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CWA-KPFA Collective Bargaining Agreement 2010-2013
Current Collective Bargaining Agreement between KPFA & CWA. Section 6-B "any acts that interfere with the Employer’s operations..." "may be made the subject of disciplinary action, including discharge." So, who actually removed the Morning Show before senior interviewers were set to replace BET -- his own actions? (He is still being paid until his contract ends in December, or until he bumps into another job class.)
And remember, Pacifica Executive Director Arlene Engelhardt has said many times, there WILL be a morning show (only with interviewers senior to Brian Edwards-Tiekert)
CWA-KPFA Collective Bargaining Agreement
April 30, 2010
SECTION 1 – RECOGNITION.......................................................................................4
SECTION 2 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.......................................................................4
SECTION 3 - UNION SECURITY..................................................................................4
SECTION 5 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................7
SECTION 6 - NON-DISCRIMINATION........................................................................8
SECTION 8 - DEFINITION OF TERMS AND HIRING ...............................................9
SECTION 9 - PROBATION..........................................................................................10
SECTION 10 - WORK WEEK ......................................................................................10
SECTION 11 - PAY RATE COMPUTATION .............................................................10
SECTION 12 - LAYOFF AND RECALL .....................................................................10
SECTION 13 - DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE .................................................................11
SECTION 14 - SENIORITY..........................................................................................11
SECTION 15 - RETIREMENT......................................................................................11
SECTION 16 - VACATIONS........................................................................................11
SECTION 17 - HOLIDAYS...........................................................................................12
SECTION 18 - COVERAGE OF DUTIES....................................................................12
SECTION 19 – WAGES ................................................................................................13
SECTION 20 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE ......................................................................13
SECTION 21 - MEDICAL PLAN .................................................................................13
SECTION 22 - SICK LEAVE........................................................................................14
SECTION 23 - DENTAL PLAN....................................................................................14
SECTION 24 - HEALTH AND SAFETY .....................................................................14
SECTION 25 – DISABILITY........................................................................................14
SECTION 27 - CHILDCARE ALLOWANCE..............................................................15
SECTION 28 - TRAINING/CONFERENCES ..............................................................15
SECTION 29 - AUTHORITY OF UNION REPRESENTATIVES..............................15
SECTION 30 - STEWARD AND OFFICER SENIORITY ..........................................16
SECTION 31 - SAVINGS PLANS................................................................................16
SECTION 32 - VOICE BUG .........................................................................................16
SECTION 33 - MODIFICATION AND TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................16
This Agreement is entered into as of April 30, 2010, between Pacifica Foundation, its
successors and assigns, (“Employer”) which owns and operates radio station KPFA-FM
and KPFB-FM in Berkeley, California, and the Communications Workers of America
(“Local” or “CWA”).
The Employer recognizes CWA as the sole exclusive bargaining agent for all paid
employees employed by Employer at it’s KPFA and KPFB facility in Berkeley,
California excluding all confidential employees, the Manager, Assistant
Manager/Development Director, Assistant to the Manager, Program Director, Operations
Manager, and Bookkeeper-Business Managers. Also excluded from this recognition are
all non-statutory Employees under the NLRA who are hired after August 1, 1997. Any
individuals employed at Pacifica’s KPFA-FM or KPFB-FM facility in Berkeley,
California, who are now or hereafter performing their work at said facility under another
collective bargaining agreement, shall not be covered by this Agreement.
A. It is understood and agreed that the Employer shall retain all of its customary and
usual rights, powers, functions and authority of management. Any of the rights,
powers, functions or authority which the Employer had prior to the signing of any
Collective Bargaining Agreement, including rights herein listed as examples, are
to be retained by the Employer except as any of these rights, powers, functions or
authorities are specifically abridged or modified by expressed written agreement
with the Union.
B. It is further agreed that the following examples of management rights shall not be
deemed to exclude other rights not herein listed. The management rights covered
herein include the right to hire, classify, assign, promote, demote, suspend, or
discharge employees; the right to locate or relocate work assignments; the right to
establish safety regulations, codes of ethics and conduct, employment policies,
shifts and rest periods, and changes due to technological advancements during the
life of this Agreement.
C. Any decision of management, which is not otherwise subject to requirements set
forth in this Agreement, shall be fully within the discretion of the Employer.
CWA agrees that Employer decisions concerning subjects which are not
precluded by expressed provisions in this Agreement shall not be the subject of
decisional or effects bargaining during the term of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the above, Employer shall engage in effects bargaining with the
Union with respect to a sale, swap of frequencies or shut down of KPFA.
A. Each employee who is a member of the Union or who is obligated to tender to the
Union amounts equal to periodic dues on the effective date of this Agreement, or
who later becomes a member, and all employees entering into the bargaining unit
on or after the effective date of this Agreement shall, as a condition of
employment, pay or tender to the Union amounts equal to the periodic dues
applicable to members for the period from such effective date or, in the case of
employees entering into the bargaining unit after the effective date, on or after the
thirtieth day after such entrance, whichever of these dates is later, until the
termination of this Contract. For purpose of this Section, “employee” shall mean
any person entering into the bargaining unit.
B. Each employee who is a member of the bargaining unit on or before the effective
date of this Agreement and who on the effective date of this Agreement was not
required as a condition of employment to pay or tender to the Union amounts
equal to the periodic dues applicable to members shall, as a condition of
employment, pay or tender to the Union amounts equal to the periodic dues
applicable to members for the period beginning thirty (30) days after the effective
date of this Agreement, until the termination of this Agreement.
C. The condition of employment specified above shall not apply during periods of
formal separation from the bargaining unit by any such employee but shall
reapply to such employee on the thirtieth day following the employee’s return to
the bargaining unit. The term “formal separation” includes transfers out of the
bargaining unit, removal from the payroll of the Employer and leaves of absence
of more than one month duration.
D. The Employer may inform employees and applicants for employment of their
rights and obligations under the provisions of this Section.
E. The Union agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless Employer for any
liabilities, and costs it may incur as a result of its having performed the Employers
obligations under this Article.
A. The Employer agrees to make deductions of proportionate amounts of monthly
Union membership dues or amounts equal to Union membership dues, hereinafter
referred to as "dues", assessments, authorized arrearages, and initiation fees from
the pay of an employee, upon receipt of a dues deduction authorization card,
signed by such employee, each payroll period, and to pay over to the Union the
amounts thus deducted no later than ten (10) days after the end of the preceding
month during which deductions were made. Dues deductions will begin as soon as
possible after receipt of the signed authorization card in accordance with the
Employer's normal payroll procedures. Samples of deduction authorization cards
are included in Appendix A of the Agreement.
B. If, for any reason, the Employer fails or is unable to make the authorized deduction
from pay in any payroll period, the Employer will deduct the accumulated
authorized deduction in an ensuing payroll period or periods the employee's pay is
sufficient. In case the accumulated amount exceeds the amount of authorized
deductions, the deductions shall be made in an ensuing payroll period or periods at
up to four (4) times the authorized amount until the accumulated amount is
C. When an employee is granted a leave of absence, any authorization for deduction
of dues shall be automatically suspended. Such suspended authorizations shall be
automatically resumed when an individual on leave is returned to the payroll.
