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Indybay Feature

How has Nine-Eleven changed YOU?

by rebel
After five years, have you changed?
Has part of that change been motivated by Nine-Eleven
and its aftermath?
Tell us your story, as a "comment" here on IndyBay.
Reprint/repost freely.

Ask yourself:

Has 9-11 changed my beliefs?

My actions?

My attitude?


[ One old activist says:

"Nine-Eleven made me more patriotic.
I reclaimed the U.S. flag,
recalling how this gaudy cloth started out as a flag of revolution, liberty,
democracy, secularism, and the Bill of Rights;
how it became the Union flag in a war which freed the slaves;
how the bearers of this flag defeated totalitarianism.
I decided we must not cede this flag to the right-wingers;
for it belongs to all U.S. citizens --
left and right, good and evil, smart and honest and otherwise
-- ALL of us.

I reverted, in many ways, to the Vietnam era --
those long years when I protested war and occupation;
thinking "Here we go again....."

I became very frightened --
not so much afraid of the evil terrorists,
because I know that America can outlast terror campaigns --
just as England and Spain and Eireland and other nations have done,
just as we Californians outlast our earthquakes.
Mainly I fear the evil Bush regime,
which gladly exploits terror
as its convenient excuse to destroy
our U.S. Constitution,
especially our Bill of Rights.

I'm changing in many ways, good and bad;
and scrambling to learn new skills,
and realizing
that freedom-seekers never get to retire.
Never. ]

Reprint freely.
by reality check
anyone changed by Sept 11 wasn't paying attention before that date.

Apparently some folks woke up and realized that the chickens had come home to roost after decades of US imperialism, covert action, war, low intensity conflict, alliances with terrorists, arms seling and drug dealing by the CIA, NSA, FBI, Bush-Clinton, and the military industrial conflict.

Other than that, we were reminded that the folks who work as 'first responders' can be counted on to risk their lives to help others. That they are dying as a result of toxic dust exposure is a crime perpetrated by the mass media, EPA, and Bush cabal. But we knew they were criminals even before they began their occupation of the white house.
by no change?
Even in ordinary times,
five years might change a person.

Is there anyone who has
in 2006
exactly the same opinions
as in 2001?

If so,
is such non-change
a virtue?

by and i still am
my initial reaction was to laugh, and to think about the chickens coming home to roost. in some ways, it was a lot less bad than it initially seemed (only 3,000 dying, instead of 50,000). and other countries have to deal with a lot more attacks than we do, so all the homeland security crap is certainly not justified.
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