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Vegans and Vegetarians "organic" animal based additives in your food.

by michael harris
Should natural fresh fruits and vegetables be apart of the California Health Code? If science based data speaks to better health outcomes with a diet reduced or no animal based additives should it be allowed as fertilizer upon fresh fruits and vegetables labeled "organic"?
Sacramento, CA ~ Black Agriculture in the 21st Century will focus on ensuring that every congressional district has one-stop knowledge shops for Black Agriculture producers to ensure job creation, career development and sustainable communities.

In California, the #1 agriculture state in the U.S., is named after a Black Women, Queen Califia.

Leading California elected officials will consider holding public hearings on the State of Black Agriculture while weighing expanding Public Health and Food Justice legislation to include scientific data that suggests fresh fruits and vegetables has a role in the Health Codes of the State of California, quantifying health savings with plant based nutrition.

Change has come with Health Reform, the hidden mark of the beast may find a place in official public policy.

California is in the best position to intensify a business approach at the local level, supported by State, Federal and International political efforts to expand opportunities for equity and equal opportunity, embracing healthy solutions through natural fresh fruits and vegetables without any animal based protein fertilizer, genetically modified additives or false, misleading labels, targeting children.

Nationwide "faith to farm" will work toward establishing regional food systems with leading Black "Faith Based" congregations who seek to reestablish their historic leadership role in the communities most impacted by chronic diet related disease. Yes, healthy church members.

"Faith to Farm" is the challenge and the essential remedy as we missed the established Pigford II deadline.

Many Black Farmers leaders "went to sleep" once the Black History Month announced settlement promised 2011 Budget resources for racism and lack of equity that occured between 1981 and 1997, some maintained a battle posture yet stayed at home for Pigford II conversations.

While a dedicated few celebrated Black Agriculture in the 21st Century in the Research Triangle Park of Raleigh, North Carolina during Black History Month, many more are poised for explosive growth and development, stepping out on faith, preparing for competition in the global marketplace.

In the Holy Bible there is a timely story about the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus asking for assistance from his friends, who then fall asleep.

Gethsemane, literally means "oil-pressed" in the Greek language, and is physical location on a slope of the Mount of Olives, not far from Jerusalem.

Jesus went to Gethsemane with his disciples to pray. He asked his friends for help the night before his crucifixion.

Several accounts of the story are found in many Holy Books and various versions of what happened is in most Bibles.

If you dust off your Holy Bible and read Matthew 26:36-56, Mark 14:32-52, Luke 22:40-53 and John 18:1-11, then decide for yourself what happened that momentous night and consider what is happening to Black Farmers today.

Not long ago Black Farmers celebrated a "Passover," after they came to Washington D.C. to meet with the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative leaders of the U.S. Government.

Many have acknowledged Black Farmers as a special class of farmers separated from the rest, and previous condition of servitude is not apart of this conversation.

Winter 2010 Black Farmers asked friends watch with them and pray not to fall into temptation, but the U.S. Congress fell asleep and some pointed fingers back to the Executive Branch to declare this action an emergency.

Many times over the centuries Black Farmers have had to wake government officials and remind them not fall into temptation. This was especially poignant as the Spring 2010 deadline is here and Congress is at home asleep.

Government officials did indeed fall into temptation and continue did deny Black Farmers this Easter Sunday.

Black Farmers embraced the "kiss" from battle worn leaders, high priests, and government leaders. Today's statement from the Obama Administration through United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack underscores our faith, here is his official statement:

"The Administration remains dedicated to the enactment of the Pigford settlement legislation and is committed to working with Congress to find an appropriate vehicle to provide funding. I have met with and talked to key stakeholders and members of Congress reiterating the Administration's ongoing efforts to close this chapter in the history of the department."

This deadline will passover Black Farmers today and Easter Sunday has all necessary elements from the Garden of Gethsemane story that should may embolden many Black "faith based" congregations to consider our "Faith to Farm Initiative" as we reestablish a USDA/Community Based Organization Partnership to require the spark of creation in fresh fruit and vegetables within our regional food systems throughout Black Agriculture, globally.

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak," according to scripture and primary source documentation.

Black Agriculture in the 21st Century will embrace the wisdom in the "Holy Books" and restablish collective and cooperative "Garden of Eden" in our communities.

Nationwide we seek youth and seasonded leaders who will help guide our efforts to reestablish, Agriculture as the Foundation of Black Culture, through "Faith to Farm."

Let all people who believe, join Black Agriculture in prayer and meditation in the garden this Easter Sunday.

Early morning Black Farmers will rise from the grave and spread the holy spirit through fresh fruits and vegetables, land conservation and energy production.

New, returning and existing Black Agriculture producers will embrace the "Faith to Farm Initiative" as the solution to job creation, career development and sustainable communities.

Watch a 5 minute Leidesdorff Highway ~ California Ag Day Video
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