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“Those who seek to destroy Israel”: Endless fear mongering by Prime Minister Netanyahu

by Cem Ertür
Whilst simultaneously threatening Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza with war and taking part in the ongoing destruction of Syria; the Israeli government still persists in playing the victim.

Haaretz (English edition), 28 January 2013


Jerusalem Post (English edition), 15 January 2013


"Those who seek to destroy Israel": Endless fear mongering by Prime Minister Netanyahu

Propaganda alert

Compiled by Cem Ertür

29 January 2013


“[Iran] is the leader of Holocaust-denial while preparing for what they deem to be another Holocaust - the destruction of the state of the Jews. They are not halting their relentless and systematic race to achieve a nuclear weapons capability in order to realize this intention. We do not make light of these threats and we will prevent them. This is our primary mission as a government and as a people. [...]  To this end, we must look around us, at what is happening in Iran and its proxies and at what is happening in other areas, with the deadly weapons in Syria, which is increasingly coming apart."

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, remarks on Holocaust Remembrance Day during weekly Cabinet meeting, Jerusalem, 27 January 2013. Mr Netanyahu delivered this speech five days after his re-election for a third term.]  [1]



Mossad head Dani Yatom submitted to the prime minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] Mossad's 1997 work plan, which focuses on Syria. With its nonconventional missile capability, Syria is considered the No 1 threat and tops the list of security priorities.

[Yediot Aharonot, 22 January 1997]  [2]



The most dangerous of these [Middle Eastern] regimes is Iran, that is wed a cruel despotism to a fanatic militancy, if this regime, or its despotic neighbor Iraq, were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences not only for my country and not only for the Middle East, but for all of mankind.

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speech at the U.S. Congress, Washington D.C., 10 July 1996. Mr Netanyahu delivered this speech in his third week in office.]  [3]



[1]  Cabinet communique

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, 27 January 2013

[2]  Israeli Mossad’s work plan views Syria as main threat ‘for first time in years’

Text of report by Israeli newspaper 'Yediot Aharonot', BBC Monitoring Service, 23 January 1997

[3]  Speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a joint session of the United States Congress

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, 10 July 1996


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