D. When an employee who has authorized the Employer to deduct Union dues is
temporarily promoted or transferred to a non-bargained-for position for a period
of one (1) full week or more, the dues deduction authorization will continue in
effect until the temporary promotion or transfer exceeds four (4) full weeks. If
such temporary promotion or transfer exceeds this four (4) week period, any
authorization for the deduction of Union dues shall be automatically suspended.
Should the temporary promotion or transfer be terminated by return to a
bargained-for position dues deductions shall be automatically reinstated without
requiring a new authorization from the employee.
When an employee who has authorized the Employer to deduct Unions dues is
temporarily promoted to a higher classification within the bargaining unit and is
shown on payroll records as being on the higher classification, Union dues will be
based on the higher rate of pay for as long as the employee remains in the higher
E. The rate or amount of the dues deduction for all members, for any job title and
wage classification may be changed by the Union notifying the Employer in
writing of the dues change. Following notice from the Union, such change in dues
rate or amount will be deducted from future wage payments in accordance with the
Employer's regular payroll practice.
F. The employer and the Union shall meet for the purpose of determining what
information can reasonably, easily and without causing additional expense or other
than minimal expenditures, be provided by Employer to the Union for purposes of
implementing this section 4 and how such information shall be transmitted.
The information listed above will be taken from Employer records and will be sent
to the Union with the dues collected no later than ten (10) days after the end of the
preceding month during which deductions were made; however, the Union
recognizes that errors and delays may and will occur and, in using the information
furnished, assumes all risks associated therewith.
G. The Union agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless employer for any
liabilities and costs it may incur as a result of it’s having performed the employers
obligations under this article.
A. The Employer and the Union agree that timely interaction on issues can eliminate
the cause for most grievances. While Management retains the right and
responsibility to make decisions, which affect the stations operations, the parties
will endeavor to jointly evaluate and plan proposed actions that affect the
employees, the Union, and the Employer.
B. A grievance shall be defined as a complaint, dispute, controversy, difference or
grievance, including disputes as to whether a matter is a proper subject for the
grievance procedure, between the Union and the Employer and/or between
employees and the employer, which may arise involving the interpretation,
application or performance of the express terms of this agreement, employee
discipline, or involving other conditions of work. All grievances shall be settled,
determined, adjusted, and processed solely and exclusively in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this agreement.
C. A grievance shall be presented in writing to an employees or group of employees
immediate supervisor or the supervisor most directly responsible for the action
being grieved within 14 calendar days after the occurrence of the incident or event
giving rise to the grievance or within 14 calendar days after the employees(s)
should reasonably become aware of the facts or circumstances constituting the
grievance, whichever is later. The written grievance shall indicate the nature of the
grievance, the facts upon which it is based, the provisions of the agreement
allegedly violated and the remedy sought. The parties shall meet and discuss the
grievance within 14 calendar days after the presentation of the grievance and
management shall answer the grievance in writing within 14 calendar days after its
presentation or the date of the meeting, whichever occurs later.
D. If the matter is not resolved at the first step, within 14 calendar days of the
supervisor’s response, the Union shall present the grievance to the General
Manager in writing. The parties shall meet and discuss the grievance within 14
calendar days and attempt to resolve the grievance. The General Manager will
respond in writing within 14 calendar days of the meeting.
E. If the parties cannot adjust or dispose of any grievance as set forth above, either
party may, within 30 calendar days of the second step reply, invoke arbitration by
notice to the American Arbitration Association, with immediate copy to the other
party. Arbitrators shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties from panels
submitted by the American Arbitration Association.
F. The arbitrator shall interpret this agreement in connection with issues properly
presented to her/him for resolution consistent with the terms of this agreement and
such resolution shall be final and binding. The Arbitrator has no authority or
power to add to, take from, disregard, modify or alter any of the provisions of this
agreement. The Arbitrator shall be limited to make whole remedies and shall not
have the power to levy punitive damages.
G. The cost of arbitration, including the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator shall be
borne equally by the parties. Each party shall pay any fees, wages or expenses of
its own representatives and witnesses.
H. Unless parties agree in writing to extend the time periods herein, failure to meet
time limitations in this grievance/arbitration procedure shall constitute a waiver of
the grievance.
Neither Employer nor the Union shall engage in or tolerate discrimination with regard to
race, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, martial status, national origin,
a special disabled veteran, a disabled veteran, a veteran of the Vietnam era, union
activities or political beliefs or any other discrimination which violates federal or state
laws. Employer shall follow Affirmative Action policies and shall seek a broad and
diverse applicant pool when making new hires. It is KPFA’s and CWA’s commitment to
have and maintain compliance with Corporation for Public Broadcasting requirements for
a fully diverse work force at all levels of employment, to promote programs, which
support this policy and make decisions on employment and promotion to further the
principle of equal employment opportunity. Employer shall take reasonable steps to
maintain a working environment free of sexual harassment, racial discrimination and
physical threats by non-employees including vendors and contractors.
A. The Employer agrees that so long as this Agreement is in effect, there shall be no
B. The Union, it’s officers, agents, members and employees of the Employer covered
by this Agreement agree that so long as this Agreement is in effect, there shall be
no strikes, sit-downs, job actions, stoppage of work, slowdowns, retardation of
work procedures, boycott, sympathy strikes, corporate campaigns or any acts that
interfere with the Employer’s operations.
C. Any violation of the foregoing provisions may be made the subject of disciplinary
action, including discharge.
D. The Union shall, upon demand by the Employer, any employee who engages in
any conduct inconsistent with the above provisions to immediately cease such
E. No employee shall be assigned, transferred or required to go to any non-KPFA
radio station, transmitter, studio or property while a lawful strike sanctioned by
CWA is in progress, or to originate, duplicate, or transmit by any means, a
program or programs especially produced for a non-KPFA station where a lawful
strike sanctioned by CWA is in progress. At the Union’s request, the Employer
will consult with the Union regarding requiring an employee to broadcast or
process in any way any program or programs material produced at any facility
where a strike is in progress at that facility. The provisions of this section will be
enforceable only to the extent that they are compatible with existing law.
Employer will be given 72-hour notice of an impending strike. Employer will also
be notified and given 72-hour notice of application of strike sanction, prior to such
strike sanction becoming effective.
A. Definition of Terms:
1: “Employee” refers to Paid Staff only.
2: “Temporary Job” is one which lasts no more than 4 months. Temporary
employees shall not normally be used to fill regular jobs. Exceptions and
extensions must be approved by the Union. Requests for exceptions and
extensions will be made in a timely fashion.
3: “Interim Job” is one that lasts 4 months to no more than 1 year.
4: “Regular Job” has no end date and is from half time to full time.
5. “Regular-Part Time Job” has no end date and is from quarter time to
less than
half time.
6. “Occasional Job” is less than quarter time for an indefinite period.
