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Nazi Docs Dropped: Information on NSM North California Released

by Nazi Docs Dropped: Information on NSM North C

Mike O'Dell is the coordinator of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) North California unit based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Attached is detailed information on this chapter including names, addresses, phone numbers, and backgrounds of main organizers as well as internal communications and meeting notes related to the activities of this chapter. Mike will have a hard time explaining his betrayal to the other NSM members but this is what happens when you join a racist hate group.

¡No Pasarán! Nazis out! Bash the fash!
Nazi Docs Dropped: Information on NSM North California Released

Mike O'Dell is the coordinator of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) North California unit based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Attached is detailed information on this chapter including names, addresses, phone numbers, and backgrounds of main organizers as well as internal communications and meeting notes related to the activities of this chapter. Mike will have a hard time explaining his betrayal to the other NSM members but this is what happens when you join a racist hate group.

¡No Pasarán! Nazis out! Bash the fash!

STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601 San Francisco, CA 94164

Cellphone: 415-407-6112
Email: nsm.norcal [at]
Personal email: mickthemick [at]

Address: 1020 Hyde St. #1
San Francisco, CA 94109
(on Hyde Street between California St. & Pine. St)

* Organizes National Socialist Movement (NSM) meetings in San Francisco
* Organized the October 24 anti-immigrant protest in Riverside, CA
* Attended 2010 NSM national gathering in Los Angeles, CA

His other contacts:

Joseph DeMarinis (NSM North California)
209-481-3907 jpd2 [at]
737 Jordanolo Drive
Ripon CA
(Get off 99 at N. Jack Tome Road and then turn onto Colony Road)

Bill Payne (NSM North California)

Ron Bishop (NSM Oregon) 541-973-1488

Cynthia Keene (NSM Springfield) 417-425-3493

Jeff Hall (NSM California)
cali [at] nsmofs.california [at]

George Hiscock (NSM North California)
curiousgeorge6984 [at]

Ken Brandon Millicay
NSM MS Unit Leader, NSM Missippi

Lt. Steven Boswell (NSM Missouri)
nsm88_missouri [at]
P.O. BOX 6603

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock
date Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 11:29 PM
subject NSM NorCal 2010 Unit Meeting Schedule

hide details Feb 18


I hope you are doing well. This is the unit meeting schedule for 2010. Hope you can make it down.

January Saturday 16-Jan 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
February Saturday 20-Feb 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
March Saturday 20-Mar 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
April Saturday T.B.A. 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
May Saturday 15-May 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
June Saturday 19-Jun 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
July Saturday 17-Jul 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
August Saturday 21-Aug 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
September Saturday 18-Sep 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
October Saturday 16-Oct 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
November Saturday 20-Nov 12:00 p.m. San Francisco
December Saturday 18-Dec 12:00 p.m. San Francisco

STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to Jeff Hall
date Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 4:10 AM
subject Update

hide details Feb 3


Since you had company tonight I could not update you on my status. As mentioned, I will be at Nationals, and I could not be more excited! To wit, I sent a resume out last week Weds. for one of my job leads. Yesterday (Monday, 2/1) I got a reply indicating the position had been filled already. I had another opportunity to fall back on. An old friend from high school bought a tavern last fall and is planning on putting in a kitchen, fixing the place up and transitioning it from a dive bar to a respectable sports pub/restaurant. He was going to have me help him manage it after it opened but he has run into various snags with the transfer of the liquor license and also the permits from the city for the renovations he needs to do to the building and to establish a food service operation at that site. He wanted to open the place this spring/summer but now he does not know when he'll be in business and he may not have to funds to hire me, either. Long story short, I'm stuck out here for a while, but that means I can go to Nationals, and we can have unit meetings up here in March & April in addition to this month (April's will need to be worked around Nationals, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it). My dad said not to sweat it since he and my uncle haven't even begun looking for an assisted living residence for their mom/my grandma yet. I'll be in touch. Send me anything you want me to proof-read and edit. I'll be in touch.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock
date Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:19 AM
subject February meeting

hide details Feb 2


The February meeting will be held on Saturday, February 20 at Noon here at my place.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock ,
Joseph DeMarinis
date Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:31 AM
subject NSM NorCal 2010 Unit Meeting Schedule (First Quarter)

hide details Jan 12

NSM Northern California will continue to have its unit meetings every third Saturday of the calendar month. Moving forward, we are going to have them in San Francisco. HQ does not want us moving around every month. We can probably generate more interest if we are consistent in our locations and meeting times. Here is the unit meeting schedule for the next three months:

Saturday, January 16 at Noon
Saturday, February 20 at Noon
Saturday, March 20 at Noon

Please note that the schedule for the April meeting is up in the air right now because the third Saturday of that month coincides with Nationals. We can talk about the April meeting as the date gets closer. In the meantime, we are sticking with this schedule I have devised. I think the Noon start time is good. It's not too early and will allow everybody time to get home before dark.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock
date Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 12:07 AM
subject address

hide details Jan 9


I live at 1020 Hyde St. #1. My apartment building is on the block of Hyde Street between California St. & Pine. St. If you drive into the city, I suggest you take the 9th St./Civic Center exit after you cross the Bay Bridge. Drive up 9th St. and get in the Larkin St. lane as you approach Market St. 9th St. ends at Market, but if you stay in the middle lane you can get onto Larkin St. once you cross Market. Drive up Larkin to California St. and turn right. Go up 1 block to the next light. That will be Hyde St. There will be a big Cala grocery store on the right. You turn right onto Hyde St. and my place is about halfway up the block on the left. Let me know if you're coming into the City on BART. I will meet you at the Embarcadero Station. You can meet Bill at the Lafayette BART around 10:30 a.m., if you want. Parking is free at that station and a round trip BART ticket is $8.90.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock
date Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:59 AM
subject NSM NorCal December Meeting

hide details 12/8/09


We're going to have the meeting at Joseph's house again. He wants to host a Christmas party afterward. Meeting time will be Saturday, 19-December at 1:00 p.m. followed by (weather permitting) a BBQ in the backyard. Joseph's patio is covered with an awning so we should be able to cook outside even if it's raining. The meeting will be about an hour and then we'll have some food and hang out for a while after that. I hope you can make it. Joseph lives at 737 Jordanolo Drive in Ripon CA. You can Google map it for directions, but you want to get off 99 at N. Jack Tome Road and then turn onto Colony Road. You can call us for more specific directions as the time gets closer. Joseph's new number is 209-481-3907. Mine is still 415-407-6112.

p.s. Joseph asked me to remind you to still have one of his DVDs.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from NSM NorCal
to Jeff Hall
date Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:53 PM
subject storage space

hide details 11/11/09

Storage space does not look financially feasible for NSM NorCal at this time. Like just about everything else, storage space is more expensive around here. Almost everything that would be big enough (10' x 20' to 10' x 30') is $150.00 to $350.00 a month.

I'm going to concentrate on finding a spot for our November and December meetings.


from NSM NorCal
to jon.samson [at]
date Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:25 PM
subject NSM Meeting

hide details 11/10/09


Our next unit meeting is coming up and I am looking for a place in the Bay Area to have it. I'll email you the details if you think you might want to attend. It will be a low key affair where we can have some privacy, although it's always hard to find a quiet place that is convenient for everybody.

NSM has been protesting illegal immigration in Riverside, CA and in Phoenix, AZ these last few months. My apologies for not keeping in more regular contact but I have been in and out of town. Let me know if you'd still like to get together some time.

from NSM NorCal
to nathanflory [at]
date Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 2:20 AM
subject NSM California in the news

hide details 10/30/09


Here are some articles about the second anti-illegal immigration rally we did down in Riverside:

Hope you are well. Stay in touch.


from NSM NorCal
to Jeff Hall
date Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:01 AM
subject NSM NorCal Meeting Minutes for October

hide details 10/26/09


I will have an October monthly report by the end of the week. These minutes were prepared shortly after the meeting, but I have been forgetting to send them to you. I'll make a report out by week's end.

