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Mayfair Organizations Host 'Community Action' Tianguis in San José

by Alex Darocy (alex [at]
In Mexico and Central America, a tianguis is traditionally thought of as an open air market where merchandise is sold. The word tianguis is derived from the Aztec language, and the cultural tradition has been practiced by Indigenous peoples since before colonial contact. To create a space where community organizing skills can be shared, the concept of a "community action" tianguis was created by individuals in the Mayfair community of San José. The first such Community Action Tianguis was held at Lee Mathson Middle School (MIT) on November 15, and featured participation from a wide range of organizations working in the areas of health, education, labor, food safety, immigration, and legal defense. [Top photo: Students involved with San Jose R.A.D. speak. Scroll down for more photos.]
Visually, the Community Action Tianguis held at MIT resembled a traditional tianguis, however no merchandise was sold. Instead, individuals representing community organizations spoke, tabled and shared information, and a variety of goods and services were available at no cost. Hair stylists offered young people free haircuts. Community members cooked hot dogs which were distributed for free, and fresh produce was given out by Good. To Go., which displayed a box full of huge, organic pomegranates in front of a neatly arranged produce cart.

Good. To Go., which is a project of the Health Trust, brings affordable, fresh produce and other healthy foods to locations where finding decent food may be difficult for local residents. The organization works with businesses, such as convenience and liquor stores, to help them improve the types of food they are able offer their customers. Additionally, Good. To Go. is working on amending the municipal code in San José to allow vegetable stands and street vendors greater flexibility as to where they may operate legally.

Education was the focus of many at the tianguis.

Somos Mayfair, one of the organizations that sponsored the Community Action Tianguis, found that 90% of parents surveyed believe they can contribute to their school and community. Empuje, which is the Parents Organizing Committee of Somos Mayfair, hosted a table at the Community Action Tianguis and communicated with the public about how difficult it can be for parents to participate in their children's education.

One parent involved with Empuje, who has a child in the Alum Rock School District, described the committee's efforts to bring translators into their district to help non-English speaking parents communicate better with teachers. Presently, parents at the school her child attends are volunteering as translators and doing the work themselves for two and a half days per week. They can't meet the demand for that service, however, and they hope in the future to be able to convince administrators to hire translators at every school in their district, on a full time basis.

Organizers of the Community Action Tianquis also hoped the event would help kickstart the process of opening up more of MIT's resources to the public. There is a large, well-maintained sports field located at Lee Mathson Middle School that is off-limits to the public. The field sits unused outside of normal school hours.

On November 15, the field was used for a soccer league exhibition game during the Community Action Tianguis. Organizers explained that opening the use of this field to the public could help reduce the cost for youth to play soccer locally which costs families $125 per child at the nearest field used for that purpose.

The Community Action Tianguis was organized by individuals from Mathson Institute of Technology, Mexican American Studies SJSU, Uni-Tierra Califas, and Somos Mayfair, and community members hope to host more in the future.

Alex Darocy
§Lee Mathson Middle School
by Alex Darocy
§Gail Family Services
by Alex Darocy
Gail Family Services

Our Mission
Grail Family Services strengthens family capacity to support young children’s positive educational outcomes and to build a thriving community.

Who We Are
Grail Family Services is an established nonprofit organization providing high-quality, results-oriented Center-based, School-based and Community-based programs that support literacy, oral language development and family engagement.
§Free haircuts
by Alex Darocy
§Good. To Go.
by Alex Darocy
Good. To Go.

The Good. To Go. campaign makes the healthy choice the easy choice by offering attractive, affordable fresh produce and other healthy foods that appeal to consumers’ needs for convenience and quality. Good. To Go. encourages healthy food purchases by marketing them as “Fun. Fast. Fresh”
§Good. To Go.
by Alex Darocy
§Soccer League
by Alex Darocy
by Alex Darocy
§Activities for children
by Alex Darocy
§Cooking hot dogs
by Alex Darocy
by Alex Darocy
§Volunteer with Somos Mayfair
by Alex Darocy
Somos Mayfair

Somos Mayfair cultivates the dreams and power of the people of Mayfair through cultural activism, social services and community organizing. We are generations of immigrants, rooted in a vibrant community who nurture healthy families and successful students, and who speak out for justice in Silicon Valley.
§Community Action Tianguis
by Alex Darocy
by Alex Darocy
§Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)
by Alex Darocy
Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)

Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN) began as an ad-hoc coalition of immigrant rights activists and advocates in 1987 under the name Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and Services (NIRRS) in order to develop a Santa Clara County response to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. For over a decade, the NIRRS was central to statewide campaigns against all the anti-immigration legislation and ballot initiatives that followed.

In 1998, NIRRS changed its name to Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN) and received seed funding to hire staff and establish the county’s first-ever multilingual information hotline. Since that time, SIREN has grown to include policy analysis and advocacy, community education, citizenship application assistance, and community and service provider trainings.
by Alex Darocy

Kidango is a private, non-profit child development agency, and one of the largest in California. Our four program areas include early education, mental health, nutrition, and policy advocacy. These programs serve more than 3,000 children each day in our early learning, preschool, and school-age centers, as well as in-home
§Alum Rock Counseling Center
by Alex Darocy
Alum Rock Counseling Center

Our Mission
To deliver a full complement of behavioral health services to youth, their families and individuals in the neighborhoods we serve throughout Santa Clara County. We do so with a deep commitment to respect and reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our clients. Partnerships are essential to our success, and we will continue to build lasting connections with local schools, mental and physical healthcare systems and other providers.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties

Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties is the trusted leader dedicated to ending local hunger. Since its inception in 1974, Second Harvest has become one of the largest food banks in the nation, providing food to nearly a quarter of a million people each month. The Food Bank mobilizes individuals, companies, and community partners to connect people to the nutritious food they need. More than half of the food distributed is fresh produce. Second Harvest also plays a leading role in promoting federal nutrition programs and educating families on how to make healthier food choices.
Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center

Mission Statement
The Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center educates law students in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards by serving individuals and communities in need with competence, conscience and compassion through pro bono legal representation and education.

