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Marty Higgins Libertine of debauchery or a curmudgeon being entrenched in impropriety

by Katalina Mendoza
Marty Higgins or Martin J Higgins is a name that is growing notoriety in print and audio media for being a nefarious figure in real estate. He is overly involved in his endeavors, and stoically makes poor judgements based on his rapacious nature and over inflated ego. This is in many cases the face of corruption and unethical conduct, it is usually the family oriented community involved person who camouflages a more sinister existence. First Class Lodi llc, TP partners, The Apartment Group, are a microcosm of a real estate and business environment on the verge of catastrophe internecine to all.
I have been tracking tenant Landlord issues for years, in the Bay Area, as well as national, and international. I have observed a nefarious individual who has been gaining notoriety throughout the various platforms in media. This person is a symptom a society dissociated from humanity and focused on mercenary and avaricious pursuits. This selfish ethical frameworking has manifested people who practice mendacious and odious conduct to fulfill their distorted dreams. In 2016 with historically low interest rates and low yielding bonds, along with many diminution of business regulations, and unsustainable speculation has produced unfettered inequity testing the fabrics of society. Marty Higgins is becoming the poster child of what is inciting a movement on both the left and right wing of politics, circumvented around an accelerated income inequality primarily due to speculation ushering in fascism. This is a contradiction of free market enterprise, and rather a corporate takeover which lacks any sense of moral hazard, and a product of 40 plus years of policies eroding a stable monetary system. The poster child of our modern day crisis represents what will usher in an entirely new monetary system, and forever change how people live their lives.

Marty Higgins is a real estate broker, who graduated from Arizona State with a bachelors degree in business. He would go on to be a sales associate at Arroyo and Coates, where he was mentored in the direction of becoming an entrepreneur. According to his Linked In page as of 2/14/2016, he is a serial entrepreneur with a passion to change the world. Martin J Higgins his true name founded and was the president of a non profit organization " City of dreams ". This non profit organizations purpose was to help low income housing communities build a brighter future. The organization was located in San Francisco, where the IRS Government accountability office and the Franchise tax board performed an audit; this was circumvented around misappropriations of funds being funneled into for profit investment accounts. Martin Higgins would soon step down as the President of this 501 (c) 3 non profit organization.

In the real estate equity market, Martin would become the founder of a brokerage real estate company called, "The Apartment Group", which was Bayarea wide and bolstered about having a meger 18 units in acquisition. The concept was to convert class C and D buildings into Class A buildings with a large upside and a profit yield projection of 30 % or more for participating investors. Martin would claim that building was in his DNA, but this too would come to a dramatic end. The Franchise tax board and the secretary of State would suspend this entities license indefinitely, due to the fact that while these properties were being advertised and solicited there was no valid real estate brokerage license. This is a prime example of an entrepreneur whose primary goal is to get rich quick, rather than progressively gain wealth and build an empire.

There were little if no problems at Hendrick Berkadia real estate brokerage firm, primarily due to the fact that he was the Senior Vice president, and did not make the fundamental and vital judgement calls for the operations and organization of this institution. Now that he is the CEO of Cosecha it will be interesting to observe whether or not this business will have an almost inevitable deleterious fait. He seems to destroy everything he controls as he refuses to focus on good rapport and building a solid foundation to form a business with a good reputation.

In Oakland Martin Higgins has gained a notorious reputation as being a nefarious property investor, who evades the city planning permit process to both expedite renovation projects and evade the cost of doing business in a municipality. In North Oakland there were horrific News publication of a young woman by the name of Melissa Hennings, whose life was placed in danger in order for TP Partners the property management group for First Class Lodi LLC, who Martin is the principal for. There were financing issues that 1 or more banking institutions did not desire to be included in, as a growing stock of North Oakland buildings undergo illegal rehabilitation and renovations. Buildings with asbestos and lead did not undergo the specific remediation processes mandated by the EPA. Construction companies were not under the parameters of following OSHA compliancy. This included contractors that were not bonded, insured or licensed by the CA state contractors licensing board.

