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Amos Brown claims to be the President of the local NAACP but does he really?

by Francisco Da Costa
Amos Brown claims to be the President of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) - the San Francisco Chapter. The question posed many many intelligent people is - does he really think so and more does he truly represent? In the past 10 years of so - again and again - this man has opened his mouth and shoved his dirty foot - inside his mouth. Recently, he chose to take on Minister Christopher Muhammad without cause - who was really instrumental he helping him - time and time again. I will explain.
Amos Brown thinks he is some body when most decent folks - do not respect this man.

Amos Brown is dictatorial and when he meets his match - he will fumble for words - get angry and make a fool of himself.

He will introduce himself as the local President of the NAACP - an organization that has NOT stood for people period - less people of color.

Recently, Amos Brown led a charge against Minister Christopher Muhammad. The poor fellow must remember the days when he came to Minister Christopher Muhammad with tears in his eyes.

His pleas to Minister Christopher Muhammad was that Mayor Gavin Newsom was not respecting him. The poor Amos Brown would spent hours waiting to have a word with Mayor Gavin Newsom - only to find that Mayor Gavin Newsom would slip out the back door - and leave poor Amos Brown - high and dry.

Minister Christopher Muhammad arranged for a meeting with Mayor Gavin Newsom and requested the Mayor - to acknowledge Amos Brown. If Amos Brown does not recall this incident - he should now.

There was a time when Mayor Gavin Newsom - treated Amos Brown like dirt.

At one time Amos Brown decided to run for the President of the NAACP. Who do you think he went for help? Minister Christopher Muhammad.

Amos Brown clings to the title of President of the NAACP as if it means something.

Well, let me tell you the Truth. The NAACP under Amos Brown is a JOKE.

As long as this man, Amos Brown - with his raging temper keeps spewing diatribe in public - no one in their right mind - will respect the local NAACP. The National President of the NAACP - better take note of this - now.

The National Organization should investigate Amos Brown and adjudicate his behavior and his backing odd causes, lowering standards, and adjudicating on the wrong side of most issues with a biased mind - mostly against people of color.

Recently, Amos Brown wrote a disparaging Op ED in one of the local papers. He took the liberty to mention other names - mostly members of the Tabernacle Group - all Black pastors - who have formed a group to develop properties - but most of them do not endorse the contents.

Further many of them had not read the contents with their signed name at the time the Op Ed was published. Go figure!

As far as I know the Tabernacle Group who is on the pay roll of Lennar - has not had one Public Meeting in the Bayview Hunters Point. The majority of the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point - do not acknowledge the Tabernacle Group and their alliance with the Rogue Developer - Lennar.

As far as I know the Tabernacle Group does not represent the Bayview Hunters Point.

As far as I know for sure - one Bishop Green does not want to have anything to do with the Op Ed that Amos Brown took the liberty to publish - without consulting many in the Tabernacle Group.

Well, Amos Brown better rein himself, think for a moment if he really thinks he represents many when he cannot control himself and more attain stability that he lacks - in great measure.

The Nation of Islam was adversely impacted by Lennar - when Lennar bombarded the children from the Muhammad University with toxic dirt, dangerous particulates, and Asbestos dirt. High levels of Chromium in the dirt - has led to bloody nose bleeds and so on.

The University lies in close proximity to the Lennar Development and was not notified of large scale grading of Serpentine Rock - when crushed - spews dangerous Asbestos Structures.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) has fined Lennar $515,000.

A couple of days ago in Washington DC - the head of the Environmental Protection Agency heard the Bayview Hunters Point issue and how thousands of constituents were adversely impacted.

The EPA has a plan and will be in San Francisco and the Bayview Hunters Point to address the issues at hand.

However, in this case the focus was on our children. Amos Brown has not once stood for the impacted children - Latinos, White, Blacks, Native Americans, Samoans, others - not once.

Amos Brown had children related to him that went to the Muhammad University situated at 195 Kiska Road and got educated. Now he acts as if this was NOT the case.

London Breed a Commissioner on the SF Redevelopment Agency has relatives that availed of the best education given at the Muhammad University and one member of her family got very sick - when Lennar chose to commit its nefarious activities.

Sophie Maxwell has sent her relatives to the Muhammad University and got her relatives educated. Sophie seems to be having her senior moment.

