Rush Limbaugh drug-war quotes. Hypocrite windbag! Audio and banners, too!
convicted and they ought to be sent up."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.
"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use, too many whites are getting away with drug sales, too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.
"It's kind of like sentencing. A lot of people say that we have a heavy sentence for this crime and a light sentence for another crime, and what we ought to do is reduce the heavy sentence so it's more in line with the other. Wrong. In most cases we ought to increase the light sentence and make it compatible with the heavy sentence, and be serious about punishment because we are becoming too tolerant as a society, folks, especially of crime, in too many parts of the country."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.
Very funny audio clip below downloads in less than a minute. Low bit rate. Around 300 kilobytes total. Right-click this link, and then click "Save Target As," and then download the MP3 file anywhere on your hard drive:
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Evil morons. |
*Adolph Hitler. | Ex-Moron-in-Chief. War criminal. DEAD. |
*Joseph Goebbels. | Hitler's Minister of Propaganda. DEAD. |
*Rush Limbaugh. | Corporatist Propagandist. Rush Windbag. |
*Bill O'Reilly. | Propagandist. 5-minute Harassment "Interview" lectures. |
*Pat Robertson. | Fundamentalist. Male-based Christianity. Versus female. |
*Osama Bin Laden. | Islamic Male Fundamentalist. Old-time patriarchy. |
*Jerry Falwell. | Male Fundamentalist. Neither moral, nor in majority. |
*Nancy Reagan. | Propagandist. "Just Say No." Role-played subservient female. |
*Henry Kissinger. | War criminal. Death squads. 9/11 investigation mole. |
*Ariel Sharon. | War criminal. Jewish Male Fundamentalist supporter. |
*George W. Bush. | MORON #1. Christian Male Fundamentalist supporter. Drug-war criminal. |
*Evil Drug-War Prison Labor Camps! The Majority of the 2.17 million U.S. prisoners in 2002 were incarcerated due to the Drug War! Drug crimes (24%), drug-related crimes (such as robbing to get money for drugs that are expensive because of the drug war), drug trade crimes, drug-related parole violations, etc.. The USA has 5% of the world's population and 25% (2.17 million) of the world's 8.75 million prisoners. Since the year 2000 the USA again has the world's highest incarceration rate! It is 5 to 19 times higher than all other Western (long democratic traditions) nations. The U.S. rate is over 3 times higher than it was in 1980 during the first presidential election of far-right arch-drug-warriors Ronald (6) Wilson (6) Reagan (6) and Nancy ("Just Say No") Reagan. The U.S. rate is almost 5 times higher than in 1971 when arch-criminal "law-and-order" President Richard Nixon declared a "war on drugs." 6.5 million U.S. adults, or 3.1% of all U.S. adults, or 1 in 32 adults in the USA, were under correctional supervision (in jail, in prison, on probation, or on parole) at yearend 2000. That is when the true Millennium ended, and when the governor (1994 to 2000) of Texas, and President-select, George W. Bush, the moron Antichrist, left a legacy of a full 1% of all Texans incarcerated! Bush government waste: It costs around $25,000 per prisoner per year. In 2002 Texas leads all other U.S. states with 4.7 percent of the Texas adult population under correctional supervision: jail, prison, probation, parole. Statistics, references, links, and charts: |
*The majority of the 2.17 million prisoners in the USA are in due to the 666 drug war! This Reagan-Revolution, Reaganomics-era, Republican-led, "kinder gentler" Beast came slithering in wearing corporatist politicians' suits, and the robes of judges and fundamentalist ministers. Click the mirror links: |
and |
speeding is illegal. have you ever sped before? then why don't you just trot yourself down to the local prison and turn yourself in? we all speed. does this mean we can't support laws against speeding?! we have no place to criticize unless we are perfect? is that what you're saying? we have to be a saint to be able to suggest laws for society???
look, Rush has been addicted to drugs for five or six years. all of your quotes are from '95. show me a quote of his within the last 6 yrs to illustrate his alleged hypocrisy.
it seems clear to me, you just hate him and will point to anything you can to try to make his message illegitimate. unfortuantely, most people can see through your low blows.
Chart from July 2000 report:
Corporate Republicrat USA: Nearly half a million people are behind bars for non-violent drug law violations.
4.8% of Texas adults in jail, prison, probation, parole! Texas leads!
There is a silver lining here for liberals that doesn't involve finding joy in someone else's weaknesses. It has to do with the loss of the conservative right's ability to use one of it's favorite weapons. They're forced to see the human, not just the drugs. That 'ol "lock 'em up and throw away the key" rhetoric rings hollow now. Much as the whole "I didn't inhale" joke fell through when the Republicans nominated and subsequently elected an ex-coke monkey to the Presidency.
There's a lesson here. We're ALL human. The only difference between Rush, and that guy pimping himself on the street corner, or that person who breaks your car window to steal your CDs for drug money is that Rush had enough cash on hand that he didn't have to resort to degrading, or petty crime. Remember that next time you're driving in your car and saying "you tell 'em" to some virulent slogan/rant spewed by the next right wing windbag you choose to mindlessly serve.
Maybe we can save your head and mount it on a pole in town square, along with a (drug company endorsed) explaination about how you came to your current situation...on second thought, NO, just Soylent Rush for the masses!
You know what is amusing? Take a look at the broadcast dates of these quotes. They were said back in 1995. This is before Rush Limbaugh got addicted.
Did you realize that Rush Limbaugh avoided the subject of drugs after he got hooked specifically because he had a problem?
Hypocrisy would only exist if you actually found an anti-drug comment that he said while he was on drugs.
But I wouldn't really expect rational discussion, you'll believe what you want to believe, not what is true.
