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Eulogy for Ronald Wilson Reagan

by schock and cschweid
Criminal acts in the life and times of the 40th U.S. president.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois in 1911 and died quietly in his California home on June 5th, 2004, after living for several years with Alzheimer's disease. Yet it seems that Reagan's Alzheimer's was contagious. While mainstream media fall over themselves in a rush to construct a public memory of the man as a hero, the truth about the life and times of the actor/governor/president is quite different.

Reagan's support for right-wing murderers, most famously in the Iran-Contra scandal; provision of weapons and military training for murderous dictatorships in Latin America (Argentina, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Grenada),Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa; role in perpetuating apartheid in South Africa; unprecedented promotion of nuclear proliferation; his denial of funding for AIDS research; affront to women's rights; undercutting of environmental protections, perpetuation of racial segregation and discrimination; and gutting of social services are only a few of the events that mark the Reagan years as among the most corrupt and devastating in history. This is the Reagan that must not be forgotten.

Video | Timeline | Quotes | Mental Health



Ronald Reagan born Tampico Illinois


Reagan's final starring film: “The Killers”


Reagan becomes governor of California

Reagan cuts budget in California by 10%

Major cuts mental health system in California

Major cuts for the University of California and institutes tuition for the first time in history of the University system.

Begins state repression of anti-Vietnam War protests


Sends armed National Guard to end student strike at the University of California, Berkeley.


Reagan re-elected governor of California

Widespread cuts in state welfare


Reagan defends Nixon during Watergate scandal


Reagan sworn in as U.S. president

Reagan calls for deep budget cuts, primarily from Carter's "Great Society" programs to benefit the poor

Major recession and unemployment, while defense budget and nuclear development remain intact.

"We love your adherence to democratic principle, and to the democratic processes." in a toast of newly re-inaugurated President Ferdinand Marcos by George Bush

Reagan administration attempts to loosen Clean Air Act standards

White House acknowledges that Reagan believes Webber ruling, allowing unions and management to enter into affirmative action agreements voluntarily, should be overturned.

In PBS interview, Reagan argues that New Deal advocates espoused fascism.

Social policy: pro-school prayer, anti-abortion

Reagan doctrine supports Marcos in the Phillipines

El Salvador: El Mazote massacre: slaughter of 800 men, women, children.
70,000 eventually killed.


U.S. Marines arrive in Lebanon

Reagan signs deal to grant tax-exempt status to racially segregated schools. (Bob Jones University, etc.)

Reagan comments that anti-nuclear proliferation demonstrators are supported by Communists

Commodity Credit Corp backs $1.5 billion loan to Iraq as Saddam arms

A coup brings Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt to power in Guatemala, and gives the Reagan administration the opportunity to increase military aid.


10000 U.S. troops invade Granada

Unemployment soars

Reagan expands defense budget

Reagan reveals Space Defense Initiative (SDI), Star Wars

Benigno Aquino shot dead in the Phillipines: 1990, military officials convicted of his murder

Coup in Guatemala replaces Ríos Montt. The new President, Oscar Mejía Víctores, was trained by the U.S.


Reagan ignores AIDS epidemic


Reagan publicly supports Contras in Nicaragua, claiming the Contras are freedom fighters

Reagan signs National Security Decision Directive 138

Congress outlaws direct or indirect support of Contras (2nd Boland Amendment, outlaws funds to C.I.A., defense or any intelligence agencies “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua by any nation, group, organization or individual."

U.S. spends $10 million to direct elections in El Salvador


Reagan begins new term as president

Reagan Administration acknowledges “Reagan doctrine” of support for armed insurgencies against Soviet-backed governments in the “Third World”

Senate authorizes 38 million in 'non-military' aid to Contras

Approval of direct & indirect U.S.-Isreali military support of Iran against Iraq. Oliver North allowed control of arms sales to Iran


1500 anti-tank missiles sent to Iran

Reagan seeks $100 million in aid to Contras

U.S. bombs Libya

North admits Iran weapons sales funding Contras, while Reagan signs bill banning arms sales to nations supporting 'terrorists'

Reagan denies weapons sales and their purposes to Iran

Iran-Contra connection investigated – revealing Reagan administration knowledge that weapons were exchanged for hostages and profits were diverted to Nicaraguan Contras

U.S. military support of Honduras soldiers against Nicaragua troops

Immigration Reform and Control Act passes

Reagan speech on South Africa - “constructive engagement”


Reagan denies knowledge of Iran-Contra

Welfare cuts drop 442,000 families, food stamps ended to 1 million

Reagan publicly uses the word “AIDS” for the first time.