In downtown Oakland an older class C structure was immediately rehabilitated, and it incited over 33 units of tenants in a 66 unit building, to assert their tenant rights to protect themselves from construction hazards, and safety issues involving improper protocols for dealing with post 1978 building surrounding the issue of lead. These chemical agents not only impact residents in the buildings vicinity, but they also negatively impact the surrounding environments and ecosystems. Many community leaders claimed this was being allowed through bribery practices, incentivizing government agencies turning a blind eye. In the city of Oakland which is entrenched in political corruption, this is a plausible allegation considering the concurrent abhorrent practices imposed onto tenants by these entities. Given the fact that the federal reserves 8 year repression promoting record low interest rates, this becomes a desired industry to park large sums of debt and cashflow. Sadly security rental backed loans, credit default swaps, and default debt obligations will lead to a major and disastrous global correction; which will change the fabric of how millions of people live out their lives permanently.

At the current time, Martin has branched out to the medical marijuana dispensary industry. Initially this would sound innocent and as just another entrepreneur branching out into the growing industry of marijuana, however you would be gravely misinformed. In SanFrancisco you have to gain approval for entitlements by the planning commission to set up a dispensary, but also you need to obtain a medical cannabis dispensary permit from the San Francisco department of public health. The directors hearing by the department of public health, and the planning commission to change entitlements to approve a medical marijuana dispensary could take over a year. Instead of going through this process Marty has chosen to buy buildings holding marijuana dispensaries to evict the cannabis clubs and do a pay out to transfer over permits. This becomes problematic as the city of San Francisco is seeing an increase in dispensaries. The Hemp center at 4811 Geary Boulevard and Bernal Heights collective at 33 29th street, are now nearing the point of admonishment and injunctive actions by the city.

These corrupt and unethical practices are not a benefit to the community, as revenue is lost from the city, while these companies gain revenue that is not reported. In the end people are provided unsafe and dangerous housing that only appears aesthetically pleasing. Do you want your children and grandchildren to live and accept such conditions? There has to be oversight by the public to demand probes for growing drug distribution, and solicitation of sex in the vicinity of these new renovated buildings. Furthermore there has to be regular audits to make sure the cost benefits are received by the city for maintenance of roads, parks, and other vital services. In addition many tenants should furthermore at the point of sell acquistion their multifamily residence under a community land trust, and control their own living spaces. The interest of these investors is completely invested in fiat currency, and not the people they serve, when today's currencies are supplanted what good will this structure of property ownership serve?

Marty Higgins is no exception to the rule, however his narcissistic and myopic character traits have made him become a reference point in a time of growing corruption. The tragedy is he believes that being a white collar anglican family oriented man somehow insulates him from the ramifications and culpability he has generated through his own devices. A man whose only value in life is monetary gains will continue to pursue the storage of wealth, while never fulfilling the empty void within that is seeking true substance. Generating wealth and retaining resources is one thing, but becoming a slave to a medium of exchange that will never fulfill your insufficiencies is a mind encapsulated in a self induced cage. A person that does not have true vision and goals outside of generating capital, is a person that will spend the rest of their days in paranoia and in a psychosis of delusions of grandeur. People such as Marty remain prevalent, because the people who morally oppose remain quiet and apathetic. The composition and makeup of your society, and communities will directly follow the effort the citizens take to shape their environment.

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by Another Tenant
OSHA Violations at 374 41st Street

State of California Dept of Industrial Relations Occupational Safety and Health - Citations and Notification of Penalties at 374 41st Street Oakland, CA

Summary of Penalties for Inspection #1082878
Inspection Date 07/31/2015 - 11/04/2015
Issuance Date: 11/05/2015

Gillikin Siding and Framing
(and it's successors)
374 41st Street
Oakland, CA 94609

Citation 1 Item 1, General
Injury and Prevention Program

Title 8 C.C.R. 1509 3202(a)
1. Employees were unaware a program existed
2. Employees were not trained in the hazards of their job duties
3. The employer did not effectively communicate hazards to employees

Citation 1 Item 2, General
Injury and Prevention Program

Title 8 C.C.R. 1509 3202 ( c )
Employer did not post the Code of Safe Practices at the job site