7: “Contract work” is for a specific task and shall not replace a regular
station function. After completion of 4 months of contract work,
Employer will consult with the Union to determine whether a permanent
hire should take place.
8. The employer will not hire Security Services except for protection of
employees, volunteers, the public and property unless objected to by the
B. Hiring:
1: All regular jobs, which become available in the bargaining unit
shall be posted at the station for a minimum of thirty (30) days. Job
postings shall
be dated and include a description of the job, salary range and benefits.
2: The General Manager may constitute an Applicant Review Committee
within 30 days of the job posting which would include an affirmative
action component.
C. Transfers:
Management may transfer employees within a department from one
position to another. For purposes of this Agreement, Departments are:
Programming, Development, and Operations. Management shall make no
lateral transfers of employees from one department to another without the
consent of the person being transferred. If as a result of such transfer the
employee requests additional training in order to perform the requirements
of the new job, the Employer will provide, if necessary, such training as it
believes appropriate.
All new employees shall be on probation for the first 6 months of their employment. All
benefits due the new employee will commence after 3 months. At any time during the
probationary period the Employer may discipline or terminate her/him without cause. If a
probationary employee is disciplined, the employee may grieve such discipline through
the first two steps of the grievance procedure in Section 6. Such grievance cannot
proceed to arbitration.
The work week of a full time employee will be 40 hours in a 7-day period, with part-time
employees working proportionate times. Each employee is entitled to 2 consecutive days
off within each 7-day period.
Hourly wages for all regular and interim employees shall be computed at the full-time
rate of pay with seniority divided by the number of hours in the month (173.33) when it is
necessary to make an hourly computation of wage rates. No changes in pay schedule
shall be made without consulting the Union.
Should it become necessary to reduce the work force due to lack of work or other reasons
including economic necessity, employees shall be laid off in the following manner. In
cases where skill, ability, knowledge and job performance are all equal, or could be equal
in the opinion of the Employer after reasonable orientation and training, seniority shall
prevail. Those who will be laid off shall be notified as soon as possible, normally thirty
(30) working days, but in no case less that fifteen (15) working days before such layoff is
to take place. The employer agrees to actively explore alternatives to the layoff(s) before
the effective date of the layoff, if so requested by the Union. The layoff list shall be
provided to the union steward. Laid off employees shall be responsible for keeping the
Union and the Employer informed in writing of her or his current address. An employee
who is laid-off may choose to bump to another job in her/his department where skill,
ability, knowledge and job performance are all equal, or could be equal in the opinion of
the Employer after reasonable orientation and training.
Before hiring any new regular employees, the Employer will recall all laid off employees
on the seniority list unless no remaining laid off employee is qualified to do the available
job. When employees are recalled, the last employee laid off shall be the first to be
rehired, if skill, ability, knowledge, and job performance are equal in the opinion of the
Employer, or could be equal after reasonable orientation and training. Recall notification
will be sent by certified mail. Any employee who has been laid off for nine (9) months
and has not been recalled shall be considered terminated.
A. Just Cause: The Employer shall have the right to discharge any Employee for just
cause. “Just cause” is stated to be a flexible concept related to the facts of a
particular case, with no predetermined formula applicable to all cases.
B. The Union and Employees recognize the rights of the Employer to make
reasonable work assignments. It is understood the Employer recognizes and will
adhere to the concept of progressive discipline and will apply steps as appropriate
in each case. Discipline may be in the form of a verbal reprimand, a written
reprimand entered into the Employee’s personnel file, a suspension without pay,
or a discharge.
C. Material relating to disciplinary actions in an Employee’s personnel file, which
has been in the file for longer than three (3) years shall be removed provided the
Employee has not been the subject of disciplinary action since the date of such
prior action.
Seniority shall be measured by the total length of employment by the Employer.
Temporary employees who are hired permanently shall have previous service credited for
all purposes. When an employee has had a prior paid position at any radio station,
Bureau, or service operated by the Employer that was terminated other than by discharge
for just cause within the past 5 years, such employment shall be credited to total seniority
of an employee at KPFA-FM. No employee shall be bumped due to seniority accrued at
stations or units other than KPFA-FM.
A. The Employer will contribute an amount equal to 2% of each eligible regular
employees gross pay to The Pacifica Foundation Retirement Plan.
KPFA regular employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation according to the following
A. First year of employment: Vacation with pay shall accrue at the rate of 1 day per
month after the first two months. No vacation can be taken prior to 6 months
continuous employment. After an employee has worked for 6 months, she/he is
eligible to borrow the remaining vacation time for that year.
B. Second year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the regular rate of 15
working days per year. Prior to 18 months continuous employment, an employee
can take 2 weeks vacation.
C. Third year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the rate of 20 working
days per year.
D. Fourth year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the rate of 25 working
days per year.
E. Regular-Part Time employees shall accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis.
F. Accrual shall stop at such time as an employee accrues one and one half (1 ½ )
times their annual accrual based on their current accrual rate.
G. Vacation shall begin on the day immediately following an employee's regular day
off. A holiday falling within the vacation shall entitle the employee to an extra
day of vacation, consecutive within that vacation.
H. If an employee has been discharged or resigned, accumulated vacation shall be
I. If an employee has been discharged, laid off, or resigned and has borrowed
vacation time for the rest of that year that borrowed vacation time shall be
withheld from the final paycheck. If amount borrowed exceeds the amount of the
final paycheck, the remainder shall be due KPFA.
J. Vacation year is based on date of hire. Those who are currently taking calendar
year (January-January) vacations may continue to do so.
K. KPFA may require vacation selection procedures for scheduling purposes, but
will not otherwise restrict vacation selection.
A. Holidays are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Presidents' Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving
Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, two (2) days of employee's
choice, and two (2) days to be assigned by Management at beginning of calendar
B. If an employee is required by management to work 4 hours or more on a holiday
s/he shall receive an additional compensatory day off. If any of the above listed
holidays falls on a weekend, the employee shall receive the following weekday
When an employee is to be absent for at least a week, but less than 2 months,
management guarantees coverage of duties including, if necessary, a temporary ½ time
paid replacement. This applies primarily to News, public affairs and reception.
A. The hourly rate shall be $20.20 dollars per hour base pay. There shall be a wage
reopener 30 days prior to April 30th until that date each year.
B. Seniority increments of $20 per month for each year of seniority shall be paid.
Employees shall receive an increment on April 1 or October 1 of each year. No
seniority increment shall accrue unless the employee works 9 months of the
previous year.
C. Late paychecks: There will be a $15 penalty for each employee for any paycheck
tendered 5 working days late. The penalty accrues for every 5 working days late.
D. Employees shall be provided an option of direct deposit.
A. Leave of absence: A regular employee who has completed 2 years of service may
take a 2-month leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority or
benefits, upon approval of management. Given adequate prior notice, Employer
shall not unreasonably withhold permission for an educational leave that would
improve job performance and contribute to station functioning. There will be no
loss of seniority for educational leaves.