Oliver North indicted


Panama 1989-90 Troops, bombing Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed.

The end of the Presidency

§Reagan Tribute
by schock and cschweid
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"Even Jesus Would Never Forgive What You Do"
-- Bob Dylan
by the facist hunter
Yeah good article fuck Ronal Reagan I hoped that all Reagan heritage in Goverment burn in that hell that so many catolics believe Right now Reagan is sucking lucifer cock and smiling thinking Bush I can wait for your ass and anyway I,m for PUERTO RICO and you know what is Reagan heritage in my country. a fucking crack epidemia that was never seen before here. a drug war that killed like two generations of young people to these days.exported here a culture of corruption, in 1985 increase represion against our GUERRILLA(Macheteros) and others armed groups. but here like others colonies keep paying homage to the Master and you see in the newspapers here(el Nuevo Dia and the San Star) The man was full of dreams, the puppet governor here declare a 36 days of national mourning like he was a good STATE MAN.
by Freedom Fighter
Very classy eulogy and very expected by the filthy commies. The only 20th century leaders roasting in hell are Frank Little and socialist/communist leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the rest of your buddies

I've been censored on this site before, and considering the free speech records of socialists......I expect you to censor me again. History will prove me right, as it usually does for conservatives.
by Socialist
The timeline is good for what it includes, but it misses 3 very big events:

1. He got started in his reactionary politics by being a fink for the witchhunting committees of the 1950s, naming names to bust the Hollywood unions. It is the destruction of the labor unions by the anti-Communist witchhunts of that era that has made this country go downhill every since because we have no labor movement. Without a labor movement, we cannot advance.

2. He framed Professor Angela Davis after illegally firing her from UC for being a member of the Communist Party. It took a worldwide movement to save her from conviction and the death penalty in 1970. This was as much a racist attack on an African-American opponent of this bankrupt social order, capitalism, as it was anti-Communist witchhunting.

3. He commemorated the 40th anniversary of the end of WW2 in 1985 by visiting the graves of Nazi soldiers in Bitburg, causing worldwide protest, including right here in San Francisco, where we had a huge rally in Union Square. The 40th anniversary commemorations around the world were very big as the WW2 generation was still sufficiently with us, and we all knew this would be the last of the decade commemorations that most would be with us. Perhaps the under 35 generation is not aware of the impact, but you can be sure that there is nothing more heinous than honoring Nazis.

For the rest of the list, and the condemnation of Democrat Kerry for praising Reagan (one more reason to vote socialist), see:
by Reagan's witty sense of humor.
"We begin bombing in five minutes."

Anyone cracking jokes about nuclear annihilation, after doing so much to make it possible, goes down in my book with the bad guys of history. Ronald Reagan didn't have to go to hell, he brought it with him everywhere he went. Everything he touched meant untold suffering for millions of people. That's what I'll never forget.
by Cast Iron
I got these from a friend- enjoy:

Busting the myth of Reagan's legacy: a litany of links.

Killer, Coward, Con-man: Good Riddance, Gipper... (Greg Palast)

Ronald W. Reagan -- A Serial Liar Who Made Americans Feel Good About Themselves

Riding Reagan's Coffin

The Myth of the Gipper: Reagan Didn't End the Cold War (William Blum)

The Real Reagan

Reagan Redux

66 (Unflattering) Things About Ronald Reagan

Planet Reagan (William Rivers Pitt)

The Reagan Legacy (Gary Sudborough)

Rating Reagan: A Bogus Legacy (Robert Parry)

What I Owe Ronald Reagan

All the hyperbole can't erase the true Reagan legacy

One for the Gipper

Elder Bush: Reagan Helped Push For New World Order (Portland Press Herald)

Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
Goodbye and Good Riddance

Quotes from "Reagan's Reign of Error" by Mark Green & Gail MacColl, and
"The Clothes Have No Emperor" by Paul Slansky

Criminal acts in the life and times of the 40th U.S. president

Reagan's Passing

The Truth About Reagan And AIDS

Not Even a Hedgehog
The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. (Christopher Hitchens)

15 Years Later, the Remaking of a President

Whisky Bar: Ronald Reagan
by Cast Iron
I got these from a friend- enjoy:

Busting the myth of Reagan's legacy: a litany of links.

