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World MMM cannabis rallies May 4. Dana Beal:

by MMM
World MMM cannabis rallies May 4 2002 in over one hundred cities. Dana Beal says, "Split in the Movement far deeper than many are willing to admit..."
The end of the email has the latest MMM 2002 cities and contacts list for cannabis rallies in over one hundred cities worldwide May 4, 2002.
Please reproduce freely.

I found this Dana Beal email below to be very informative. My personal opinion on all of this is that I respect results. So I respect Dana Beal, George Soros, Ethan Nadelmann, etc.. I think it is counterproductive to have only one type of activism. Different strokes for different folks. The end of the email has the latest MMM 2002 cities and contacts list for cannabis rallies in over one hundred cities worldwide May 4, 2002. The MayDay list gets regular updates of that MMM contacts list. The MMM page has a link to the MMM-MayDay list homepage where one can subscribe.

*Alphabetical rally reports. March - May, 2000. MMM. A16. J4J3. Drug war protests in around 100 cities worldwide.
-May 6. MMM. Million Marijuana March, Cannabis 2000. 100 cities.
-April 15. A16 prison industrial complex rally. 600 arrests. Washington DC.
-March 2000. J4J3. Journey for Justice 3 in Florida. 3rd J4J medical cannabis wheelchair trek. Alphabetical (by city) link list of reports, photos, audio, video for the above rallies in the year 2000. and

----- Dana Beal email starts ----

Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 18:18:40 -0800
From: Dana Beal <dana [at]>
Subject: [mayday] Split in the Movment far deeper than many are willing to admit...


I would be glad to distribute literature for the MMM in 2002 if you
have anything left.

Also wondering about your opinion of Nadelman (Lindesmith) and his
financiers (e.g., Soros, Sperling etc.). This summer I helped the
Marijuana Initiative in Michigan (PRA) by collecting 1,850 of the
250,000 signatures by my self. We made a heroic effort but fell short
of the 450,000 signatures that were felt to be needed (e.g., we needed
303,000 good sigs). In late July, realizing that we were not going to
make our goal without extra help, I contacted Nadelman and other member
of Lindesmith in order to get an audience with Soros, Sperling. I was
promised a reply from Nadelman but was ultimately blown off. I was not
surprised and the effort to get PRA on the ballot has failed.

PRA was a legalization initiative. Now Soros has decided to do a
medical initiative in Michigan which I feel to be counter productive in
light of cannabinoid pharmaceutical products that will probably be
introduced in the next few years. I thought the Medical Initiatives
had limited value when they were introduced (e.g., Prop 215 in
California in 1996) but given recent developments (e.g., Supreme Court
ruling) they no longer make any sense at all. I think we need to go
for repeal of the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 among other

I commend you on your long term commitment to both Ibogaine and the
Drug Reform movement and am just wondering about you thoughts on this
matter. I have been in the shadows of the movement for the last 5
years but you may have known me as "Professor Hemp," editor of "New Age
Patriot" magazine. We have met a number of times including a visit at
Rich's home in Ann Arbor after the Hash Bash. I have also been a
speaker the Bash 6 of the last 12 years.

Bruce W. Cain


Dear Bruce:

As luck would have it, I recently began writing again on a statement on
just the problem you're touching on here.

I would have sent the following out last August some time, but when my
dying NEC monitor crashed, I lost a whole afternoon's work, and kind of
lost the stomach for reconstructing the thread of it. But now that it's
finished, I think the following throws a great deal of light on why
things are going so differently here from what is happening in Britain
and other Commonwealth countries.

It's in the form of a response to Sam MacDonald, based on an article
that appeared in REASON MAGAZINE:

Give Me Librium or Give Me Meth!

The Annual Fourth of July Smoke-In points to a rift in the anti-drug
war movement

By Sam MacDonald

"I'm not a very popular person in the drug reform movement, because I'm
encouraging people to come out here and brazenly smoke pot!"

John Pylka might be right about his relative popularity, but you
wouldn't know it from the bustling crowd of hippies, drug law
reformers, and other marginal characters who cheered his frank
proclamation at the

Annual Fourth of July Smoke-In Rally. The event was held, appropriately
enough, on Independence Day, directly across 16th Street

that was across Pennsylvania Ave

from the White House, in full view of the U.S. Park Police.
Also present: thousands of clear-eyed patriotic revelers who chose to
celebrate without the benefits of THC.

Pylka and his merry band were trying to show a unified front against
the War on Drugs. A police spokesman said that they no longer give
crowd estimates, though Pylka guessed that the crowd at the Smoke-In

was 20,000.

The march was a little smaller than some recent years, and the combined
crowd at the East and West stages was certainly less than 10,000.

Who could say for sure? All I know is that it amounted to a
pretty big haze. While the Smoke-In, a subsequent parade, and dueling
concerts delivered an amusing thumb in Big Brother's eye, the day's
events also highlighted the sharp divisions that keep the anti-drug-war
crowd from becoming an

effective political force.

Conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr. sent tremors through the
political world some years back when he opined that the drug war
probably wreaked more havoc on society than it was worth. It
undoubtedly gave the movement a wider audience and more mainstream
support. But needless to say, it was not Buckley who led thousands of
drug-taking protestors directly through the heart of D.C.'s annual
Fourth of July celebrations.