B. Parenthood leave: Employer shall, upon written application, grant any regular
employee a special leave of absence up to 9 months for maternity/paternity
reasons, with full reinstatement privileges and without loss of seniority. If both
parents are employees, then only one may take a leave of absence, or both may
negotiate a shared leave. Employees shall be entitled to 4 weeks of paid
parenthood leave. Single parents shall be entitled to 6 weeks parenthood leave.
Parenthood leave must be taken within one year of birth or adoption and will
normally be a continuous period unless otherwise agreed. Parenthood leaves
under this section shall not be in addition to those permitted under State or
Federal Law. This paragraph will apply to employees who are domestic partners.
Union and Management will meet to define qualification for domestic
A. KPFA will provide Kaiser health care benefits (Kaiser plan 36301-0001 or as
close to current plan as possible), or pay up to equivalent cost for PacifiCare
10/0/10 alternative coverage provided through the Healthcare Employees Health
and Welfare Trust for all full time, three-quarter time, and half time employees
and their eligible dependants according to the insurance/medical plan in force at
the time. Greater than half time employees will be provided domestic
partner/spouse coverage. Half time employees may obtain coverage for their
domestic partner/spouse at the employee’s expense. Employee portion of any
premium exceeding Kaiser plan cost shall be payroll deducted utilizing a pre-tax
Section 125 plan. KPFA will investigate and implement a pre-tax section 125
medical expense plan if feasible.
B. Employees who have been provided coverage exceeding that provided for in
paragraph A, will have that coverage continued for the life of this agreement.
All regular employees shall accrue paid sick leave at the rate of 1 day per month up to a
maximum of 30 working days. In cases of catastrophic illness or injury, after an
employee has exhausted their sick and vacation pay, KPFA will provide up to one (1)
year sick leave integrated with S.D.I. or Workers Compensation.
A. KPFA will provide dental insurance for all full time and three-quarter time
employees, their spouses/domestic partners and children. Half time employees
will be provided dental coverage for themselves and their children and may pay
the premium to add their spouse/domestic partner.
B. Employees who have been provided coverage exceeding that provided for in
paragraph A, will have that coverage continued for the life of this agreement.
Employer recognizes the right of the employees to secure, safe, non-violent and healthy
working conditions and its responsibility to provide said conditions. The Union and
employees acknowledge the obligation of the employees to abide by the Employers
Safety and Health Polices and requirements and to follow safe work practices. The staff
shall become familiarized with the different types of potential job hazards and the correct
methods used to control them. Verbal, written, e-mail or other electronic public attacks,
denunciation and harassment by a fellow co-worker of an employee constitute an unsafe
working environment for said employee. A Health and Safety Committee shall be
established, consisting of representatives from the staff and Employer. Its function shall
be to provide health and safety education for incoming employees, to monitor health and
safety conditions in the station and to review complaints regarding any unsafe or
hazardous working conditions at the station. Any worker has the right to refuse to
perform work that poses an imminent hazard of serious injury or illness without loss of
Safety hazards shall be brought to the attention of the Health and Safety Committee. Any
dispute that is not settled in the Health and Safety Committee within 10 days shall be
subject to the grievance procedure.
A. Disability: Employees eligible for disability compensation under the California
State Unemployment Insurance Code must make an application for such benefits
when they become physically incapacitated for work.
B. An Employee who is unable to return to work due to a disability is eligible for
unpaid benefits under the Severance section (Section 17) of this agreement.
C. Employees may integrate sick pay benefits in partial days so that SDI
payments and sick day payments total full pay.
All employees required to travel in connection with KPFA-FM or Pacifica Foundation
business shall be reimbursed, provided such travel or transportation is authorized by the
Employer (allowance for use of private car shall be at the current IRS rate per mile).
Employees shall not be required to use their own automobiles unless it is a condition of
hire or they consent thereto. Consent for use of automobiles for station functions
regarding current employees shall be under separate agreement between the Union,
Employer and affected workers.
For all authorized expenditures made in connection with their work assignments,
employees entitled to reimbursement for expenditures shall be reimbursed within 30 days
following procedures outlined by the Employer.
A. The Employer shall reimburse KPFA regular full-time employees, including
temporary employees, for childcare expenses for children $250/child/month for
pre- kindergarten children and $150/child/month through age 12. Part-time
employees will be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis. The Employee will submit an
invoice for expenses incurred for childcare. The Employer will explore the option
of contracting for childcare services for KPFA workers.
B. KPFA will investigate and implement a pre-tax section 125 dependent care
expense plan if feasible.
C. D.
A. Employees will be allowed to take up to 5 working days per year to voluntarily
attend with management approval career and professional seminars, training
sessions, workshops and conferences without loss of pay or vacation.
B. Employees may be reimbursed from a station fund, budgeted at $5000/year, for
classes and training reasonably related to the mission of KPFA and approved by
management. Each individual can receive up to $500/year. The fund does not
need to be disbursed each year. These can be classes taken for no grade.
A Union Representative may request relief from the Employer from her/his duties at any
time to investigate and settle grievance issues and present them to the Employer without
loss of seniority or benefits. Relief from duty shall be limited to necessary time off.
Stewards shall normally conduct union business on their own time.
When any Union Representative is relieved from duty on her/his regularly scheduled shift
to attend to grievance matters, she/he shall not lose any pay. She/he shall complete the
grievance matters as promptly as possible and return to work as soon as the handling of
the grievance is completed.
Upon written notice, the Employer will grant a Union member leave for the performance
of Union business without loss of benefits or seniority. Given at least 2 weeks prior
notice, the Employer will give any Union member elected as a local delegate unpaid
leave to attend district or national conventions, participate in negotiations, or perform any
other Union duties without loss of seniority or benefits
Upon request of the Local, an elected Shop Steward will be given seniority preference
when layoffs take place. An elected Local Officer, upon request of the Local, will be
given seniority preference at the time when layoffs take place in the station in which
she/he is employed. No more than 2 stewards shall be subject to this provision.
Employer will add fifty (50) dollars per month (prorated for part-time employees) to each
employees pay. Employees are encouraged to participate in savings plans. KPFA will
match an employee’s contribution to their 403 (b) account up to 4% of the employee’s
gross pay.
Management agrees to broadcast at least three (3) times a week between 7am and
midnight a “voice bug” to be agreed to by the parties.
Sixty (60) calendar days before the anniversary dates of this Agreement, either party may
propose modification, revisions or additions to Sections 15, 19, 27, 28 and 31 of this
Agreement. If so proposed, negotiations shall begin within thirty (30) days before the
anniversary dates. If no agreement is reached by the anniversary dates, the current
provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Sixty (60) calendar days before the expiration date of this Agreement, either party may
propose modification, revisions or additions to the provisions of this Agreement.
Negotiations shall begin within 30 days before the expiration of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the 30th day of the 4th month
of the year 2013.
