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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Anti-Capitalist Rally & March Against Police Repression

Friday, March 15, 2013
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Event Type:
Party/Street Party
Bay Area Radical Action Committee
Location Details:
Oscar Grant Plaza
14th & Broadway

All over the world, left-wing and anarchist activists are facing ever-growing repression from the capitalist state and its agents: the police. In the bay, we face our own struggles as our self-organized spaces are evicted, and our comrades are dragged through the legal system and put behind bars. We must stand strong in the face of the enemy.

Solidarity means attack!

8:00 PM
Wear Black
Added to the calendar on Fri, Feb 22, 2013 4:35PM

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by kitgainer
I assume that your group is not really anti-capitalist (Free Market) as much as anti-capitalist (fascist/corporatist) even if you are communists, which you might not be. The anti-capitalist moniker scares populist affinity groups away who mistakenly believe the current system is being ruined by socialism when it really is growing fascism they don't like.

How about we impeach Obama, cut corporate welfare and strengthen the family by cutting taxes on people with jobs? RED BLACK SOLIDARITY will restore the republic.
by Bay Area Radical Action Committee
First off, the term Anti-Fascism (or Antifa) is used for confronting fascist organizations, such as nationalist anti-immigrant groups, neo-nazis, etc. As much as the state is fascist, opposing the police and capitalism is different from confronting fascist organizing on the ground, such as Golden Dawn.

We say anti-capitalist because we oppose capitalism and there is a direct link between police repression and capitalism. If you are uncomfortable with opposing the system of capitalism, this might not be the action for you. There are other events organized that tip-toe around the issue that you may feel more at home with, if you feel that somehow capitalism can be reformed into a positive system. No, we are not anti-free market, nor does anti-capitalism imply so.

As for your suggested goals, while they are certainly not bad ideas, they stop far too short of our dreams. That is not what March 15th is about.

This event does not intend to disguise our goals to broaden our base.

- Bay Area RAC
by Insurrectionist
Anything that aims down the road to reform falls WAY short of my dreams and the free market has caused me nothing but head ache and heart ache at the same time.

The "free market" is a familiar term also used by right wing Anarcho Capitalists and corporatists alike. They call 'em selves libertarians and independents, anarcho captalists, patriots and tea partiers but all identify with the same thing. Preserve wage slavery and knock down anyone that gets in the way of the for profit institution. They prioritize money and property over human life. That is what links them all together. Bunch of greedy money hoarders. They all seem to associate them selves with the term libertarianism which is really a code word in this country for I'M A RICH FUCK OR LOVE RICH FUCKERS AND CAN'T WAIT TO BECOME ANOTHER RICH FUCK!

That is the only reason they put the nations wealth ahead of freedom and equate having wealth to living free because that's all they ever cared about is their fucking money. They are money obsessed like a heroin junky and won't get out if the money mindset mentality even if it kills them.

That is the only reason why they want more freedom for the market place and less regulations on taxes but have nothing to say when it comes to better wages and benefits and it's no wonder we have a fuckin welfare state. They create the conditions necessary for inequality to come into existence and then blame everyone else for not rolling with them in their crusade to rob everyone. "It's because the market isn't free enough free enough" they always tell you. "We could have saved him, but we were not allowed to bleed him enough"

The free market dictates that jobs leaving the u.s.a. for sweatshop labor is better for America than keeping jobs where they are so everyone can have money to buy the products being sold by all these companies. These fucking people on the right don't make any sense. Business in America should be synonymous with fucking people over by now and to think we've put up with it for this long with out burning down everything yet really pisses me the fuck off. How much more abuse of human dignity and denial of human resources can you endure? How much punishment can you take before you flip the fuck out?

The job FAILURE in this country is only one aspect of how the free market system is totally ruining everybody. The same system the Tea Party Libertarians are gocking over telling us "it's just not free enough, give us some more freedom so we can send out more bad loans and take away more houses leaving people homeless" and like idiots we're just supposed to hand them the key to that door... like okay, here you go sir Just have it. Don't forget to bend me over before you rape me in the ass too.

Free market, free trade, free enterprise. privatization, globalization. It's all the same thing. Its all the same neo-liberal logic of 90's trying to re-invent it self. Old groups like the WTO popping up their ugly heads and and ducking then another group, IMF/WORLD BANK, then another FTAA and it just never stops. Just fuck it all. Fuck it. The whole things is crap. Throw it all into a dumpster and set it on fire and send it flying into the police station. End of story.
Want to help yourself and others to combat fascists/agents of global capitalism/domination more efficiently? Don't just wait for calls to action to put together an affinity group. Organizing one NOW or on your FREE TIME. For some inspiration -look to Europe, Canada, Latin America and the Middle East. Always show solidarity who those who inspire you globally and always know you are not alone in your struggle for total freedom. Above all, BE QUICK BUT BE SMART!
by Bay Area Radical Action Committee
Just over one week away from when we will be taking the streets against capitalism and repression, and we hope you will join us! We would like to touch on somethings first, however:

1. The Anarchist Cafe. We realize that the cafe starts at 7:00 PM and is all the way across the bay from our action at 8:00 PM. However, we would like to console people that the march will not leave before 9:00 PM, giving people some time to hurry over and attend both. We hope that some kind people will take it upon themselves to carpool or something similar to help people get from one event to the other. We understand those attending the cafe from the east bay will not be eager to get back so soon, and we apologize for the scheduling issue. It is truly an unfortunate coincidence.