No, leading a parade of pot smokers that went from Lafayette Park to a
concert stage near the corner of Constitution Avenue and 23rd Street
was a woman calling herself Medical Marijuana Barbie. In addition to
her Ph.D. in pharmacology, she came armed with flaming pink hair and a
shirt that read "Legalize cunnilingus and cannabis now." She invited
everyone along the parade route, including uniformed police officers
and wide-eyed grannies, to come along: "We're going to smoke some pot.
Join us." Barbie's long line of friends chanted "We smoke pot and we
like it a lot," carried signs that said things like "Free the Weed" and
"At least it's not crack," and openly passed joints among themselves to
prove that they practice what they preach.

The notion that conservatives and hippies might have a hard time
standing shoulder to shoulder to fight the War on Drugs comes as no
surprise. Buckley may have appeared on Laugh-In back in the day, but

conservatives today still hate hippies with a Spiro Agnew-level
intensity. Their contempt for the drug war stems more from its failure
than the idea that people should actually be free to get high on
something other than single-malt whiskey.

The war on pot, specifically, is largely a continuation of political
repression around the Vietnam War...

The rift on the left-wing end of the anti-drug war movement is more
surprising. Pylka founded the Fourth of July Hemp Coalition,

Actually, he took it over from the previous people, which included
us--and Keith Stroup. He has a panoramic picture of him speaking at the
'77 smoke-in on the walls of his office. At least he did the last time
I looked... The split occurred in '78.

and for almost two decades he has walked the bureaucratic
minefield to garner a federal permit to use Lafayette Park. He said he
has been in federal court three times to secure the right to assemble
in the high-profile venue. He earned his prison stripes in 1985, the
year he said he got busted with a pound of pot in front of the White
House, an infraction for which he served about a month. The
fortysomething Pylka even looks the part of hippie zealot, complete
with long curly hair, gray shorts, a purple tie-dye shirt, black dress
socks, respectable brown oxfords, and a guitar (he kicked off the rally
with his rendition of "This land is your land").

His hair wasn't THAT long... And he was dressed appropriately for

Yet despite those formidable hippie credentials, Pylka said he gets no
respect from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana
Laws, which he openly criticized at the mike in Lafayette Park. He said
NORML objected to his in-your-face tactics, and preferred its members
to get high behind the scenes. He complained that "NORML would not
endorse this demonstration... That's a sham. It is. It's an insult." He
later referred to the group's organization as "their stupid NORML
chapters." A few times during the tirade, warbling voices from the
crowd contributed "Down with NORML!"

Keith Stroup, NORML's executive director, said in a Thursday phone
interview he likes Pylka and admires his contribution to the cause, but
admitted that NORML prefers a more toned-down approach. "I would love
to see the [Fourth of July event] become more mainstream. Maybe John
sees that as a bad word."

The complaint was that they were not helping us mainstream it, because
Pylka wouldn't sell out his friends of the other side of the split.

Stroup said he was unaware that Pylka had approached NORML
for an endorsement, or that the organization had turned him down.

They went from being major actors to not even sending a speaker,
because last year's was organized by Doug McVay, while this one
organized by Pylka.

He pointed out, correctly, that NORML had a table set up
beside the stage at the end of the parade. Still, Stroup said he was
concerned that America's un-stoned millions, unaccustomed to such open
displays of indulgence, might come away from the demonstration even
more committed to the mistaken notion that the average pot smoker is
"the long-haired hippie in the park."

"I would say that when you share the Mall with middle-class Americans,
our goal is not to diminish their experience in visiting Washington. I
don'twant to somehow frighten them. I want to extend a friendly hand."

In the end, the Medical Marijuana Barbies of the world are going to
have to agree on some common ground with the Keith Stroups and William
F. Buckleys of the world if they are ever going to negotiate an end to
the War on Drugs. That might be tough, given the different
personalities, predispositions, and belief systems involved.

I think you would have to add issues of substance as well as style,
organizational rivalries and the history of animosity surrounding
legacy of Tom Forcade, the founder of HIGH TIMES and a chief organizer
of that '77 smoke-in Keith was at. Legacy meaning money--you can check
on the controversy with dissident NORML Board member Don E.
Wirtschafter at 1-800-BUY-HEMP.

But there is hope. I noticed that Barbie's open invitation to smoke a
little pot drew far more chuckles than angry retorts from the wholesome
Americans who heard it along the parade route. I should also point out
that the crowd was quite a bit larger at the end of the march than it
was in the beginning. More than a few grannies, it seems, may have
taken her up on the offer.

Sam MacDonald (smacdonald [at] is REASON's Washington editor

Of course it's larger. Our point of argument with Keith's crowd has
always been that the overall effect of demonstrating publicly is to
grow the movement, and I'll give you an example:

In March of 1998, a British publication, the Independent on
Sunday, sponsored a cannabis march with 16,000 participants from
all over Great Britain. An editor named Rosie Boycott used her personal
connections to secure celebrity endorsers such as Paul McCartney,
Richard Branson, and Anita Roddick. Promotion was handled via standard
professional P.R. firm; existing cannabis activist networks were

Because there weren't 100,000 marchers, as organizers hoped, and

because Independent on Sunday circulation only went up
about 1%, the paper decided not do a follow-up march in 1999. NORML
Board member Dr. John Morgan, in London at the time, opined that the
U.S. "wasn't ready" for such a mass movement anyway.

