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Did BBC paedophile Jimmy Savile take boys on Jersey death rides to Tory PM Ted Heath?

by Tony Gosling Sat, Jan 12, 2013 11:41AM
Wide ranging discussion looking at the Bank For International Settlements financing the Nazi party between WWI and WW2, the attempted abolition of the BIS at the Bretton Woods conference where the IMF and World Bank were founed, as well as the role of this highly secretive Basel based Swiss 'Central Bank of Central Bankers' today. Moving on to hear from author of the banned (and confiscated by Thames Valley police) book Spyhuner. Buckinghamshire based barrister Michael Shrimpton shares with us his understanding of the sordid role played by former BBC presenter Jimmy Savile in procuring young boys for former Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath. Potentially clearing up a long time mystery about the disappearance of boys from Jersey's Haut de la Garenne children's home.
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