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Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and his 'business' partner, Palestinian con man and Al Qaeda Islamic terrorist charities connected suspect Mohamed Hadid's,'s 'airwater machine'. Perhaps he felt using you or Israeli President Moshe Katsav again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 120 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

The main purpose of this indymedia article-post is to place my email of a couple days ago to Gal Lusky in the public arena and for the record.It was inspired in turn by her recent meeting with Israel'e President Moshe Katsav and an article about that meeting is quoted very briefly below with corresponding link to that article.Gal Lusky discusses her work and relief efforts in both the tsunami disaster as well as in the New Orleans hurricane disaster a few months later.

This volunteer work on the part of Israelis is commendable and should not in anyway be discouraged.However the British Israeli Michael Zwebner and his Palestinian business partner in my opinion used them all for fraud and perhaps helped to neutralise if not damage their efforts and reputations. And Israeli President Moshe Katsav whose name was used in previous promotions of the Zwebner-Hadid 'UCSY' AIRWATER MACHINE PENNY STOCK SCAM COULD HAVE WARNED THEM BUT CHOSE TO DO NOTHING.

from ''Out of Thin Air'' (Page 2) :

by Kirk Nielsen

This machine could answer the desperate prayers of tsunami survivors and company shareholders
courtesy of air water corporation

Zwebner traveled to Sri Lanka to meet the prime minister
courtesy of air water corporation

Packaged Air Water machines destined for Colombo were immediately photographed on forklifts
photos by Jonathan Postal

At Air Water’s world headquarters Rolando Sablon and Bob De Costa (right) are ready to reveal the wonder of their drinking-water machines

January 6: Sri Lanka's ambassador to Israel visits "the Air Water production facility in Israel," samples the water from the machines, and "approves water taste and quality." Three machines -- each purportedly capable of producing at least 500 liters (132 gallons) of water per day -- would soon be heading to a "food camp" in Sri Lanka operated by IsraAID, a nongovernmental Israeli relief group.

On January 11, Zwebner's publicity blitz got traction. The Jerusalem Post ran a story on the IsraAID mission and mentioned that Air Water had donated three machines "providing seventeen liters per day."

Seventeen liters?

Zwebner nearly came unglued. He quickly shot back a stern e-mail to the Post reporter: Air Water had also donated two smaller machines, for a total of five capable of producing up to 2000 liters daily. And the value of the donation was "between $100,000 and $200,000, making us possibly the single largest aid donor from an Israeli operation." That last might have been a stretch. According to the company's price list, an Air Water 500-liter model costs between $16,000 and $22,000; five of them would be worth no more than $110,000.

But who was counting? And besides, a bit of harmless embellishment was in keeping with the improvisational spirit of Air Water, where things had a tendency to get a little messy around the edges. After a year and a half in operation, the company claimed to have lined up distributors in some 35 countries, though no one could provide documentation of any actual sales of the machines.

'Out of Thin Air (Page 2)

Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

And it appears IsrAID was also used in Michael
Zwebner's U.S. penny stock 'pump and dump' scam that may even be part of a money laundering scheme. But as author Nielsen asks above,who's counting? Certainly not isrAID nor Gal Lusky's IFA nor Moshe Katsav President of Israel whose names were used by British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and Islamic terrorism 'charity ' suspect and known business scamster Mohamed Hadid to promote their own UCSY 'airwater machine' scam to dump worthless penny stock shares and perhaps launder money with them.

Why do I say besides an illegal penny stock 'pump and dump ' fraud and soliciting donations FOR THEMSELVES using Gal Lusky's and Israel President Moshe Katsav's and IFA and IsraAid names they may be laundering money ? That's because our U.S. SEC or Securities Exchange Commission has made it its 'duty'
to NOT audit shares issued and sold in a timely manner if ever !

Why is this a problem for Israel and the world besides being fraud that harms investors,both American and others ? At this very moment in Dubai and the UAE U.S. penny stocks are being dealt with by organized crime.Bellador Group of a Mr.Taylor operating in Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,etc,, is just one example.And the Beltway connected penny stock scamster James Dale Davidson who is also founder of the Steve Forbes connected National Taxpayers Union and who may or may not be Bellador Group connected has also shifted some of his penny stock scams to Dubai.He is also founder with a Bill Bonner of Agora Inc. of Baltimore that has much Beltway or Washington D.C. and thus no doubt SEC influence. After all the National Taxpayers Union has been in Alexandria,Virginia since 1969,the same Washington, D.C. suburb where our SEC is located.