Citation 1 Item 3, General
Emergency Medical Services
Title 8 C.C.R. 1512 (b)
Employer did not ensure the availability of appropriately trained persons to render first aid

Citation 1 Item 4, General
Emergency Medical Services
Title 8 C.C.R. 1512 (c)
Employer did not provide at least one first aid kit

Citation 1 Item 5, General
Asbestos Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (F)(1)(A)
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (F)(1)(B)
Employer did not perform exposure monitoring to determine the accurate airborne concentrations of asbestos to which employees were exposed

Citation 1 Item 6, General
Asbestos Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (G)(1)(C)

Employer did not ensure prompt clean-up and disposal of wastes and debris contaminated with asbestos in leak-tight containers

Citation 1 Item 7, General
Asbestos Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (G)(7)(A)(b)

Employer did not ensure that employees performing Class II asbestos work were supervised by a competent person as defined in 1529 (b)

Citation 1 Item 8, General
Asbestos Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (k)(9)(A)
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (k)(9)(D)
Title 8 C.C.R.1529 (k)(9)(H)

Communication of Hazards
Class II Asbestos Removal

Citation 1 Item 9, General
Lead Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1532.1

Employer did not initially determine if any employee may be exposed to lead at or above the action level

Citation 1 Item 10, General
Lead Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R.1532.1 (d)(2)(A)
Title 8 C.C.R.1532.1 (d)(2)(B)
Title 8 C.C.R.1532.1 (d)(2)(C)
Title 8 C.C.R.1532.1 (d)(2)(E)

Employer did not treat the employee as if the employee were exposed above the PEL
Employer did not implement protective measures for the manual demolition of the structure

Citation 1 Item 11, General
Lead Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (e)(1)(A)
1. Employer did not train employees on the hazards of lead exposure
2. Employer did not train employees on the safe practice of lead removal
3. Employer did not contact air monitoring for employees exposed to lead
4. Employer did not develop or implement a lead compliance program

Citation 1 Item 12, General
Lead Exposure
Respiratory Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (f)(2)(A)

Employer did not implement a respiratory protection program in accordance with 5411(b) through (m)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (b)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (c)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (e)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (f)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (g)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (h)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (i)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (j)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (k)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (l)
Title 8 C.C.R. 5144 (m)

Respiratory Protection Program
Medical Evaluation
Fit Testing
Use of respirators
Maintenance and care of respirators
Breathing air quality and use
Identification of filters, cartridges, and canisters
Training and information
Program Evaluation
Record Keeping

Citation 1 Item 13, General
Lead Exposure
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(A)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(B)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(C)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(D)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(E)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(F)
Title 8 C.C.R. 1532.1 (1)(2)(G)

Employer did not ensure that each employee was trained in the content of the lead standards
Content of this standard and its appendices
The specific nature of the operations which could result in exposure to lead above the action level
The purpose, proper selection, fitting, use and limitations of respirators
The purpose and a description of the medical surveillance program
The engineering controls and work practices associated with the employee's job assignment
The contents of any compliance plan and the location of regulated areas in effect
Instructions to employees re the user of ch elating agents

Citation 1 Item 14, General
Stairways and Ladders
Title 8 C.C.R. 1629
Title 8 C.C.R. 1629 (a)(3)
Employer did not provide a stairway, ramp, or ladder at the back door of Unit 1
Employer did not provide a stairway, ramp, or ladder at the back door of Unit 2
Employer did not provide a stairway, ramp, or ladder at the entry porch

Citation 1 Item 15, General
Mounting and Cooling of Equipment
Title 8 C.C.R. 2340.13

Wall electrical box was not firmly secured to a surface and was not mounted
1. Box #1 located on the floor of unit #1
2. Box #2 located on the floor of unit #3 with a circular saw connected
3. Box #3 hanging from the ceiling of unit #4

Citation 1 Item 16, General
Heat and Illness Prevention
Title 8 C.C.R. 3395 (i)

Employer did not have a written heat illness prevention plan available at the work site to employees or representatives of the division upon request
1. Procedures for the provision of water and access to shade
2. The high heat procedures referred to in subsection ( e)
3. Emergency Response procedures in accordance with subsection (f)
4. Acclimation methods and procedures in accordance with subsection (g)

Summary of Penalties for Inspection #1082878 - $7375.00

by Eric Westbrook
If you want to help stop Marty Higgins from subverting process & undermining the will of Bay Area communities, sign the petition to help save Bernal Heights Cooperative.
by Support Bernal Heights
Bernal Heights Cooperative needs your support.

