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KPFA Morning Mix host Adrienne Lauby fined $4500 for money laundering in Cotati election

by edible
California's Fair Political Practices Commission has fined KPFA’s Morning Mix host Adrienne Lauby $4500 for her role in a money-laundering scheme in a Cotati election.

How can KPFA have any journalistic credibility when it hand-picks and appoints people like this to its drive time program?
by Anne Garrison
OK-Engelhardt-tards where are now? Actually working, maybe?
by Rijio
Fomer KPFA general manager Lemlem Rijio, the darling of Save KPFA folks, on laundered $375,000 (by hiding a check in a drawer for a year and a half) and cost KPFA $126,000 in lost revenue between October 2008 and March 2010 - when she was thankfully encouraged to resign.

No KPFA news story on that money laundering episode - even though it involves 1,666 times the amount of funds.

So interesting.

by As CL/Savers Well Know
Spare Me.

UPSO dissolved: Newsroom? Nothing. Nadra Foster's beat down and in house arrest: Newsroom? Silent. Nora Barrows Friedman-w/Seniority, laid off by LEMLEM who then insulted her all the way out OF the door: Newsroom? Silent. Staff lay offs and voluntary leaves of absence to lessen the overhead:News? Silence.
(Not even goodbye parties.) Lay offs in the Insider Clique?

Union! Union! Power to the Elitist Insider Clique I mean er- the disenfranchisement of the "worker"! Pickets follow protests and ongoing Aileen Thee Ever Ready with "news" reports-

by Smells like-
Come meet Aimee Allison, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Aileen Alfandary and other invited special guests on Saturday, February 12 at 10am at the North Berkeley Senior Center (MLK Jr Way @ Hearst). Join us to show your support for KPFA’s workers and get the latest news, along with coffee and pastries.

Since the KPFA Morning Show was removed from the air, listeners have generously pledged over $60,000 to rehire the hosts via SaveKPFA’s PLEDGE TO RESTORE THE MORNING SHOW.

Read: They want to buy these brats a job. I don't think SO.

their Pacifica’s management has so far rejected that offer, just as it previously rejected the Sustainable Budget drafted by KPFA staff and backed by the local board and management. That budget cut Pacifica’s bureaucracy rather than damage vital programming.

READ: Because their budget is unsustainable-HEllO isn't this the same Treasurer who sat on his hands while the KPFA went up in financial flames? So-NOW he has a budget? They nearly bankrupted us-Enough already-to reinstate the insane would be Insane-Rnot .

Pacifica’s executive director Arlene Engelhardt rejected the $60K in pledges on January 20. Ever since, a group of listeners, including the chair of KPFA’s local board, Margy Wilkinson, has been trying to meet with Engelhardt to urge her to reconsider. On Friday, a 7-member listener delegation arrived at Pacifica’s offices for what they believed was a pre-scheduled meeting with the executive director about the pledges. They were told by Pacifica CFO LaVarn Williams that even though Engelhardt was in the office, she would not meet.

Williams then repeatedly yelled at the listener group to leave Pacifica’s offices.
( Not that I believe this for a second-nevertheless -Smart Move.)

“Pacifica is ignoring the voices of the vast majority of its listeners,” said Wilkinson.

(GOOD and we Will stay the course and continue to ignore the hell out of your ass CL/SAVE and these would be personalities and power mongers.)

PS maybe 25-30 people-tops, showed up. The same ones Brian and Sasha used to ridicule as "the same old white people". Glad to see us now aren'tcha Brian? Smell that? It is Elitists' desperation.
by WoW
California Watch,

It is not as simple as that. First, the article you linked to was about politicians not political operatives like Ms. Lauby. Second, it says in the article "Of those violations, the vast majority – about four out of every five – were resolved with so-called "warning letters," which are generally perceived as a slap on the wrist". Ms. Lauby was fined $4500, certainly more than a slap on the wrist, makes me think that there was more here than a one incident mentioned in the news report but that was all they could fine her for.
As I said before, I have just started following this stuff, but every time I look at something the Englehardt group appears to be ethically challenged. From the way she came in and cleaned house, to the SLAPP suits flying around, to the refusal of her supporters to even show up for a meeting, they have some credibility problems.

by Smells like-
Come meet Aimee Allison, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Aileen Alfandary and other invited special guests on Saturday, February 12 at 10am at the North Berkeley Senior Center (MLK Jr Way @ Hearst). Join us to show your support for KPFA’s workers and get the latest news, along with coffee and pastries.

Since the KPFA Morning Show was removed from the air, listeners have generously pledged over $60,000 to rehire the hosts via SaveKPFA’s PLEDGE TO RESTORE THE MORNING SHOW.

Read: They want to buy these brats a job. I don't think SO.

their Pacifica’s management has so far rejected that offer, just as it previously rejected the Sustainable Budget drafted by KPFA staff and backed by the local board and management. That budget cut Pacifica’s bureaucracy rather than damage vital programming.

