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KPFA LSB Secretary Wofley's Effort To Cancel Local Station Board Meeting

by Follow The Bylaws Committee
KPFA Local Station Board Secretary Carol Wolfley in alliance with the losers on the Local Station Board in the Pacifica corporate bylaw changes is now cancelling KPFA Local Station Board meetings. The supporters of the coup at WBAI and the corporate bylaws that were voted down by two to one are now flagrantly violating the bylaws by refusing to have meetings for many months. This allows the management of KPFA to operate without any oversight or transparency with the elected station board.
KPFA LSB Secretary Carol Wofley's Effort To Cancel Local Station Board Meeting And Continued Violation of Pacifica Bylaws
KPFA LSB Secretary Carol Wofley's Effort To Cancel Local Station Board Meeting is a flagrant violation of KPFA Local Station and Pacifica Bylaws, The supporters of the WBAI shutdown/coup at and the failed effort to corporatize the bylaws have also
refused to have KPFA Local Station Board Meeting
You can contact Wolfley at cgwolfley [at] and let her know what you think about the violation of the bylaws.
The same group with the support of the management also refuse to report on the results of the costly bylaw election. They lost badly but are ignoring the results and also not letting the listeners and members know by broadcasting the results on the station. This includes the management of the News Department which refuses to report the results of the election to the listeners.

KPFA Local Station Board
Thursday, April 30, 2020
4:30 AM PT
ALL KPFA LSB meetings for March/April 2020 have been CANCELLED due to Covid19. We regret any confusion and misinformation. Please disregard other postings. The next LSB meeting will be Sat. May 16,2020--call in info coming soon.
C.W. Secretary KPFA LSB
Agenda View Text
Posted Thursday, April 23, 2020

Archive After Meeting"
KPFA Local Station Board
Thursday, April 30, 2020
11:00 AM PT
The following KPFA LSB members are calling a over due KPFA LSB meeting. Marilyn Langlois, Daniel Borgstrom, James McFadden and Tom Voorhees.

Frank Sterling is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: April 2020 KPFA LSB Meeting
Time: Apr 30, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Posted Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Archive After Meeting”

Coup Supporters Sabrina Jacobs & Donald Goldmacher On Chris Welch's "The Talkies”
“It’s All Crap” and Contact The California Attorney General To Take Over Pacifica

Coup Propagandists Getting Their LIne Out On KPFA

Carol Wolfley
10 hrs ·
Tune in to the TALKIES with Kris Welch on Thursday October 31 at 11 AM
and at 11:30 hear about the visions, challenges and interventions of KPFA’s Directors on the Pacifica National Board amidst the financial failure and rebuilding of Pacifica's NY station WBAI with:
Sabrina Jacobs, Chair of the PNB and producer of A Rude Awakening Chris Cory, Chair of the Pacifica Finance Committee
and Don Goldmacher, media producer and PNB Director
On KPFA 94.1 FM and

Sabrina Jacobs On Tom Hartman on New York WBAI pushing Verneli Agenda
At 34 minutes

How and Possibly Why Rouge Pacifica Tried a Set Up “Diaboligcal SOB’s” Steal Programming From Native American Show
Anthony J. Sloan
Published on Oct 18, 2019
In this interview with WBAI Producer John Kane, who also has his own independent program produced out of his own studio, is questioned by the. Brother on just how the Pacifica Coup mongers brought this Native American themed program into their disinformation mix.

Identity Fraud? Removed Pacifica National Board Chair Sabrina Jacabs Says
An immediate WBAI return could mean a collapse of national network, says org

November 6, 2019 Meaghan McGoldrick

Inside the WBAI studio. Eagle photo by Paul Frangipane
Backers of the decades-old, listener-supported radio station 99.5 WBAI FM are due in New York State Supreme Court on Wednesday, where a judge will decide whether or not to uphold a temporary restraining order against its parent organization, the Pacifica Foundation. The decision could restore local control of the airwaves.

But if WBAI were to return to the airwaves before finding funding, it could mean the end for Pacifica’s four other radio stations, Pacifica National Board Chairperson Sabrina Jacobs told the Brooklyn Eagle.

“If we restore WBAI then the foundation would fold,” Jacobs said Tuesday.