Bernal Heights Cooperative is a member­owned, non­profit cooperative located in the
Bernal Heights Neighborhood of San Francisco

“Bernal” as it is affectionately known, is a group effort to provide our community with a
compassionate and safe cannabis program, with affordable access for all.

Established in 2005, Bernal is one of the earliest medical cannabis dispensaries in San
Francisco. Known as “The City’s Dispensary”, Bernal provides for the underserved in the
Mission/Bernal community and beyond. Nestled into the bottom floor of a three story Victorian at
33 29th Street in Bernal Heights, Bernal has survived the tumultuous early years of medical
cannabis to become one of the oldest operating dispensaries in the city. Along the way, Bernal
has built a community of patients whose shared relationship with cannabis has molded
compassionate programs that provide safe and affordable access to medical cannabis for all
San Franciscans.

Medical cannabis looks very different in 2016 than it did in 2005.​

As the cannabis industry grows, investment and speculation grow with it. The same 1% that
brought us the housing crisis, and our most recent eviction epidemic, is now targeting our
medical cannabis community in San Francisco.

The city’s medical cannabis regulations haven’t been updated in nearly ten years, and are now
being exploited by slimy investors who have experience with shady real estate practices.
In July of 2015, the Victorian that Bernal calls home was sold to a real estate investment group
in Oakland run by a man named Marty Higgins.

Marty is behind the proposed chain of Harvest dispensaries in San Francisco. The first Harvest
opened in December of 2015 at 4811 Geary street—where Hemp Center used to call
home—after that building was sold to Marty Higgins’ real estate group earlier in the year.
Bernal is being forced out to make room for a more modern luxury dispensary run by an
investment group who is speculating on cannabis legalization and the potential for profits.

Why should you care?

Bernal Heights Collective is the last dispensary in the city that offers compassion programs.
Free medicine for those in need. Discounts for Seniors, Disabled, and Veterans. Part­time
employment opportunities for the growing number of San Francisco’s evicted and homeless.

We are the City’s last true collective.

Our legacy, the legacy of compassionate medical cannabis in San Francisco, should not be so
easily disregarded in the blind pursuit of profit. We believe there is room for both. We work
everyday to serve our community, and we want to carry the torch of compassionate medical
cannabis forward.

In order to do so, we need your support. Whether you live in the neighborhood, across the bay,
or across the globe, this is a cause that impacts the cannabis community everywhere.

The industry is gaining attention from outside investors as speculation continues to grow. Where
social good was once the purpose of legal cannabis, profits are the new focus.

We are asking for your support in preserving a legacy of compassion and community service in
a city where many people need it more than ever.

Join us in our effort to #savebernal. Please sign if you support our principles.

Thank you,
Bernal Heights Collective
Serving San Francisco since 2005


Updated March 29, 2016


Opening Monday July 11, 2016
3185 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110

Bernal Heights Cooperative is a member-owned, non-profit cooperative located in the Bernal Heights Neighborhood of San Francisco.

“Bernal” as it is affectionately known, is a group effort to provide our community with a compassionate and safe cannabis program, with affordable access for all.

Established in 2005, Bernal is one of the earliest medical cannabis dispensaries in San Francisco. Known as “The City’s Dispensary”, Bernal provides for the underserved in the Mission/Bernal community and beyond. Newly relocated to 3185 Mission street in Bernal Heights, Bernal has survived the tumultuous early years of medical cannabis to become one of the oldest operating dispensaries in the city. Along the way, Bernal has built a community of patients whose shared relationship with cannabis has molded compassionate programs that provide safe and affordable access to medical cannabis for all San Franciscans.

Bernal Heights Cooperative is about more than cannabis. It's about empowering our members with the knowledge to discern high-quality, healthy cannabis products, and to use those products responsibly at measurable doses.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$55.00 donated
in the past month

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