Don't let me forget that I still owe you a September report! That was kind of a bad month for the unit, although I was able to make it down for the first Riverside protest, and these things will be mentioned in the September report.


NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal) Unit Meeting Minutes for 17-October, 2009

(All times approximate PST)

3:00 St. Mike O’Dell Opens the Meeting and Welcomes Comrades & Guest

Meeting topics are outlined

3:05-3:10 Pvt. Joseph DeMarinis Speaks

Comrade Joseph discusses the ideology of “Diversity” and how it is destroying our cultural heritage

Comrade Joseph denounces the high crime rates that accompany uncheck immigration

3:10-3:15 Pvt. Bill Payne Speaks

Comrade Bill reads an article about black-on-White crime and how it is never called “hate crime”

Comrade Bill denounces the continual targeting of our people by black criminals

3:15-3:45 St. Mike O’Dell Leads Unit Meeting Discussion Topics

The unit makes initial plans to read Mein Kampf as a group

St. Mike O’Dell takes a poll to see who has read Mein Kampf and who owns a copy

St. Mike O’Dell encourages each unit member to acquire a copy of Mein Kampf by the November unit meeting (11/21/09)

St. Mike O’Dell stresses the importance of reinforcing our political and philosophical heritage through regular reading, studying and discussion of Mein Kampf

St. Mike and Probate George discuss the importance of Commander Rockwell’s books

St. Mike O’Dell describes the 26-September protest against illegal immigration in Riverside, California

St. Mike conducts a brief Q&A concerning the rally and counter demonstration

St. Mike O’Dell leads a discussion of the 24-October protest against illegal immigration in Riverside, California

St. Mike, Pvt. Joseph and Pvt. Bill finalize unit logistics for travel over the weekend of 23-25 October

St. Mike encourages everyone to attend the America First rally in Phoenix, 07-November

St. Mike invites unit guest to the America First rally and the 24-October protest in Riverside

3:45-4:00 General Group Discussion

Meeting attendees examine & discus the photographs taken by St. Mike at the 26-September Riverside, CA protest

Meeting attendees read the articles handed out by St. Mike about the 26-September Riverside, CA protest

St. Mike discusses the impact of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Legislation was universally supported by Jewish groups in the United States because the ideology of “Diversity” benefits Jews as a group

from NSM NorCal
to signalzerotechnologies [at]
date Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:45 AM
subject NSM Northern California

hide details 10/23/09


Thank you for contacting NSM California! Your email was forwarded to me by our state director. Our unit is relatively new. We formed up in March out of members who had been in the NSM for varying lengths of time. We have our unit meetings every third Saturday of the calendar month. Our next meeting will be Saturday, 21-November. We do not have the details planned yet. We're going to anti-illegal immigration protests in Riverside, CA this weekend (24-Oct.) and in Phoenix, AZ on 07-November. I may not have time to plan the next NSM NorCal unit meeting until after the November 7 protest, but I will be sure to save your email address so we can keep in touch with you. NSM NorCal goes out to Jamestown some times, so a trip over to Sonora to meet you guys wouldn't be a problem. If you know of a good place out your way where we can have our November meeting, please let me know. We have comrades and other interested parties scattered all over our region of California, so we usually take our meetings on the road. We'd love to come out and meet you and your friends. Contact me at this email address if you are interested in meeting with us next month in Sonora or Jamestown. Also, let me know if you want to come to any of our anti-illegal immigration protests. They are open to all patriots like yourself.


from NSM NorCal
to cali [at]
date Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:32 AM
subject America First Rally in AZ

hide details 10/17/09


I will be at the America First rally. I've had my plane tickets for a while and I just booked my hotel rooms. I'll be staying at the same place a lot of the other comrades will be staying. I can tell you that two of my guys, Joseph and George, are currently out of work due to layoffs. They will probably not be attending due to economic hardship. Similarly, Bill is forgoing the AZ event so he can go to the 24-Oct. Riverside demonstration. Bill has been working a lot lately to help out his family, which is growing since his son and daughter-in-law welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world in September! We'll discuss the AZ rally, and other topics, at our unit meeting tomorrow, 17-October. We hope you can join us! I will try to convince people to come to Arizona in November. In the meantime, you can count on me being there!


