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Indybay Feature

#StopTheBans: Pro-Choice Rallies throughout CA & Across the Nation

Tuesday, May 21, 2019
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM
Event Type:
NARAL & Many Others
Location Details:
Pro-Choice Rallies throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, the State of California, and across the nation.

#StopTheBans Actions

Where: Throughout the SF Bay Area and beyond

Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Time: Most events are at noon, but times do vary according to location

Find an event near you:

Across the country, we are seeing a new wave of extreme bans on abortion, stripping away reproductive freedom and representing an all-out assault on abortion access. This is Trump’s anti-choice movement… and it’s terrifying, particularly for women of color and low-income women who are most affected by these bans.

This Tuesday, May 21st at noon local time at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across the nation--with other events throughout the week--we will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women.

We will show up to speak out and fight back against this unconstitutional attempt to gut Roe and punish women. Politicians shouldn't be making decisions best left to women, their families, and their doctors.

Together we say: Stop the bans.

Plan an action or RSVP to one near you now. We'll send you more information on tips to make the most of your event.

Day of Action Partnership:

ACLU, ACLU of Georgia, Advocates for Youth, AL Coalition on Black Civic Participation, All* Above All Action Fund, Center for American Progress, CREDO, Daily Kos, EMILYs List, Gender Justice, Hope Clinic for Women, In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda, Indivisible, International Women's Health Coalition, Jane’s Due Process, MARCH ON, MoveOn, NARAL Pro-Choice America, NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona, National Abortion Federation, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Council of Jewish Women, National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis, National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund, National Organization for Women, National Partnership for Women & Families, National Women's Health Network, National Women's Law Center, Planned Parenthood, People's Defense, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, State Innovation Exchange, Swing Left, UltraViolet, #VOTEPROCHOICE, Whole Woman's Health, Whole Woman's Health Alliance, Women's March, Women's March Minnesota, and Women Winning. Additional partners to be added.
Added to the calendar on Fri, May 17, 2019 8:19PM

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by Free Abortion on Demand
Alabama takes the lead to Stop the Bans of the right to a safe and legal abortion guaranteed by the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, Roe v Wade.
for the rally in Huntsville, Alabama.
And Jordan Kirchner Ford, a Birmingham music teacher and violinist, shows her support for the right to abortion at
Planned Parenthood announced that all 50 states will have rallies supporting Roe v Wade, which is supported by 70% of Americans. See
by Free Abortion on Demand
Rally for Reproductive Rights
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
12:00pm – 1:00pm
City Hall Steps, Polk Street
San Francisco
This is a nationwide pro-abortion rally at Noon. You can find other rallies at the same website. Roe v Wade guarantees the right to a safe and legal abortion.
It is NOT ENOUGH that the majority of the people in San Francisco support the right to abortion mandated by Roe v Wade. We have a Supreme Court now that is in the majority ANTI-ABORTION and can agree to take any of the many anti-abortion cases pending and rule in favor of the anti-abortion states ANY DAY. Some 37,000 voters in San Francisco voted for Nazi Trump who they knew for sure to be anti-abortion when he picked an anti-abortion vice president in July 2016. They also knew that the Republican Party platform is explicitly anti-abortion, unlike Peace & Freedom Party, the Green Party and the Democratic Party, all of which explicitly support Roe v Wade, because they all have computers and can look up the party platforms on their computers and receive that information instantly. The 62 million people who voted for Trump also knew that Trump and his Republican Party are anti-abortion for the same reasons. Trump just came out against abortion except in cases of rape or incest. He ignores the women who have a still born fetus which must be aborted to save the woman's life. He ignores all women who cannot afford a child either financially or emotionally. He ignores all women who face death by being pregnant, and that is what pregnancy is: FACING DEATH. A woman must be able to choose whether or not she will have a child. A fetus is not a child; it is part of the woman's body until it is born alive kicking and screaming, and it better be born kicking and screaming. If this country makes abortion illegal, it will declare to the world that it is a backward cesspool. We will not tolerate it. We must move forward.
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