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Lawyer Randy Turner responsible for pitbull attack

by Responsible Pet Guardianship
Randy Turner's favorite client fake lraqi war veteran Steven Woods is in trouble with the law yet again. Two of his dogs including "dangerous dog" Mimi attacked Gary Latimer, his pregnant wife and their six month old baby last Thursday. If Fort Worth, Texas lawyer Randy Turner had not helped Steven Woods when his dogs attacked two elderly people last year, this last attack would never have happened. Turner should be held responsible.
Last year Steven Woods' pitbulls got out of his house and attacked two elderly people. Woods was written up three times from April to June in 2010 because of his dangerous pitbulls. According to the Star Telegram "In one case, a 64-year-old woman was attacked and seriously injured by four pit bulls. A municipal court judge ruled in October that Steven Woods' dog Mimi was dangerous after finding evidence that she was involved in an attack on an 84-year-old man in July. In another instance, two police officers reported having to use pepper spray against two aggressive pit bulls that they said Woods acknowledged were his."

During the two day trial Turner kept saying that it was "malicious prosecution." In an email posted on the internet Turner writes "This is the worst case of malicious prosecution I have seen. Steven was told by the city attorney yesterday that that decision 'comes from the top', which obviously means someone way high up in city government." (sic)

Turner sent another email far and wide to try to encourage people to attack the City. "If anyone would like to let the city of Fort Worth know how they feel about this vindictive prosecution of a disabled American war hero here are the contacts. I am only sending this email to a few people and a couple of groups so please feel free to forward." (sic) Turner also supplied email addresses of city officials to ensure threats and harassment from thousands.

According to the Star Telegram "Mimi was to be euthanized if Woods did not comply with the dangerous-dog ordinance, which requires that it be spayed, kept in an enclosed area or on a leash and muzzled whenever outside. Woods must also carry $100,000 in liability insurance." Woods who lives on $780 in disability said he could not afford to comply.

Turner sent out another internet plea for donations to cover the costs, "My client is a young Iraq war veteran who was permanently disabled by a roadside bomb.  (He walks with a cane, has little control of his bowels, is incontinent, wears a catheter, and suffers from PTSD).  His psychiatrist recommended that he get a dog as therapy, which he did." $17,000 was donated for Woods.

Had Randy Turner not sent out a plea for donations, Woods would not have had the money to comply. Mimi would have been euthanized and unable to attack the pregnant couple and their baby last week.

Of course it was later learned that Woods never served in Iraq, was not wounded in the war, is not disabled and Mimi is not a therapy dog. Woods impersonated a soldier which is actually a crime. He even had the nerve to show up in court dressed in a uniform. A few days after Turner found out that his client was a total fraud he quietly resigned as his lawyer. Unbeknown to most he was still personally aiding and abetting Woods and Mimi.

What is even more ironic about this case is the fact that Turner spoke for a strengthening of the Fort Worth, Texas dangerous dog code Council item G-16653 on 08/11/09. Even his lawyer wife Patti Gearhart Turner was for the motion which passed. Yet, while he was defending Woods in court Turner said his client shouldn't have to comply with those new regulations. If Woods had complied with the regulations, his dog would not have been able to attack the couple and their baby.

Woods' dogs are not the only ones with a criminal rap sheet. Woods also personally assaulted two people last year. He was charged with "assault bodily injury" cases 1235660 and 123566. He is currently out on a $7,000 bond. His trial begins 08/10/11. According to a police report, "Woods became 'belligerent' when a neighbor confronted him about his dogs chasing a group of children and the neighbor feared 'he would have ... to shoot the dogs.'"

If the name "Turner" sounds familiar to locals it's because he ran for Judge of the 17th District and lost by a landslide 11/04/2008. He also ran for Judge of the 342nd District and again lost by a landslide 11/02/10. Generally private practice lawyers who run for judge are not cutting it in private practice. They just want to sit on the bench to collect the consistent salary of a Judge.

Turner's wife Patti Gearhart Turner is also a lawyer. She graduated magna cum laude from law school. This is ironic. She's on the board of trustees of the "Texas Center for Legal Ethics - Professionalism in Practice." Their goal is "to promote the practice of law by Texas lawyers in an ethical and professional manner." She is currently chief of staff for Texas Wesleyan University President Frederick G. Slabach.

Woods' trial is set for this coming Thursday at 2:30 p.m. said Brandon Bennett the City's code compliance Director. Woods may also face charges, Bennett said. "At the very least, Woods is facing multiple criminal charges, and it is still a question whether any of those will be a felony," Bennett said. "That will be determined next week." Stay tuned for an update after the hearing.

