Did Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) cheat you out of your wages?
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Tagg Ryan Manager Web Development |
Pierre Joseph Owner Con man |
Abdul Muhaimin Owner Con man |
Samiyya Muhaimi Owner Con woman |
Ryan McTaggart Manager Web Development |
Tagg Ryan, Ryan McTaggart and Pierre Joseph at Paradise Vibe Marketing seem to have found a way to cut labor costs down by 99 percent when it comes to designing their web pages.
The technique is pretty simple. Run free ads on Craigs list, on the ASU employment site and at junior college campuses across the Phoenix metro area looking for computer programmers and web masters.
Then you hire anybody and everybody that replies to the ads. Let them work for two weeks and then screw them out of their wages.
If you have been screwed by the folks at PVM Studios, PVM Radio and Paradise Vibe Marketing please leave a message here telling you how they screwed you.
Private messages will be passed along to the Tempe Police, Mesa Police, Arizona Attorney General, FBI and IRS.
And any public messages will be displayed at this web site so the world will know how the folks at Paradise Vibe Marketing screwed you.
PVM Studios is located in Mesa, just north of Broadway and just east of Alma School. Their address is
325 S WestwoodTagg Ryan who also uses the name Ryan McTaggart lives in the offices. We are not sure about all the alias Tag Ryan, Tagg Ryan and Ryan McTaggart uses.
Mesa Arizona, 85210800-518-8312
If you have been screwed by PVM Studios, PVM Radio, or Paradise Vibe Marketing please click on this URL and tell us how the folks at PVM Marketing screwed you.
sbdsbd.100webspace.net/pvm_mod.phpArizona Corporation Commission records on PVM Marketing
PVM Studios
These are the records at the Arizona Corporation Commission for Paradise Vibe Marketing which also does business as PVM Studios, PVM TV and PVM radio.
Arizona Corporation Commission
03/16/2011 State of Arizona Public Access System 10:24 PM
Corporate Inquiry
File Number: L-1549341-1
Domestic Address 2024 S BALDWIN #138
MESA, AZ 85209
Statutory Agent Information Agent Name: PIERRE P JOSEPH
Agent Mailing/Physical Address:
2024 S BALDWIN #138Agent Status: APPOINTED 08/31/2009
MESA, AZ 85209
Agent Last Updated: 09/03/2009
Additional Corporate Information Corporation
Business Type:
Incorporation Date: 08/31/2009
Corporate Life Period: PERPETUAL
Domicile: ARIZONA County: MARICOPA
Approval Date: 09/03/2009
Original Publish Date:
Manager/Member Information
MESA,AZ 85209
Date of Taking Office: 08/31/2009
Last Updated: 09/03/2009
Links to people who have been screwed by PVM Marketing
Been screwed out of your wages by Paradise Vibe Marketing? Lots of other people have.
Check out these other links
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315_comment.php#79444
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79302_comment.php#79307
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79302_comment.php#79310
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315.php
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/links_to_screwed_by_pvm.html
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/craigslist_help_wanted_ad.html
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/pvm_incorporated.html
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/emails_me_and_pvmstudios.html
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79302.php
- http://ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/asu_ad_for_programmers.html
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/who_we_are.html
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315.php
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315.php
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315.php
- http://sbdsbd.100webspace.net/pvm_mod.php
- ayrone.tripod.com/_pvmstudios/index.html
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79302_comment.php#79443
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/79315_comment.php#79444
- la.indymedia.org/news/2011/05/245747_comment.php#245759
- la.indymedia.org/news/2011/05/245764.php
- arizona.indymedia.org/news/2011/05/79555.php
Are the Phoenix Suns part of this criminal enterprise? Are the Arizona Cardinals part of this flim flam operation? Are the Phoenix Coyotes part of this con game?
We don't really know?
Tagg Ryan, Ryan McTaggart or whatever name he is currently using likes to brag that the Phoenix Suns, Arizona Cardinal and Phoenix Coyotes are working in a partnership with PVM Marketing which will make it's employees millions of dollars.