from NSM NorCal
to nathanflory [at]
date Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 7:58 PM
subject NorCal Meeting on Saturday, 17-October

hide details 10/10/09


I hope you are well. The next meeting of the NSM NorCal unit will be next Saturday, 17-October at a comrade's house in the Stockton area. I was not able to get us a conference room in Sacramento because I can't get out there to reserve the thing in person. The start time will be determined after I've received replies from people. I want to find out what time works best for everybody, but figure on it being some time that afternoon, probably around 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. It will probably last an hour or two. We'll be discussing the rally we had in Riverside on 26-September, the next Riverside rally on 24-October and the 07-November America First rally in Arizona. We hope to see you next weekend! Send me a reply and let me know if you'd like to come. If so, we'll provide you with more details as far as directions and start time.

from NSM NorCal
to George Hiscock
date Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 6:51 PM
subject directions to Ripon

hide details 10/10/09


Joseph lives at 737 Jordanolo Drive in a little town called Ripon, Calif. that's right off Hwy. 99. Driving straight down 99 would be your best bet. Here are the directions using Google:

1. 99 South to Ripon
2. take the Main St. exit in Ripon and turn Left onto Main St.
3. take Main St. a short distance to N. Manley road and turn Left
4. take N. Manley Rd. across Milgeo Ave. to Jordanolo Dr. and turn Left
5. take Jordanolo Dr. to the house at 737, which will be on your Right

Call us if you get lost or can't make it. My number is 415-407-6112. Joseph is at 209-815-8965. Bill can be reached at 510-520-2707. I'll be in touch with a meeting time.

See you there, comrade. 88!

from NSM NorCal
to "Lt. Steven Boswell"
date Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:42 PM
subject baby gifts

hide details 10/2/09

Steve, greetings from Northern California!

I received the gifts and the card today. The Mike O. who recently celebrated the birth of a new daughter is the Mike O. from the Inland Empire Unit. I am planning on going back to Riverside for the 24-October event. I will take your gift to Mike when I go, or otherwise I'll mail it down to Jeff so he can give to Mike.


from NSM NorCal
to Jeff Hall
date Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:30 PM
subject NSM Oregon

hide details 10/1/09


I just got off the phone with Ron Bishop of NSM Oregon. He says hello and wants you to call him some time. I've talked to him before, he's a great guy: 541-973-1488.

The reason he called me was to warn NSM California about a guy name Christian Coates. He used to be part of the Northern Oregon unit, but he got booted. This guy is bad news. Captain Wilson has permanently banned him from the NSM. He's going around claiming he's got friends in California and that he's going to get involved in the movement again. Nobody up here in NorCal knows him. I don't know if has any connections to Southern California, but he is not to be trusted. I will call you later about this and some other stuff.


from Jeff Hall
to NSM NorCal
date Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:33 PM
subject nsm

hide details 7/18/09


Here is another for you:
whytedvl [at]

He is not a member however is interested in attending a meeting.
Cpl Jeff Hall
California State Director
California Inland Empire Unit Leader

P.O.Box 51891
Riverside, CA 92517

from Jeff Hall
to NSM NorCal
date Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 7:22 PM
subject 88

hide details 7/18/09


Here are two new prospects for you. They are up north.

Nathan Flory:
nathanflory [at]

Michael Fox:
michaelfoxemail [at]

They are not members however they are interested in attending a meeting.

Cpl Jeff Hall
California State Director
California Inland Empire Unit Leader

P.O.Box 51891
Riverside, CA 92517

from VistaPrint
reply-to VistaPrint
to nsm.norcal [at]
date Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:44 AM
subject Your VistaPrint Order Is Confirmed

Make sure vistaprint [at] is in your address book

My Account My Account
Account # 9625-6807-4757
Your Special Offers Order Confirmation

Dear Mike,

Thank you for ordering from VistaPrint!