Not only that, a meeting of cannabis organizers from all over Britain
held the day after the march was inconclusive, because among other
reasons, it was chaired by Danny Kushlick, Of TRANSFORM (a Soros
affiliate), who sought to channel everyone into the upcoming Global
Days against Drug Prohibition (June, 1998, at the time of the UN Drug
Summit) instead of another cannabis march for the spring of 1999.
Interestingly, TRANSFORM's major priority is heroin trials; while the
British cannabis group CLCIA has done an internal poll that shows that
73% of their members do not support legalizing heroin.

Meanwhile, in response to Mayor Giuliani's outright attempt to ban the
annual pot parade, NYC organizers were calling for a worldwide Million
Marijuana March for May 1, 1999. I decided to go over to London to see
if I could coordinate marches after an article appeared in the July
TIMES OF LONDON on the addiction interrupter Ibogaine that
mentioned my book. Landing with boxes of books and tapes in August, I
found the cannabis movement supportive, the folks at the
Independent noncommittal (it had been sold to Murdoch),
and Rosie Boycott's people inaccessible. (She'd changed jobs, and after
all, she was the one who put Kushlick in charge of the followup

But while I was there, I found that Ethan Nadelman was sponsoring a
conference on cannabis policy a few days after I was to leave. Chris
Sanders (London ICC) and Rob MacDonald (NYC.MMM), who attended, said
the thrust of it was pretty much the standard Lindesmith/NORML position
that self-organized, mass movements of tokers are in fact detrimental
to legalization because the media always focuses on some 15-year-old
with a bong. The idea seemed to be to drive a stake through the heart
of another big marijuana march so far as celebrity endorsers and groups
like TRANSFORM and RELEASE (the oldest service organization for
druggies in the U.K) were concerned.

They didn't get anywhere, because a month later I went back to London
for the Smoky Bear's Picnic, a smoke-in held on the last Saturday of
September at Hyde Park to commemorate the prohibition of cannabis in
the U.K. That evening various cannabis organizations met at a community
center in Brixton and agreed to do 3 consecutive marches in conjunction
with New York and other cities on the first Saturday of May of 1999,
2000 and 2001. De facto coordinator was Chris Sanders, whose background

as publisher of International Times, internet savvy,
diplomatic skills, familiarity with but relative neutrality vis-a-vis
all the factions of the British movement (as well as long-time ties
with the Yippie wing of the U.S. pot movement) turned out to be exactly
what the new International Coalition needed.

TRANSFORM and RELEASE virtually boycotted the Million Marijuana March
1999, which fielded 20,000 on the march and 38,000 at the Festival.
They were less standoffish a year later regarding the Millennium
Marijuana March, which was 2 hours long and half a million people,
according to Dennis Peron. By 2001, with the Space Odyssey (Global
March for Cannabis Liberation) in 140 cities worldwide, Danny Kushlick
was ready to share TRANSFORM's list of celebrity contacts.

[Not so Keith Stroup and NORML, who began encouraging various cities to
drop out after May 6, 2000 because 2001 propaganda was already
circulating which frankly celebrated the psychedelic aspect of
cannabis. (The "Space Odyssey" poster had mushrooms in its upper right
and left corners). Dallas had complained because of a radio promotion
announcing that for the Millennium, the marijuana movement was
releasing a new drug that turns junkies and crackheads into
potheads--ibogaine. He picked up on that and got his biggest
affiliates, Boston and Seattle, to pull out along with Dallas. He tried
strenuously to get S.F. to quit (they didn't); and followed up with a
letter saying his board had requested that NORML's imprimatur be
removed from the 2001 event entirely. The only problem was the NORML
board, regardless of the sentiments of certain members, had never
formally so voted, and Stroup had to backtrack and allow all the NORML
chapters to participate as they saw fit--which was everyone except
Boston, Dallas, Seattle, and maybe Santa Barbara.]

Just about the only place that didn't have their event May 5 was
London, where once-in-a-hundred year flooding turned the festival site
into a pond, and forced organizers to re-schedule for June 16. Which
turned out to be very fortunate. Because during that time Britain had
its election. The Tories fielded a shrill battle-axe as Shadow Home
Secretary named Anne Widdecombe (rhymes with Hiddecombe), who proposed
to bring the benefits of Giuliani's zero tolerance of cannabis to all
of Great Britain. She was duly laughed off the front pages by the
police and the pundits, and the Conservatives went down to defeat
clutching the sanctity of the Pound and Little England.

Meanwhile Labour was quietly passing on the word to ICC activists that
they weren't going to say anything about cannabis during the campaign,
but once they got in---

You can imagine my skepticism when I got the call from BBC on Chris
Sander's boat--the media hub of ICC London, and they asked for our
official reaction to the announcement of Scotland Yard that they were
pre-emptively declaring the area of our March and Festival, Lambeth
(Brixton) in S. London, a no-bust zone for the next six months. That
is, they would nick your weed, but let you off with a verbal warning
instead of the time-consuming "caution", with its I.D. check, warrant
check, DNA check, AND the okay of a senior officer before you were let

I objected to BBC that they'd still be taking our cannabis, but
understandably I was very excited when I got back to the U.S.,
especially 9 days later, when the new Home Secretary, David Blunkett
announced that the Lambeth experiment would be extended to all of
Britain at the end of six months if the expected savings in police time
panned out. I tried to call Keith Stroup to give him a heads up-- and
he wouldn't take my calls.

Twice. Three times. Thing is--I was expecting major U.S. media coverage
to break on the British movement, and I was thinking, what better
talking head to go on and explain the significance of all this to the
U.S. than Keith Stroup? At the NORML Conference on 4/20 he'd at least
indicated he might hook us up with people in a few cities who were
capable of putting on a marijuana march, but not ready to represent
NORML lobbying legislators, etc.

