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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Emeryville: Rally to Save Woodfin Hotel Workers' Jobs!

Monday, November 13, 2006
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Sarah Norr
Location Details:
Outside the Emeryville Woodfin Suites Hotel (5800 Shellmound St.), just off the Emeryville exit on 80/580. The "Emery-Go-Round" free shuttle runs from MacArthur BART and stops in front of the hotel.

Dear friends,

Workers standing up for their rights at the Woodfin Hotel in Emeryville have recently been threatened with mass firings. These workers struggling to save their jobs, and are in urgent need of support from the community.

On Monday, November 13 from 5-7 pm, please join us outside the Woodfin (5800 Shellmound St. in Emeryville) for a high-energy, family-friendly, musical, candle-lit community protest.

Why are they being threatened? They are simply asking for their due under the new living wage law in Emeryville that EBASE and Emeryville residents campaigned for and was passed by the voters. They also happen to be immigrants.

The workers received notices several weeks ago saying that the company believed their social security numbers were incorrect, and giving them a deadline of October 19 to fix the problem. Thanks to an outcry from the community, the Woodfin extended its deadline by a month, and no workers have yet been fired. However, hotel managers are still insisting that they will terminate any employee who cannot correct a social security “no-match.”

Sound like a familiar story these days? The Woodfin has become ground zero in the East Bay to fight to defend immigrant rights and to defend city laws that improve working conditions.

Workers are counting on your continued support to protect their jobs ­ and show the Woodfin that our community will not tolerate harassment and intimidation of immigrant workers.


Sarah Norr and Brooke Anderson
For more info, contact Sarah at 510-435-9475 or sarah [at]

Added to the calendar on Fri, Nov 10, 2006 11:12AM
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