I know of many children from many faiths, ethnic groups that have gone to the Muhammad University and went on to college. A hundred percent of the students go to college.

I have heard Professors from City College, SF State University - praise the students and declare in public that they can and will testify as to the very high standards - attained by the Muhammad University at 195 Kiska Road.

Students are embraced and when other schools find difficulty teaching the students - suddenly, at the Muhammad University - the difficulties the students once faced seem to be addressed.

Now, comes Amos Brown who has availed himself of the hospitality given to him liberally by the Nation of Islam and in particular Minister Christopher Muhammad - and chosen with intent - to turn his back and bite the hand that fed Amos Brown.

Well, I waited to do my home work - spoke to many - and each and every one I spoke to agreed with me - Amos Brown will turn on you if he does not have his way.

This so called pastor as got involved in dirty politics - and he has failed on the SF Housing Authority Commission - which he heads.

There was a lengthy report about his failing SF Housing Authority Commission in the Chronicle.

Amos Brown has failed miserably as the local President of the NAACP.

Whatever he touches - stinks like a SKUNK - and he better stay way from issues, and decent people that really do not care much for him.

This fight with the Nation of Islam where Amos Brown thinks he can remove innocent, hard working children from the Muhammad University - to placate the Metrosexual Gavin Newsom and his cronies - is going to be fought long and hard.

Lennar is a Rogue Developer - both Gavin Newsom and Amos Brown have chosen to make their bed with Lennar.

Well, Lennar is history and will not be able to build one single - dog house - on Parcel A - less the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard that still come under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy.

Stop Lennar Action Movement is growing very strong.

Recently, Senator Leland Yee and Assembly persons Tom Ammiano and Fiona Ma - signed a letter mandating that over 1.5 million tons of mostly radiological toxic materials - be excavated, removed, and shipped to a legal dump site outside California.

Amos Brown, Mayor Gavin Newsom, Supervisor of District 10, Sophie Maxwell want to cap the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to build 10,500 homes.

Who is their right mind would want to build homes in the middle of Chernobyl? The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a Superfund site. One of the ten worst in the Nation.

Amos Brown a drab pastor from the Western Addition has not seen the light of day - yet.

Mayor Gavin Newsom too has a lot of learn and will get his adjudication in the Court of Law.

The land belongs to the First People the Muwekam Ohlone and was stolen from them.

Amos Brown is not respected by the First People - since I represent them - I can say this - loud and clear.

The Muwekma Ohlone want the once pristine land that was stolen - abated and mitigated to the highest standards. The Watershed cleaned and restored to what it was. Every radiological hot spot mitigated.

Amos Brown has no clue about mitigation less about abatement.

Amos, will take orders from the devil and those that are corrupt the likes of Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force - Michael Cohen.

The simple point I wish to make here is that no one can harm innocent children and not think they have blood on their hands. God does not appreciate - anyone that harms innocent - children.

The Truth will prevail - and so called shepherd that pretends - and does not know what it means to shepherd - must get out of the way. No one can worship God and mammon as the same time.

We know most corrupt politicians will burn in hell - but, will the shepherds too?

Take this warning - while you can repent - this time you will have to get on your knees and ask for forgiveness. You have crossed the line - and the White Boy - uses you like a piece of dirty rag.

When Blacks fight against Blacks - that is exactly - what the ENEMY wants. Here is one case - that is a clarion call to the present and future - SELL OUTS.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

by Mychaeltodd
I did not know of drama surrounding Amos Brown. I was hoping that he would be a good contact in supporting CAMARRIAGE4ALL.COM this point.....I'll wait for more feed back.
by warren foster (bigfoss [at]
I was very motivated to attend meetings with Reverend Roland Gordon of Ingleside Presbyterian Church on Ocean Avenue in San Francisco.We were to meet at Ingleside every Tuesday at 10:am for an NAACP Meeting.I was helping to organize "Stop The Killing and Start The Healing".Now The President of The NAACP is Amos Brown and i continually asked was he going to give input or at least show up.Amos Brown never showed up once.However he did show up the day of The Program and have Teachers,Police,and Supervisors squirming in their seats with remarks that were inappropriate for the program.People do not even know where The NAACP Office is in San Francisco.It has become a mockery under the guidance of Amos"let me show you the way") Brown.
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