Killer, Coward, Con-man: Good Riddance, Gipper... (Greg Palast)

Ronald W. Reagan -- A Serial Liar Who Made Americans Feel Good About Themselves

Riding Reagan's Coffin

The Myth of the Gipper: Reagan Didn't End the Cold War (William Blum)

The Real Reagan

Reagan Redux

66 (Unflattering) Things About Ronald Reagan

Planet Reagan (William Rivers Pitt)

The Reagan Legacy (Gary Sudborough)

Rating Reagan: A Bogus Legacy (Robert Parry)

What I Owe Ronald Reagan

All the hyperbole can't erase the true Reagan legacy

One for the Gipper

Elder Bush: Reagan Helped Push For New World Order (Portland Press Herald)

Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004
Goodbye and Good Riddance

Quotes from "Reagan's Reign of Error" by Mark Green & Gail MacColl, and
"The Clothes Have No Emperor" by Paul Slansky

Criminal acts in the life and times of the 40th U.S. president

Reagan's Passing

The Truth About Reagan And AIDS

Not Even a Hedgehog
The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. (Christopher Hitchens)

15 Years Later, the Remaking of a President

Whisky Bar: Ronald Reagan
by Reagan the terrorist...
Head of a rogue state, outside all bounds of international law and human decency. Ronald Reagan was, in a word, a terrorist.
by UK Guardian
Reagan's taxing legacy

The Reaganomics doctrine that tax cuts would pay for themselves has caused lasting damage, says William Keegan

Tuesday June 8, 2004

Amongst the BBC coverage of the death of the former US president Ronald Reagan, there was an interesting item about the relationship between Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
We all know how much Mrs Thatcher admired Reagan and that, from the latter's arrival in office in 1981, they formed a powerful mutual admiration society.

But one BBC correspondent recalled sitting on a haystack in California with Reagan during a campaign interval in 1980, and learning how much - even before he became president - he admired her.

Specifically, he said he wanted to emulate what she was doing by "getting the government off the backs of the people".

A few years later, in an interview with the London Director magazine, Mrs Thatcher told the late George Bull that her ambition was to transform the British political scene and make the leading parties more like Republicans and Democrats - implying a decisive and permanent shift of the centre of gravity to the right.

Well, she certainly achieved a decisive shift. Whether it is permanent will be for future historians to decide. For better or worse - and, in my unfashionable view, it was for worse - Reagan and Thatcher made such an impact on their respective societies that their names were given to Reaganomics and Thatcherism.

The anti-government rhetoric of both leaders did a lot of damage to the very concept of public service. In front of cabinet ministers and officials, Mrs Thatcher used to rail against government as though she were an outsider from another planet, not at the head of it.

And the anti-government rhetoric of both was overdone. Of course, governments and officialdom have to be watched at every turn. But it is impossible to run large democratic societies without a considerable degree of government - the real point being that the emphasis should be on good government, not no government.

There was a fundamental flaw at the heart of Reagonomics, namely the idea - epitomised by the famous Laffer Curve - that tax cuts would pay for themselves via greater incentives.

The truth was that the supply side doctrine was a crude and intellectually shabby attempt to justify tax cuts for the rich. For those with incomes above $250,000 (£135,879) a year, taxes as a percentage of income came down from 48.6% to 38.9% between 1980 and 1984.

The way in which certain tax exemptions were removed actually led to a rise in the proportion of income paid in tax by the lowest income groups. In most of the eulogies for Reagan this week, all those cuts in government expenditure on food stamps, school lunches, welfare Medicaid and subsidised housing have been forgotten.