With love ,
P.S. Save enough to send a post card back to let us know in the USA how much you donnot miss us :)
Rush Limbaugh is a coward a chicken-hawk is dodged the draft to fight in Vietnam because he had anal problems
* anti-drug comment that he said while he was on drugs.
By your logic, that means that chickenhawks aren't hypocrites since they weren't actually dodging the draft while they were cheering for sending our troops off to die in Iraq. Seriously, nobody's going to "rationally debate" an irrational apologist such as yourself.
I suppose hypocracy is just a term you use to try to engage in character assasination on someone who you cna't go toe to toe with on the issues.
Game, Set, Match: RUSH
What he is not entitled to do, is go on these virulent rants about locking up drug users, and then to go commit the very same act himself. The simplest definition of hypocrisy is "not practicing what you preach", and I believe it has been amply evidenced that:
1. Mr. Limbaugh has spoken out vehemently against drug use and drug users.
2. Mr. Limbaugh has, by his own admission, been a drug user himself.
If this does not make him a hypocrite, I would challenge someone to tell me why...
find quotes that are more recent than 9-10 years old.
"and if he has to go to jail, I'm sure he will. that's the right thing to do. it's law abiding, and I'm sure he'll do it if that's what happens".
Pardon me, but what on God's earth are you talking about. If he has to go to jail he'll go to jail that's for certain, not because it's law abiding or because it's the right thing to do.
Of course he'll do it. He'll be under arrest for God's sake. He won't have a "choice." Are you a child? Seriously, how old are you?
Also, as a former drug addict myself I have good reason to doubt that this man's drug use started when he says it did.
The hypocricy is that like all phoneys he does not hold himself to the same standard he holds others.
His great crime is not his drug addiction but rather his national spotlight calling for the incarceration of "others" who use/sell/traffic in drugs.
Of course people hate him. He is a dispicable irresponsable dangerous man.
I dare say if you knew the facts and if you realized how absurdly "dumb" many of the things he says you would dislike him also.
Do you know that he claims that the only federal government initiative that works is our monetary system?
His listeners should be insulted when he directs inane comments toward them believing that they are so ignorant that they will believe his absurd proclimations.
And though it's been accused, there still isn't any evidence that he actually did anything illegal. His medical records were seized without a proper subpena (which is a direct violation of Florida law), then to cover their tracks, the prosicuters released information - some of it blaitely false - in an attept to diflect iquary as to where they got off doing what they did...
I have a family member who's medical records "mysteriously" dissapeared after his doctor was charged with illegally perscribing medications... The cops deny they took it... Yeah right...
They also were having problems getting good evedience against the doctor, so they threw a bunch of crazy stuff at him to try to convict him of murder... This includes accusing him of being responcible for a woman who died in a car accident who was on medication... Incidentally the woman was in the passenger seat, and played no role in the accident itself... Anybody who was in that seat would be dead... Also a woman overdosed after taking multiple times the dosage that she was perscribed. I personally take a pain killer for a dibilitating medical condition. I average 3 pills a day, which is what I'm perscribed. Now, I could take 50 right now & would overdose... Would this make my doctor responcible?
They also charged a pharmacist for filling perscriptions, aka for doing his job. He apparently was supposed to override the perscritpions, and tell the patient "Sorry, your doctor shouldn't have written you this perscription." Again, as I said, they charged a pharmacist for filling perscriptions, which is a pharmacists sole job... If my pharmacist didn't fill my perscriptions, I would surely be angry to say the least... I also would have serious issues due to my long line of medical problems...
And aside from this former patients of the doctor in question now CANNOT GET MEDICAL TREATMENT!!! If a patient goes to see a doctor, and that doctor hears who their doctor used to be, they will tell them to get lost. These doctors are affraid that if they treat these people, even though they have valid medical needs, they're affraid that they will be charged and go though this process. This included my family member going into a hosptial after being completely off of mediation (for a broken back), and being screamed at by the emergency room doctor who refused to continue treatment after he heard who his doctor used to be. This doctor felt he was in desperate need of treatment, so he immediatly began to administer mediation. The doctor, seeming concerned, then asked who his doctor is (questioning why he was allowed to reach the state he was in). When he was told he immedatly stoped doing everything and screamed. He was so rude in fact that while they were wating for discharge, another patient also waiting for discharge came up and said just how rude the doctor was and that we should file a complaint. The discharging nurse said "I realize this is unfair, but it's just the way it is..."
At any rate the bottom line here is that these kind of games are being played nation wide, and law officials are getting away with blatently illegal and extreamly questionable tactics... Anybody can be harmed by these tactics... If you ever need pain medication, you can be screwed by these people as well. Even if you do absolutely nothing wrong, or even anything questionable...
As long as these law enforcement officials get away with these tactics without being challenged, we all are at risk...
As far as his opinion on drug laws now, I doubt they have changed much. He probably still believes that people manufacturing, transporting, selling, and using illegal (street drugs) should be punished accordingly, as they should. His opinion on those addicted to prescription drugs may or may not have changed, so how is he a hypocrite?
The real purpose of the policy is probably to keep abuse rampant while keeping the illegality non-debatable in the minds of the vast herd. Illegality is what makes it so incredibly profitable, and that's why you can forget about legalization. The US ruling class is up to its eyeballs in this trillion-dollar-a-year business, backed up by their goon squads, the CIA and Pentagon. Also, this supplies the pretext for their program to suppress the reproductive rate of blacks by keeping hundreds of thousands of black men behind bars until they're middle aged.
I have more respect for cockroaches than for these fascist vermin. They just need to die, all of them. It's the only rational thing to do, which is how the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions understood it. Only a fool tries to negotiate with this kind of filth. That doesn't serve justice at all.
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