Implementation of Mission Statement
With the support of Santa Clara University School of Law, the legal community, community organizations, foundations, governmental entities and dedicated individuals, the Alexander Community Law Center:

provides pro bono legal representation to low income individuals in the areas of consumer law, immigration law, workers’ rights and certain tax-related matters, and helps low income individuals understand and enforce their legal rights;
educates law students through client representation under the direct supervision of experienced attorneys;
increases community awareness about consumer law, immigration law and workers’ rights
effects social change by working with legislators and law reform committees to effectuate changes in the law to improve the rights of low-income individuals

Santa Clara County Wage Theft Coalition
Higher Education for AB 540 Students (HEFAS) at De Anza College

Higher Education for AB 540 Students (HEFAS) at De Anza College is an institutional and educational program that will provide resources, reduce financial stress, and create a safe learning environment for all students with an emphasis on undocumented/AB 540 information. It implements a book loan program, peer advisors, and free access to resources; which will secure their educational success. We are dedicated to empower students, build leadership skills, promote social justice, and advocate for higher education.
§Student Advocates for Higher Education @SJSU
by Alex Darocy
Student Advocates for Higher Education @SJSU

The mission of Student Advocates for Higher Education at San José State University is to promote higher education among immigrant students regardless of legal status, through activism, advocacy, community involvement, peer support, and leadership development.
§Activities for children
by Alex Darocy
Activities for children
by Alex Darocy
Somos Mayfair

Somos Mayfair cultivates the dreams and power of the people of Mayfair through cultural activism, social services and community organizing. We are generations of immigrants, rooted in a vibrant community who nurture healthy families and successful students, and who speak out for justice in Silicon Valley.
§San Jose Peace and Justice Center
by Alex Darocy
San Jose Peace and Justice Center

The San Jose Peace Center was founded in 1957 by individuals profoundly concerned about peace and justice issues, especially the growth of nuclear arsenals and atmospheric nuclear testing.
More than fifty years later, the Peace and Justice Center, along with our affiliated organizations, continues to educate and engage the South Bay community around critical issues of peace and justice, with a current focus on ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We provide:
Space and resources for individuals and organizations to meet, mobilize and organize.
Publicity mechanisms such as a weekly calendar of progressive events in the South Bay, a quarterly newsletter, and a website.
Public forums for education and creative action, including teach-ins, film showings, book discussion groups, and mass demonstrations.
§5050 Crew
by Alex Darocy
5050 Crew

We are a community grassroots group engaging with South Bay community to create a better world through defense, justice, and assembly.
§San Jose R.A.D.
by Alex Darocy
San Jose R.A.D.

Regeneration Against Destruction (R.A.D)is a group for people in San Jose CA who are sick of our community being destroyed so we decided to regenerate it.
§San Jose R.A.D.
by Alex Darocy
San Jose R.A.D.
§School of Arts & Culture
by Alex Darocy
School of Arts & Culture

The Mexican Heritage Plaza (MHP) is a uniquely designed cultural facility located in the Mayfair neighborhood of east San Jose, a predominantly Mexican American neighborhood since the mid-20th Century. MHP was built by the City of San Jose in 1999 on the site of one of the first grocery store boycotts for farm workers’ rights organized by César Chavez in the 1960s.

The School offers quarterly after school sessions and 3 two-week summer sessions in visual and performing arts, and provides a “multi-cultural and inter-cultural venue” for community events and programs that embrace all cultures, while exploring the artistic traditions, cultural history, and contemporary creative expression of Mexican Arts. Afterschool programs span 10 weeks and summer day camps provide a full day of arts curriculum, a healthy lunch and two snacks. All sessions culminate in a student performance/exhibition, coordinated by School faculty and staff and attended by family and community members. For more information about the School, click here.
§Foothill Community Health Center
by Alex Darocy
Foothill Community Health Center

About Foothill Community Health Center
Our neighborhood health clinics and school-based clinics are located throughout East San Jose. An important part of our goal is to provide our community with high-quality medical, dental, and counseling services at our easily accessible health clinics.

Seeing a need to balance the inequalities in health care, Foothill Community Health Center provides health services to everyone, regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, or ability to pay for services. The East San Jose community receives services from Foothill’s well-experienced licensed and certified health care providers; each with a passion to serve those in need. The successful reputation of Foothill Community Health Center is reinforced by its many partners: Valley Medical Center of Santa Clara County, Regional Medical Center, East Side Union High School District, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District, Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, Franklin-McKinley Elementary School District, Ace Charter Schools, Rocketship Education, Community Health Partnership; Mexican American Community Services Agency, Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force, Alum Rock Counseling Center, Catholic Charities, Second Harvest Food Bank, Momentum for Mental Health, elected officials, local churches, and neighborhood associations.
§First 5 Santa Clara County
by Alex Darocy
First 5 Santa Clara County

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County is an early childhood advocacy organization focusing on children aged 0-5 from all income levels and backgrounds.
§Mathson Institute of Technology
by Alex Darocy
Mathson Institute of Technology (Lee Mathson Middle School)
§Lee Mathson Middle School
by Alex Darocy
Lee Mathson Middle School
§Lee Mathson Middle School
by Alex Darocy
Lee Mathson Middle School
§Alum Rock School District
by Alex Darocy
Alum Rock School District
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