The great economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, put it in a nutshell when he said there was something strange about a doctrine holding that the rich would work harder if they had more money and the poor would if they had less.

In Britain, Mrs Thatcher and her chancellor, Lord Lawson, also tried to justify tax cuts as self-financing - with similar results to those in the US.

But whatever one's left/right views about the distribution of income and tax strategy, the lasting damage of Reaganomics was illustrated recently when the sacked US treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, revealed that Dick Cheney told him Reagan had proved "deficits don't matter".

The present president's father ought to know that they do. After George Bush senior had promised "Read my lips - no new taxes", he had to eat his words and raise taxes when confronted with the deficits inherited from the Reagan era.

The budgetary chickens have yet to come home to roost in his son's US. Reaganomics never was quite what it seemed.

· William Keegan is the Observer's senior economics commentator,12498,1234166,00.html
by Socialist
One other important fascist act of anti-labor Ronald Reagan as president was at the beginning of his first term as president in 1981 with his firing of 13,000 air traffic controllers, all federal employees, and all members of the labor union, PATCO. They went on strike and in a very short time, he fired them. Absolutely nothing improved as a result of this viciously anti-labor action; the skies are just as crowded; the tension is just as great for air traffic controllers.

Ronald Reagan was just another Hitler, and we have had many.
by A pentagon for Ronnie?
Looks like I'll either be defacing a lot of Federal Currency or starting a petition for an appropriate remembrance, like naming the Pentagon after the old war-monger:

Reagan supporters want to see their hero on U.S. money
- JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, June 8, 2004

(06-08) 16:47 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

Ronald Reagan's enthusiastic supporters say the late president deserves a place on the nation's currency, even if it means a lesser or disappearing role for Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alexander Hamilton or Andrew Jackson.

Getting their hero's face on the dime may be easier than other goals, such as seeing it etched on Mount Rushmore, but that idea still will be resisted by Democrats defending their own icon, FDR.

Honoring the late president with new coins or paper money is only one of several ideas being advanced by Reagan admirers: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has suggested legislation to rename the Pentagon the Ronald Reagan National Defense Building.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., a speechwriter in the Reagan White House, plans to introduce a bill to put Reagan on the $20 bill, replacing another venerable Democrat, Andrew Jackson.

That would join a previous proposal, by Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., to provide for dimes bearing the likeness of Reagan.

The office of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he would pursue an idea he has pushed for several years, placing Reagan on the $10 bill now bearing the visage of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary.

Chris Butler of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which has the goal of seeing a Reagan commemoration in every American county, said its top legislative priority is the $10 bill. He noted that money can be changed administratively without congressional action, and suggested that Reagan dimes could join, rather than replace, FDR dimes.

The Treasury secretary can change the design of coins, usually after consulting Congress, but spokeswoman Anne Womack Kolton said, "We believe it is premature at this point to discuss any possible changes to the currency."

Replacing FDR would not happen without a battle. Last November, on the same day Souder introduced his Reagan dime bill "in honor of his work in restoring American greatness and bringing freedom to captive nations around the world," Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., proposed a resolution affirming support of the FDR dime. More than half the House Democrats joined him as co-sponsors.

Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said Tuesday a decision on a $10 Reagan note should be left to historians, adding that "the best tribute we could pay to him" would be fully funding research into Alzheimer's, the disease that afflicted Reagan the last decade of his life.

Reagan's wife Nancy has also voiced opposition to the new dime. Souder last December praised the "humble nature" of Mrs. Reagan's comments but said he would continue to promote his bill, which has the support of GOP leaders, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Butler, whose group is a wing of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, pointed out that coins bearing the likeness of FDR, John F. Kennedy and Lincoln all appeared within a year of their deaths. The Roosevelt dime came out in 1946, in part commemorating his support for the March of Dimes campaign to fight polio.

Besides paper and metal, Reagan advocates have long pushed to see their champion honored more widely in stone. Butler said there are now some 54 highways, schools, post offices and other memorials to Reagan around the country, but that still pales in comparison with the more than 600 for Kennedy and more than 800 for Martin Luther King.

Up to now, the biggest victories have been the renaming of Washington's National Airport after the 40th president and the opening in Washington of the Ronald Reagan Building, the second largest government office building after the Pentagon. Last year the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was commissioned.