William B. Harvey Arlene Engelhardt
Secretary-Treasurer Executive Director
Tom Runnion LaVarn Williams
Staff Representative Chief Financial Officer
CWA-KPFA Collective Bargaining Agreement
April 30, 2010
SECTION 1 – RECOGNITION.......................................................................................4
SECTION 2 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.......................................................................4
SECTION 3 - UNION SECURITY..................................................................................4
SECTION 5 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................7
SECTION 6 - NON-DISCRIMINATION........................................................................8
SECTION 8 - DEFINITION OF TERMS AND HIRING ...............................................9
SECTION 9 - PROBATION..........................................................................................10
SECTION 10 - WORK WEEK ......................................................................................10
SECTION 11 - PAY RATE COMPUTATION .............................................................10
SECTION 12 - LAYOFF AND RECALL .....................................................................10
SECTION 13 - DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE .................................................................11
SECTION 14 - SENIORITY..........................................................................................11
SECTION 15 - RETIREMENT......................................................................................11
SECTION 16 - VACATIONS........................................................................................11
SECTION 17 - HOLIDAYS...........................................................................................12
SECTION 18 - COVERAGE OF DUTIES....................................................................12
SECTION 19 – WAGES ................................................................................................13
SECTION 20 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE ......................................................................13
SECTION 21 - MEDICAL PLAN .................................................................................13
SECTION 22 - SICK LEAVE........................................................................................14
SECTION 23 - DENTAL PLAN....................................................................................14
SECTION 24 - HEALTH AND SAFETY .....................................................................14
SECTION 25 – DISABILITY........................................................................................14
SECTION 27 - CHILDCARE ALLOWANCE..............................................................15
SECTION 28 - TRAINING/CONFERENCES ..............................................................15
SECTION 29 - AUTHORITY OF UNION REPRESENTATIVES..............................15
SECTION 30 - STEWARD AND OFFICER SENIORITY ..........................................16
SECTION 31 - SAVINGS PLANS................................................................................16
SECTION 32 - VOICE BUG .........................................................................................16
SECTION 33 - MODIFICATION AND TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................16
This Agreement is entered into as of April 30, 2010, between Pacifica Foundation, its
successors and assigns, (“Employer”) which owns and operates radio station KPFA-FM
and KPFB-FM in Berkeley, California, and the Communications Workers of America
(“Local” or “CWA”).
The Employer recognizes CWA as the sole exclusive bargaining agent for all paid
employees employed by Employer at it’s KPFA and KPFB facility in Berkeley,
California excluding all confidential employees, the Manager, Assistant
Manager/Development Director, Assistant to the Manager, Program Director, Operations
Manager, and Bookkeeper-Business Managers. Also excluded from this recognition are
all non-statutory Employees under the NLRA who are hired after August 1, 1997. Any
individuals employed at Pacifica’s KPFA-FM or KPFB-FM facility in Berkeley,
California, who are now or hereafter performing their work at said facility under another
collective bargaining agreement, shall not be covered by this Agreement.
A. It is understood and agreed that the Employer shall retain all of its customary and
usual rights, powers, functions and authority of management. Any of the rights,
powers, functions or authority which the Employer had prior to the signing of any
Collective Bargaining Agreement, including rights herein listed as examples, are
to be retained by the Employer except as any of these rights, powers, functions or
authorities are specifically abridged or modified by expressed written agreement
with the Union.
B. It is further agreed that the following examples of management rights shall not be
deemed to exclude other rights not herein listed. The management rights covered
herein include the right to hire, classify, assign, promote, demote, suspend, or
discharge employees; the right to locate or relocate work assignments; the right to
establish safety regulations, codes of ethics and conduct, employment policies,
shifts and rest periods, and changes due to technological advancements during the
life of this Agreement.
C. Any decision of management, which is not otherwise subject to requirements set
forth in this Agreement, shall be fully within the discretion of the Employer.
CWA agrees that Employer decisions concerning subjects which are not
precluded by expressed provisions in this Agreement shall not be the subject of
decisional or effects bargaining during the term of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the above, Employer shall engage in effects bargaining with the
Union with respect to a sale, swap of frequencies or shut down of KPFA.
A. Each employee who is a member of the Union or who is obligated to tender to the
Union amounts equal to periodic dues on the effective date of this Agreement, or
who later becomes a member, and all employees entering into the bargaining unit
on or after the effective date of this Agreement shall, as a condition of
employment, pay or tender to the Union amounts equal to the periodic dues
applicable to members for the period from such effective date or, in the case of
employees entering into the bargaining unit after the effective date, on or after the
thirtieth day after such entrance, whichever of these dates is later, until the
termination of this Contract. For purpose of this Section, “employee” shall mean
any person entering into the bargaining unit.
B. Each employee who is a member of the bargaining unit on or before the effective
date of this Agreement and who on the effective date of this Agreement was not
required as a condition of employment to pay or tender to the Union amounts
equal to the periodic dues applicable to members shall, as a condition of
employment, pay or tender to the Union amounts equal to the periodic dues
applicable to members for the period beginning thirty (30) days after the effective
date of this Agreement, until the termination of this Agreement.
C. The condition of employment specified above shall not apply during periods of
formal separation from the bargaining unit by any such employee but shall
reapply to such employee on the thirtieth day following the employee’s return to
the bargaining unit. The term “formal separation” includes transfers out of the
bargaining unit, removal from the payroll of the Employer and leaves of absence
of more than one month duration.
D. The Employer may inform employees and applicants for employment of their
rights and obligations under the provisions of this Section.
E. The Union agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless Employer for any
liabilities, and costs it may incur as a result of its having performed the Employers
obligations under this Article.
A. The Employer agrees to make deductions of proportionate amounts of monthly
Union membership dues or amounts equal to Union membership dues, hereinafter
referred to as "dues", assessments, authorized arrearages, and initiation fees from
the pay of an employee, upon receipt of a dues deduction authorization card,
signed by such employee, each payroll period, and to pay over to the Union the
amounts thus deducted no later than ten (10) days after the end of the preceding
month during which deductions were made. Dues deductions will begin as soon as
possible after receipt of the signed authorization card in accordance with the
Employer's normal payroll procedures. Samples of deduction authorization cards
are included in Appendix A of the Agreement.
B. If, for any reason, the Employer fails or is unable to make the authorized deduction
from pay in any payroll period, the Employer will deduct the accumulated
authorized deduction in an ensuing payroll period or periods the employee's pay is
sufficient. In case the accumulated amount exceeds the amount of authorized
deductions, the deductions shall be made in an ensuing payroll period or periods at
up to four (4) times the authorized amount until the accumulated amount is
C. When an employee is granted a leave of absence, any authorization for deduction
of dues shall be automatically suspended. Such suspended authorizations shall be
automatically resumed when an individual on leave is returned to the payroll.
D. When an employee who has authorized the Employer to deduct Union dues is
temporarily promoted or transferred to a non-bargained-for position for a period
of one (1) full week or more, the dues deduction authorization will continue in
effect until the temporary promotion or transfer exceeds four (4) full weeks. If
such temporary promotion or transfer exceeds this four (4) week period, any
authorization for the deduction of Union dues shall be automatically suspended.