Of course at the Alburquerque Lindesmith Conf., when we put a couple
pro-Ibogaine signs up in the back of an entheogen workshop on
ayahuasca, Ethan Nadelman pulled Stroup in as if to say--"See what
we've been putting up with in New York!"--and Nadelman seemed pretty
pissed. So I told the NORML receptionist, "I'll see Keith at July

Keith boycotted July 4th. Then on Sunday, July 9th, there was this 3
1/2 minute segment on the CBS evening news with our man Chris Sanders
saying "Legalize, so we can use it maturely and responsibly," followed
by 3 talking heads from the Tory party discussing feasible legalization
scenarios. But no talking head responding from the Washington
legalization scene, although I understand there was also a CNN segment
of comparable length, which I did not see.

So on the morning of Tuesday, July 11, I came up with the idea of
having Chris Sanders try putting in a call Keith Stroup. Problem was,
ICC was totally broke because their June 16 March/Festival, while a
fabulous political success, was rained out after all, and Chris's
outgoing phone was cut off. No problem. I have 3-way calling so I
patched him through to NORML in D.C.

Keith Stroup came right to the phone.

I have done this with people as diverse as Al Sharpton, and usually
after listening for a moment to make certain folks are connected, I set
down the phone until they're done. If I'm meant to stay on, I usually
identify myself after the first few opening remarks. But the first
words out of Keith Stroup's mouth were such a venomous personal attack
that I was too stunned to say anything, but unable to hang up since the
total diatribe was such an all-out attack on me personally, New York,
the May 4th event and Ibogaine that I understandably was unable to stop
listening. It's only human nature.

He said that no one important in the U.S. would be willing to work with
the Coalition as long as I was the lead representative. He said that
"everyone" thought I was a nut, and a clown, and that the Ibogaine
thing proved that I was nuts. The New York march and rally wasn't even
a proper event, he said, only a couple of hundred people and a
bullhorn. Most of all, he urged Chris to re-schedule the global march
to April 20th-- 4/20.

4:20 began as a time in the afternoon: the first chance kids had to
smoke pot after school. It doesn't travel too well as a date, however.
Chris argued manfully that most years 4/20 wasn't even a Saturday, that
over most of the Northern Hemisphere it was still too cold, too rainy.
He downplayed the main reason--from a European viewpoint--not to do it:
4/20 is celebrated by neo-Nazis everywhere as Hitler's birthday.

Last month skinhead nazis rioted in Moscow's southern market in,
brutalizing darker skinned folk from the South. Only the
N.Y.Times account mentioned that they last rioted on Hitler's
Birthday--4/20. The thing is, we're doing doing a March this year in
Moscow--and Berlin, Leipzig, Duesseldorf, Nuremberg--and maybe even at
the UN Drug Control Building in Vienna. Are we really supposed to send
a bunch of peaceful heads out to fight it out with the nazis over who's
going to control Hitler's birthday?

Chris also pointed out that it was I who brought him and other
Europeans to the NORML Conference; that I was really good on the phone
at getting new cities to join on and generating posters..., but it was
abundantly clear that to carry out what can only be described as a
vendetta, Keith was intent on liquidating a Global Cannabis March in
more than 100 cities.

Well, Chris and I immediately called Dan Viets, Don E. Wirtschafter,
Vivian MacPeak, Bill Downing and complained that this kind of
underhanded character assassination would destroy the marijuana
movement. A day later, Chris got the following email:

From: cannabis coalition <sep29 [at]>

Subject: Back-off


>From: RKSTROUP [at]

>Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:23:16 EDT

>Subject: Back-off

>To: chris [at]

>MIME-Version: 1.0




>I understand that you secretly included Dana Beal on the telephone

>conversation when you called me earlier this week. As the purpose for

>call was ostensibly to establish a relationship with NORML, your

>deviousness is truly shocking.


>As I told you on the telephone, Dana is a joke in the US, not taken

>seriously by anyone. You may find it useful to associate with him in

>England, but it is certainly not helpful to those of us in the US.


>Don't bother us in the future with your silly, dishonest phone calls.


>Keith Stroup



Since the call only took place at my initiative, and since he wouldn't
have embarrassed himself if he hadn't spent all his time making
attacks, but instead had engaged in positive give-and-take re how NORML
could help legalize it in Britain, evidently, whatever the vendetta is
about, Keith Stroup is willing to declare war on the British Empire to
effectuate it.

Over the weekend, I called another board member, Richard Wolfe, who
defended Keith on the grounds of the NORML Board's traditional distaste
for smoke-ins and grassroots activists generally. In subsequent
discussion, at least one other chief policy reform spokesperson said
Keith's just like that--he can't resist trashing spokespeople from
competing groups. Miriam White, former receptionist at the NORML
office, said it's a vendetta against the Yippies generally, including
Dennis Peron, Ed Rosenthal, Dana Beal, Ben Masel and Paul
Cornwell--dating from 1978, when Keith lost his job because he turned
in the White House drug czar for coke after Ben basically brought over
the wrong reporter, a member of the staff of John Anderson, to a NORML

In my experience, however, such personal ad hominems
usually spring from some deep need of the person making them to

obfuscate political issues whenever they feel they
can't prevail on the merits.

