From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

March on the CPUC to Stop Smart Meters!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
Judi Shils
Location Details:
505 Van Ness Avenue (across from City Hall)
San Francisco

We will march on the CPUC Building:
July 20th at Noon
505 Van Ness Avenue (across from City Hall)
San Francisco

We need a strong turn-out with BIG BOLD signs to let the
CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) know:
We mean business! We will NOT allow Smart Meters
that pulse microwave RF radiation into our homes.
City officials have told us protest is the most effective
way to stop Smart Meters. A protest is not a protest
without people. We need you, your family, friends and neighbors to come to this protest. Thousands of research articles show that RF radiation has major biological effects on living tissue: DNA breaks, cell stress, free radical production, fatigue,
reduction in melatonin secretion, sleep disturbances, extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, chest pain, heart rhythm disorders, heart attacks, strokes, nausea, vomiting, constant thirst, migraine headaches, learning, concentration
and behavioral disorders, ADD, memory loss, premature aging, anxiety, severe depression, collapse (“burnout”) of endocrine and nervous systems, serious leakage of the blood-brain barrier, brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s), epilepsy, acoustic neuromas (hearing nerve tumors), leukemia, brain tumors, brain cancers. Stand up! Protest for the living and for coming generations!
Tuesday, July 20th at Noon
505 Van Ness Avenue [across from City Hall]
San Francisco
Citizens and cities all across the USA, in California, Maryland,
New York, Texas are stepping forward to JUST SAY NO:
1. Sebastopol and Camp Meeker CA say NO to Smart Meters, 2/17/10.
2. Cotati CA says NO to Smart Meters, 3/30/10.
3. New York citizens: adverse health effects from Smart Meters, 3/30/10.
4. Third Texas lawmaker calls for Moratorium on Smart Meters, 4/19/10.
5. City of Piedmont CA says NO to Smart Meters, 5/11/10.
6. Oakland neighborhood declares Smart Meters free zone, 5/19/10.
7. San Francisco City and County call for Moratorium on Smart Meters,
8. Maryland Public Service Commission says NO to Smart Meters, 6/21/10.
9. Santa Cruz County joins with San Francisco City and County calling for
Moratorium, 6/24/10.
10. Mountain View citizens refuse to pay Smart Meter bills, 6/29/10.
11. Berkeley joins San Francisco City and County call for Moratorium, 7/6/10.
12. Scotts Valley Neighbors Against Smart Meters Protest, 7/7/10.
13. Fairfax Town Council members unanimously say NO to any installation of
Smart Meters in their community, 7/7/10.
14. Santa Cruz City joins with San Francisco City and County and Santa Cruz
County calling for Moratorium. 7/13/10.
15. Marin Association of Realtors calls for “immediate” moratorium on Smart
Meters, 7/14/2010.
Let's keep building the momentum.
Let's bring out the press and let everyone know that
PG&E must and will be stopped. Please join us.
Spread the word! Carpool! Stand up for your rights!
• PROPOSITION 16 (PG&E attempted a power grab, but the People
defeated it in June 2010!)
• PG&E Executive Bonus Scandal, 2004: $84.5 million paid to 17 execs
as PG&E emerged from bankruptcy.
• PG&E bankruptcy, April 2001. The State of California bailed out the utility, to
the tune of $16 Billion, worsening the state budget situation.
• ENRON SCANDAL (PG&E paid Enron $355 Million!)
• ERIN BROCKOVICH & HINKLEY legal case of 1993
• DIABLO CANYON Nuclear Power Plant
When is the last time PG&E did something SMART????
Added to the calendar on Fri, Jul 16, 2010 12:53PM
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Anita Baldwin
Tue, Jul 20, 2010 1:34PM
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$85.00 donated
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