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Liberty Mutual Exposed-Workers Comp Fraud By Insurance Company & Conspirators In Riverside

by Liberty Mutual Exposed
Workers comp carrier Liberty Mutual is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up their worker comp fraud against Riverside Winco injured worker Deanna Carroll. Carroll was injured at work and the company illegally fired her and then Liberty Mutual engaged in a criminal conspiracy to limit their liability. This has happened to other injured workers at Liberty Mutual insurance company and the California District Attorney's refuse to prosecute these crooks. Contact CEO Edmund F. Kelly and ask him if he knows about this criminal workers comp fraud at his company.
Liberty Mutual Exposed-Workers Comp Fraud By Insurance Company And Conspirators In Riverside Against Winco Injured Worker Deanna Carroll

I was injured at work by a coworker at Winco Foods in Victorville, Ca. The co worker was being rushed by management while pulling an electric pallet jack load that he was not certified to use. Over the intercom management was yelling “hurry up you have 5 minutes to get your work done” etc. (Serious & willful misconduct). Once I was injured the store manager Dareck Shannon began to harrass me along with with having coworkers harass me. Dareck then assaulted me while on light duty, (Discrimination) This resulted in a neck inury that Liberty Mutual accepted in my claim. (serious and willful misconduct). I reported this assault to the president of Winco Holdings Inc. Rich Charrier. After that, I was then wronfully terminated as a result of retaliation and discrimination. My DWC1 form was altered which constitutes fraud and misrepresentation. The eemployers report was left undated and my position was written to reflect another position (Premium fraud) The entire form has false information on it. The accident analysis report is fraudulent. Harrassment, assault and fraud began at the employer… in which Liberty Mutual the Insurance company has continued the fraud maliciously. They have involved my prior attorneys along with doctors, judges, and other professionals in an effort to deny me of the benefits I am entitled to. Their is now over 160 issues of fraud. I bet your saying how can that be possible? I have proof supporting this in over 1500 evidentiary documents.Fraud has been committed on numerous occasions against me by Lindsay Bostrom of Liberty Mutual Insurance company. I attempted to put her supervisor Julie Horton on notice in which she ignored my letter. I then put Julie Hortons supervisor Michael Myers on notice, in which I put his supervisor Carolyn Turpin on Notice at the same time. Michael Myers wrote me a letter acknowledging he received my letter and promised to give me a response although he stated he tried to call in which he requested a phone number be provided. I wrote back and gave an update on contact information… but advised all correspondance needs to be done through mail. This is when I received a letter from their attorney not to contact claims anymore. I then wrote the law offices of Halas Muhar Orange defense attorney Debra Martin confronting her about the fraudulent statements sent to the QME doctor on behalf of Liberty Mutual by her. I then received a notice regarding a substitution of attorney. My case was transferred to the Law offices of Patrick Mc Donough to defense attorney Nina Munoz. This is when their defense attorney started committing fraud on top of all the other fraud that Liberty Mutuals Case manager had already done. Long story short upon Settlement offer Liberty Mutual along with their defense attorney Nina Munoz tried to rip me off when they offered $49,480.00 to settle in which that same day they filed a petition to sanction me for attorney fees of $24,500.00. I declined their offer of $49,480.00 in which The defense attorney began to act out in rage with the help of a CHP officer acting with malice and out of his line of duty. I had to get a restraining order against the defense attorney in which I later dropped it due to me writing the Attorney Generals office requesting an investigation in which I asked a criminal and civil suit be brought against Nina Munoz personally along with her Employer, Liberty Mutual and all of the other parties they have involved with their fraud and criminal activity. I wrote their attorney Kevin McCurdy a letter back after he tried to make me cease and desist from telling the courts about all the fraud. More details coming soon

Is Liberty Mutual CEO Edmund F. (Ted) Kelly Covering Up Criminal Workers Comp Fraud?
2005 compensation $27 million
Edmund F. (Ted) Kelly

Chairman of the Board
Liberty Mutual Agency Corp
Boston , MA
Sector: FINANCIAL / Property & Casualty Insurance