That is, the aversion of the institutional interests on the NORML Board
to a self-managed mass user's movement is real, but it's more of a
matter of agenda than style. They represent professionals whose goal is
to administer the system differently--who believe that
the best interests of society require that they be given tight control
of the legalization message generally. The Million Marijuana March, on
the other hand, is made up of their potential
clients--the largest group of users themselves--who over the
years have developed a somewhat different approach from the
Lindesmith/DPF/NORML "legalizers."

In most of the rest of the world (and much of America) the medical
marijuana strategy, so carefully calibrated to get past the U.S.
system, is being superceded by a push to stop all cannabis arrests for
any amount most patients are ever likely to possess. Marijuana
legalization is de facto, regardless of the wonks and
bureaucrats, the number one priority worldwide right now. Yet if one
looks at the the schedule of the Lindesmith Conference, we find two
sessions on needle exchange, two sessions on methadone, two sessions on
nalaxone for Chissakes--plus a whole big plenary session on clinical
trials of heroin vs. methadone--and NOTHING on legalizing marijuana.

Remember: NORML not only shares overlapping directors with
Lindesmith/DPF, but the same funders. So having the top people, Ethan
and Keith, show up over a little controversy at an entheogens workshop
in Albuquerque makes sense when you consider that in Germany, for
instance, the Hanf movement is being told they've been put on hold by
the Red/Greens "until we get the heroin trials through."

Just having information about ibogaine out there screws up
administrative attempts to prioritize heroin trials over cannabis
legalization, because some one will always say let's make it heroin vs.
methadone vs. ibogaine instead. And the 73% of British tokers who only
want to take on legalizing cannabis can point to ibogaine as a
non-maintenance (& therefore more user-friendly) alternative to
legalizing hard drugs. All of which completely screws up the goal of
prioritizing heroin trials over marijuana legalization.

You cannot imagine the additional cachet it gave me to land in London
with boxes of Ibogaine tapes and books for nationwide distribution.
Alot of the dynamism of our message was it put cannabinols in the same
class as ayahuasca and ibogaine: non-addictive, or even anti-addictive,
with mixed NMDA /serotonergic effects. "Melatonin Secret of Better
Marijuana Highs" is not just about harm reduction, but about
publicizing a role in the pot high for the brain's own LSD-like
substances (tryptamines) completely at variance with the NIDA line that
the main effect is thru opiate receptors, like alcohol.

The other half of the message was that like ibogaine, cannabidiol,
which everyone thought only got you stoned, blocks (antagonizes)
glutamate toxicity (i.e., blocks strokes)--which is a reliable marker
for anti-addictive effect. [The only question among the experts at the
First International Conference on Ibogaine was whether NMDA antagonism
reverses addiction outright, or merely blocks new addiction from being
laid down.] So Ibogaine, besides "turning junkies and crackheads back
into potheads," proves marijuana is not an addictive drug--which is
vitally interesting to the marijuana movement.

I want to make it clear that the bulk of Million Marijuana Marches May
4th in the U.S. are being done by local NORML Chapters. My relations
with the NORML rank and file are splendid practically everywhere Keith
hasn't called up and lobbied to have them stop taking my phone calls. I
even like Keith personally, who I have known since 1974 at least. But
Lindesmith, Cato and NORML are like a communist party, that freaks out
when it finds it cannnot be the vanguard, because its positions are all

Only they are not communists!

Cato devised George W's tax cut, and advises the President on
privatizing Social Security. In fact, during NORML's dispute with Ed
Rosenthal, according to Ben Masel, Cato was calling the shots. The head
of Cato, David Boaz, trashed Ibogaine to my face. Cato Institute is
motivated by Old-Fashioned Anti-communism. They do not want the Yippie
network to come up with a break-through like Ibogaine. In order to
carry out their McCarthyite campaign to pick off leftwing legalizers,
it became necessary to keep the secret of Ibogaine from the American

But lest the hard right take all blame, let us note the inexplicable
$8000 contribution to the first, 1998 DARE/PDFA-inspired gambit to
replace New York Pot Parade/Rally outright with "Family Day"--by none
other than Jann Wenner's ROLLING STONE, a reliable font
for the ideas of Ethan Nadelman. It strains all credulity to think
Ethan wasn't consulted. Yet I saw the DARE-type presentation going on
in the place of our rally in Washington Square Park in 1999! And more
recently, Lindesmith's strategic alliance with the Kunstler Fund, their
award to Randy Credico, enables them to coordinate anti-Ibogaine
propaganda with a whole far left, communist network like Bob Lederer
(who's felt threatened by Ibogaine since ACT UP days) and John McDonagh
of the Real IRA, who likens Ibogaine to anthrax (and threatens to
knee-cap anyone who disagrees). [They're just upset because HOURS of
marijuana/ibogaine programing is getting on listener-sponsored
WBAI radio since they've been ousted by Black mainstream
Democrats, versus minutes under the old regime.]

All I am saying is the interest of the marijuana movement is not served
if I am banned from announcing the Million Marijuana March 2002 from
the stage at the Boston Freedomfest at the insistence of Keith Stroup
and his minions. Likewise, the legitimate interest of NORML is not
being served when their chief spokesman boycotts the Sept 29th March in
London--6000 people retracing the original 1998 route from Hyde Park to
Trafalgar Square--which put de-crim over the top in Britain and all
Commonwealth countries. And neither is served by the whispering
campaign against the Grassroots currently being carried out by Keith
Stroup and Lindesmith/Cato.

