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Obama’s failure to end Israeli settlement

by Ted Rudow III, MA (Tedr77 [at]
Obama’s failure to end Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians seek statehood, has done much to quash the hope many Arabs had in him two years ago.
"An eye for an eye" has always been the motto of those who live under the Mosaic Law--injury for injury, injustice for injustice, death for death.
Such is the situation in the Mideast today, where the Palestinians suffer at the hands of the Israelis. Though neither side is blameless and some on both sides have shed innocent blood.
I just love to see U.S. hypocrisy exposed! I'm afraid the poor Palestinians are going to have to suffer a while longer, along with many other refugees around the world. But blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. And blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.

A confused U.S. reaction to Arab revolts where it has appeared to be irrelevant, and its challenge now in nudging them toward conclusions compatible with U.S. foreign policy goals. Analysts suggested U.S. aid will have strings attached on foreign policy. And they not have peace.

Ted Rudow III, MA
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