More articles about Steven Woods, "dangerous dog" Mimi and Randy Turner.,0,2727656.story
by Charlie
Knew it was just a matter of when/where Wood's dogs would attack again. They attacked three times which police recorded. How many times did they attack when police didn't record? This lawyer was helping a criminal. There's no way he didn't know he was fake. Turner had 11 witnesses lie on the stand, perjury for his client. Defendant said his dog wasn't even in the City at the time of attack. Really? Why dind't this attorney check out Wood's story? He attacked city officials, government. Thank god man had a knife or his baby, wife, unborned child could be dead now. Lawyer needs to take a step back and think about things.
by Dog Lover
While it is a third strike for Woods, Mimi will not be euthanized. She just won't be allowed in Fort Worth, Texas. He will send her to her uncle in Arkansas. Mimi will then end up biting people in Arkansas instead of Texas.
by Amy Rice
Randall Turner, Randy Turner is with the law firm of Turner & McKenzie, His partner is Tom McKenzie who also ran for Judge and lost in November 2010. They are both Fort Worth, Texas lawyers. He works with these groups

Professional Memberships:
Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Texas Trial Lawyers Association
Tarrant County Trial Lawyers Association—President Elect
State Bar of Texas
Tarrant County Bar Association

Animal Welfare Organizations:
Texas Humane Legislation Network past President
Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Texas past Treasurer
Humane Society of North Texas past Vice-President
Animal Legal Defense Fund Volunteer Attorney
Companion Animal Protection Society Legal Counsel
Animal Guardians of America Legal Counsel
Animal Angels Legal Counsel
by Dog Lover
The hearing has been delayed at least a week. Check back next week for an update.
by Average Joe
From Woods' Facebook page. This is 2011.

Mysti Distance - I hope Mimi is okay...but it appears Steven is not talking to us and it is possible all that wonderful money and love did not get to Mimi. I hope this is not the case...and God Bless them both what ever and where ever they are.
January 14 at 6:40pm

CathyandCallie End Bsl - no it did.. his lawyer randy and i are in contact. he is going thru hell w/ AC right now i am sure based on randy's last letter. steven is disabled and likely very depressed right now. they are persecuting him from every angle in texas.
January 14 at 7:37pm ·

Turner quietly resigns as his lawyer December 2010 yet is still helping him legally mid January 2011. They admit Woods did indeed get the money that was donated. Turner is responsible for the latest dog attack. He's also responsible for defrauding the public.

On top of this there is a photo of Woods without his cane at a party. l highly doubt Woods is disabled. He's a con man.
by Fox News
Pit Bulls to Be Euthanized after Attack
Published : Thursday, 11 Aug 2011, 5:44 PM CDT
Lari Barager
FOX 4 News
Adapted for Web by Tracy DeLatte |

FORT WORTH, Texas - A judge has ordered two pit bulls put down after they attacked a Fort Worth man last month.

Doctors had to stitch Gary Latimer’s arm after the dogs came after him, his pregnant wife and their baby in Fort Worth’s Como neighborhood on July 28.

One of the dogs, a female named Mimi, was already deemed “dangerous” by the courts because she was involved in two other attacks.

Her owner, Steven Woods, did not attend Thursday’s court hearing. The judge also ordered he repay all of the costs associated with the dogs.

The victim’s wife said she is relieved the dogs will be euthanized.

“The owner of those dogs, if they wouldn't have taken them away from that man it could have possibly happened again. The same situation could have happened or next time it could have been worse,” said Alisa Latimer.

Woods could face felony criminal charges for failing to maintain control of the dogs.

Tried to embed video below. Link is below if not visible.
by Penny
I have known all of Mr. wood's dogs since they were puppies and have been around them many times. I have never seen them be aggressive or attack anyone. Mimi is the sweetest dog anyone could ever know. If she did attack anyone it is because they did something to her. I do not nor will I ever believe these things anyone says about Mimi. These people who are trying to target a sweet gentle natured dog should be ashamed of themselves.
by Penny
Mr. Woods is disabled he has 2 scars about 6 inches in length on each side of his spinal cord and has to take medications on a daily basis and how do you know he doesn't have his can behind ll those people. you can't see that. Your an Idiot. Get your facts straight before you slander someone.
by Honesty
Steven Woods is a liar. He lied about being a soldier in the war. He lied about being injured in the war. He perjured himself in court. He lied to his lawyer Randy Turner. He lied to the public. He committed a crime by lying about being a soldier in the war. You can't believe anything he says because he's a known liar.

Mimi had a long history of being aggressive. The courts ruled twice that she was an "aggressive dog." There were many witnesses. Woods was written up many times for his aggressive dogs. How can you possibly say Mimi was sweet? She wasn't sweet 100% of the time.
by Me
In Randy's website he states he was named a "Super Lawyer," "Top Attorney" and "AV Preeminent." He forgets to disclaim that these are paid awards. Anyone can nominate anyone. I bet I could nominate my dog. I would bet that everyone nominated is awarded just like "Who's who." These websites charge a fee to have a profile. Randy paid $600 to be listed in "Super Lawyer." It's just marketing, advertising. The other accreditations are the same. Here is the "Super Lawyer" website and Martindale Hubble After he received these "awards," he had the nerve to send it to the media as if it were a real award.