What bothers me is they're keeping the Million Marijuana March 2002
from achieving our goal of a million people in 900 cities next May 4.

Some one should please write and ask them to cut it out.


P.S: The NORML Board consists of Don Wirtshafter <don [at]>,

<RKSTROUP [at]>, <dboaz [at]>,
<Barbeh [at]>,<emr [at]>, <canorml [at]>,

<lester_grinspoon [at]>,
<drjpm [at]>,<NATLNORML [at]>,
<danviets [at]>, <advoyager [at]>,
<GGandH [at]>, <defense [at]>,
<normkent [at]>,<rmwolfe [at]>




From: Paul Cornwell <pcornwell [at]>

Subject: osama bin santa -- all-purpose bad guy

Dana, thought you might want to read this. Humorous, huh? I'm back.
I will call tomorrow.




At a UNC lecture the other day they played an old video
of Lt. Col. Oliver

North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan

Administration. There was Ollie in front of God and country getting

third degree. But what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by some senator; "Did you not recently spend close

$60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes I did sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience,

this just a little excessive?"

'No sir,' continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir." Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden sir." Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't

it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people

laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. "Why are you so

of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of," Ollie


"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well sir, if it were up to me, I would recommend that an
assassin team be

formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach and that was all that
was shown of

the clip.


IMPORTANT: The poster for May 4th Liberation Day: Million Marijuana
March 2002, has already been sent to most North American Cities. If you
have not gotten yr package yet, send us yr address. If you want to add
yr city to subsequent printings of next year's poster, or update any of
yr contact information, or publish yr event details .....EMAIL US

******!!! May 4, 2002 Cannabis Liberation Day: Updates, New

At 6:41 PM -0500 11/25/01, andrew williams wrote:

Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 18:41:55 -0500

From: "andrew williams" <andrewms [at]>

Subject: Skippy to enter JHH tomorrow


As you all know, our good friend/buddy/compatriot Skippy will be

entering Johns Hopkins Hospital on Monday to arrest the development of

what is becoming leukemia. On that day, I think it would be a good idea

if, at a predetermined time, we sent good prayers/wishes/thoughts in

direction. I am suggesting that tomorrow, wherever you are at 1 PM,

please send your love to Skippy to aid him in his healing. If you can't

do it at that time, please do it later if you wish.

Please feel free to send this on to any of Skippy's friends and

associates that I forgot to include.

Peace be with you all


*** WEBMAIL provided by CapCity.Net ***

That's a bummer. Same thing happened to Howard Lotsof.

Do you think it's happening to everyone who runs afoul of the NORML
Board and E. Nadelman?

(Just kidding.)



Subject: Re: Skippy to enter JHH tomorrow

To: dana [at]

From: "Andrew Williams" <andrewms [at]>

Dear Dana:

That there sounds like con-spiracy talk. Next thing you'll be sayin'

that Oswald acted alone. ;)




Subject: Re: Skippy to enter JHH tomorrow

To: dana [at]

From: "Andrew Williams" <andrewms [at]>

Oops, should have said "...Oswald *didn't* act alone." I guess the Con

ahold of my brain for a hot minute and made me type that other

But they cannot possess me!!!




From: "Dave Toaff" <davetoaff [at]>

Hey Dana..

How are you?

My friend and I would like to proceed with the MMM in Philly..

We are thinking of having a large festival open to the public

in Rittenhouse Square, a park in Center City, Philadelphia..

We are both very dedicated to doing whatever it takes to getting

this thing set up, we simply need to know from you what steps

should be taken...should we just do this on our own, or

would you like us to follow certain guidelines?



Philadelphia: <phillyweed420 [at]>, "chuck palmer"
<chuckp [at] CritPath.Org>, or "Dave Toaff" <davetoaff [at]>

********!!!MAY 4, 2002 MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH: 115 Cities and

Albuquerque: "Richard E. Haley, Jr." <writch [at]> home phone
(505)268-5694. Main NORML phone: (505)281-6277 600 marchers, no

Asheville: Jason Klein <aragorn [at]> (828) 277-6876.

Atlanta: Paul Cornwell/CAMP <info [at]> 404-5222267

Auckland: Chris Fowlie norml [at] ph 09 302-5255

Austin: Tracy Hayes "M5 coalition" <texasm5 [at]> 512.693.2356,
cell 512.587.8838, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704.

Baltimore: Billy <ZT2000 [at]> 410-320-3354, 111 w.jeffrey
st.balto., MD 21225

Battle Creek: "Jay Statzer" <jstatzer [at]> 616-697-4527

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg <martin [at]> 0049-30-29490201

Birmingham: Oz Douglas on 0121 242 3615 or Iron Man Records
<mark [at]>

Bologna: "Enrico Fletzer" <enricofletzer [at]> c/o radio k
centrale, via a.costa 169/a

40122 bologna italy

Brno: Vaclav Linkov, <linkov [at]> Tel.: +420-737-811107,

Buffalo: Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H
<BLocman420 [at]> 716-895-1987
1160 E. LOVEJOY (st) buffalo 14206 or Rebecca Powell

Burlington: "Denny Lane" <vtgroots [at]> 802-496-2387 or
hogg <mhogg [at] (802) 865-9410.

Chicago: Caren Thomas, WCHDB, 2501 N. Lincoln, PMB#157; Chicago, IL
60614; 773-381-9330 - cell - 847-344-9394 email -
chicagomarch2002 [at] -or- windycityhemp420 [at]

website - I've bought "" & it should be up real soon.