Should the temporary promotion or transfer be terminated by return to a
bargained-for position dues deductions shall be automatically reinstated without
requiring a new authorization from the employee.
When an employee who has authorized the Employer to deduct Unions dues is
temporarily promoted to a higher classification within the bargaining unit and is
shown on payroll records as being on the higher classification, Union dues will be
based on the higher rate of pay for as long as the employee remains in the higher
E. The rate or amount of the dues deduction for all members, for any job title and
wage classification may be changed by the Union notifying the Employer in
writing of the dues change. Following notice from the Union, such change in dues
rate or amount will be deducted from future wage payments in accordance with the
Employer's regular payroll practice.
F. The employer and the Union shall meet for the purpose of determining what
information can reasonably, easily and without causing additional expense or other
than minimal expenditures, be provided by Employer to the Union for purposes of
implementing this section 4 and how such information shall be transmitted.
The information listed above will be taken from Employer records and will be sent
to the Union with the dues collected no later than ten (10) days after the end of the
preceding month during which deductions were made; however, the Union
recognizes that errors and delays may and will occur and, in using the information
furnished, assumes all risks associated therewith.
G. The Union agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless employer for any
liabilities and costs it may incur as a result of it’s having performed the employers
obligations under this article.
A. The Employer and the Union agree that timely interaction on issues can eliminate
the cause for most grievances. While Management retains the right and
responsibility to make decisions, which affect the stations operations, the parties
will endeavor to jointly evaluate and plan proposed actions that affect the
employees, the Union, and the Employer.
B. A grievance shall be defined as a complaint, dispute, controversy, difference or
grievance, including disputes as to whether a matter is a proper subject for the
grievance procedure, between the Union and the Employer and/or between
employees and the employer, which may arise involving the interpretation,
application or performance of the express terms of this agreement, employee
discipline, or involving other conditions of work. All grievances shall be settled,
determined, adjusted, and processed solely and exclusively in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this agreement.
C. A grievance shall be presented in writing to an employees or group of employees
immediate supervisor or the supervisor most directly responsible for the action
being grieved within 14 calendar days after the occurrence of the incident or event
giving rise to the grievance or within 14 calendar days after the employees(s)
should reasonably become aware of the facts or circumstances constituting the
grievance, whichever is later. The written grievance shall indicate the nature of the
grievance, the facts upon which it is based, the provisions of the agreement
allegedly violated and the remedy sought. The parties shall meet and discuss the
grievance within 14 calendar days after the presentation of the grievance and
management shall answer the grievance in writing within 14 calendar days after its
presentation or the date of the meeting, whichever occurs later.
D. If the matter is not resolved at the first step, within 14 calendar days of the
supervisor’s response, the Union shall present the grievance to the General
Manager in writing. The parties shall meet and discuss the grievance within 14
calendar days and attempt to resolve the grievance. The General Manager will
respond in writing within 14 calendar days of the meeting.
E. If the parties cannot adjust or dispose of any grievance as set forth above, either
party may, within 30 calendar days of the second step reply, invoke arbitration by
notice to the American Arbitration Association, with immediate copy to the other
party. Arbitrators shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties from panels
submitted by the American Arbitration Association.
F. The arbitrator shall interpret this agreement in connection with issues properly
presented to her/him for resolution consistent with the terms of this agreement and
such resolution shall be final and binding. The Arbitrator has no authority or
power to add to, take from, disregard, modify or alter any of the provisions of this
agreement. The Arbitrator shall be limited to make whole remedies and shall not
have the power to levy punitive damages.
G. The cost of arbitration, including the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator shall be
borne equally by the parties. Each party shall pay any fees, wages or expenses of
its own representatives and witnesses.
H. Unless parties agree in writing to extend the time periods herein, failure to meet
time limitations in this grievance/arbitration procedure shall constitute a waiver of
the grievance.
Neither Employer nor the Union shall engage in or tolerate discrimination with regard to
race, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, martial status, national origin,
a special disabled veteran, a disabled veteran, a veteran of the Vietnam era, union
activities or political beliefs or any other discrimination which violates federal or state
laws. Employer shall follow Affirmative Action policies and shall seek a broad and
diverse applicant pool when making new hires. It is KPFA’s and CWA’s commitment to
have and maintain compliance with Corporation for Public Broadcasting requirements for
a fully diverse work force at all levels of employment, to promote programs, which
support this policy and make decisions on employment and promotion to further the
principle of equal employment opportunity. Employer shall take reasonable steps to
maintain a working environment free of sexual harassment, racial discrimination and
physical threats by non-employees including vendors and contractors.
A. The Employer agrees that so long as this Agreement is in effect, there shall be no
B. The Union, it’s officers, agents, members and employees of the Employer covered
by this Agreement agree that so long as this Agreement is in effect, there shall be
no strikes, sit-downs, job actions, stoppage of work, slowdowns, retardation of
work procedures, boycott, sympathy strikes, corporate campaigns or any acts that
interfere with the Employer’s operations.
C. Any violation of the foregoing provisions may be made the subject of disciplinary
action, including discharge.
D. The Union shall, upon demand by the Employer, any employee who engages in
any conduct inconsistent with the above provisions to immediately cease such
E. No employee shall be assigned, transferred or required to go to any non-KPFA
radio station, transmitter, studio or property while a lawful strike sanctioned by
CWA is in progress, or to originate, duplicate, or transmit by any means, a
program or programs especially produced for a non-KPFA station where a lawful
strike sanctioned by CWA is in progress. At the Union’s request, the Employer
will consult with the Union regarding requiring an employee to broadcast or
process in any way any program or programs material produced at any facility
where a strike is in progress at that facility. The provisions of this section will be
enforceable only to the extent that they are compatible with existing law.
Employer will be given 72-hour notice of an impending strike. Employer will also
be notified and given 72-hour notice of application of strike sanction, prior to such
strike sanction becoming effective.
A. Definition of Terms:
1: “Employee” refers to Paid Staff only.
2: “Temporary Job” is one which lasts no more than 4 months. Temporary
employees shall not normally be used to fill regular jobs. Exceptions and
extensions must be approved by the Union. Requests for exceptions and
extensions will be made in a timely fashion.
3: “Interim Job” is one that lasts 4 months to no more than 1 year.
4: “Regular Job” has no end date and is from half time to full time.
5. “Regular-Part Time Job” has no end date and is from quarter time to
less than
half time.
6. “Occasional Job” is less than quarter time for an indefinite period.
7: “Contract work” is for a specific task and shall not replace a regular
station function. After completion of 4 months of contract work,
Employer will consult with the Union to determine whether a permanent
hire should take place.
8. The employer will not hire Security Services except for protection of
employees, volunteers, the public and property unless objected to by the
B. Hiring:
1: All regular jobs, which become available in the bargaining unit
shall be posted at the station for a minimum of thirty (30) days. Job
postings shall
be dated and include a description of the job, salary range and benefits.
2: The General Manager may constitute an Applicant Review Committee
within 30 days of the job posting which would include an affirmative
action component.
