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Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP

by jackrabbits
The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Calderon appears poised to sell off Mexican owned Pemex to US corporations like ExxonMobil, similar to the attempts of Rockefeller to sieze Mexican oil for Standard Oil (later renamed ESSO, now ExxonMobil) pre-WW2. This power play on the part of Rockefeller's S.O. aka Esso caused tensions amongst people in Mexico, a needed ally against the (Rockefeller/Ford/Prescott Bush sponsored) Nazi Germany. Additionally Rockefeller provided the Nazi fleets with petroleum via Mexican ports. following public outcry in Mexcio, Rockefeller gave up plans to sieze Mexican petroleum reserves/refineries and Pemex became nationalized for the people of Mexico, despite obvious corruption in later years between the ruling the PAN/PRI parties..

"Standard Oil of New Jersey, which later renamed itself Esso, then Exxon, was a major player in the foreign support of Nazi Germany from the 30's all the way into 1942. [8]

At the eve of World War II, the major stockholder in Standard Oil after the Rockerfellers was I.G. Farben, the German chemical combine, a major financial backer of Hitler and later heavily involved in using slave labor from the concentration camps. This investment was part of a pattern of reciprocal investments between the US and Germany during the Nazi years, in the midst of the Great Depression. Germany was viewed as a hot investment area.

One area of support Standard Oil provided was in tetraethyl lead, which was used in aviation gasoline. The Nazi air force "couldn't fly without it. "Only Standard, Du Pont, and General Motors had rights to it." Walter C. Teagle, president of Standard Oil of New Jersey (the largest petroleum corporation in the world in 1941), "helped to organize a sale of the precious substance" in 1938, 500 tons, from Ethyl, a British Standard subsidiary, to Hermann Schmitz of I.G. Farben, a large German chemical firm and major financial backer of Hitler. Then in 1939, "Schmitz and his partners returned to London and obtained $15 million worth." [9]

After the war started in Europe and the British were angry about U.S. shipments to Nazi Germany, Standard Oil "changed the registration of the entire fleet to Panamanian to avoid British seizure or search. His vessels carried oil to Tenerife in the Canary Islands, where they refueled and siphoned oil to German tankers for shipment to Hamburg." [10]

On March 31, 1941, "the State Department stepped into the picture with a detailed report on refueling stations in Mexico and Central and South America that were suspected of furnishing oil to Italian or German merchant vessels now in port. Among those fueling enemy ships were Standard Oil of New Jersey and California. There is no record of any action being taken on this matter." [11]"

article cont's @;

This pattern of US corporations like SO/Esso/ExxonMobil supporting and funding fascist regimes has continued throughout the world including Al-Queda, Saddam and other so-called 'enemy leaders' who were initially our friends against a different enemy (Soviet Union, Iran, etc..). Within Mexico the pressure is on preventing indigenous activists like the Zapatistas from having their voice heard around the world. Too bad the Zapatistas are skilled at living in the Sierra Madre rainforest undetected, eh Mr. Rockefeller? Bet a clearcutting operation from your timber baron buddies at International Paper would just have you foaming at the mouth if Plan Puebla Panama would repress indigenous soveriegnty in Chiapas and enable IP to invade los bosques in los montanas and remove the tree cover..

In previous elections, PRI candidate Zedillo was instructed by none other than David Rockefeller himself (via his Chase Manhattan Bank) to "eliminate the Zapatistas" and the following military incursions into Chiapas by the Mexican military proved that Rockefeller has clout with the politicians in Mexico City..

"David Rockefeller's bank calls for Elimination of Zapatistas
Chase Bank internal report written by Riordan Roett calling for the elminiation of the Zapatistas.

'The government will need to eliminate the Zapatistas to demonstrate their effective control of the national territory and of security policy.'


more on Rockefeller's Chase @;

"Throughout its history, this company has owned one of the largest tanker fleets in the world. It was founded in 1882 as the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, which was later the most important of the components into which John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust was broken in 1911. The name Exxon was adopted in 1972. The company was renamed Exxon Shipping Company (1982-93) and its predecessor, Marine Department of Exxon Company USA. Both used the Exxon House Flag. From 1993 to present, the company is SeaRiver Maritime, Inc."