Independent Director , Bank of New York Mellon
New York , NY
Sector: FINANCIAL / Asset Management

Director , EMC Corporation
Hopkinton , MA
Sector: TECHNOLOGY / Data Storage Devices

65 Years Old
Edmund F. Kelly is the Chairman of our board of directors. He has been a member of our board of directors since May 2010. He is the Chairman of the board of directors and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Mutual and certain of its affiliates, a role he has held since 2001. From 2000 to July 2010, he was also President of Liberty Mutual and certain of its affiliates. He has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (?LMIC?) and Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company (?LMFIC?), both of which are subsidiaries of Liberty Mutual, since 2000. He has been Chairman of Employers Insurance Company of Wausau (?EICOW?), also a subsidiary of Liberty Mutual, since 1999 and a director of EICOW since 1998. He has served as a director of EMC Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation since 2007. Mr. Kelly has over 35 years of experience in the property and casualty insurance industry. In his current position as Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Mutual, Mr. Kelly possesses significant management, financial, strategic planning and operational experience. In addition, Mr. Kelly is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Further, Mr. Kelly?s service on other public company boards affords him additional valuable insights and experiences.
Forbes Rankings
Bank of New York Mellon - 575th on the Forbes Global 2000 in 2010
EMC - 284th on the Forbes Global 2000 in 2010
Bank of New York Mellon Forbes 400 Best Big Companies in 2009
EMC - 307th on the Forbes Global 2000 in 2009
Bank of New York Mellon - 173rd on the Forbes Global 2000 in 2009
See All Rankings >
Director Compensation (Bank of New York Mellon) for 2008
Fees earned or paid in cash $103,500.00
Stock awards $102,087.00
Option awards (in $) $0.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $205,587.00
Director Compensation (Bank of New York Mellon) for 2007
Fees earned or paid in cash $45,900.00
Stock awards $42,956.00
Option awards (in $) $0.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $88,856.00
Director Compensation (EMC Corporation) for 2010
Fees earned or paid in cash $64,750.00
Stock awards $196,300.00
Option awards (in $) $64,247.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $325,297.00
Director Compensation (EMC Corporation) for 2009
Fees earned or paid in cash $77,575.00
Stock awards $127,800.00
Option awards (in $) $42,430.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $247,805.00
Director Compensation (EMC Corporation) for 2008
Fees earned or paid in cash $50,000.00
Stock awards $106,291.00
Option awards (in $) $34,392.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $190,683.00
Director Compensation (EMC Corporation) for 2007
Fees earned or paid in cash $28,500.00
Stock awards $0.00
Option awards (in $) $0.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $0.00
Change in pension value and nondisqualified compensation earnings $0.00
All other compensation $0.00
Total Compensation $28,500.00
Kings Gambit
Dorothy Pomerantz, 10.22.08, 06:00 PM EDT
Forbes Magazine dated November 10, 2008
Is Liberty Mutual's new marketing deal with NBC insidious or ingenious?

Actors Christopher Egan and Allison Miller in the upcoming TV movie debut of Kings.

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Is Liberty Mutual's new marketing deal with NBC insidious or ingenious?
When the hourlong weekly dramaKings debuts as a TV movie on NBC this February it will feel like a refreshing change from the overcommercialization of prime time. No brands or labels appear in it. Nor will Kings' characters slip in plugs for the show's main sponsor, insurance giant Liberty Mutual.

Then comes the twist.

Article Controls

The seeming absence of commercialization is an illusion. The truth: The plot of the show and the marketing message of its sponsor were developed in concert and will, ever so subtly, weave together. Unlike the usual heavy-handed product placements, the connection between Kings and its sponsor is intended to be hard to see. The show and the ads will both make a habit of celebrating personal responsibility, says Liberty Mutual marketing chief Stephen G. Sullivan, though unless viewers pay attention, they are likely to miss the thematic similarities.

Sullivan figures viewers will welcome this novel blending of the creative and commercial worlds as a not-too-jarring way to connect a sponsor's message with a show. At the same time, he expects the subtle moral message will come through clearly enough to change viewers' behavior, persuading them to buy more auto and homeowners policies. "We want to get the message across without being preachy," Sullivan says.

