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Lennar losing on all fronts - has defaulted on its DDA and now facing corruption charges.

by Francisco Da Costa
At the last joint BVHP Project Area Committee and the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Hunters Point Shipyard - Lennar saw the signs of its forthcoming downfall. As, I have often said Lennar is going to drown in the cesspool of its own making. Lennar will no build one single dog house - the filthy, stinking, skunk that it is. Eat your hearts out Sophie Maxwell, Aurelious Walker, Angelo King, Veronica Hunnicutt, Willie B. Kennedy, Linda Richardson - and other that have been on Lennar's pay roll. You all have blood on your hands.
Senator Diane Feinstein was instrumental in adding her name up front and backing Proposition G. It is going no where. So did James Bryant who made all the money he could - when the going was good. The bread crumbs thrown to the dogs are no more - and the dogs are barking up the tree. Aurelious Walker has many of them in his back yard.

We are going to initiate a Freedom of Information Act - asking President Barack Obama to investigate the Mother of Water Boarding - who was all over the place at the Presidential ceremonies. Backing her - her husband of sorts - Richard Blum.

Lennar has defaulted on its Disposition and Development Agreement. It has changed its name and now has silent partners to fake its dirty deed on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Lennar has no money and with the exposure of recent corruption charges - it will be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Lennar must learn that it has over the years - made thousands of innocent home buyer suffer and that it has blood on its hands.

There is something called KARMA - and Lennar is getting shafted and feels the pain - as it must.

Lennar is a Rogue Company that has tried to defy decency and failed to respect our children and elders - by polluting our environment and slowly killing our constituents in the Bayview Hunters Point.

Lennar was fine $515,000 by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. This fact has silenced Lennar once and for all.

The fat, inept, ignorant, and very arrogant cow - Sophie Maxwell must realize that her days of faking and raking in thousands are over. Her rejection at the SF Board of Supervisors was a blow from which this fat cow - will not recover and rightly so.

Sophie desired to be the President at the SF BOS - and was voted out.

Sophie Maxwell has caused pain to - too many innocent people and has yet to apologize to the children and elders that Lennar polluted on her watch. She is the Supervisor of District 10 and has not done much for the community at large.

We will always remember the evil ones Sean Elsbernd, Jake McGoldrick, Bevan Dufty, Michela Alioto-Pier, Aaron Peskin, and Sophina Maxwell who voted against the innocent children and elders - when it came to adjudicate against Lennar and vote for the people.

Two of the sell outs have been termed out. Good riddance of very bad rubbish.

The others Sean Elsbernd, Bevan Dufty, and Michela Alioto-Pier and Sophie Maxwell must never, ever be trusted.

The rumor is that Kofi Bonner the man from Ghana and one who help Lennar create the mess in being called to serve in the Obama administration. Well, if Obama wants this despicable rat - let him go and again - good riddance of very bad rubbish.

Lennar will fail on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force has been expanding millions of dollars - trying to save face and still trying to hype things around. Again I say Lennar will fail and with it the goons that have bend backwards to help - Lennar.

The area Lennar proposes to build 10,500 homes is prone to liquefaction and flooding. I hope ACORN, the Labor Council and one Tim Paulson, and the others that backed Proposition G - understand these facts.

The Stop Lennar Action Movement is strong - and we will take on Mayor Gavin Newsom and his thugs.

We will also take on - as we have the Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee (PAC) - a bunch of sell outs - on the take - that have with intent adversely impacted - the constituents of Bayview and the surrounding area.

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to the Shipyard are on the take and again - have sold out the community to the highest bidder and are on the take.

It is fascinating to see the BVHP PAC and the CAC joins forces - but fail time and time - as they did at the last around - when they faced the WRATH of the community at large.

Gone are the days when the PAC and the CAC could bluff the people. You scum of the earth - be very careful your days are numbered - and you will sink in the cesspool just like Lennar.

The only difference Lennar will cut its loses and flee.

But, you local vermin - will remain in the community to hear the insults that will come your way - and you all will forever be remembered as the scum bags that have blood on your hands.

We, the community demand that the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard be cleaned to Residential Standards - as was mandated in the year 2000 by Proposition P. 87% of the people voted for Proposition P to clean the Shipyard to Residential Standards.

We demand a through study linked to flooding and liquefaction that the sell outs do not comprehend - foremost one Linda Richardson who hails from Nigeria. The area on which Lennar proposed to build 10,500 lousy, inferior homes that will never, ever be a reality.

Our children are informed and know the enemy.

You, Mayor Gavin Newsom will NOT get a pass and stop your silly Wi-Fi in the Sunnydale Area. This nonsense has been going on for the last three years with no success. No one trusts Dwayne Jones and his Communities of Opportunity.

This time around your plans with HOPESF will be thrown to the wind. Your many bluffs are not working. Lennar is sinking in the cesspool of its own making and with it you, Mayor Gavin Newsom.

We the community demand that Lennar leave our community and take with it the many sell outs that have with INTENT harmed our community.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy




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