying imagery encouraging violence against houseless people and drug addicted people was recently found on a crosswalk button in downtown Santa Cruz. The sticker reads "Street Cleaner: Santa Cruz Meth Head Cleansing Project – Santa Cruz" and is marked with the hashtag #131stickers. It depicts a silhouette of a skinny person wearing a backpack, with a cigarette in their mouth, an open hand stretched out, and a “Tweaker” flag hanging out of the backpack. Laid over the image of this person are the crosshairs of a telescopic rifle sight.
Wed Apr 12 2017 (Updated 04/15/17)
"I Don't Work With Pot, I Work With People"
Valerie Corral and her former husband founded Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) in Santa Cruz, the nation’s oldest continuously operating medical cannabis collective that provides free cannabis for 30 percent of its members. She also helped write and pass Proposition 215, California’s revolutionary medical marijuana law. She has helped build the medical industry and seen it change into what it is today. Now, another twenty years later, the financial climate around cannabis in the United States has changed into a million dollar industry, but Valerie still isn't interested in making money from cannabis.
Calls to boycott Altai Brands began after a disturbing photo was circulated on social media showing a nearly nude woman laying on a table covered in slices of salami and other meats. The event, hosted by Altai Brands, was a private after-party on November 17 for the fifth annual Marijuana Business Conference and Expo which took place from November 15-18 in Las Vegas. Aliza Sherman writes, "Altai Brands apparently went culturally tone deaf when they covered a woman in deli meats and served her up on the appetizer table. Comments ranged from shock to outrage in social media with calls to boycott the male-led company."
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image icon Antwon Cloird - My 'Freedom From Active Addiction' Mike Raccoon Eyes Kinney Posted: Mon Jul 15th 11:54am
image icon The Hook Outlet's Proposed Dispensary Project with WAMM Faces Appeal to City Council Santa Cruz News (3 comments) Posted: Sun Mar 31st 3:37pm
image icon "Fentalyfe" Poster Campaign Redecorated some vandals (2 comments) Posted: Sun May 21st 12:37am
image icon Conspiracy to shield Sackler family opioid drug kingpins with immunity Lynda Carson (1 comment) Posted: Fri Oct 8th 9:21pm
video icon Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office Releases Video Footage of Officer Involved Shooting Santa Cruz Police News (1 comment) Posted: Thu Apr 15th 4:47pm
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