See these ExxonMobil flags on the high seas? Prepare for boarding, matey;

We understand that David Rockefeller and ExxonMobil corporate interests would act in collusion with International Paper and other timber corporations to invade southern Mexico for the purpose of resource theft, Coca-cola (former CEO Vicente Fox, PAN party) would sell of the aquifer agua in San Jovel, Chiapas, ExxonMobil would buy out Pemex (with Calderon's help, PAN party) and International Paper would clear-cut the forests of the Sierra Madres..

"In 1997, Mexico passed controversial reforms to subsidize its failing timber industry, which cut its production in half between 1995 and 1996, and lost a third of its jobs, despite an increase in domestic consumption. International Paper was one of the Mexican law's primary authors. After the collapse of Mexico's economy in December 1994, International Paper promised to invest in Mexico if it would offer financial incentives. In a 1995 letter to Zedillo's office, International Paper Forest Division Director Edward Kobacker said "Mexico is wasting a clear opportunity. If Mexico is to be globally competitive, there should not be limits on the size of privately owned sections of forest ... and the country should legislate incentives to promote the establishment of commercial plantations." So Mexico made land purchases easier for forestry companies and explicitly gave commercial forest plantations a special legal status. International Paper is planning a 50,000-hectare tree plantation in Chiapas and several other projects.

In 1996, IP began negotiations to buy pine and encino paper pulp from Mexican ejidos in the Sierra Madre. High level officials of the SEMARNAP (Secretariat of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fish) were present at some of these meetings. A contract with the Ejido of San Alonso was signed in June 1996. In August, the Commission of Solidarity and Defense of Human Rights (COSYDDHAC) received a document signed by 13 ejido members from who expressed their concern and opposition to the volume of the proposed logging, which could double the ejido's timber cut."

more on IP profile @;

All this and more raping of Mexico's Madre Tierra is possible if Calderon is declared winner of the Mexican presidency, PPP joins NAFTA and the Zapatistas are suppressed via the Mexican military. Of course ExxonMobil and other corporations's didn't count on popular support in Mexico (and worldwide) for PRD party candidate Obrador..

Obrador is with the PRD party, an alternative to the conservative pro-NAFTA PAN party and the do nothing PRI party. Over the last several years the leftis PRD party has faced severe repression in Mexico..

"Across Mexico over 400 activists of the party of Lopez Obrador have been assassinated, or died mysterious deaths since the late 1980s. Two poll workers for the Party were added to the victims list this past July 2.

The intimidation factor facing the PRD was apparent in my drive through 17 Mexican states prior to the 1994 presidential election. PRI propaganda was common on roadside homes and businesses, and a few upscale neighborhoods had PAN signs, but PRD was virtually invisible outside of the capital."

more on Obrador's PRD party @;

Plan Puebla Panama would amplify loss of sovereignty under NAFTA with additional "free trade" agreements. PPP would no doubt encounter some roadblocks under Obrador, hence the so-called "victory" by pro-NAFTA PAN candidate Calderon..

However, the Other Campaign of the Zapatistas are not so quick to believe another line of leftist rhetoric from the PRD. Are we looking at the opposite side of the same imperialist coin or what??

Democrat/Republican lesser evilism deja vu. Maybe we should save our time and energy for dismantling the invading bulldozers of NAFTA/PPP developments...

"There is little that is leftist about Lopez Obrador or the PRD. They plan to follow the same macro-economic model as the previous right wing governments, promising only to “put the poor first” by flooding state money into infrastructure programs, many of which—such as the planned shipping corridor across the Isthmus of Tehuántepec, Oaxaca, a spin off project from the Fox administration's Plan Puebla Panama—face serious national and local opposition by indigenous groups, small farmers, and environmentalists.

During the past six-years the PRD has become something of a half-way house for disenchanted politicians defecting from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the dinosaur that ruled Mexico for over 70 years until its defeat by the PAN in 2000. Many of the politicians that aided PRI president Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994) as he eviscerated the indigenous rights and land reform protections in the Mexican Constitution in order to pass the North American Free Trade Agreement, have fled to the PRD, and found a home in Lopez Obrador's campaign team. Mexican historian Adolfo Gilly writes in a recent issue of Latin American Perspectives that former Salinas administration officials such as Manuel Camacho, Marcelo Ebrard, Ricardo Monreal, Federico Arreola, Socorro Diaz, and Leonel Cota, are now “the pillars of the presidential campaign of the PRD and its candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.”

article cont's @;

Todos los votos, voto por voto..

Count all the votes, vote by vote, then reach for the bandanas and monkeywrenches..

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