READ: Because their budget is unsustainable-HEllO isn't this the same Treasurer who sat on his hands while the KPFA went up in financial flames? So-NOW he has a budget? They nearly bankrupted us-Enough already-to reinstate the insane would be Insane-Rnot .

Pacifica’s executive director Arlene Engelhardt rejected the $60K in pledges on January 20. Ever since, a group of listeners, including the chair of KPFA’s local board, Margy Wilkinson, has been trying to meet with Engelhardt to urge her to reconsider. On Friday, a 7-member listener delegation arrived at Pacifica’s offices for what they believed was a pre-scheduled meeting with the executive director about the pledges. They were told by Pacifica CFO LaVarn Williams that even though Engelhardt was in the office, she would not meet.

Williams then repeatedly yelled at the listener group to leave Pacifica’s offices.
( Not that I believe this for a second-nevertheless -Smart Move.)

“Pacifica is ignoring the voices of the vast majority of its listeners,” said Wilkinson.

(GOOD and we Will stay the course and continue to ignore the hell out of your ass CL/SAVE and these would be personalities and power mongers.)

PS maybe 25-30 people-tops, showed up. The same ones Brian and Sasha used to ridicule as "the same old white people" came through. Glad to see us old folks now, aren'tcha Brian? Smell that? It is the scent of Elitists' Desperation.
by Don't Get Distracted
As Larry Bensky said on Saturday: "We think our days of controlling the airwaves are numbered".

And they are.

by Joke of a News Dept
But apparently it wasn't newsworthy enough when it actually happened.
Jobs program or information service? One really has to wonder sometimes.
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
She admits she did it. She payed her fine. It happened several years ago. She has been working unpaid at KPFA for many years. There is no news.

On the other hand Dan Siegel refuses to resign the KPFA Local Station Board while he is a appointed city official in Oakland, in violation of the Pacifica by-laws. That's ongoing and is news. But you won't hear that on the KPFA news, because the news director is part of the insiders clique that runs the board and the house business union.
by WoW
From what I am reading, her fine just came down. So this is a legitimate news story.

As far as I know Dan Siegel has not been found guilty of anything. He is not an Oakland official. He is an unpaid advisor to the Mayor. So why would this be on the news.

She admits she did it. She payed her fine. It happened several years ago. She has been working unpaid at KPFA for many years. There is no news.

On the other hand Dan Siegel refuses to resign the KPFA Local Station Board while he is a appointed city official in Oakland, in violation of the Pacifica by-laws. That's ongoing and is news. But you won't hear that on the KPFA news, because the news director is part of the insiders clique that runs the board and the house business union.

She admits she did it. She payed her fine. It happened several years ago. She has been working unpaid at KPFA for many years. There is no news.

On the other hand Dan Siegel refuses to resign the KPFA Local Station Board while he is a appointed city official in Oakland, in violation of the Pacifica by-laws. That's ongoing and is news. But you won't hear that on the KPFA news, because the news director is part of the insiders clique that runs the board and the house business union.
by Does WOW Stand for Mentally-Challenged?
You present a link that is over 90 days old from a regional newspaper to justify 15 minutes of statewide news coverage on the radio last week?

Don't make me laugh too hard.

Dan Siegel is off KPFA's board because he's serving a political role in the Oakland mayoral administration and those who are filling political roles (i.e. not appointed through the civil service and therefore immune to political pressure) are not permitted to serve concurrently on Pacifica's boards.

A real good idea for a journalism outlet.

Or it would be if Siegel didn't feel the need to be a personal exception to all rules.

by WoW is right
It is current news. Lauby's appeal was heard by the California Fair Political Practices Commission on Jan 28. The documents are linked to this agenda...

by grandpa
why is no one dealing with the key question: journalistic credibility? why would any radio station put such a person, convicted of major money laundering, in a key role where she'll be doing political interviews, often on bay area election matters? astonishing!
by Kidding Around
You really haven't been around much, have you?

There are about 10,000 FPPC violations committed in California every year due to the massive size and complexity of the campaign reporting laws and protocols.

If you admit the error and pay the fine, then that's that.

The mayor of Oakland just got her car booted for failure to pay past due parking tickets which is actually a personal contribution to the municipal deficit of the city she was just elected to lead.

Are you planning to impeach her?
by grandpa
yeah, right all those "complex" laws. you'll excuse someone who actually committed an illegal act, while attacking people whose opinions you don't like as "criminal." wow, that makes sense.

look, she took money that wasn't hers, and wrote a check to hide it, in a highly contested election campaign. that shows quite a bit of intent, that's why the commission slapped her w/the biggest fine they could. and that's why it's newsworthy too, in addition to the ethical questions vis a vis KPFA.
by The Ethics of Brian Edwards-Tiekert
Associate Professor Rachele Kanigel is onto something in her comments about Media & Ethics. But why stop there.