Pacifica came under fire in early October for abruptly halting WBAI operations and replacing the station’s local broadcasting with syndicated content. At the time, the non-profit organization cited millions of dollars of debt and a new vision for WBAI.

The sudden shutdown prompted back-and-forths in court, as advocates claimed that Pacifica violated its own bylaws by not first bringing the decision to its board. On Oct. 15, just hours after WBAI supporters protested Pacifica’s “rogue” actions on the steps of City Hall, a judge barred the non-profit from impeding on local broadcasting and mandated it continue to pay WBAI staffers until the next hearing.

The parent company has only complied with half of the ruling, continuing to pay staffers. But Jacobs, whose office is based in California, told the Eagle that Pacifica’s affiliates on the East Coast have merely been “finger-pointing.”

“In Brooklyn, we’re dealing with a misinformation campaign built on emotion,” she said. “There is all this talk of a ‘rogue takeover,’ when they are the ones who have employed the operatives to push the narrative of a takeover.”

While Jacobs stressed that “there is no money to keep WBAI open at this time,” she claims there is a plan to relaunch the station’s local programming.

“The bottom line is that we don’t have the money, so we need to find that first,” she said, contending that Pacifica is in the process of siphoning funds from other stations and soliciting monetary support from WBAI proponents. Pacifica’s other stations are in Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Berkeley, and Houston.

“We’re presently seeking grants, donations and other emergency funding, if you will, from the good people of New York City who love WBAI and who grew up on WBAI. We have faith that they will come through for the organization, but first thing’s first, we’re focusing on correcting the narrative.”

Meanwhile, an online petition created by the station’s local management urging Pacifica to restore its programming is closing in on its goal of 500 signatures. The petition claims that, when the seizure began on Oct. 7, Interim Executive Director of Pacifica John Vernile ordered WBAI staff out, seized their Atlantic Avenue studio and dismantled it.

“Equipment and files were removed. Historic photos were taken down and WBAI’s frequency at 99.5 FM in New York was hijacked,” the petition reads, further noting that the station’s website and archives — “which contained historical recordings made over WBAI’S 60 years” — as well as staff email and bank accounts “were all taken over.”

WBAI supporters stormed the steps of City Hall on Oct. 15. Eagle file photo by Meaghan McGoldrick
Since then, WBAI has garnered support from listeners and elected officials across the city.

“Connect the dots. There’s a movement to destroy independent communication across this entire country, and this has become ground zero,” Borough President Eric Adams said at the October rally. “This station must survive.”

WBAI’s attorney, Arthur Schwartz, said Tuesday that, while backers of the beloved Brooklyn station aren’t backing down, they may be willing to negotiate.

“We have two preconditions,” the attorney, who also has his own program on WBAI, told the Eagle. “The first is that WBAI be restored to the air immediately. The second is that John Vernile, who the board has fired, but who maintains control, not be involved.” Shwartz also said Jacobs was removed as chair by a majority vote of the Pacifica board.

Jacobs denied all of Schwartz’s claims, including that she had been removed as chair.

“Everything he is saying is, for lack of a better word, a lie,” she said. “We are pushing for mediation. They are pushing for litigation. They are the ones pushing the foundation into further financial turmoil.”

Still, station supporters stand by her removal.

“At the last meeting of the board — which only 12 board members attended, nine boycotted, including [Jacobs] — they voted her out as chair,” Schwartz told the Eagle. “[Those who boycotted] are saying there wasn’t appropriate notice of the meeting.”

According to Pacifica’s bylaws there must be eight days notice of a board meeting, Schwartz said. In this case, he noted, there were seven. “But, if they’re going to go by those bylaws, then there’s never been an ‘official’ board meeting. There’s rarely ever that much notice,” the attorney contended.

Ahead of Wednesday’s hearing, both sides seemed confident.

“You never know which way a judge is going to lean,” Schwartz told the Eagle, “but I think that the previous judges wouldn’t have allowed WBAI staff to remain on payroll if we weren’t in good shape.”

“We have the facts on our side,” said Jacobs, “and we’re certain those facts are going to come to light.”

WBAI was entrusted to the Pacifica Foundation by philanthropist and former owner Louis Schweitzer in 1960. Made up largely of volunteers, the notably progressive station is often regarded for giving Brooklynites a hands-on opportunity to produce.