Still in the works is the idea of a monument to Reagan on the National Mall in Washington, deterred by a law -- signed by Reagan -- that bars new monuments until a person has been dead 25 years.

Similarly, it is the U.S. Postal Service's practice to honor a president on the first anniversary of his death. There's a 10-year waiting period before other deceased personages can get a stamp.

Then there is Mount Rushmore.

It will take a long time to study the geophysical and artistic feasibility of that project, Butler said. But "is he great enough to be on Mount Rushmore? Yes."
by A pentagon for Ronnie?
Looks like I'll either be defacing a lot of Federal Currency or starting a petition for an appropriate remembrance, like naming the Pentagon after the old war-monger:

Reagan supporters want to see their hero on U.S. money
- JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, June 8, 2004

(06-08) 16:47 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) --

Ronald Reagan's enthusiastic supporters say the late president deserves a place on the nation's currency, even if it means a lesser or disappearing role for Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alexander Hamilton or Andrew Jackson.

Getting their hero's face on the dime may be easier than other goals, such as seeing it etched on Mount Rushmore, but that idea still will be resisted by Democrats defending their own icon, FDR.

Honoring the late president with new coins or paper money is only one of several ideas being advanced by Reagan admirers: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has suggested legislation to rename the Pentagon the Ronald Reagan National Defense Building.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., a speechwriter in the Reagan White House, plans to introduce a bill to put Reagan on the $20 bill, replacing another venerable Democrat, Andrew Jackson.

That would join a previous proposal, by Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., to provide for dimes bearing the likeness of Reagan.

The office of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he would pursue an idea he has pushed for several years, placing Reagan on the $10 bill now bearing the visage of Hamilton, the first Treasury secretary.

Chris Butler of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which has the goal of seeing a Reagan commemoration in every American county, said its top legislative priority is the $10 bill. He noted that money can be changed administratively without congressional action, and suggested that Reagan dimes could join, rather than replace, FDR dimes.

The Treasury secretary can change the design of coins, usually after consulting Congress, but spokeswoman Anne Womack Kolton said, "We believe it is premature at this point to discuss any possible changes to the currency."

Replacing FDR would not happen without a battle. Last November, on the same day Souder introduced his Reagan dime bill "in honor of his work in restoring American greatness and bringing freedom to captive nations around the world," Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., proposed a resolution affirming support of the FDR dime. More than half the House Democrats joined him as co-sponsors.

Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said Tuesday a decision on a $10 Reagan note should be left to historians, adding that "the best tribute we could pay to him" would be fully funding research into Alzheimer's, the disease that afflicted Reagan the last decade of his life.

Reagan's wife Nancy has also voiced opposition to the new dime. Souder last December praised the "humble nature" of Mrs. Reagan's comments but said he would continue to promote his bill, which has the support of GOP leaders, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Butler, whose group is a wing of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, pointed out that coins bearing the likeness of FDR, John F. Kennedy and Lincoln all appeared within a year of their deaths. The Roosevelt dime came out in 1946, in part commemorating his support for the March of Dimes campaign to fight polio.

Besides paper and metal, Reagan advocates have long pushed to see their champion honored more widely in stone. Butler said there are now some 54 highways, schools, post offices and other memorials to Reagan around the country, but that still pales in comparison with the more than 600 for Kennedy and more than 800 for Martin Luther King.

Up to now, the biggest victories have been the renaming of Washington's National Airport after the 40th president and the opening in Washington of the Ronald Reagan Building, the second largest government office building after the Pentagon. Last year the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was commissioned.

Still in the works is the idea of a monument to Reagan on the National Mall in Washington, deterred by a law -- signed by Reagan -- that bars new monuments until a person has been dead 25 years.

Similarly, it is the U.S. Postal Service's practice to honor a president on the first anniversary of his death. There's a 10-year waiting period before other deceased personages can get a stamp.

Then there is Mount Rushmore.