For Liberty Mutual, a 96-year-old Boston firm with revenue of $26 billion, the unusual deal is at the center of a much larger bet. The $5 million Kings sponsorship is part of a $90 million marketing campaign based on the same high-minded theme of personal responsibility that has appeared in ads from ad agency Hill Holliday in Boston for two years. (By contrast, Geico's competing $600 million campaign stars a smooth-talking gecko.) There are 13 episodes of Kings, the series, on order. To date, the insurance company doesn't know how much ad time it will buy on those episodes, which will probably be seen by 8 million viewers, at least to start.

The focus on responsibility first bubbled up in early 2006, when Liberty Mutual's ad department decided to launch a small campaign centered on one of the insurer's corporate mantras: "We will celebrate our customers' responsibility and relentlessly prove our own."

The first ad appeared in June 2006. It showed people performing small acts of kindness for strangers and that good feeling being passed along. Liberty received 3,500 e-mails and letters from people who were moved by the ad and inspired to tell their own tales of responsibility.

Comment On This Story
Liberty Mutual Chief Edmund F. Kelly liked the results so much he ordered the marketing department to find ways to expand the concept. "Come up with a big idea and we'll spend money on it," he told Sullivan.

§Life Is Good For Liberty Mutual CEO Edmund F. Kelly
by Liberty Mutual Exposed
Liberty Mutual CEO Edmund F. Kelly who made $27 million in 2005 is living the good life while injured workers are being denied healthcare benefit and compensation. He is on the left.
by SR
Disclaimer: I'm not an attorney, and this does not constitute legal advice.

You probably should take down your blog because there are some pretty wild, unsubstantiated accusations you're throwing out there. You're essentially helping the defense attorneys with their case against you, and this blog may be enough to convince your WCAB judge to dismiss your case.

You should have accepted their settlement offer; which was very reasonable. The more you dig in your heels, the more the insurance company will do the same; they'll find former doctors of yours to testify that your injuries could be preexisting, etc. These are billion dollar companies you are up against with more resources than you could imagine. I applaud your efforts to try to uncover bad businessmen, but this story is really about your employer lying, and their insurance company taking the employer's word over yours; that does not constitute fraud on behalf of the insurance company. There's nothing criminal about an insurance company attempting to limit their liability; the laws regulating that industry are extremely pro-business, and what they're doing is common, standard practice, not a criminal conspiracy.
I don't like big companies throwing their weight around irresponsibly either, but this really does not sound like workers comp fraud on the part of the insurance carrier at all. this is pretty much what they do to make sure if somebody isn't pulling a fraud on them - which unfortunately does happen a little too often. I would think, if anything, you should get an attorney who can help explain all this stuff to you. The good ones cost exactly the same as the bad ones - somewhere around 15 percent of your settlement. the only difference between the good ones and bad ones is that with the good ones you can usually get information by word of mouth and referrals from friends saying they are good. The bad one spend millions of dollars on advertising and run the shop like a mill (but even a mill shop sometimes can do a decent job). I would say that's a heck of a lot smarter to go get competent legal counsel, then post something on the internet, because you run the risk of defamation suit if you end up saying something untrue. All the same, I cannot help but take some perverse pleasure in seeing something bad said about one of these hulking giant insurance companies - showing how annoying they are, and how about employer might be able to manipulate stuff against the working stiff who got hurt on the job. just part of my evil nature I guess.
by Shut the hell up and wait for fireworks
You probably are a part of the scammers and cheats. This article has nothing to do with what you are stating. She has every right to make as many blogs as she wants. I have counted 15 so far and your opinion does not change the fact that this really does happen. You cant convince someone to take there blog down cause the judges will dismiss her claim. The judges have to answer for their part if they choose to step in the fraud. THE ETHICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE WILL DISCIPLINE ALL. IF ANY ONE NEEDS TO FILE A COMPLAINT AGAINST THE WORKERS COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD THEN YOU NEED TO DO SO WITH THE CALIFORNIA VICTIM COMPENSATION AND GOVERNMENT CLAIMS BOARD. They can also be sued in the supreme court. So there you have it in a nutshell. I commend you for telling the story miss carroll. this happens and people need to see. Continue to expose them. I am sending you kudos. Get on your job and get them all!!!!
All I'm saying is I have the proof and depositions. Ready to go media. Liberty mutual is also named in a federal case with the EEOC. They canceled corrective surgeries (proven), denied proper procedures for doctors to treat (proven), Medically, emotionally and financially harass me. As well as the corporation I worked for doing the same. Wrongfully terminated me in writing directly for the injury also. I can go on and on like corporation putting me in the cold and dark threatening others not to let me in or they would be fired. This happening waiting to see surgeons. Also slander upon me claiming I was faking. Impossible to fake. Not reporting others injured with even the same exact injuries. 4 of them. It gets more and more and I can prove the conspiracy of cover ups. So much so I can prove it all to the public through media. Although many national media news organizations are affiliated with Liberty Mutual. By both the corporation Wastequip and Liberty Mutual harassing me and doing these criminal things to me it is now a conspiracy also. Premeditated (purposely to do further harm). I won't stand down and they know this. They even had a counter suit upon me to the state. They dropped it without prejudice. I replied "Because you, they can't win." The attorney "nodded his head in agreement." They made a small offer I will not take. Even at maximum allowed by law it is not enough. Why? because they will do it again and again to others. It needs to stop and injured parties and families restitution substantially for them to learn and change their inner policies. Responsible? Yes they are for harming many. Some have even died from either denying medical procedures or a combo of several things including harassment on the jobs and wrongful terminations. They do to make injured suffer and commit suicide. Yes it has happened to many. I believe a technic they use so they can walk away from it all. In fact they are playing games with my checks as a form of extortion for me to settle. Tomorrow I am contacting my federal investigator and the director.
by Jim Conace (jco1971136 [at]
I am in a similar situation and I need your help. I want to fight the people that are abusing me but I don't know how. Please Advise