Please enjoy the very special enclosed offer and gift as our way of saying "thanks!"

Here are your order details:
Order Number: 03642-71611-6V2
Order Date: 4/20/2009
Delivery Option: Slow

You can expect to receive your order in 21 Days.

Item Name Quantity Price
064-001 Business Cards 250 FREE

Foil Document Option


Matte Finish

Subtotal: $ 0.00
Shipping & Processing: $ 5.45
Tax: $ 0.00
Total: $ 5.45

from ϟϟ SS Sgt. Jason Hiecke
to Commander Jeff Schoep ,
Major Rick Remer ,
"Region 2 ϟϟ SS Sgt. Jason H"
date Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:53 AM
subject Gun / military shows

hide details Apr 29 (13 days ago)

88 Commander , COS Major Remer , regional and state leadership

This email is being sent to all the regionals and state leadership , gun or military shows coming up , these are great locations to handout literature and recruit new members . I would like to hear that members are going to these events to get the word out and maybe pick up new members .Handout literature or the business cards . Check the list below and lets make sure we get people to them .

This is something that does take some time to learn.

If you can learn how to read people and focus on their concerns and bring up the NSM in a way that helps ease their concerns you will have more success on recruiting .

What I mean is this example below

I run into Joe Smoe and he brings up his concerns about how the illegals have taken over his town . I turn around and bring up our (NSM ) stance about the problem .
My mother is a member , kinda funny to think about it but listen to this , she carries around 25 literature handouts in her purse . She might be at our local store and may have several people in line before her . Of course the mud is counting change or doing that crap where I cant get that so put it back , you all know what I m speaking of . The guy in front of my mother gets that pissed of look on his face . What does she do ? As he goes to leave she says excuse me sir but I think you might be interested in this and hands him a handout .

If my mother in her 60s is doing this then every single one of us should be doing it !!
If you could please notify the regions of the following Military shows in there respective areas great locations for literature handouts, windshield drives etc.

West Michigan Military Show May 22 KOC Hall Grand Rapids

2010 Ohio Valley Military Society June 18-19 Roberts Centre Wilmington OH

Houston Collectibles Show May 22-23 Reliant Center

KC Military Show May 14-16 KCI Expo KC MO

Forls Delaware May 8-9 Allentown PA Agri Plex Fairgrounds

Meadowlands Military May 22 Union NJ Boys & Girls Club

ϟϟ SS Sgt. Jason Hiecke
NSM Region Two Coordinator
Office phone ( 609 ) 261 - 1714
Office Email nsmregion2 [at]
New Saxon Page
Contact to become active or make donations
Keep updated by checking in at http://WWW.NSM88.ORG
Support the NSM by getting gear and more at http://WWW.NSM88RECORDS.COM
Network with other like minded people at http://WWW.NEWSAXON.ORG

National Socialist Movement Region 2
The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: contact nsmregion2 [at]

from SS Sgt. Jason Hiecke
to Commander Jeff Schoep ,
Major Rick Remer ,
"Region 1 SS Lt. Schneider" ,
Region 10 James Ward ,
"Region 11 Master Sgt . Jeff Hall" ,
"Region 2 SS Sgt. Jason H" ,
"Region 3 Sgt. Mike Messer, Jr" ,
Region 4 Lt Brian Culpepper ,
"Region 5 Cpl. McCune Michele" ,
"Region 6 Lt. Cynthia Keene" ,
Region 7 Lt Jeffcoat ,
Region 8 Capt Wilson ,
Region 9 Sgt Major Borremans
date Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:31 PM
subject National May 5 th literature handout

hide details Apr 26

88 Commander , Major Remer and all regional and state leadership

Activism and communication is key in any struggle .
We must be a well oiled machine !
We need to communicate and all work together as much as we can

Attached is a flier for May 5th Celebration Report an Illegal Day

Provided by region 4

If you can not open it let me know I will try to send it to you another way .

