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Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad

by Cem Ertür
Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
Bugün, 8 February 2012

Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad

Sabah, 8 February 2012

Libyan model for Syria

Following the veto on the United Nations Security Council resolution to stop Assad regime’s massacres, Turkey is now launching an alternative initiative. As was the case with the Libyan model, in the initial stage Ankara will aim to bring together countries that are interested in resolving the Syria problem.

If international consultations are fruitful, then a conference will be held in Istanbul to gather the “Friends of Syria” around the table. This conference will aim firstly to bring together all the Arab League member states to be followed by a more comprehensive summit with the participation of the US and the EU.

Posta, 8 February 2012

Turkey will enter into Syria

Iran’s state television reports: “According to a plan drafted by US and Europe, Turkish troops at some point soon will enter into the Syrian territory and arm dissident forces. Meanwhile, Israel will hit the major military bases inside Syria to destroy Assad administration’s ability to engage in war”.  

Cumhuriyet, 7 February 2012

Ongoing preparations for Syrian dissidents

Following the example of [the tent city in] Hatay, preparations are continuing to build a prefabricated city in Kilis. According to the governor of Kilis [province] Yusuf Odabas, 2,000 containers will be set up to host 10,000 people.

[Note: The provinces of Hatay and Kilis are both located on Turkey’s border with Syria]

Yeni Safak, 6 February 2012

We would welcome the entire population of Syria if necessary

Underlining Turkey’s moral responsibility to protect the people of Syria fleeing oppression, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey would be prepared to welcome the entire population of Syria if necessary.

[Note: The excerpts above have been translated from Turkish by Cem Ertür]


Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad

[propaganda alert]

compiled by Cem Ertür

11 February 2012

1) Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan initiates plan to liberate Syria (9 February 2012)

2) US scenario in Syria: Turkish incursion, Israeli invasion (6 February 2012)


excerpts from: Erdogan initiates plan to liberate Syria

Sabah English, 9 February 2012

Turkey is getting ready to seek out legitimacy for international intervention, should the U.N. Security Council not reach a ruling, in an alternative arena in order to halt the bloodshed in Syria. The first step towards forming the ‘Friends of Syria’ Group will be taken at the February 13th meeting of the Arab League. [...]

The three main stages of the plan [Turkey’s] Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has referred to as the "new roadmap" is as follows:

1- First and foremost all efforts will be made to secure a U.N. ruling. For this purpose, Prime Minister Erdogan called Russian State Leader Medvedev to deliver the message, "Assad stalled us, and he stalled the Arab League. This time don't let him gain more time by stalling you as well." Should Russia maintain their current stance against U.N. intervention then the legitimacy to establish the infrastructure for a potential operation in Syria will be sought from an alternative arena.

2- Should a U.N. ruling not be reached or should it not be enough to stop Assad then the international community will come together in order to intervene and establish sanctions just like what happened in 1999 against Kosovo and in 2003 against Iraq. The initial stages will involve isolating Assad by withdrawing international diplomats and closing all political doors.

Davutoglu held a series of meetings in Munich for this very purpose. In addition to obtaining Germany's support, Davutoglu also spoke with his counterparts in Iran, Qatar and Italy. While Turkey is preparing to host the meeting of the 'East' and the 'West', the first step to establish the Syrian Friends Group will be taken at the February 13th Arab League meeting.

3- The first objective of the ‘Friends of Syria’ Group, which will consist of the Arab League, the African Union, the EU and the United States, will be to stop Assad and to help the Syrian public by setting up a buffer zone in order to open a border crossing to provide food and humanitarian aid and later, if necessary, to save civilian lives.


US scenario in Syria: Turkish incursion, Israeli invasion

Press TV, 6 February 2012

Informed sources have uncovered a US plot entailing a Turkish incursion and a full-scale Israeli strike to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The sources said aspects of the plan such as rejecting calls by Damascus for an Arab League meeting over the crisis in the country, recognizing of the Syrian opposition as the “legitimate” government of the country and granting them offices in Turkey to work against the Syrian government, have already been carried out.

As part of the plan, Syrian embassies and consulates would be attacked in several countries and the diplomatic offices would be used as bases to inflict heavy blows on the Syrian government.

According to the sources, the other parts of the US plot which are in process or expected to happen in the near future include:

Firstly the Syrian government will be demonized as a war criminal and its case will be taken to The Hague and international human rights bodies.

Washington will then task Turkey with sending troops across the border into Syria to incite internal friction and civil war within the country by arming Syrian civilians and the opposition against the government.

In the next step, Washington will arm Wahhabi fighters and members of the Fath al-Islam in Tripoli, supported by the Qatari army and Libyan fighters, and order them to attack Syrian border villages.

Israel will jump into the fray by expressing readiness to carry out military operations against Syria. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently announced he would be visiting the US next week. He is expected to meet with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US senators and other senior officials.

