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Indybay Feature

Mearsheimer & Walt @ UC Berkeley 10/25

THURSNIGHT 19:00 o'clock

THURSNIGHT 19:00 o'clock

Presenting Profs John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt at Berkeley

The Berkeley Teach-In group is pleased to announce that we will be
presenting Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt on campus on
Thursday October 25th at 7PM in Booth Auditorium at Boalt Hall.

Professor Mearsheimer, R. Wendel Harrison Distinguished Service
Professor of Political Science from the University of Chicago, and
Professor Walt, Belfer Professor of International Relations at the
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, will be presenting
their new controversial and ground-breaking book, The Israel Lobby and
US Foreign Policy.

The discussion will be directed by George Bisharat, Professor of Law
at UC Hastings, and Saba Mahmood, Professor of Anthropology at UC

This event is open to the student population as well as to the public,
and we welcome any efforts to support publicity for the event. Please
feel free to distribute information regarding the event as well as the
flyers below. You may click on the thumbnail below for a larger

(By admin - Posted on October 14th, 2007)

Courtesy crosspost

By Hal Womack 3-dan

Courtesy Notice = Anyone wishing either to be removed from my occasional e-list or to be transferred from BCC to CC (or vice-versa) has only to tell me.
[from my email]
Dear John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt,
Might y'all be interested in radically increasing the power of your Q & A period tomorrow night* (= *Thursday 10/25) at UC Berkeley?
If so then, thanks to the Internet, you can accomplish that objective by moving promptly to take
the following two simple steps:
1.) Designate an existing Usenet newsgroup as your chosen venue for discussion to be announced to the audience. A provisional choice for the evening might be "ba.politics" where the prefix stands for "Bay Area".
'Tis ordinarily low-volume, so responses arising from your UCB appearance would be easy to spot there.
(The Usenet = the oldest part of the Internet of which blogs are a sort of privatized imitation.)
Three more general alternative newsgroups, among many such = "talk.politics.misc,us.politics,talk.politics.mideast".
2.) Promise the audience that:
A) At least one of you will devote at least one hour in the next two weeks to review any issues raised there and comment thereon, should the quality of posts warrant the effort.
B) You will quickly (or have already) display simple instructions for posting to the Usenet on the appropriate Website(s), i.e. either that of your book or of your event hosts or both.
By implementing this modest suggestion, you can both expand the time available for discussion from ~1
hour to 24/7 for as long as you wish to continue the exercise and, even more importantly, you will open the floor to whomever has something thoughtful to say rather than merely to whichever individuals (or factions) may have first jumped in line for the microphone. Thirdly, you will expand the potential audience for your remarks from a couple of hundred present in the flesh to several billion accessible via the Net. Fourthly, adopting this
procedure could in the future be announced well beforehand, so that the discussion at each event
might build on the previous one, rather than merely starting all over again ad infinitum.
I will forward separately FYI a similar but slightly more elaborate proposal made to Cynthia McKinney
prior to her appearance in Berkeley on 5 October. Also listed below: the event announcement* as posted yesterday to 5 newsgroups. With best wishes for the success of your program, I remain
Yours Sincerely, Hal Womack
*{Newsgroups: ba.broadcast, ba.politics, ba.general,, alt.california
From: Hal Womack 3-dan
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 18:21:12 -0000
Subject: Mearsheimer & Walt @ UCB 10/25 19:00 hrs Thursnight
One obvious present variation on the below = "alt.israel.lobby" etc.
to HQ* date Oct 5, 2007 12:13 PM
(* = Cynthia McKinney)
"Here's an important procedural suggestion, while you still have 5 hours beforehand
to act on it:
Prefatory question = Do you really want to open up global discussion of the great issues?
Then I recommend: You summon that HS student or Hacker At Hand and ask him (let's say)
how long 'twill take to create the following three Usenet newsgroups:
A) alt.cynthia
B) alt.cynthia.reg
C) alt.cynthia.mod
I just checked that "alt.cynthia" etc is in fact currently available.
The suffixes mean "registered" and "moderated" respectively.
The Usenet newsgroups, of which there are > 100K, are the oldest part of the Internet.
Type (A) the open ng is standard. Type (C) or "moderated" alias censored is common. Type (B) = AFAIK my own
innovation as applied to the Usenet. Intermediate between the other two in terms of ease of access for posting,
"registered" status means that the party supplied her true I.D. to our HQ and had it verified. U.S. posters might be
tagged by their either their Congressional District or zip code.
The "open" cynthia ng preserves absolute freedom of expression. Anonymous posters can howl anything they please.
The Imperial Kabal is noticeably afraid of the Usenet breaking their monopoly of propaganda, so they have hired
quantities of keyboard goonies to come on all political newsgroups and just make a lot of noise to try to degrade the venue
and discourage normal people. We will preserve open cynthia for rough ore. The initiation procedure for "alt.cynthia.reg"
will cut down the noise tremendously by freezing out the nameless shriekers. HQ will keep the keys for "alt.cynthia.mod",
so getting one's article posted there will be an honor. HQ will want to grant _carte blanche_ access to acm to emminent
friends, e.g. John LeCarre, Michael Collins Piper, Hesham Tillawi, John Pilger, Hans von Sponeck, Ngugi wa Thiongo, Hugo Chavez, Paul Craig Roberts, Toni Morrison & so forth.
Besides the personal style of the "cynthia" title for an ng set, it happens that appears that "alt.justice" etc. is still available,
amazingly enough. However one would want to start with the personal and then expand to the general theme after
definition of position and preliminary coordination with other prominent allies.
Should you be able to act on this proposal successfully this afternoon, then tonight you would be able to announce to the
audience attending in the flesh a revolutionary breakthrough in communications. You would thereby broaden the circle
from several hundred souls in Berkeley to a potential global community in the 9 or 10 figures who speak English and have Net
access. Rather than the constricted queue behind the microphone under time pressure, you will be offering unlimited Q & A
24/7/365. Big vista, eh what? As for the demands on your staff time to create & to maintain this system: It would
require a part-time clerk to process the the acr applicants. In propriety, you should promise to give at least a couple of
hours weekly to review the progress of the discussion & answer any worthy Q's. Otherwise it should take care of itself;
also notable fund-raising potential.
Before beginning tonight's Q & A you can ask the assembly to show their hands:
How many of you A) use email? B) sometimes cruise the Web? C) Have used Google or another search engine?
D) Have visited a Usenet newsgroup? E) Have posted an article to a Usenet newsgroup?
Then you can tell beginners that simple instructions for learning how to post to the ng's are now available on your Website.
The traditional propaganda monopoly is obsolete. We have only to stretch out our hands to break the communications blockade."

(.sig follows below)
Hal Womack
24/7 tel.# = 415/788-5701 (SKYPE o.k.)
844 Pacific Avenue, Apt. B (cor. Powell St)
San Francisco CA 94133

{= "For Truth, Justice And the Milky way"}

"BEtween Just yoU & Me & the TELephone KOmpany" =
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