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Indybay Feature

Election Fraud Mayor Lee's Illegal Suspension of Sheriff Mirkarimi Exposed

by Keeping score
Sheriff Mirkarimi's attorney, David Waggoner, filed a writ demanding that Sheriff Mirkarimi be reinstated immediately and be paid immediately as he has no income to feed his family, on the basis that Election Fraud Mayor Lee illegally suspended Mirkarimi for a bruise on his wife's arm when he was supervisor, not sheriff, and it was not official misconduct. The ethics problem is with Election Fraud Mayor Lee, not Sheriff Mirkarimi.
Sheriff Mirkarimi's attorney, David Waggoner, filed a writ demanding that Sheriff Mirkarimi be reinstated immediately and be paid immediately as he has no income to feed his family, on the basis that Election Fraud Mayor Lee illegally suspended Mirkarimi for a bruise on his wife's arm when he was supervisor, not sheriff, and it was not official misconduct. The ethics problem is with Election Fraud Mayor Lee, not Sheriff Mirkarimi.

For more on this latest news, see, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 3/27/12, "Mirkarimi files court petition challenging his suspension" at

Sheriff Hongisto was jailed for a few days when he first refused to evict the residents of the International Hotel in the 1970s and he was never removed from office on that issue, which directly related to his duties as sheriff.

Updating on the Democratic Party's election fraud, we now have a mayor who LIED when he said he would never run for mayor when he was appointed to complete Nazi Newsom's term, and then turned around and ran for mayor, effectively as an incumbent, thus destroying all other campaigns. He did not stop there with his unethical behavior. See
"Mayor Lee and High Ethical Sandards" by Tim Redmond, 3/21/12, SF Bay Guardian at

See the video of the election fraud perpetrated by Election Fraud Mayor Lee's campaign team at
Please watch the short video as it has much to teach about election fraud in general and the Democratic Party's election fraud in particular.

Then there is Ed Lee-Willie Brown's sleazy bid deal, "How Business Was Done" 2/14/11, SF Bay Guardian at

And his appointment of election frauding Department of Public Works director Mohammed Nuru at
"Lee's Appointment of Nuru Darkens the Ethical Cloud Oer Room 200", SF Bay Guardian, 8/16/11

The bruise on the wife's arm mandates marriage counseling behind closed doors, not a criminal complaint courtesy the taxpayers which forced Mirkarimi to spend thousands of dollars on attorney fees and have his name smeared everywhere, especially in the local daily gossip rag claiming to be the newspaper of record of Northern California, the San Francisco Chronicle, which on Sunday, March 25, 2012, had 4 articles on this comparatively minor problem, including murderous election fraud former mayor, assemblyperson, organized crime thug and anti-rent control real estae profiteer, Willie Brown's weekly garbage column. A newspaper that allows such an evil person as Willie Brown to write for them is a stinking piece of trash. The killing of Trayvon Martin was not covered at all in the Sunday, March 25, 2012 SF Chronicle. This latest racist killing has caused over 2 million people to sign a petition to demand the arrest of the perpetrator. See

Clearly what the capitalist class and their minions, Ed Lee, Willie Brown and the rest of the rotten Democratic Party are doing is planting their election fraud team in every office possible in San Francisco. THIS IS NOT THE LESSER EVIL; THIS IS A MURDEROUS EVIL.
Willie Brown not only committed election fraud in the 49er Stadium Swindle election of June 3, 1997, he had his election fraud team murder a poll worker, Dolores Evans, and 5 children, on December 13, 1997, in a mysterious fire in their Housing Authority home from which the fire inspector said they could have escaped but someone stopped them. The death of the chief witness in the election fraud lawsuit concerning that infamous June 3, 1997 election meant the lawsuit could not proceed, and all subsequent election fraud was not challenged in court. This story is in the dedication at the beginning of the election fraud expose website:
And the election fraud of the Democratic Party of the 1970s, using CIA Jim Jones' People's Temple, is at:

Election Fraud Mayor Lee is not concerned with the bruise on the wife's arm but the fact that Green Party founder, Sheriff Mirkarimi, who apparently changed his registration to Democrat to run for Sheriff (another lesson learned here; never do that) will expose the Democrats' election fraud. If you want to put an end to the Democratic-Republican Party election fraud terrorists, please help worthwhile parties stay on the ballot by registering either
1. Peace and Freedom Party
2. Green Party
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The Petition for Writ of Mandate filed by Sheriff Mirkarimi against Mayor Lee is San Francisco Superior CPF-12-512077 and the Petition in part may be found at
The entire docket may be found at

Unlike the federal government at the trial, district court level which has a docket with all documents scanned in PDF format, California counties do not have to have any docket at all and if they do, they do not have to scan all documents filed in whole or in part. The lack of uniformity, preferably in the manner of the federal district court, makes this country actually thousands of fiefdoms, definitely very undemocratic with very little transparency. The records are public, but you have to go to the county courthouse to view them. In any event, San Francisco manages to scan some of the documents.

The Petition for Writ of Mandate is excellent and worth reading. They just did not scan the last 2 pages. The hearing on the Petition is set for April 18, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept 302 and is open to the public. SF Superior is located at 400 McAllister Street, across the street from City Hall.

The City and County of San Francisco has just been served and has time to respond. Democrat City Attorney Dennis Herrera provided Democrat Mayor Ed Lee with the false information to allow the suspension without pay of Sheriff Mirkarimi. We can all hardly wait to see what his response will be.

The Petition, on page 14, correctly points out that MIRKARIMI WAS DENIED A DUE PROCESS HEARING for being suspended WITHOUT PAY, thus depriving Mirkarimi of the funds he needs to feed his family. This, and all the rest of the Petition for Writ of Mandate cover important LABOR ISSUES for all City and County of San Francisco workers. WHERE ARE THE LABOR UNIONS OF SAN FRANCISCO?

The Petition also points out that the Ethics Commission must wait 5 days to do anything, but does not have any rule governing it as to the deadline for the Ethics Commission to act on this suspension. If this Petition for Writ of Mandate fails, we could be witnessing an illegal, indefinite suspension without pay courtesy the election-frauding San Francisco Democratic Party which has been sitting in office since the 1960s. Their Republican twins sing the same tune.

The Table of Authorities, near the beginning, lists all the cases and codes cited in the petition. Most of these cases can be found on the Internet without the use of Lexis. For example, just Googling Mazzola v City and County of San Francisco gives you the case at

The California Codes (laws passed by the state legislature) may be found at:
So, for example, if you want Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) Sections 526-527, you check Code of Civil Procedure, and below the codes, for the search, you type 526-527, and you get these codes at:

The San Francisco City Charter Section 15.105 may be found at

by Zachary RunningWolf (runningwolf.zachary [at]
Like any Sheriff in Indigenous land, locking up people of color or locking down on public dissent (Occupy movement) or in this case abusing his wife. The Sheriff is being dragged through the KKKorporate media and the Mayors vindictive behavior because as Sheriff he simply put that 85% of the Banksters foreclosure paper work was faulty. The Sheriff then stated that he would not react to this faulty paper work which the city has more than 500 buildings vacant. The Sheriffs department is the agency that comes to clear out non compliant homeowners or squaters (Occupiers). So you see that it is corporate Amerikkka and or Banksters who are influencing the Mayor to squash the Sheriff.
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