2. March Against Berkeley Police. Three days before our action, on Tuesday there will be a march starting from People's Park at 6:30 PM against the police's murder of Kayla Moore, a transgender woman. We support this action, (though it is not ours) and the group's call for a Queer/Trans/Woman/POC bloc on March 15th. More info on the event is here:

3. Syria. It has come to our attention that March 15th is also the second anniversary of the Syrian uprising. While we do not know of any local demonstrations, we would ve excited to see an bloc of radical Arabs/Muslims in solidarity with those in Syria fighting for liberation.

See you in the streets!

- Bay Area RAC (
by @
Bring 5mw green laser pointer as we have seen in greece and egypt they can come in handy
by Answer sucks for not protesting Assad
Links to info on the protest and other events at
You guys have each others back out there. Don't let the police arrest you. Don't let them get close to you. FIGHT BACK! RESIST! RUN! FIGHT! RUN! FIGHT!

by Zachary RunningWolf
The Tree People will be there once again with our elder leading the way with Indigenous medicine. In which nobody seems to recognize or is just starting to understand when I'm there nobody seems to get arrested but when I'm not hundreds gert arrested or within five minutes (SF protest on Columbus day). It would be helpful to get some re reimbursement or medicine brought to help as my ability to keep people out of jail is running low as Oakland Occupation does not give front line (Tree People, Vigil or TAC) people any money (just 100 dollars for 9 1/2 weeks in the Plaza). We do not want GA to come back to the Plaza without giving front line people any resources.
And people need to start training how to keep their distance from the riot police. Learn a thing or 2 from Europe and don't be a slow learner. Learn it and use it and use it with confidence in yourself and your comrades. There are ways to carry out a militant protest/march while keeping a safe distance from you and the pigs in front of you. There are ways to avoid arrest with out cowering to the police and the rule of law it self. It's all about keeping your distance to avoid mass arrest.

The police shouldn't be getting so close. The only reason they get close enough to arrest everyone is because everyone juts stands there doing nothing when the police show up.

Runningwolf, it is time to de-arrest not de-escalate. Leave it to the professionals to train people willing to be trained how to deal with conflict with cops when the time to get serious is now.

Rather than viewing a riot as a risk, think of it as a sport/skill/art which takes a lot of strength, drive, persistence, effort and planning ahead of time. Think of the last time you were in a fight and how fast you had to move to duck a punch or how fast you had to move to avoid being grabbed by the neck and arms. That is how fast you must move out of the way should you come in close contact with a riot cop to avoid your arrest. The key is DON'T COME IN CLOSE CONTACT EVER! always keep your distance

Never let your opponent reach you with in a 50-75ft. radius always giving the insurrectionist plenty of time to run back to his or her posse in order to continue the battle while also being with in a 10 ft radius of their posse who protects them. As your posse protects you, you also protect them. Your posse should be no less than 500-1000 but in Americas case, having the biggest posse in the world is necessary to resist the American police state. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Never attend an un-permitted action without your posse.
Never attend an un-permitted action without advanced preparation.
Never attend an un-permitted action with out knowing everyone there is ready and confident to resist police kettles.
Don't be manipulated by intimidation and intimidation tactics.

We obviously have a long way to go before we can defend our selves with confidence so meanwhile, make an effort with your affinity group to learn these tactics and practice on your confidence before every action and work on building confidence in one another. If you don't belong to an affinity group, put one together and make sure the people with in your group are your real friends. Practice Security Culture.

Do it for a world without BORDERS, BOSS'S AND POLICE BASTARDS!

by Peter Alexander (leoroarbig [at]
5% of cops do 85% of any abuse.....corrupt cops are protected by Superiors...Honest Cops are constantly under duress by those fueled by righteous ( ???) anger and protected corrupt cops....there be way more Honest Cops than corrupt but there hands are tied....when an Honest Officer files a complaint of corruption within the Force they are almost certainly fired or effort to provide Honest Cops a safe avenue to file complaints has recently occured by involving Officer Jack McLamb's "Aid & Abet" Organization so too Sheriff Richard Mack's Constitutional Law Enforcement Organization....both have stepped up to the plate to assist in weeding out cop corruption....the 2 Santa Cruz Detectives were professionally terminated (not by the yoyo portrayed) same is true of the 4 Oakland Officers killed on the same day 3 years back....both cases included involvement from within their own Force.....a majority of these murders have been arranged so as to Federalize Oakland PD and things will definitely get worse for you this moment the SF Symphony and the Bay Area Waste Management are Striking.....Shut Down LOCKDOWN surely as ML King saw the Promised Land the 40 Day General Strike ceasing schools/labor and the slaughterhouse (really pissing off the catholic hierarchy) walks us into the Promised Land......for Israel has another name "Ariel" meaning the world....America represents the world and California be the SHIT....who wants to play stupid dangerous lethal games when a 40 Day LOCKDOWN CHANGES IT ALL IN OUR FAVOR ? aho Cactus Pete AHO
by sketchy
Melvin now hates Chris from OO Tac and he's been running with the people from OO Media like Shake Anderson and Khalid Shakur (Khalid having robbed the Holdout), the same people who ran to every corporate media outlet they could to claim they were the "real" Occupy Oakland at the one year anniversary last year

odds are no will will go to this, and a large part is because no one local and down trusts Melvin, or the OO Media crazies, and some suspect collaboration with police as some sort of setup for those who do go

in short, this is a bogus call for an action, designed to look and sound like other actions, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing
by Bay Area RAC
this action was NOT organized by, with, or at all involving melvin or anyone with the TAC or OO media or anything. We can't stop them from coming, supporting, or trying to advertise the action.
by Bay Area RAC
We posted a report back of this event:
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