Chico: Sushie Rose MA,ND Butte Alliance for Medical Marijuana.
pager/voice mail # 530-540-9177, e-mail address sushierose [at]
or or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls [at]
(530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071

Cleveland: John <NCNorml [at]> (216)521-9333

Columbus: Kenneth Schweickart 614-265-VOTE
<forabetterohio [at]> 319 E. Hudson St. Columbus, Ohio 43202

Concord: "The Cannabis Times" <tct [at]>

Des Moines: <iowanorml [at]> (515)288-5798 ,
, ; or Terry Mitchell (515)
789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070.

Detroit: "jude joseph" acididea [at] 313 438 1668

or George S. <gtomfields [at]> 313-533-6108.

Dover: "Richard J. Schimelfenig" <rschimelfenig [at]> or

<dhempman [at]>
Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J. Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven
Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302) 456-9402

Dublin: "Butler, Philip"

jday [at]

Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen <marlon [at]> phone: 049-172-7591795.

Dunedin: Duncan Eddy <duncaneddy [at]> Otago University NORML
phone: 025 719 139

Durban: <> or <ezpz [at]> +27 31 2016 359 PHONE

AND FAX. <> Post net Suite 136, Private Bag X

Edinburgh: "Linda Hendry"<linda [at]> UK - 0131

Edmonton, Alberta: "Ross Z" <ganja_23 [at]>

Eugene: Kris Millegan <Hempsters [at]> 541-744-0030 or

Fairbanks, Alaska: Frank Turney 907-452-3777 or Chuck Rollins Jr.

<chuck [at]>

Frankenthal: helmut holtzheimer <movemus [at]>

Garberville : "Paul Encimer" <encimer [at]> Box 162, Piercy
95587; or "jeri" <jeri [at]>

Halifax: 902 865-8606 M Patriquin <mpat [at]> HempWorks, 93
Orchard Dr, Sackville, Nova Scotia

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch <Hanf-tv [at]>

Hamilton: Contact aksh1 [at]

Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association sky [at]

Hilo: Roger Christie <pakaloha [at]> (808) 961-0488

Homer, Alaska - contact Julie Cesarini, P.O. Box 812, Homer AK 99603,
907 235-6040.

Houston: Dean Farrell <fdb [at]> (281)752-9198. c/o
Dean Becker,
11215 Oak Spring,
Houston, TX 77043

Hull: Carl Wagner <Upyoursjackstraw [at]> phone: +44
01482 494789 5 Victoria Square, Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, England

Huntsville: Michael Crockett <mikecrockett256 [at]>
256-534-1402. 305 Seminole Drive

Huntsville, Alabama 35816.

Indianapolis: Neal Smith, <inorml [at]>, 317-335-6023 Voice
Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania,

Indianapolis, IN. 46236

Adam Hirsch
<ah222 [at]>, 102
The Knoll, Ithaca, NY 14850. (607) 227-0302

Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)866-3999 al [at] address: 1653
N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803

Jerusalem: Joseph (011-972) 050-494-447

Johannesburg: Gordon Maene <Gordon [at]> work: ( 011)805 6763
cell phone: 082 552 6393

Juneau: contact Brad Parfitt at latebrad [at]

Kalamazoo: "Jay Statzer" <jstatzer [at]> 616-697-4527

Kansas City: <mohemp [at]> 816-68-7447, David, or Elyse at

Kelowna, B.C.: Teresa Taylor, CCC <luna [at]> (250) 442-2741 or (250) 442-5166 Fax

(250) 442-5167

Kent: Matthew S. Donowick,
237 1/2 E. Summit st., Kent, OH 44242 <TennJedJr [at]>

Krakow: Marek Warmuz (+48)501-468-018 "quepassa"
<quepassa [at]>

Ladysmith: Terry & Wendy, (250)-245-3595, <tandwp1 [at]>

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail:
<prohibitionx [at]>

Las Vegas: Ray Facundo <raybones80 [at]>, 1750 Santa Margarita,
Apt 122, Las Vegas, NV 89146 (702)-222-3560

Leipzig: C.U. Rolf tel 03412131477 or "veejaykay"

<veejaykay [at]>
rolfdereinzigename [at],
lxc [at]

Lethbridge, Alberta: Shannon Gasparetto
<smokeaphatty [at]> (403)328-8901

Liverpool: Will Graham <willg [at]> tel (inc. international
code): 0044 151 727 1458

London: International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London,
W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. E Mail:
may2001 [at] London March
and Festival Postponed until 16th June due to waterlogged Park.

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935.

Madison: Ben Masel <bmasel [at]> 608-257-5456

Miami: temporary contact Steve Jacobsen (561)706-1670
{chefjake01 [at]} voicemail: (305) 361-0001 or Glenn Allen "Nelg

Nella" <spacehippie [at]>

Milwaukee: Dom <romeosas [at]> 414-225-0639. 1525E. Royall (Apt
# 14), Milw., WI 563202.

Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright
<TCW [at]> 612-522-5374. March @ High Noon from
Loring Park to Washburn Fair-Oaks Park.

