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Indybay Feature

Fighting Antisemitism Through the Lens of Collective Liberation

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
JVP, PARCEO, Haymarket Books
Location Details:

Fighting Antisemitism Through the Lens of Collective Liberation

Please join Haymarket Books, Jewish Voice for Peace, and PARCEO for a timely conversation on fighting antisemitism through a collective liberation lens

Wednesday, December 13th from 10:30-11:30 AM PT (1:30 - 2:30 PM ET/12:30-1:30 PM CT)

Register through Ticket Tailor to receive a link to the live-streamed video on the day of the event:

ACCESSIBILITY: This event will also be recorded and captioning will be provided

As Israel's genocidal war against Palestinians rages on with full backing of the US government, we are also witnessing a terrifying rise in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and antisemitic bigotry and violence here at home.

Jewish communal spaces have been graffitied with swastikas; neo-Nazis have marched through Madison; Palestinian college students are experiencing mass censorship; three Palestinian college students were shot; a six-year-old Palestinian child was murdered; and rightwing white supremacists are gaining wide audiences. In this moment, the only answer is solidarity among our communities and a true commitment to collective liberation.

But a coordinated campaign from the Israeli and US governments and organizations like the
Anti Defamation League (ADL) is aiming to misstate and even legally redefine antisemitism in order to buffer the Israeli government from accountability for its war crimes.

We see this from the House of Representatives regularly pushing forward dangerous and harmful conflations between antisemitism with criticism of Israel, to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivering a speech on the Senate floor that misstates what antisemitism is and largely ignores the central threat of white nationalism in the fight against antisemitism.

We need to understand what antisemitism is (and what it is not) so that we can fight it effectively, along with all forms of injustice.


Barry Trachtenberg, Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University.

Nyle Fort, Assistant Professor, African American and African Diaspora Studies,
Columbia University

Beth Miller, Political Director, Jewish Voice for Peace Action

Nina Mehta, co-director of PARCEO


This event is co-sponsored by Haymarket Books, PARCEO, and Jewish Voice for Peace and is part of Until Liberation: A Series for Palestine by Haymarket Books cosponsored by Palestinian American Organizations Network, Mondoweiss, Spectre, Dissenters, Tempest, Palestine Deep Dive, The New Arab, and more. While all of our events are freely available, we ask that those who are able make a solidarity donation in support of our important publishing and programming work. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Palestine Legal.
Added to the calendar on Thu, Dec 7, 2023 12:53PM
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