He also says that he's "Certified" and "Board Certified." Again, these are paid certifications almost like a diploma mill. You have to pay to join. They look at your resume. Some give you a little test to make it seem "real." I bet everyone who applies receives the accreditation. Again, just paid marketing, advertising. Why did he start doing this marketing in 2009? Because that is when he left Russell and Turner and wasn't making as much money. Notice, his name was second.

As far as him being on various Bar Association and other legal committees, that doesn't mean much. A working attorney wouldn't have the time for that. They are not desirable positions and they don't pay.
by Kelly Bozeman
Do you really think the order of the Lawyers name in a firm is based on experience or success. "Notice, his name was second". Really? That was pretty funny.
by ethical
randall turner, randall e. turner, randy e. turner

randy turner fort worth attorney is unethical
by Advisor
Turner & McKenzie are spending at least $400 every six month for their website. Their website is lacking in security, has many errors, doesn't load properly with current browsers and looks like shit on a Blackberry. It's worth $200 one time price max.

It looks like Randy Turner also ordered the $250 headshot package. The photo makes him look like the creepy old uncle you're never allowed to be alone with in a room. The eight year old's bowl hair cut and overly dyed hair aren't helping the look. All he needs is a skinny mustache and he'd probably be found on the registered offenders list.
by AnimalAdvocate (mmmaryinla [at]
Amanda Lollar is a total liar. She posts complete bs online. She is no f***ing better than that piece of sh*t attorney that represents her. She is out to destroy a person that is well respected in Los Angeles because she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to bats or any other wildlife. I know. I know the truth about Mary Cummins and how Amanda is out to destroy her and her organization because Mary is sticking up for the truth and for what is right. The truth will come out. The truth will expose what a f***ing lying whore Amanda is. Wait and see.
by Capt Thomas
It appears the cowards of the world hide behind multiple URL's and multiple alias to sling their defamatory remarks and tell untruths about decent people like Randy Turner and Amanda Lollar. It is interesting really to see how small these people are. No life, no love, no good will and who gets hurt? The animals they proclaim to protect when all they do is cause pain and suffering. Some of these cowards even advertise that they enjoy causing havoc on the Internet. How sad. I truly mean how sad. What happened to them in their lives to cause them to be so demonic, so possessed, so full of hate? If they really, truly believed what they were saying, they would not have to hide behind alias. If our country were filled with these individuals, we would have no freedoms. It is because of decent people like Randy Turner, Ft. Worth Attorney of Turner & McKenzie that there is any decency at all; that animals can rest peacefully knowing there are people like he and Amanda Lollar who will do anything to protect them and their rights.
by mmary
She is an animal abuser and is cruel. She can't even afford to feed her dogs or her bats. She is a hoarder and is mentally unstable. She uses illegal drugs and gives them to other rehabilitators. Her family and friends have all dumped her. Her attorney does not know who she really is. He is being conned. She will lose this lawsuit. Don't believe the youtube videos because they are all onesided. The truth can be found at
by Honesty
Your claim people are cowards because they are hiding behind anonymous names yet you are doing the same thing.

p.s. If you want to help Turner, do not post "Randy Turner Fort Worth Attorney at Turner & McKenzie." That will cause search engines to show this page when they search for him. Turner does not want them to see this page listing his many mistakes.
by Dallas Observer
"In Fight Over Fees, Judge Chides Exoneree Steven Phillips and the Lawyer He Fired.

Did high-powered, Lubbock personal injury attorney Kevin Glasheen do diddly-squat for the wrongfully imprisoned Steven Phillips, aside from filling out a one-page form with the State Comptroller? Or is Phillips an ungrateful client who stiffed his attorney on a $2 million legal bill, filed for $4 million in compensation through the state himself, then took the money and ran?"

Judge ruling.

"What is clear is this," Molberg begins in his colorful order below. "When one whittles through the often emotional bark to reach the hardwood of facts and law that actually underpin the outcomes of the parties' motions, neither side is so seriously blameless or blameworthy as portrayed. With apologies to F. Scott Fitzgerald, this court is not affected by the colossal vitality by either of these Gatsby's illusions. To suggest, as Phillips does, that Glasheen was inconsequential in Phillips' now-more-than $2 million recovery and his anticipated recovery of $2 million more is imaginative, to say the least.

"Almost literally, Glasheen pulled Phillips' ox out of the ditch, and Phillips' lethean indulgence of the facts is unpersuasive. On the other hand, to argue, as Glasheen does, that Phillips has no basis for his positions here is equally unpersuasive."

The question, Molberg continues, comes down to this: Did Phillips fire Glasheen with good cause. No trial has been set, but that will be for a jury to decide.
by Office of Tom McKenzie
Randy Turner is no longer with the law offices of Turner & McKenzie. He is now with the offices of Bailey & Galyen. Please, do not contact our office about Randy Turner. He no longer works here.
This is what REALLY happens at Bat World Sanctuary. Caution, it's a graphic video of Amanda Lollar illegally performing surgery on a bat with no pain relief. She tries to do an episiotomy but ends up yanking out the bat's vagina and uterus. That is what "prolapse" means. Baby and mom died.
by OpenCarry
Sounds like a typical day at the office for lawyers and judges.
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