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No Justice No BART Takes Fare Gates at Fruitvale Station, Oakland, 3/5/09: video

by dave id
No Justice No BART held their first in a series of actions at the Fruitvale BART station in Oakland on Thursday, March 5th at 4pm. NJNB intends to continue disruptive protests at various BART stations around the Bay until their list of demands is addressed by BART and other authorities. The Fruitvale station was chosen as the first target as it's where Oscar Grant III was murdered on January 1st. While this action was not a complete shut down of the station because police funneled passengers in and out of the station through a back door, demonstrators did block the fare gates at Fruitvale for two full hours, meaning that BART collected no money at the station during the rush hour commute.

Looking back on the first action, Krystof Cantor of No Justice No BART said the demonstration was a success despite the corporate media's focus on protesters not having fully closed the station. He notes that some had objected beforehand to the idea of interfering with the commutes of workers, and in that sense the demo was a win-win in that passengers came and went yet BART collected no fares during the protest and spent extra money on the phalanx of security and riot police they chose to have present. The only loser was BART itself -- appropriate, Cantor noted, as BART and their continuing inadequate response to the murder of Oscar Grant is the target of the No Justice No BART campaign.

The next NJNB action is scheduled for 4pm Thursday, March 19th at the Rockridge BART station in Oakland.

The first of the two videos here features Krystof Cantor and Evan Shamar speaking on bullhorns about the reasons for the action at Fruitvale BART (8:06)
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No Justice No BART's demands for justice for Oscar Grant:
1. A full, competent, successful prosecution and conviction of former BART police officer Johannes Mehserle.
2. An independent investigation of the other BART officers present during Oscar's murder! Each individual officer involved must be named, along with a list of possible or probable violations of police policy and procedure, as well as any potential criminal liability. Upon completion of the investigation, all officers suspected of procedural violations must be fired immediately, and any officers suspected of criminal wrongdoing must be fully charged and prosecuted by the District Attorney.
3. Suspension of all officers present during Oscar Grant's murder, for the duration of any investigations into their conduct.
4. BART employees who are already known to have engaged in cover-ups, procedural wrongdoing, and abuse of authority must resign, or be fired immediately. This includes:
* BART Police Officer Tony Pirone, who was videotaped violently assaulting Oscar Grant prior to his murder, as well as participating in the cover-up that followed.
* BART Police Chief Gary Gee, who attempted to cover-up the murder, and who has repeatedly failed to protect both the public and the public interest.
* BART General Manager Dorothy Dugger, who has failed in her role as supervisor of the BART police, and is complicit in the cover-up of Oscar Grant's murder.
5. The BART Board must implement and fund economic development and youth programs to repair relationships with communities of color!
6. The BART Board must abolish the BART Police, fully divesting BART of any police power over the communities it serves!
7. Protesters arrested during mobilizations for justice for Oscar Grant must be released immediately and all charges against them must be dropped.
8. Tom Orloff must resign as District Attorney before March 14th or we will begin his recall!

Fruitvale action announcements: No More "Business As Usual" at BART! Shut It Down To Demand Justice For Oscar Grant! / NO JUSTICE NO BART NEEDS YOU!

Disruption Press Conference: No Justice No BART announces series of BART shutdowns

Justice for Oscar Grant! Oakland City Hall Rally : Oscar Grant Rebellion Declares Demands Despite Army of Police

§No Justice No BART at the Fruitvale fare gates (11:44)
by dave id
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§photos from the action can be found here
by dave id
photos from the action can be found here:
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