It is time for John Han and the KPFA New Department to broadcast a story for its Listeners examining the Ethics of Brian Edwards-Tiekert to hire the Dhillon Smith lawfirm which represented the Bush-Cheney 2004 Election-busting campaign to bring a lawsuit against Pacifica Foundation for disciplining and disqualifying him for his own on-air campaign violations, which is clearly against the foundation's policies as per the bylaws.

In addition to being co-chair of Lawyers for Bush/Cheney 2004, Harmeet Dhillon is a former Heritage Foundation "journalist" and was a Republican challenger to Tom Ammiano.

(BTW, does Tom really know about Harmeet Dhillon's connection to the Plaintiff in the letter he signed to Save the old Morning Show?
by elliot
Sure, cover that too. You are referring of course to the case in which Pacifica tried to remove voters ballots, in violation of california law, and in which a judge has issued an injunction (against Pacifica). Details here:

Today, December 15, Alameda Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch issued a preliminary injunction requiring Pacifica to seat KPFA DJ Lewis Sawyer as staff representative on KPFA’s Local Station Board. Lewis had initially been declared a winner in the recently-concluded election, but then Pacifica retroactively disqualified three staff members’ votes to change the outcome of the election. The suit alleges Pacifica threw out the votes of Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Mitch Jeserich, and an unknown third person after it already knew how they’d voted. (Pacifica chose which voters to eliminate because each ballot is printed with a barcode that identifies the voter — there is no secret ballot in board elections.)

Judge Roesch has a progressive track record on the bench, issuing decisions that made headlines for blocking Governor Arnold Schwazenegger’s unilateral furloughs of state employees, and blocking bank evictions of tenants across the state of California. He chastised Pacifica’s attorneys for their slow response to requests to settle this issue without litigation, stating that Pacifica’s delay seemed “inexcusable.” To issue the injunction, he found that the lawsuit has a substantial likelihood of success on its merits. [UPDATE: Pacifica conceded, and by court order, Lewis Sawyer will be seated on the local station board. KPFA's workers' attorney was Peter Smith, a Democrat who works in a bipartisan law firm that specializes in elections law.]
by with Bush-Cheney 2004 Lawyers
Just be sure that New Department's next story on Brian Edwards Tiekert's lawsuit against Pacifica includes the quote from the Judge (in the court transcripts) pointing out that because something was posted on the web, specifically meaning 'SaveKPFA' and 'kpfaworker', doesn't make it true;

Oh yes: also be sure to remind us, what was one of the things Brian saying when he was desperately falling short an order of fries of a happy meal, when violating the campaign rules, about a "Misdirected Email?"
(also reprinted on kpfa(paid)worker)-?

And then quote the the Judge pointing out how that was Inadmissible.

Or, Not! : The KPFA News Department can do just like they did with the outcome of the February 8th, Berkeley City Council meeting, pull and include only those select quotes that solely support the SaveKPFA position, rather than the full story.

Media Bias by KPFA News Department-? Naaahh, can't be.....

by in the records

The CL/SaveKPFA folks like to throw mud, but records show that some of them are not without violations. For example, a hearing of the California State Bar on Nov 17, 2005 found that Sherry Gendelman:

"wilfully violated rule 3-110(A) of the Rules of Professional Conduct by repeatedly failing to perform legal services with competence …" and

"wilfully violated role 5-200(B) of the Rules of Professional Conduct by seeking to mislead a judge or judicial officer in presenting a matter to a tribunal …"

"On June 5, 2003, respondent [Sherry Gendelman] falsely stated to [her client] that unless she signed the MSA, she would be required to pay her husband’s attorney fees plus thousands of dollars in sanctions and that she would lose her house. Respondent also falsely stated to [her client] that the MSA was fluid and not final. Because of these false statements, [her client] was induced to sign the MSA, which respondent knew was not in her client’s best interest."

case number 04-O-II401-JMR

by Dan McMullan
On top of her money laundering. Adrienne Lauby came to my Arnieville protest and ripped me off for years of my work by changing contact numbers to her own and taking Arnieville donations and squirreling them away so she and her good buddy Jean Stewart can use money that is needed to continue actions like Arnieville to start another Non-profit of their own. Get over yourself Adrienne Lauby. KPFA needs to find someone else to represent the disabled community.
by Marvel
Adrienne Lauby admits to her actions however her admission carries no wait when it

My point here is she laundered money fully aware of it.

Not only was Adrienne Lauby involved in this issue of money laundering Shelley Berman who often reports on KPFA Pushing Limits was also fined for laundering funds.

I highly question KPFAs credibility when it comes to allowing journalist such as these
to host programs.

by Marvel
How can KPFA have any journalistic credibility?

I don't know about many here but I have come to questions this very same thing.
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