It will take a long time to study the geophysical and artistic feasibility of that project, Butler said. But "is he great enough to be on Mount Rushmore? Yes."
by kaos
A slight correction. The great socitey which Reagan's conservative ascendency abolished, reffered to as the Great Society was created by LBJ and his war on poverty, a "war on the cheap." Carter really didn't do much for social reforms as far as improving or removing them.

However, Reagan did manage to reverse a trend of stagflation in the US economy that had begun since Kennedy's office. Niether Nixon or Carter could take care of this problem. Of course it did have it's downsides, putting more people out of work than even during the great depression.

Had Reagan not taken a pro buiness stance would the U.S. economy be as powerfull in a global market? At the time it was deal with competing labor as well as U.S. markets outsroucing their labor. His tax cuts gave business a real insentive to invest again.

While I do not support an increase in the defense budget by any means Reagan also managed to restore some faith in Keynesian Economic policies, through what some would describe as a new Keneysian Military Approach. And a new tool was created to smooth out the 'bumps' in the economy.

So while Reagan may not have been a very good president, its easy to attack every failure. If you stimulate a capitalist driven economy and fail to create a buffer between business and the people, of course there will be social costs such as unemployment.
Did I predict Reagan's Funeral June 11th, 2004?
June 8th, 2004

A couple months ago I put together an Excel spreadsheet listing the days since September 11th. I was curious because I had been reading about numerology and how certain events are numerically tied together. I used Excel to organize a chart with dates, numbers, events, and notes. It includes three calculators for the number of days between dates. It can be viewed on the internet here, or download the xls file: here.

I did this because there are certain people who believe numbers contain inherent power: great spiritual and temporal power. I do not believe in them, but there's a theory that the people who control the world do. They want/are the New World Order and use numerology to carry out their plan. They believe a plan must be carried out by certain occultist numbers in order to be successful. Different numbers have different powers, and frequent recurrences of these numbers have greater powers. For example, if 5 means death, then 555 means the highest death. If you look, you will find many different interpretations for each number, however, the numbers themselves can not be hidden, nor certain patterns between them.

On the first anniversary of 9-11, The Pick-Three Lotto in New York came out 9-1-1, and on the day before the September Standard & Poor's 500 futures contract closed at 911.00. I remember that Wednesday when this happened. Although I knew the mathematical possibility was next to impossible, I accepted that it could easily be a coincidence.

It was much later when I read about numerology. I never spent much time with it, but I was curious enough to put together the spreadsheet. One event that proves certain people believe in the power of numbers happened early March of last year. It was no big secret on March 3rd, 2003 when the World Prayer Center called all Christians worldwide to a Worldwide Day of Prayer. "The magnitude of this date is not lost on the non-Christian world as well. The Global Consciousness movement (New Age) has for years been planning a worldwide "Largest ever experiment into global consciousness" to take place on 03-03-03. Their effort is slated to begin at 3:33am (Figi local time), on the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd millennium. It has gained widespread notoriety in New Age circles." They continued: "The significance of 03-03-03 becomes even more pressing as America could launch a war with Iraq at about that very hour".

From what I understand, the practice of numerology is strictly forbidden by the Bible. Yet, here we see a global Christian organization using numbers to schedule a world-wide prayer event for the coming war in Iraq. The World Prayer Team uses March 3, 2003 for the first 333, praying at 3:33 local time gives the second 333, Jeremiah 33:3 is the third 333, and praying for a minimum of 3 minutes provides another 3. The Global Consciousness movement (New Age), also uses March 3, 2003 for the first 333, praying at 3:33am for the second 333, praying at 3:33pm the third 333, and praying for a minimum of 3 minutes provides a single 3.

Here we see clear evidence of how numerology is used to schedule an event. My attempt with the spreadsheet was to find reoccurring numerical patterns between major world events. The idea was to not look too deep into the numbers, or use every possible math equation to come up with certain numbers. In addition, I do not bother to speculate what each number stands for.