C. Transfers:
Management may transfer employees within a department from one
position to another. For purposes of this Agreement, Departments are:
Programming, Development, and Operations. Management shall make no
lateral transfers of employees from one department to another without the
consent of the person being transferred. If as a result of such transfer the
employee requests additional training in order to perform the requirements
of the new job, the Employer will provide, if necessary, such training as it
believes appropriate.
All new employees shall be on probation for the first 6 months of their employment. All
benefits due the new employee will commence after 3 months. At any time during the
probationary period the Employer may discipline or terminate her/him without cause. If a
probationary employee is disciplined, the employee may grieve such discipline through
the first two steps of the grievance procedure in Section 6. Such grievance cannot
proceed to arbitration.
The work week of a full time employee will be 40 hours in a 7-day period, with part-time
employees working proportionate times. Each employee is entitled to 2 consecutive days
off within each 7-day period.
Hourly wages for all regular and interim employees shall be computed at the full-time
rate of pay with seniority divided by the number of hours in the month (173.33) when it is
necessary to make an hourly computation of wage rates. No changes in pay schedule
shall be made without consulting the Union.
Should it become necessary to reduce the work force due to lack of work or other reasons
including economic necessity, employees shall be laid off in the following manner. In
cases where skill, ability, knowledge and job performance are all equal, or could be equal
in the opinion of the Employer after reasonable orientation and training, seniority shall
prevail. Those who will be laid off shall be notified as soon as possible, normally thirty
(30) working days, but in no case less that fifteen (15) working days before such layoff is
to take place. The employer agrees to actively explore alternatives to the layoff(s) before
the effective date of the layoff, if so requested by the Union. The layoff list shall be
provided to the union steward. Laid off employees shall be responsible for keeping the
Union and the Employer informed in writing of her or his current address. An employee
who is laid-off may choose to bump to another job in her/his department where skill,
ability, knowledge and job performance are all equal, or could be equal in the opinion of
the Employer after reasonable orientation and training.
Before hiring any new regular employees, the Employer will recall all laid off employees
on the seniority list unless no remaining laid off employee is qualified to do the available
job. When employees are recalled, the last employee laid off shall be the first to be
rehired, if skill, ability, knowledge, and job performance are equal in the opinion of the
Employer, or could be equal after reasonable orientation and training. Recall notification
will be sent by certified mail. Any employee who has been laid off for nine (9) months
and has not been recalled shall be considered terminated.
A. Just Cause: The Employer shall have the right to discharge any Employee for just
cause. “Just cause” is stated to be a flexible concept related to the facts of a
particular case, with no predetermined formula applicable to all cases.
B. The Union and Employees recognize the rights of the Employer to make
reasonable work assignments. It is understood the Employer recognizes and will
adhere to the concept of progressive discipline and will apply steps as appropriate
in each case. Discipline may be in the form of a verbal reprimand, a written
reprimand entered into the Employee’s personnel file, a suspension without pay,
or a discharge.
C. Material relating to disciplinary actions in an Employee’s personnel file, which
has been in the file for longer than three (3) years shall be removed provided the
Employee has not been the subject of disciplinary action since the date of such
prior action.
Seniority shall be measured by the total length of employment by the Employer.
Temporary employees who are hired permanently shall have previous service credited for
all purposes. When an employee has had a prior paid position at any radio station,
Bureau, or service operated by the Employer that was terminated other than by discharge
for just cause within the past 5 years, such employment shall be credited to total seniority
of an employee at KPFA-FM. No employee shall be bumped due to seniority accrued at
stations or units other than KPFA-FM.
A. The Employer will contribute an amount equal to 2% of each eligible regular
employees gross pay to The Pacifica Foundation Retirement Plan.
KPFA regular employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation according to the following
A. First year of employment: Vacation with pay shall accrue at the rate of 1 day per
month after the first two months. No vacation can be taken prior to 6 months
continuous employment. After an employee has worked for 6 months, she/he is
eligible to borrow the remaining vacation time for that year.
B. Second year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the regular rate of 15
working days per year. Prior to 18 months continuous employment, an employee
can take 2 weeks vacation.
C. Third year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the rate of 20 working
days per year.
D. Fourth year of employment: Paid vacation shall accrue at the rate of 25 working
days per year.
E. Regular-Part Time employees shall accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis.
F. Accrual shall stop at such time as an employee accrues one and one half (1 ½ )
times their annual accrual based on their current accrual rate.
G. Vacation shall begin on the day immediately following an employee's regular day
off. A holiday falling within the vacation shall entitle the employee to an extra
day of vacation, consecutive within that vacation.
H. If an employee has been discharged or resigned, accumulated vacation shall be
I. If an employee has been discharged, laid off, or resigned and has borrowed
vacation time for the rest of that year that borrowed vacation time shall be
withheld from the final paycheck. If amount borrowed exceeds the amount of the
final paycheck, the remainder shall be due KPFA.
J. Vacation year is based on date of hire. Those who are currently taking calendar
year (January-January) vacations may continue to do so.
K. KPFA may require vacation selection procedures for scheduling purposes, but
will not otherwise restrict vacation selection.
A. Holidays are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Presidents' Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving
Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, two (2) days of employee's
choice, and two (2) days to be assigned by Management at beginning of calendar
B. If an employee is required by management to work 4 hours or more on a holiday
s/he shall receive an additional compensatory day off. If any of the above listed
holidays falls on a weekend, the employee shall receive the following weekday
When an employee is to be absent for at least a week, but less than 2 months,
management guarantees coverage of duties including, if necessary, a temporary ½ time
paid replacement. This applies primarily to News, public affairs and reception.
A. The hourly rate shall be $20.20 dollars per hour base pay. There shall be a wage
reopener 30 days prior to April 30th until that date each year.
B. Seniority increments of $20 per month for each year of seniority shall be paid.
Employees shall receive an increment on April 1 or October 1 of each year. No
seniority increment shall accrue unless the employee works 9 months of the
previous year.
C. Late paychecks: There will be a $15 penalty for each employee for any paycheck
tendered 5 working days late. The penalty accrues for every 5 working days late.
D. Employees shall be provided an option of direct deposit.
A. Leave of absence: A regular employee who has completed 2 years of service may
take a 2-month leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority or
benefits, upon approval of management. Given adequate prior notice, Employer
shall not unreasonably withhold permission for an educational leave that would
improve job performance and contribute to station functioning. There will be no
loss of seniority for educational leaves.
B. Parenthood leave: Employer shall, upon written application, grant any regular
employee a special leave of absence up to 9 months for maternity/paternity
reasons, with full reinstatement privileges and without loss of seniority. If both
parents are employees, then only one may take a leave of absence, or both may
negotiate a shared leave. Employees shall be entitled to 4 weeks of paid
parenthood leave. Single parents shall be entitled to 6 weeks parenthood leave.
Parenthood leave must be taken within one year of birth or adoption and will
normally be a continuous period unless otherwise agreed. Parenthood leaves
under this section shall not be in addition to those permitted under State or
Federal Law. This paragraph will apply to employees who are domestic partners.