At the bottom you can list the regions and states contact information / Write it in or stamp it , if you can open this file and make the changes then do it .

Forward to all your local leadership along with all members in your region .
All numbers handed out should be passed back up our chain of Command , and filed on your Monthly Regional Activity reports / Monthly unit activity reports

Their is no reason why any member should not be able to make 25 copies or more and hand them out .
They could be handed out person to person , left under windshield wipers , in books , in literature racks just make sure these get out .

Just the number of leadership this email is going out to , each of you doing 25 would be over 1500 figure in all of your members and it will be an incredible number to get out in one day !

Be safe and always hold your self and members to the highest standards , look into any laws in your area and always carry your rites for literature distributing from the NSM org site

SS Sgt. Jason Hiecke
NSM Region Two Coordinator
Office phone ( 609 ) 261 - 1714
Office Email nsmregion2 [at]
New Saxon Page
Contact to become active or make donations
Keep updated by checking in at http://WWW.NSM88.ORG
Support the NSM by getting gear and more at http://WWW.NSM88RECORDS.COM
Network with other like minded people at http://WWW.NEWSAXON.ORG

National Socialist Movement Region 2
The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: contact nsmregion2 [at]

from NSM NorCal
to Jeff Hall ,
Jeff Schoep
bcc NSM NorCal
date Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:17 PM
subject NSM Northern California Unit Meeting Notice for February, 2010

hide details Feb 20

Unit Location:

Northern California

Members in Attendance (name & rank):
STFC Mike O'Dell, Comrade Bill Payne

Unit Activism:
Education Supplement:

Literature Drives (Day or Night) & Attendees:


Number of Fliers:






Promotion Request (Name/Details):

New Recruits:


# of Recruits


Applications Mailed:


Overall Unit Performance:


Explanation of Rating:

Comrade Joseph DeMarinis voluntarily left NSM this month. Probate George Hiscock once again called at the last minute to say he would not be able to attend the monthly unit meeting. He has not attended a unit meeting or any other NSM event since October, 2009. Recent prospects and other invitees have canceled their attendance plans or failed to show up at all. Unit members have geographic and work schedule conflicts that make meetings difficult and activism near impossible.

Community Service:

STFC Mike O'Dell continues to write to six to eight inmates incarcerated in California as part of NSM NorCal's Prison Outreach efforts.





Unit Financial Report Completed:




Unit Leaders Signature:

STFC Mike O'Dell


20-February, 2010


February 20, 2010

12:00 p.m.

STFC Mike O'Dell Opens the Unit Meeting


Comrade Bill Payne reads an article about Joe Stack
1. Comrade Bill Payne frames Mr. Stacks violent action against a backdrop of frustration in American society with government


STFC Mike O'Dell and Comrade Bill Payne discuss the recent departure of Comrade Joseph DeMarinis
Logistics for 2010 Nationals replanned

12:30 p.m.

February 2010 NSM NorCal Unit meeting adjourned.

STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
P.O. Box 641601
San Francisco, CA 94164

from Eric Brown
to nsm.norcal [at]
date Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:05 PM
subject I guess you are back. Canceld your trip after Christian Militia went down by the feds or you testified against them?

hide details Apr 26

I met Bill too but Bill told me that Christian Militia went down when you were planning to head back and he thinks you are a fed or an informant paid by the feds! You changed your number early this year or late last year. I don't care if you are one but I am now starting to get suspicious of you since Joesph show me a video of you and the fact you acted strange when we met a couple of times as if you were agitated about something!

from Keith Fulton
to Keith Fulton
date Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:14 PM
subject You're Invited To Join Instauration

hide details Apr 26

After a hiatus of about six months, I am bringing back the Instauration group. This is a forum for the White Resistance Movement to discuss the most burning issue of the day, the only question we should be discussing--why there IS no Movement.