Officials close to Lieberman were quoted by Israel sources as saying that the he will ask the US government to increase international pressure against Syria, urging Washington to go beyond sanctions in line with efforts to overthrow the Syrian government.

Jordan, another Syrian neighbor, will also announce its readiness for military intervention in Syria upon receiving the US green light order.

Al-Qaeda militants stationed near the Iraqi-Syrian borders will also start operations inside Syria after receiving a US-Qatari order.

Syrian Television channels will then be removed from Nilesat and Arabsat satellites to prevent the Syrian government form airing its side of the developments.

New Syrian passports will be issued and Syrians who do not obtain the new document will not be allowed into Western and Arab countries.

One necessary condition for the success of the plot to topple the Syrian regime, according to the informed sources, will be the defection of Syrian armed forces and the prime factor in the conspiracy will be the assassination of the Syrian president.


related news:

2,000 prefabricated houses to be built for Syrians

Turkey is planning to set up 2,000 prefabricated houses for Syrians seeking refuge in Turkey's southern provinces near the Syrian border.

by Ercan Baysal, Today’s Zaman, 10 February 2012

We wanted al-Assad to be Gorbachev, he turned into Milosevic: Davutoglu

Turkey had hoped that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would handle his country’s crisis like ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev but he turned into former Yugoslavian leader Slobadon Milosevic instead, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said in Washington.

Hürriyet Daily News, 10 February 2012

Turkey to host anti-Syria meeting

Anti-Syria states are reportedly planning to hold a meeting in Turkey to discuss ways to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad

Press TV, 8 February 2011

Turkey criticizes Iran over its silence on Syria

Turkey's deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc criticized Iran on Sunday for the country's silence over Syria's violent crackdown on protests.

Naharnet, 6 February 2012

Turkey’s doors open to ‘all fleeing Syrians’

Triggering a new balance on Syria after a double-veto at the UN Security Council, Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu declares that Turkey’s doors are open to ‘all Syrians who want to flee from oppression’ at home

by Murat Yetkin, Hürriyet Daily News, 5 February 2012

Press release regarding the UN Security Council being unable to reach a decision on Syria

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4 February 2012

Press release regarding the latest attacks perpetrated by the Syrian administration against the people of Homs

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4 February 2012

Turkey aims to increase ballistic missile ranges

Missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers are a realistic target according to Professor Yücel Altınbaşak, head of Turkey’s State Scientific Research Institute. However, analysts remain uncertain as to Turkey’s capacity or need to achieve this goal

by Umit Enginsoy, Hürriyet Daily News, 1 February 2012

Leader’s Aide: S. Arabia, Qatar, Turkey tasked with impeding Iran's policies in region

Senior Military Aide to the Iranian Supreme Leader Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi blasted the US for its hostile position against Tehran, and said Washington has tasked Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey with directing the regional developments against Iran's policies.

Fars News Agency, 31 January 2012

Gulf states and Turkey hold meeting in Istanbul to continue conspiring against Syria

Days after intelligence reports revealed that intelligence crews from some Gulf states, Turkey, the US, France and Israel have been supervising camps for gathering, recruiting and training mercenaries and terrorists inside the Turkish territories, Turkey and Gulf states on Saturday held a meeting in Istanbul to discuss activities of their terrorist groups operating in Syria.

SANA, 29 January 2012

Reminding Assad of Gaddafi

Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Davutoglu reminded that Libya’s former leader Gaddafi is no longer alive because he did not heed any warnings, and stated that Syrian leader Assad has also not put a stop to the violence nor kept to the promises made.

Sabah English, 26 January 2012

Members of Turkish Parliament Human Rights Committee: Syrians being trained in guerilla warfare in camps in Antioch

Members of the Human Rights Committee at the Turkish Parliament said on Saturday that there are special camps in Antioch areas in which individuals who fled Syria are staying and are being trained in guerrilla warfare.

SANA, 22 January 2012

Army examines readiness for combat amid Syrian turmoil

Turkey’s top military board reviewed the army’s combat readiness yesterday amid growing concerns turmoil in its southern neighbor could spread further instability in the region.

Hürriyet Daily News, 16 December 2011

Iran attacks Turkey's NATO shield, if hit

Commander of the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says in case of a military movement against Iran, NATO's missile shield in Turkey will be Iran's first target.

Press TV, 26 November 2011

Secret Syria meet in Hatay

The head of Syrian National Council has secretly met the leader of the so-called Free Syrian Army in Hatay to promise support in the fight against Damascus

by Ipek Yezdani, Hürriyet Daily News, 11 November 2011


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by Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, 21 June 2011


propaganda alert:

Turkey’s final warning to Syria: Tomorrow may be too late for reforms

by Cem Ertür, San Fransisco Bay Area Indymedia, 18 June 2011

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