Union and Management will meet to define qualification for domestic
A. KPFA will provide Kaiser health care benefits (Kaiser plan 36301-0001 or as
close to current plan as possible), or pay up to equivalent cost for PacifiCare
10/0/10 alternative coverage provided through the Healthcare Employees Health
and Welfare Trust for all full time, three-quarter time, and half time employees
and their eligible dependants according to the insurance/medical plan in force at
the time. Greater than half time employees will be provided domestic
partner/spouse coverage. Half time employees may obtain coverage for their
domestic partner/spouse at the employee’s expense. Employee portion of any
premium exceeding Kaiser plan cost shall be payroll deducted utilizing a pre-tax
Section 125 plan. KPFA will investigate and implement a pre-tax section 125
medical expense plan if feasible.
B. Employees who have been provided coverage exceeding that provided for in
paragraph A, will have that coverage continued for the life of this agreement.
All regular employees shall accrue paid sick leave at the rate of 1 day per month up to a
maximum of 30 working days. In cases of catastrophic illness or injury, after an
employee has exhausted their sick and vacation pay, KPFA will provide up to one (1)
year sick leave integrated with S.D.I. or Workers Compensation.
A. KPFA will provide dental insurance for all full time and three-quarter time
employees, their spouses/domestic partners and children. Half time employees
will be provided dental coverage for themselves and their children and may pay
the premium to add their spouse/domestic partner.
B. Employees who have been provided coverage exceeding that provided for in
paragraph A, will have that coverage continued for the life of this agreement.
Employer recognizes the right of the employees to secure, safe, non-violent and healthy
working conditions and its responsibility to provide said conditions. The Union and
employees acknowledge the obligation of the employees to abide by the Employers
Safety and Health Polices and requirements and to follow safe work practices. The staff
shall become familiarized with the different types of potential job hazards and the correct
methods used to control them. Verbal, written, e-mail or other electronic public attacks,
denunciation and harassment by a fellow co-worker of an employee constitute an unsafe
working environment for said employee. A Health and Safety Committee shall be
established, consisting of representatives from the staff and Employer. Its function shall
be to provide health and safety education for incoming employees, to monitor health and
safety conditions in the station and to review complaints regarding any unsafe or
hazardous working conditions at the station. Any worker has the right to refuse to
perform work that poses an imminent hazard of serious injury or illness without loss of
Safety hazards shall be brought to the attention of the Health and Safety Committee. Any
dispute that is not settled in the Health and Safety Committee within 10 days shall be
subject to the grievance procedure.
A. Disability: Employees eligible for disability compensation under the California
State Unemployment Insurance Code must make an application for such benefits
when they become physically incapacitated for work.
B. An Employee who is unable to return to work due to a disability is eligible for
unpaid benefits under the Severance section (Section 17) of this agreement.
C. Employees may integrate sick pay benefits in partial days so that SDI
payments and sick day payments total full pay.
All employees required to travel in connection with KPFA-FM or Pacifica Foundation
business shall be reimbursed, provided such travel or transportation is authorized by the
Employer (allowance for use of private car shall be at the current IRS rate per mile).
Employees shall not be required to use their own automobiles unless it is a condition of
hire or they consent thereto. Consent for use of automobiles for station functions
regarding current employees shall be under separate agreement between the Union,
Employer and affected workers.
For all authorized expenditures made in connection with their work assignments,
employees entitled to reimbursement for expenditures shall be reimbursed within 30 days
following procedures outlined by the Employer.
A. The Employer shall reimburse KPFA regular full-time employees, including
temporary employees, for childcare expenses for children $250/child/month for
pre- kindergarten children and $150/child/month through age 12. Part-time
employees will be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis. The Employee will submit an
invoice for expenses incurred for childcare. The Employer will explore the option
of contracting for childcare services for KPFA workers.
B. KPFA will investigate and implement a pre-tax section 125 dependent care
expense plan if feasible.
C. D.
A. Employees will be allowed to take up to 5 working days per year to voluntarily
attend with management approval career and professional seminars, training
sessions, workshops and conferences without loss of pay or vacation.
B. Employees may be reimbursed from a station fund, budgeted at $5000/year, for
classes and training reasonably related to the mission of KPFA and approved by
management. Each individual can receive up to $500/year. The fund does not
need to be disbursed each year. These can be classes taken for no grade.
A Union Representative may request relief from the Employer from her/his duties at any
time to investigate and settle grievance issues and present them to the Employer without
loss of seniority or benefits. Relief from duty shall be limited to necessary time off.
Stewards shall normally conduct union business on their own time.
When any Union Representative is relieved from duty on her/his regularly scheduled shift
to attend to grievance matters, she/he shall not lose any pay. She/he shall complete the
grievance matters as promptly as possible and return to work as soon as the handling of
the grievance is completed.
Upon written notice, the Employer will grant a Union member leave for the performance
of Union business without loss of benefits or seniority. Given at least 2 weeks prior
notice, the Employer will give any Union member elected as a local delegate unpaid
leave to attend district or national conventions, participate in negotiations, or perform any
other Union duties without loss of seniority or benefits
Upon request of the Local, an elected Shop Steward will be given seniority preference
when layoffs take place. An elected Local Officer, upon request of the Local, will be
given seniority preference at the time when layoffs take place in the station in which
she/he is employed. No more than 2 stewards shall be subject to this provision.
Employer will add fifty (50) dollars per month (prorated for part-time employees) to each
employees pay. Employees are encouraged to participate in savings plans. KPFA will
match an employee’s contribution to their 403 (b) account up to 4% of the employee’s
gross pay.
Management agrees to broadcast at least three (3) times a week between 7am and
midnight a “voice bug” to be agreed to by the parties.
Sixty (60) calendar days before the anniversary dates of this Agreement, either party may
propose modification, revisions or additions to Sections 15, 19, 27, 28 and 31 of this
Agreement. If so proposed, negotiations shall begin within thirty (30) days before the
anniversary dates. If no agreement is reached by the anniversary dates, the current
provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Sixty (60) calendar days before the expiration date of this Agreement, either party may
propose modification, revisions or additions to the provisions of this Agreement.
Negotiations shall begin within 30 days before the expiration of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the 30th day of the 4th month
of the year 2013.
William B. Harvey Arlene Engelhardt
Secretary-Treasurer Executive Director
Tom Runnion LaVarn Williams
Staff Representative Chief Financial Officer
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Tue, Nov 23, 2010 11:41AM
AK press has been around 30 yrs ?
Tue, Nov 23, 2010 10:51AM
but, you haven't shown that
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 3:25PM
1 Strike and yer OUT! BET/ALLISON/Aileen: It's a Mericle!
Mon, Nov 22, 2010 9:38AM
No That's Not The Problem
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 11:17AM
assuming that what you say is factually accurate . . .
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 11:02AM
Not Really
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 10:13AM
if that's the point, it's a pretty illogical one
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 10:00AM
definition of a scab
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 9:39AM
It's a Joke
Sun, Nov 21, 2010 4:48AM
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