Missoula: Angela Goodhope <sisterearth420 [at]> 406 857-3124

Montpelier: Rama Schneider <2001 [at]> (802) 433-5441
address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot [at]> (514)528.1768

Naples: "Fatti di Canapa" <fattidicanapa [at]>

Moscow: "Mozg" <CFFHS [at]> mailing address Russia, Moscow,
ul.Grimau 16, ap.28 phone # 7-095-126-3006 (asya), 7-095-923-4330

Nashville: "Howie & Marivuana Leinoff" <torml [at]>

Newark: "Lori Simpson" <Kinkywink [at]>

New Haven: Lucas Davenport <hardreboot [at]> 203-752-2462

New Orleans: Chrystal 504-488-9897 or Daisy 504-957-HERB email:

"Ashley The Fearless" <fearless_420 [at]> 818-754-0069.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 <dana [at]>

Nimbin: "rebelart" <rebelart [at]> contact ph: 61 0266 891842

Norfolk, VA. "Sara Frueh" <hipchick2078 [at]> 6210 Sunshine
Avenue, Norfolk, VA. 23509 757-853-7770/ pgr 757-525-9088

Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian ("Green Party") <emanuel [at]> phone:

Olympia: "miriam white" <miriamwhite420 [at]> pager/voice

Oslo: < mmm2001 [at]>

Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 <pioneer [at]>, Cher Ford-McCullough

<bitchcrafts [at]> 65 Cabin Lane, Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or

Brian McCullough <bud_jamesbud [at]> (270) 362-8186

Palm Springs: Lanny Swerdlow mappnow [at] or
<marijuanamarch [at]> pager:760-836-8166; ph: 760-799-2055.

Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE <gfarid [at]> Tel/fax : 01 44 93 93 57;
Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79 or "Dalila AKROUR" <dalilaa [at]> 5, rue de
Tombouctou 75018 PARIS

Philadelphia: <phillyweed420 [at]>, "chuck palmer"
<chuckp [at] CritPath.Org>, or "Dave Toaff" <davetoaff [at]>

Pomona: Mark Hornaday/Hemp Shak <hempshak [at]>
(909)JAH-HEMP. 119 West 2nd St., Pomona, CA 91766.

Portland: (503)777-9088 <pdxnorml [at]> MMM 2001 Committee
c/o Pdx NORML, P.O. Box 11694, Portland, OR, 97211.

Prague: Michael "xChaos" Polak <xchaos [at]> Tel: +420 603
872631 / +420 2 33355668 / ICQ# 40434104 (Arachne

Labs homepage) (Stop drug war & release

victims !) (Petice za zruseni vojny i civilni

PEI (Prince Edward Island): Deanne Kimball <cdkimball [at]>

Providence: Ann McCormick <ann [at]> 401-724-6285

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore <btm42 [at]> 614 Carolina Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27606-1606

(919) 816-0609

Rapid City: Bob Newland <newland [at]> 877-687-5297,
605-255-4032 website:

Redding: "Byron Stephens" <neuromancer420 [at]>

Regina: Daniel Johnson <amduscias [at]>

Richmond: "Roy B. Scherer" <rscherer [at]> (804)
355-7612, or campus libs at <Huclberie1 [at]>

San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis Therapeutics) c/o
T.Villodas,901"F"street#413,San Diego, Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin

<edzepp [at]> or Tony CP ACT or

San Francisco:
Age <age420 [at]> ph: (510)444-3207 About 2,000 marched to
the City Hall, chanting for Pot Pride. No trouble or arrests

San Marcos: Bryan Anderson: 512.396.3223 Email:
earthfirstswt [at] Postal: 213 Ramsay St.; #107, San Marcos, TX;

Santa Cruz: DdC <dendecannabist [at]> or Jason Brodsky
<theherbalist [at]>

St. Louis: The Cannabis Commandos or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box
220243, St. Louis, MO 63122, Phone: 314-995-1395 Email:
<StL_norml [at]>

St. Petersburg: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-255-9790. Jodi James -
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. Brian Palmer -
Golden Boy Productions 407-493-2346.

Saskatoon: (306)230-0951 Daniel Johnson <amduscias [at]>

Tampa: (813)779-2551. Michael Palmieri <forml420 [at]>
<forml_2000 [at]>; (FORML ). P.O. Box 2061, Zephyrhills, Florida

33539. ; or <bquail420 [at]>
ph: (727)347-6245

Taos: Joanne Foreman <jofo [at]> 505-751-1102

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel -- wachtel [at] Tel:972-54-573679

Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson <docclone [at]> 807-475-7436

Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) info [at] +81-3-3706-6885

Toronto: "Terry Parker Jr." terryparkerjr [at] 2209-55
Triller Ave. Toronto, Ont. Canada, M6R-2H6 416-533-7756 or Derek


Traverse City: Melody Karr <fiddlefoot420 [at]> (231)885-2993

Tucson: "mary mackenzie (formerly crow)" <mmackenzie [at]>
(520)323-2947 3400 east
speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716

Turku: Vihreet Pantterit
info [at]

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine [at]> BC
Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307 West
Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172

Washington, D.C.: John Pylka, <fjhc@hotmail>
Phone: 202-887-5770 .

Wellington Ben Knight <legalise [at]> ph 04 801-6636

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, 204-663-3485, mail to 430 Winterton ave,

Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4

Woodstock: Ed zepplin <edzepp [at]> Woodstock Association for
Medical Marijuana. Postal: T. Villodas 6 orchird lane, Woodstock,

Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675

Zagreb: "Sergio Stifanic" <fine_time909 [at]> GALOVICEVA 10,
10000 ZAGREB

Phone: ++385 1 2330667


--- end of Dana Beal email ----

by cc--------CRONIN (cbshewolf62 [at]
is the taste still as sweet??
knowledge is memorable always
need more information from apache! please
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