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Indybay Feature

Town Hall Prepares to Recall Alameda DA Tom Orloff, Oakland, 3/7/09: photos and audio

by dave id
Interfaith Town Hall meetings organized for justice for Oscar Grant and other victims of violence have been meeting weekly since January 10th. This ongoing effort has included the recent appearance by Minister Louis Farrakhan on February 17th and the first Caravan for Justice to Sacramento on February 19th to demand changes in unjust state laws. On March 7th, Town Hall organizers began to lay out the steps that will be involved in their next move, recalling Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff for failing in his duties to equally protect the citizens of Oakland.

Prior to the first Town Hall, a number of the same clergy and organizers arrived at DA Orloff's office on January 7th to demand a meeting in order to find out why Orloff had done nothing for seven days after the murder of Oscar Grant by BART police officer Johannes Mehserle. Orloff refused to meet with the full contingent, claiming there was inadequate space in his office despite the fact that he has access to multiple large conference rooms. Minister Christopher Muhammad said at a press conference afterwards on the steps of the Alameda County Courthouse that "the slow response to the cry for justice sends a message to the world that the life of young black and brown males means nothing in this society. For the District Attorney to refuse to meet with African American leaders to explain his position is another manifestation of the disrespect and disregard of Black people in general." DA Orloff's actions since then have continued to be inadequate and unresponsive to the community, so now the Town Hall movement for justice is preparing to send its own message via the recall of Tom Orloff.

This coming Saturday, March 14th at 4pm, Town Hall organizers will kick off the recall campaign by announcing the date that the official notification of the recall effort will be published in a public newspaper as required by law. After the notification is published in the Oakland Post, supporters who will receive training in petition procedures this Saturday can begin to collect the 80,000 Alameda County registered voter signatures required for the recall. They are asking all Alameda County residents committed to justice to come out this Saturday and bring friends, family, and neighbors to learn how to get involved in the recall of DA Tom Orloff.
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(audio 7:17)

Pastor Gordon Humphreys of Olivet was first to speak.

Town Hall Meetings
Every Saturday 4pm - 6pm
Olivet Institutional Missionary Baptist Church
807 27th Ave, Oakland
§Pastor Gordon Humphreys, Olivet
by dave id
§Minister Keith Muhammad, Nation of Islam
by dave id
§Minister Keith Muhammad
by dave id
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(audio 14:38)
Jack Bryson is the father of two sons who were on the Fruitvale BART platform when Oscar Grant was murdered on January 1st

Diana Davis-Marks is the godmother of Oscar Grant

Tracy represented the Black Berets

Campaign to End the Death Penalty:
§Diana Davis-Marks, godmother of Oscar Grant
by dave id
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(audio 8:20)
§Tracy, Black Berets
by dave id
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(audio 2:18)
§Campaign to End the Death Penalty
by dave id
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(audio 2:27)
§Jack Bryson, father of two friends of Oscar Grant
by dave id
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(audio 5:08)
§Minister Keith Muhammad
by dave id
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(audio 6:16)
§Reverend Daniel Buford
by dave id
§Reverend Daniel Buford
by dave id
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(audio 17:32)
§Minister Keith Muhammad
by dave id
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(audio 2:16)
§Reverend Henry Williams
by dave id
§Reverend Henry Williams
by dave id
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(audio 11:10)
§Minister Keith Muhammad
by dave id
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(audio 10:47)
§Oakland 100 Solidarity Committee legal update
by dave id
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(audio 3:35)
§Minister Keith Muhammad & Pastor Gordon Humphreys
by dave id
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(audio 12:17)
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