When 9-11 happened, there were 111 days left in the year. If you add a 1 to each number in the date 9-11-01, you get 10-12-02, which is the day of the Bali bombing (111). The Madrid train bombing on 3-11-04 was exactly 2.5 years after 9-11-01, with 911 days between each attack. Bush announced the start of Gulf War II on the 3rd day of the 3rd week of the 3rd month of 2003 (3333). The 20th, which is when the war officially started, was the 555th day after 9-11-01. Bush declared the end of the war on May 1st, which is a period of 1 month and 11 days (111). It was decided months ago that Iraq will gain sovereignty on June 30th, which is the 111th day after the Madrid attack. 6-30-04 is also the 1023rd day after 9-11-01 (93 times 11 equals 1023). Both the numbers 93 and 11 recur many times.

The numbers 93 and 11 recur again on 9-11-01, as they were two of the flight numbers that day. In fact, the number 11 recurs many times that day and in other events since. However, many of those recurrences are too close to coincidence to be considered significant. As far as the number 93, it was also the year of the WTC bombing, and the year Bush Sr. left office. Exactly 93 days after 9-11-01, the US government released a video tape of Bin-Laden joking and admitting to the attacks of September 11th. It was also 93 days after the second anniversary of 9-11 when Saddam Hussein was captured.

A good friend of mine and I discussed this a few months ago. Then last month he asked me if anything was supposed to happen June 11th this year. He says, if 3-11 and 9-11, then it's possible something will happen on 6-11. After all, it repeats the number 11 and uses the first three multiples of 3. I told him that it's possible, but unlikely. I said that more than likely there would have to be a more significant pattern than that for anything to happen.

So, I dug up my spreadsheet, entered the date, and found the number 93 three times. 6-11-04 is the 1004th day after 9-11-01; if you subtract 911 from 1004, you get 93. If you add up the days from 3-11-04 to 6-11-04, you also get 93. And if you add up the days from 6-11-04 to 9-11-04, again you get 93. So, 3 occurrences of 93 as it relates to 9-11-01, 3-11-04, and 9-11-04. In addition, all dates are on the 11th.

For the first time since I started the spreadsheet, I made a prediction. Of course, I have to give credit to my friend (who calls himself Frost on because if he did not speculate, I would not have thought to check my spreadsheet to find any significance to 6-11. My prediction was that something 'big' would happen on June 11th. I was so sure about this, I decided to post my prediction on the website:, and you can find it here, posted on 06-01-04 10:43am. At the time I was convinced it would have to do with the war on terror somehow, based on previous numerical connections. So, I made the bold prediction that it would likely involve Bin-Laden. However, a week later, as I am writing this, it appears we already know what the 'big' 'something' is three days from now.

Three days ago, Saturday June 5th (if you add up the days from 9-11-01 to 6-5-04, you get 999), Ronald Reagan passed away at the age of 93. He was born in the year 1911. On Sunday, president Bush appointed Friday, June 11, 2004, as a National Day of Mourning, and ordered government departments and agencies to be closed on that day. Also, NASDAQ, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the American Stock Exchange will be closed. In addition, USPS will not deliver mail. His funeral ceremony will also be Friday.

Summary of numbers:
  • 1911, 93 - Reagan was born in 1911 and died at the age of 93.
  • 911, 93 - June 11th is the 1004th day after Sept. 11th 2001. 1004 minus 911 equals 93.
  • 611, 911, 93 - If you add up the days from June 11th 2004 to Sept. 11th 2004, you get 93.
  • 311, 611, 93 - If you add up the days from March 11th 2004 to June 11th 2004, you get 93.
  • 311, 611, 911 - Madrid, Reagan, Sept. 11th. First three multiples of 3 and each date is the 11th.
  • 999 - If you add up the days from Sept. 11th 2001 to June 5th 2004, the day Reagan died, you get 999.
"A lot happened on [Reagan's] watch that was very, very positive towards a new world order" - George H W Bush, CNN June 6th 2004

© 2004 - This article may be republished only if credit is given
by Homer Simpson
I had forgotten about President Ronald Reagan. I heard he had Alzheimer's and access to him was restricted. It was emotionally draining to have the news media present hours of coverage of the highlights of his life, and the funeral ceremonies.

As expected, the media presented a favorable image, shining brighter than we remember. This eulology casts Reagan's Presidency more clearly, reminding me why I forgot him.

by Fez Monkey (fez_monkey [at]
The most honest and heartfelt eulogy of #40 can be found <a href="">here.

Groove to the truth, baby.
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