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Eulogy for Ronald Wilson Reagan

by schock and cschweid
Criminal acts in the life and times of the 40th U.S. president.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois in 1911 and died quietly in his California home on June 5th, 2004, after living for several years with Alzheimer's disease. Yet it seems that Reagan's Alzheimer's was contagious. While mainstream media fall over themselves in a rush to construct a public memory of the man as a hero, the truth about the life and times of the actor/governor/president is quite different.

Reagan's support for right-wing murderers, most famously in the Iran-Contra scandal; provision of weapons and military training for murderous dictatorships in Latin America (Argentina, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Grenada),Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa; role in perpetuating apartheid in South Africa; unprecedented promotion of nuclear proliferation; his denial of funding for AIDS research; affront to women's rights; undercutting of environmental protections, perpetuation of racial segregation and discrimination; and gutting of social services are only a few of the events that mark the Reagan years as among the most corrupt and devastating in history. This is the Reagan that must not be forgotten.

Video | Timeline | Quotes | Mental Health



Ronald Reagan born Tampico Illinois


Reagan's final starring film: “The Killers”


Reagan becomes governor of California

Reagan cuts budget in California by 10%

Major cuts mental health system in California

Major cuts for the University of California and institutes tuition for the first time in history of the University system.

Begins state repression of anti-Vietnam War protests


Sends armed National Guard to end student strike at the University of California, Berkeley.


Reagan re-elected governor of California

Widespread cuts in state welfare


Reagan defends Nixon during Watergate scandal


Reagan sworn in as U.S. president

Reagan calls for deep budget cuts, primarily from Carter's "Great Society" programs to benefit the poor

Major recession and unemployment, while defense budget and nuclear development remain intact.

"We love your adherence to democratic principle, and to the democratic processes." in a toast of newly re-inaugurated President Ferdinand Marcos by George Bush

Reagan administration attempts to loosen Clean Air Act standards

White House acknowledges that Reagan believes Webber ruling, allowing unions and management to enter into affirmative action agreements voluntarily, should be overturned.

In PBS interview, Reagan argues that New Deal advocates espoused fascism.

Social policy: pro-school prayer, anti-abortion

Reagan doctrine supports Marcos in the Phillipines

El Salvador: El Mazote massacre: slaughter of 800 men, women, children.
70,000 eventually killed.


U.S. Marines arrive in Lebanon

Reagan signs deal to grant tax-exempt status to racially segregated schools. (Bob Jones University, etc.)

Reagan comments that anti-nuclear proliferation demonstrators are supported by Communists

Commodity Credit Corp backs $1.5 billion loan to Iraq as Saddam arms

A coup brings Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt to power in Guatemala, and gives the Reagan administration the opportunity to increase military aid.


10000 U.S. troops invade Granada

Unemployment soars

Reagan expands defense budget

Reagan reveals Space Defense Initiative (SDI), Star Wars

Benigno Aquino shot dead in the Phillipines: 1990, military officials convicted of his murder

Coup in Guatemala replaces Ríos Montt. The new President, Oscar Mejía Víctores, was trained by the U.S.


Reagan ignores AIDS epidemic


Reagan publicly supports Contras in Nicaragua, claiming the Contras are freedom fighters

Reagan signs National Security Decision Directive 138

Congress outlaws direct or indirect support of Contras (2nd Boland Amendment, outlaws funds to C.I.A., defense or any intelligence agencies “supporting, directly or indirectly, military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua by any nation, group, organization or individual."

U.S. spends $10 million to direct elections in El Salvador


Reagan begins new term as president

Reagan Administration acknowledges “Reagan doctrine” of support for armed insurgencies against Soviet-backed governments in the “Third World”

Senate authorizes 38 million in 'non-military' aid to Contras

Approval of direct & indirect U.S.-Isreali military support of Iran against Iraq. Oliver North allowed control of arms sales to Iran


1500 anti-tank missiles sent to Iran

Reagan seeks $100 million in aid to Contras

U.S. bombs Libya

North admits Iran weapons sales funding Contras, while Reagan signs bill banning arms sales to nations supporting 'terrorists'

Reagan denies weapons sales and their purposes to Iran

Iran-Contra connection investigated – revealing Reagan administration knowledge that weapons were exchanged for hostages and profits were diverted to Nicaraguan Contras

U.S. military support of Honduras soldiers against Nicaragua troops

Immigration Reform and Control Act passes

Reagan speech on South Africa - “constructive engagement”


Reagan denies knowledge of Iran-Contra

Welfare cuts drop 442,000 families, food stamps ended to 1 million

Reagan publicly uses the word “AIDS” for the first time.


Oliver North indicted


Panama 1989-90 Troops, bombing Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed.

The end of the Presidency

§Reagan Tribute
by schock and cschweid
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Fez Monkey
Mon, Jun 14, 2004 4:46PM
Homer Simpson
Thu, Jun 10, 2004 5:27PM
Thu, Jun 10, 2004 4:25PM
Thu, Jun 10, 2004 8:25AM
A pentagon for Ronnie?
Wed, Jun 9, 2004 12:00AM
A pentagon for Ronnie?
Tue, Jun 8, 2004 11:41PM
Tue, Jun 8, 2004 6:34PM
UK Guardian
Tue, Jun 8, 2004 10:51AM
Reagan the terrorist...
Tue, Jun 8, 2004 12:02AM
Cast Iron
Mon, Jun 7, 2004 11:49PM
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