No holds barred, absolute freedom to discuss and to criticize the antics of our self-proclaimed "leaders" and their white trash followers, with the following necessary exceptions:

1) I will not knowingly allow any Dann Dobson alias onto the group, nor will I allow any Dann Dobson alias to post. When detected, Dobson aliases will be ejected from the group. Nor will I allow any mention or discussion of anything to do with Dann Dobson. He can go find somewhere else to gibber and babble about icky icky dicky sticky and how he's butt nekkid, aaaa-ooooo-ga, and the whole Dobson ouevre.

2) No Glenn Miller or pro-Glenn Miller posts. What Miller did is beyond the pale of any acceptable standard of human decency, and will not be tolerated. If you want to defend David Duke, you can, although I'm damned if I understand why anyone would WANT to. But Duke only took money; Miller betrayed human beings.

3) Bill White is banned. His cult followers are welcome in the hope they can be deprogrammed.

4) Willard is banned.

5) No OPEN homosexuals.

6) The group may not be used to plant rumors or to spread smears through repetition. If you level an allegation, and God knows "our" people can legitimately be accused of just about everything, then you must provide at least some kind of EVIDENCE. I don't even say "proof," because I've noticed White Nationalists usually won't accept actual proof when they see it because of their deep inner NEED to believe. But you must actually come up with something to BACK UP what you say about someone.

6) I will TRY an unmoderated group at first; anyone posting crazy crap or clearly working off a script or an agenda will be put on moderation.

Go to

from ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
to "Region 2 ϟϟ Sgt. Jason H"
date Sun, May 9, 2010 at 3:04 AM
subject Reports on National Report An Illegal Day

hide details May 9 (3 days ago)

88 To all

If anyone has other online story's , please send the link
I would like to finalize a report to see just how well this went

The NSM held a National Literature Handout on May 5 th 2010 " Report an Illegal Day "

The reporting of literature handouts Nation wide have been in the thousands along with about 75 signs and many other reports on the news and online adds .

Several units through out the United States distributed 500 each .

Links provided below along with the story

Nazi Party joins Arizona immigration battle

Last Update: 4:42 pm

Photo Courtesy: National Socialist Movement
PHOENIX – In an already heated debate, anti-immigration flyers are being handed out in Arizona calling on all true patriotic Americans to treat Cinco de Mayo as “Report an Illegal Day.”

When people started asking where the flyers were coming from and what group was behind “Report an Illegal Day,” the group responsible proudly stepped forward.

They call themselves, “the premier white civil right organization in the world.” They are the National Socialist Movement, better known as the Nazi Party. The group claims to be patriots and specifically states that they are only against non-white immigration. So naturally, when the group was accused of targeting Mexicans as opposed to other immigrants, the spokesman for the group, J.T. Ready was happy to agree. “We don’t celebrate Forth of July down in Mexico,” he said. “So we don’t expect Cinco de Mayo to be celebrated here.”

Residents feel threatened by the group’s message and its symbol: the swastika. “Absolutely I feel threatened by hate every single day,” said one man.

The Nazi Party uses what they call a “boots and suits mentality” in their campaigns. Some walk the streets and hand out fliers while others, like doctors and lawyers “educate” the public on matters they consider important.

For example, the group is strongly anti-abortion “except in cases of rape, incest, race-mixing, or mental retardation.” The group also calls for “legal warfare” against the press.

J.T. Ready says closing the borders is key to preserving the white race. “Let's face it,” he argues. “We're not being invaded by Swedish nuns here. We're on a border with a country that is a hostile country.”

The National Socialist Movement calls on all white Americans to “stand up and fight for family, race and nation.” They say that is exactly what they are doing in Arizona.

Someone wrote the body of the flyer on this listing.

This person reported an illegal wet back in his neck of the woods.

This person fired his gardener and house keeper!
TO: “Report An Illegal” Day!! May 5th - THANKS FOR THE GREAT IDEA! KEEP UP THE ENERGY!

This person loved the idea and gives info on how and who to contact in the IRS for companies and individuals hiring illegals.

ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
NSM Region Two Coordinator
Office phone ( 609 ) 261 - 1714
Office Email nsmregion2 [at]
New Saxon Page
Contact to become active or make donations
Keep updated by checking in at http://WWW.NSM88.ORG
Support the NSM by getting gear and more at http://WWW.NSM88RECORDS.COM
Network with other like minded people at http://WWW.NEWSAXON.ORG

National Socialist Movement Region 2
The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: contact nsmregion2 [at]

from ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
to "Region 2 ϟϟ Sgt. Jason H"
date Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:49 PM
subject NSM to Rally in Las Vegas June 5th

hide details May 5 (7 days ago)

NSM to Rally in Las Vegas


On June 5th, 2010 the NSM Nevada Unit is sponsoring a protest against illegal immigration, corrupt politicians, open border advocates, and Obamas proposed Amnesty and immigration reform. We will rally outside of the Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas located at 330 S. 4th Street. The rally begins at 1:00pm and ends at 2:00pm

We encourage all patriots to take a stand against the invasion of our nation alongside of the NSM Nevada Unit as they rally outside the Mexican Consulate for the second time. Our ancestors created the greatest nation on earth, and we will take a stand against any people or nation that threatens our borders and sovereignty.

ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
NSM Region Two Coordinator
Office phone ( 609 ) 261 - 1714
Office Email nsmregion2 [at]
New Saxon Page
Contact to become active or make donations
Keep updated by checking in at http://WWW.NSM88.ORG
Support the NSM by getting gear and more at http://WWW.NSM88RECORDS.COM
Network with other like minded people at http://WWW.NEWSAXON.ORG

National Socialist Movement Region 2
The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: contact nsmregion2 [at]

from ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
to Commander Jeff Schoep ,
Major Rick Remer ,
"Region 2 ϟϟ Sgt. Jason H" ,
Brian Holland
date Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:25 AM
subject Brian Holland

hide details May 4 (8 days ago)88

Please remember to support Brian Holland

Former 2008 Presidential candidate and current 2012 Presidential hopeful Brian Holland is heading to Tennessee this coming week. He is currently accepting appearance bookings for Friday and Saturday nights in the Pigeon Forge/Sevierville area. If anyone in Eastern TN is interested in having Brian speak at any gatherings, please contact him at brianholland [at] asap.

Also, Brian is headed to Florida the following week, and is available to speak Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Contact us at brianholland [at] for scheduling information.

ϟϟ Sgt. Jason Hiecke
NSM Region Two Coordinator
Office phone ( 609 ) 261 - 1714
Office Email nsmregion2 [at]
New Saxon Page
Contact to become active or make donations
Keep updated by checking in at http://WWW.NSM88.ORG
Support the NSM by getting gear and more at http://WWW.NSM88RECORDS.COM
Network with other like minded people at http://WWW.NEWSAXON.ORG

National Socialist Movement Region 2
The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. Furthermore, the NSM is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the NSM's views or opinions. Access to this email by anyone other than the intended addressee is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this mail in error, please destroy the copy in your possession and notify: contact nsmregion2 [at]

from James Padgett
to nsm.norcal [at]
date Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:20 AM

hide details May 4 (8 days ago)

I have checked out your website quite a few times but this is my first attemt to contact. I am sick of the way our county is headed and believe that something needs to be done. Is there a Sacramento chapter? if not i will travel to the bay, i was wondering how to join. do i sign up and thats it?
thanks in advance
James Padgett

from Krista McCary
to jeffrey hall ,
mike odell ,
Norman ,
butch ,
Beverly Carlin ,
jen dealy ,
John Mitchell ,
"Mr. Mom" ,
peter ,
date Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:56 PM
subject All the links about the LA rally I could find, videos at the end.

hide details Apr 19,0,236942.story

You Tube videos:

from NSM NorCal
to Shawn Merrick
bcc Prison Liaison - Cynthia Keene
date Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:33 PM
subject call Cynthia

hide details Apr 16


I sent you a New Saxon message but I also wanted to try your email. Cynthia is going to be in California the weekend of April 16-18 and she wants you to get a hold of her: 417-425-3493.

Be in touch.


STFC Mike O'Dell, Unit Leader
NSM Northern California (NSM NorCal)
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$280.00 donated
in the past month

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