We suspect his is mostly BS.
More photos of the folks at PVM Studios
![]() Tagg Ryan - Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) |
![]() Pierre Joseph - Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) |
![]() Abdul Muhaimin - Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) |
![]() Ryan McTaggart - Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) |
![]() Samiyya Muhaimi - Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) |
Get Involved
If you'd like to help with maintaining or developing the website, contact us.
Publish your stories and upcoming events on Indybay.
At one point last year PVM came into contact with an individual named Mike DiRossi. Mr. DiRossi was contracted to develop web specific material for PVM during an agreed amount of time. Most disappointingly, the work was not completed within the arranged time-frame. Mr. DiRossi demanded full payment, without completion of work anyway. Mr DiRossi was paid an equitable amount for the incomplete work and was asked to not take further employment with Paradise Vibe Marketing LLC. In unjustified anger, Mr. DiRossi has spread vicious rumors and lies about PVM and attacked the entire staffs’ motives and characters. Slanderous comments and demeaning photos have been placed on various websites, including this article on INDYBAY.ORG abusing former staff and disgusting comments have been made in an effort to shatter the integrity the studio.
As an employee of PVM and it's subsidiaries, I have never had a problem with my paycheck and I have enjoyed working with everyone here.
Negnu Network does not have a functioning website but that has not stopped them from hiring employees on a "contract" basis. Negnu Network brings on all employees on two week trials and pays them little over $300 a week for highly skilled positions. Negnu writes in the contract that if you do "unsatisfactory work" that the employee forfeits payment. Most people hired on a two week trial are not kept past that period. The company has not paid a significant portion of the people they hire on a two week period. Pierre P. Joseph also hand writes checks and you have to beg him on payday to be paid. The owner is unprofessional, smokes pot in the office and while driving, does no work, uses the company as a way of luring women and models to the office, and clearly knows nothing about labor laws or the IRS.
Negnu Network does not deduct taxes from any employees check and does not require that the employees fill out a W-4 or W-9. Pierre P. Joseph apparently doesn't know the difference between an independent contractor and employee. Everyone that works there must report to the office, signin and out, use their computers etc. The company treats everyone as an employee, which means Negnu is not paying state or federal payroll taxes, is not contributing to the employees social security and is generally guilty of tax evasion.
Beware of being lured in by this company. Not only will you not get paid but the owner (when he doesn't do pot) will scream at you and make it seem like you are the reason for the business not being successful.
Negnu also has no real clients. The company was founded when Pierre P. Joseph cashed in his Intel stock. The owner funds the business and has been unable to generate real revenue. The money that is earned is cash and under the table, which means Negnu is also not paying their regular taxes.
Legal Department
De Lairessestraat 180
1075 HM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Mail: legal [at] PVM.com
Also the crooks at PVM Studios have switch to using a new name which is
their web site is at:
The also appear to have moved from Mesa to Tempe, Arizona and their
new address is:
Emma Greguska
Negnu Network, LLC
1520 W. Mineral Road, Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85283
Office: 480-361-4962
Cell: 480-789-3812
PVM Studios
1520 W. Mineral Road, Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85283
Office: 480-361-4962
Cell: 480-789-3812
PVM Marketing
1520 W. Mineral Road, Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85283
Office: 480-361-4962
Cell: 480-789-3812
Paradise Vibe Marketing Studios
1520 W. Mineral Road, Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85283
Office: 480-361-4962
Cell: 480-789-3812
Mia Lott
Negnu Network, LLC
1520 W. Mineral Road, Suite 4
Tempe, Arizona 85283
Office: 480-361-4962
Cell: 480-789-3812
Not included in this expose are the following facts:
- I observed drug use on site by Tagg Ryan.
- I observed sexual activity on site between both Samiyya / Abdul and Samiyya / Pierre.
- I was not paid for services rendered either. The reason in my case was that the client changed the job specs after delivery was made and then disputed the original job specs.