by SMak
Deanna Carroll thank you for this blog. Your story is exactly what I'm going through. Unfortunantly I've been exposed to carbon monoxide long term and my lawyers has left me for self representation. I have Dr that are trying to help me but representing myself can be difficult. With two ex Lawyers I realize they make more money if I take a low settlement. Work Comp lawyers make most of their money from Insurance. 5 years and I can't do anything with all this evidence of fraud Not even industrial Relations audit unit won't investigate it but they will agree with QME Adjit S Arora who was suspended during his evaluation with me. 30years of working in debt with no home...where is the justice!!
by Debbie
My father went through the same thing he had a settlement granted to him and the lawyers gipped him off 45,000.00 dollars from his award that the judge settled. And not a proper signature of there lawyers to even figure out why they took out his settlement that was granted for the rest of his life after going under two major surgeries that left one of his shoulders permantley frozen.Liberty mutual are scam artists. Who deserve to close down doors.I believe if every ones stories made to the bar associates with all of this there would be a turn of events...
by jl
Winco foods fires long term employees to save money. Labor is a "controllable cost" and they do not care about loyal employees, only their bottom line. When the wage cap got lowered in Washington state to match Walmarts pay scale I watched as all the employees who were grandfathered in to the higher pay scale magically lose their job. People that worked for the company ten even twenty years were let go because all of a sudden they were no longer following Winco policy, which is considered gross misconduct and subject to termination. These people were bullied not to stand up for themselves, stripped of their jobs and their dignity. It was terrible to watch. It has been 11 years and I refuse to shop there.
by Christina Bertagna
Go to this website it may be helpful
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These insurance carrier's, employers and their attorneys are in control. Our elect seems to either not care about injured workers or they are bought and paid for. Applicant attorneys seem to work together with defense attorneys just to get a little something for themselves. The system is corrupt. Injured workers are maimed by the insurance carriers network of medical providers or they are delayed or denied medical treatment. Some injured workers suffer heinous crimes due to these criminals.
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