Its lineup has long-included a mix of political news, talk shows and opinion, as well as music programming and more eclectic productions like Jim Freund’s science fiction and fantasy talk show “Hour of the Wolf.”

Sabrina Jacobs of Pacifica Foundation Proudly Announces the Rebuild WBAI Project

Date: Monday, October 28, 2019


Media Contact, Ilene Proctor

310-858-6643 Cell: +1 310-721-2336


Spokeswoman: Sabrina Jacobs
Vice Chair/Acting Chair
Pacifica Foundation
Parent organization ofÂ

The Pacifica Foundation is excited to announce the Rebuild WBAI Project.
Because of WBAI-FM's severe budget crisis, previously hired staff had to be laid off. Contrary to the ongoing misinformation campaign, WBAI has never left the air, was not shut down, nor is it being sold. The move was necessary due to WBAI's desperate financial situation, which jeopardized the station and all of Pacifica's other units and affiliates across the country. The only way to prevent the demise of WBAI and Pacifica as a whole was to halt the financial hemorrhaging in New York.

The Pacifica Foundation, the parent organization of WBAI, introduced new temporary WBAI programming with the goal of re-introducing locally produced shows as quickly as possible. That service, Pacifica Across America which was launched on October 7th 2019, is a compilation of the network's best, current and archived broadcasts. Important shows like Democracy Now!, The Thom Hartmann Show, The Jimmy Dore Show have remained on the air.

The Rebuild WBAI Plan offers a starting point for our New York audience to discuss how sustainable local programming can be introduced, and to begin the work of making WBAI a relevant service that impacts the lives and informs a critical mass of the Metro New Yorker listenership.

WBAI will produce unique programming of regional, national and international importance. This new and improved programming will include conversations about income and wealth inequality, climate crisis, immigration, white supremacy, racism, corporate power and militarism -- WBAI will be fearless in examining some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Pacifica is committed to making WBAI a station that will produce serious radio for these perilous times. Based on available funding and keeping with best journalistic practices for fairness and accuracy, the station will introduce locally produced content focused on the New York metropolitan area.

John Vernile, interim Executive Director, will be rebuilding WBAI's staffing and operations. Working with the Pacifica National Board, Vernile has and will continue to dedicate himself to establishing a financially viable plan to restore WBAI. Jerry Paris, the general manager of WPFW, will be temporarily serving as Interim General Manager of WBAI. Moe Thomas, will continue to serve as the Chief Engineer of Pacifica's Eastern Division.

WBAI resides in the largest radio market in the U.S. The Rebuild WBAI project is a chance for New Yorkers to step up to the challenge and make WBAI a station that provides quality programming that can attract and retain a supportive, engaged listenership.

To listen to WBAI, go to 99.5 FM or stream at WBAI.ORG

The new chapter of WBAI's story begins now.

Stay tuned!

The Pacifica Foundation Mission Statement

To establish a Foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation.

To establish and operate for educational purposes, in such manner that the facilities involved shall be as nearly self-sustaining as possible, one or more radio broadcasting stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and subject in their operation to the regulatory actions of the Commission under the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended.

In radio broadcasting operations to encourage and provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community; to conduct classes and workshops in the writing and producing of drama; to establish awards and scholarships for creative writing; to offer performance facilities to amateur instrumentalists, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students; and to promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community.

In radio broadcasting operations: to engage in any activity that shall contribute to a lasting understanding between nations and between the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors; to gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all of such groups; and through any and all means compatible with the purposes of this corporation to promote the study of political and economic problems and of the causes of religious, philosophical and racial antagonisms.

In radio broadcasting operations: to promote the full distribution of public information; to obtain access to sources of news not commonly brought together in the same medium; and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community.

If you would rather not receive future communications from Ilene Proctor International Public Realt, let us know by clicking here.
Ilene Proctor International Public Realt, 9427 Charleville Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90212 United States

Pacifica IED Vernile already came into the job with ‘Pacifica Across America’: KPFA. Quincy McCoy at the Sat. 17Aug 2019 KPFA LSB
17 October, 2019PacificaWatch


With the coup at WBAI by the breakers, a new phrase entered the lexicon of PacificaWorld. Everyone wondered what it was, where it came from. It may surprise people, but Pacifica Across America, both the term & the idea, was mentioned seven weeks before, by KPFA station manager, Quincy McCoy. The occasion was the Sa17Aug2019 KPFA Local Station Board. In response to what proved to be a serendipitous question, McCoy referred to Pacifica Across America in connection with Interim Executive Wrecker John Vernile & SiriusXM:

[…] a series of programs that we want to put together called, er, I think – the working title is Pacifica Across America, & that would be a list of the best shows of Pacifica that would run on, on Sirius & also on the Pacifica website”

Audio feed? There is no “Pacifica website”. But there is a WBAI website. It’s now a single webpage, emblazoned with Pacifica Across America. Beneath it is an audio button of the 24-hour alienation organised by the PAA “Consulting Programmer”. A certain Quincy McCoy. (And, of course, it’s not being pumped out on

Seven weeks. And how long had IEW Vernile been in the job? 17 days, having started 1Aug. Now why would the IEW prioritise starting this Pacifica Across America project in his first two weeks? Before visiting the stations? Without having raised this idea in a publicly recorded Pacifica meeting? Why?

The clue lies in the months before. In the planning of how to oust ED Maxie Jackson:

The five-person PNB Personnel Cttee hadn’t met in Feb &Mar. But it was awoken from its slumber. And put to work. Starting Tu 16 Apr, it met each &every week, for 12 weeks. The last five meetings, from M3June, were all in private. M1July everything was ready, agreeing its ED evaluation report for the PNB. The next evening, the PNB ousted Maxie. Friday, he left his job. Sorted.

If Pacifica’s good at anything, this is it. (Yes, it bears repeating. Pacifica rarely gets complimented these days. Have a heart.)
Four weeks later, Vernile appeared out of the blue. Or so it seemed.

And the personnel of the Personnel Cttee? Chair Jan Goodman (KPFK listeners-delegate), Sabrina Jacobs (KPFA staff-delegate), Donnie Grumpf (KPFA listeners-delegate), Adrienne LaViolette (KPFT listeners-delegate), Robin Collier (affiliates) . . . more than a majority – and all breakers.

It seems IEW Vernile came into the job already knowing what he was going to do.

Pacifica Pacifica Across America

“This is a painful moment for us, especially for the WBAI staff and
volunteers who have done their best to keep it going. As soon as
financially and logistically possible, a plan will be drawn up to
address how we can rebuild our NY station into a vibrant local going
operation” Pacifica Board Vice Chair, Sabrina Jacobs said...

“...We want to be a bigger and stronger network” says Quincy McCoy,
Consulting Programmer of Pacifica Across America. “PAA is a
progressive, independent radio network whose mission is to provide aplatform for independent voices, unfiltered news and analysis and diverse cultural programming that entertains and targets issues concerning our communities.” McCoy continues, “the variety of programming on PAA will help WBAI grow new listeners and fulfill Pacifica’s mission at lower costs, with some of the best programming our network offers, including local content, while providing listeners with under-reported news, in-depth public affairs, and cultural shows that New Yorkers can’t hear anywhere else.”

§Pacifica Across America Set Up By KPFA Manager McCoy & Run By Sabrina Jacobs
by Follow The Bylaws Committee
The Pacifica Across America Project was set up by KPFA manager in the failed coup and shutdown at WBAI. The coupsters put KPFA LSB Board Member and Programmer Sabrina Jacobs in charge of the station to supposedly "rebuild it".
§Coupster and KPFA Manager Quincy McCoy
by Follow The Bylaws Committee
KPFA manager Quincy McCoy who is supported by the KPFA LSB members that have refused to have meetings and violate the Pacifica bylaws helped organize the coup at WBAI and put KPFA LSB member Sabrina Jacobs in charge of running the station. She also supported the coup.
by Akio Tanaka
March 21 meeting was cancelled because of Covid-19.

Article Seven, Local Station Boards, Section 6: Meetings
Each LSB shall meet as often as required to accomplish it duties, but not less than every other month.
The LSB shall establish, by majority vote, the time and place of each meeting, provided, however that no meeting shall occur sooner than ten (10) days from the date of the vote scheduling said meeting without the unanimous agreement of all the LSB officers …….

Setting a meeting by a majority vote is a Catch-22 situation, since you need a meeting to take the vote.
The three LSB officers can come to a unanimous agreement on a meeting date, but if not, it is not the fault of the Secretary alone.

Another perspective on the WBAI issue.
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