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Indybay Feature

FLASHPOINTS radio -The FIGHT for IRISH FREEDOM with Bobby Lavery and Terry Kirby - part 2

by Amanda Bellerby (mndbliss [at]
Part two of an interview with former Sinn Fein representative for North Belfast, Bobby Lavery, and former Long Kesh H-Block Blanketman Terry Kirby, one of 38 men to escape Long Kesh in the largest prison break in British penal history, and one of the H-Block Four. Bobby Lavery lost his young son and brother to loyalist death squads in Belfast. mp3, 15:19 mins
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In this segment, Bobby Lavery and Terry Kirby discuss racism, sectarian violence, the use of torture in the prisons of occupied territories from the North of Ireland to Abu Ghraib; they also compare the military occupations of Ireland and Palestine.

Music break: "Time to Go" by Black 47

"Flashpoints" is a syndicated investigative news show on Pacifica radio, KPFA, 94.1 fm, Berkeley.
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