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Over a thousand blocking gates at Oakland docks

by via e-mail
Over a thousand blocking gates at Oakland docks
300 people at blocking both entrances to the docks where the Zim ship is to be unloaded.

Israeli Ship NOW Being Picketted @ Oakland Docks;

Live Webcam Updates Sun Jun 20, 2010 at 07:07:32 AM PDT

This could be history; a first in the United States; joining actions in many countries.

Just left the Oakland Docks where 300 people are blocking the entrances to two gates into the berth where the Israeli Zim cargo ship is to be unloaded. The action started this morning at 5:30am PST. The longshore workers are scheduled to start their shift at 7:00 and 8:00 am this morning.

When the workers find the way blocked with a labor-community picket they will meet and vote as to whether to cross that picket line. As I left the West Oakland BART station people were continuning to slowly stream in and shuttles were taking people to the picket line. BART will start operating at 8 am.

A live webcast is planned; if it is available it will be seen hereIsraeli Zim Ship Lines Protest Live Video Stream

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This could be history; a first in the United States; joining actions in many countries.

Just left the Oakland Docks where 300 people are blocking the entrances to two gates into the berth where the Israeli Zim cargo ship is to be unloaded. The action started this morning at 5:30am PST. The longshore workers are scheduled to start their shift at 7:00 and 8:00 am this morning.

When the workers find the way blocked with a labor-community picket they will meet and vote as to whether to cross that picket line. As I left the West Oakland BART station people were continuning to slowly stream in and shuttles were taking people to the picket line. BART will start operating at 8 am.

A live webcast is planned; if it is available it will be seen here Israeli Zim Ship Lines Protest Live Video Stream
§1 Hour delayed broadcast on now!
by brightpathvideo

Picket of Israeli ZIM Lines Ship
From the docks....picket action now
§photo of morning picket
by dave id (real time via cell phone)
Via e-mail

Continuing Picket Of Israeli Ship In The Port Of Oakland

Port of Oakland Pier 57

This morning was the first half of a victory. 1,000 picketers from around the SF Bay. The first shift for unloading the Israeli ZIM Line ship was cancelled. That is historic, but only if we finish the job by being there again at 4:30 this afternoon and staying until at least 8:00 p.m.

Some of the people who were there this morning will not come this afternoon, which makes it all that much more important for those of you who were not there to come this afternoon. It would be better to have 2,000 people. Unlike this morning, the BART trains will be running. You can come to the West Oakland station early, and there will be cars to drive you. There will be media this afternoon. It is better for them to see a large crowd at each of the gates to the berth.

THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BE PRESENT AT THIS HISTORIC EVENT. You will talk about it for the rest of your life. We are the first to stop the unloading of an Israeli ship in the U.S., but we will not be the last. See you there!
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there may be more as the day goes on but those numbers don't match what I saw.
by Dewayne
The same article says 1,000, 500 and 300. Talk about not credible.
Nothing in the mainstream media.
Many additional people are planning on coming down to the dock at 2, when the ship is expected in.
Any news regarding counterprotesters or police presence?
by $
We have waited 62 years for this event, labor picketing an Israeli ship. Steve Zeltzer's excellent live coverage on cited above and linked to the below website,
shows that not only did the Alameda Central Labor Council make history by endorsing this action but also lots of labor union members joined the picketline, including San Francisco City College professors, clerical workers at the University of California, letter carriers, various construction trades and many more. We also heard interviews in Turkish and a few words from various people in Arabic and Spanish. In the past, at most, we could have hoped for 50 people and no labor endorsement. To hear that anywhere from 300 to 1000 turned out at 5 a.m. on the remote Oakland docks (no public transportation at that hour and no parking allowed) in the bitter cold is very encouraging. Now that Israel has killed 15 people, returning 9 bodies to Turkey and according to eyewitness accounts, throwing overboard 6 bodies who are missing and now presumed dead on a humanitarian aid ship, people in this country finally woke up, although Israel has been massacring and torturing Palestinians and stealing Palestinian land for 62 years with our tax dollars. American workers are also feeling the cutbacks in education and social services while Israel gets $6 billion ANNUALLY from US taxpayers to help the USA make war on the people of the world to steal their resouces, especially oil. Thank you one and all. History is with us; we shall win!
by anon
Wish I could've been there with you in person but I was with you in spirit!
by anon
There was two people with 3 flags across the street: 2 Israeli & 1 American. That was the counter-protest of the afternoon rally.

Of course, the media all interviewed them (to be fair and balanced?). Most major local news networks were there, as was a Spanish language channel, and a couple others.

I wasn't there in the morning, but I'd estimate the crowd-size at around 300+ and that's lowballing.

by Steve Ongerth (intexile [at]
Report from Peter Turner:

No longshoremen were dispatched for the afternoon shift, and no incidents happened. At the closing rally about 7PM Dick Becker of ANSWER, someone whose name I forget who is the Palestinian honcho at ANSWER, Clarence Thomas of Local 10 and Mike something who communicates with unions abroad spoke about how the picket was broadcast live to Palestinians on the West Bank and in Gaza, and they sent expressions of solidarity. Also, South African, Norwegian, Swedish, and other national longshore workers have promised to refuse to work Israeli cargo. It's good to know we were first. A great success for what we all fight for - the industrial working class proving that an injury to one is an injury to all. Kudos to the ILWU, where the members of Local 10 (not just the executive board) unanimously agreed to sacrifice a shift of pay for this cause.
by Road Dog
Hey guys, I didn't get to make it out to the demonstration but it looked very powerful. Out of curiosity, about how many of the dock workers actively joined the picket line?
by Rank and File ILWU
No ILWU #10 members picketed but not due to lack of sympathy . Approx. a week earlier Local !0 (Longshore ) passed a strong resolution condemming the attack on the Flottila , called for lifting the blockade of Gaza and praised the actions planned by the Swedish dockworkers .
But given the legal realities while some members of 10 expressed their strong support to picketers and one , Clarence Thomas spoke at the closing rally .none felt that they could actually join the picket .
Members of other ILWU locals (Warehouse, Inland Boatmen, Ships Clerks ) did actively particpate both in the mass picket and in the planning .
(Contrary to some reports it was a Multi-Union rank and file committee , The TransportWorkers Solidarity Committee that kicked off this effort . )
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