Both the new Bush appointed SEC Chairman Christopher Cox as well as John Reed Stark who
is in charge of the SEC's cyber fraud division seem determined to cover up this fraud.The SEC even subpeonaed two of Wall Street Journals best business reporters,Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg,who were both investigating persons involved with and websites that may or may not be James Dale Davidson connected but,for reasons I have explained in previous indymedia articles,I believe they are.

So even if a few corrupt Israelis benefit from the corruption of the U.S. SEC and its refusal for whatever reasons to shut down offshore boiler rooms or at least insure they cannot use U.S. penny stocks to operate it is not in the best interests of Israelis nor the average citizen anywhere that they continue to do so.

Consider the low estimated cost of pulling off 9/11 for instance and consider that one SEC official gave an estimation of approximately $58 billion anual profits made by illegal pump and dump scams of which Michael Zwebner's and Mohamed Hadid's scam is a part.This official(Atkins) ignorantly or purposefully left out an estimation of money laundered through U.S. penny stocks.Why ? Well we are at 'war'' meaning that our government can justify anything including money laundering with U.S. penny stock shares in Dubai or elsewhere. Consider the 1980's covert wars of Central America. How was it paid for when the Democratic majority in Congress opposed footing the bill ? Well through running cocaine between South and Central America and on to Florida or Arkansas or California and elsewhere. Remember Iran-Contra ?

And it is known that Ollie North and others were involved with U.S. penny stocks and offshore accounts. Go figure.But Israel should never think laundering money in Dubai with unaudited U.S. penny stocks is in their interests and as long as any Israeli can do it so too can a right wing criminal underworld with Beltway connections in Dubai and the UAE etc..

Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud

Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel's 'superwoman' takes flight to help others
By Jenny Hazan March 12, 2006

Gal Lusky (far right) and members of the Israel Flying Aid volunteer team: I am led by the belief that everyone - no matter who they are - deserves to get help when they need it most.

Israelis launch aid efforts for Katrina victims

Israeli humanitarian group determined to send relief to Katrina aid victims


Israel Flying Aid page

There is a good reason why Israeli President Moshe Katsav chose to invite Gal Lusky to a closed-door meeting at his residence in Jerusalem this past December.

Since founding the non-profit disaster relief organization, Israeli Flying Aid (IFA), a year ago, Lusky and her team of volunteers have provided assistance to victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2005, and more recently to the victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. And Katsav just wanted to say one word - thanks.

Lusky and members of her team - comprised of a total of 60 volunteers from a variety of professions including doctors, psychologists, and social workers - have also paid visits to the flood victims of Georgia and the earthquake victims of India and Kashmir.

Lusky means what she says. Unlike other aid organizations, the IFA targets people in far-flung locations around the globe that were either intentionally or unintentionally overlooked by most government or international aid organizations, to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to people affected by either natural disaster or regional conflict.

From: "Tony Ryals" <endofscam [at]>

To: "luskygal [at]" <luskygal [at]>
Subject: Micael Zwebner Penny Stock Fraud and Dubai money laundering
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 15:40:34 -0500

Dear Gal Lusky,
I noted an article about you meeting with President Moshe Katsav on the internet news yesterday,can't remember if it was the Jerusalem Post or not.

I grew up in Louisiana by the way so strangely enough I can sympathise with your experience there.They treated me the same way,hee hee.

That might also explain why Michael Zwebner did not take the opportunity of the Hurricane to promote his and Mohamed Hadid's's
'airwater machine', perhaps he felt using you again to promote his worthless 'UCSY' shares might get old.Originally I imagined it was because New Orleans was too close to his scam in Miami but then again he sent 140 or so fictitious 'airwater machines' to Texas somewhere in one press release.

I presume but don't know that you may have heard of my complaints about Zwebner's use of Moshe Katzav's name(he spelled it with a 'z' in the press release) to promote his worthless U.S. penny stock shares ? If not you can do a google search 'moshe katzav michael zwebner ryals'.Or with an 's' to locate the israel.indymedia post.I'm not picking on Israelis or Jews I'm mad as hell about penny stock fraudsters and most of the ones who conned me(with a Stanford patent to use nicotine for 'angiogenesis')ain't Jewish nor Israeli but it appears I have tracked some of their penny stock scams to Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.Do a google search of 'sec christopher cox james dale davidson' if you want to read something funny,sort of,in English.Or do a google search,'james angel georgetown university',you can always add 'lap dancers'
or ryals to search but that shouldn't be necessary.

You see besides ripping me off in a 'naked short' scam which was really a lie to mask the dumping of shares from a Charles Schwab account among others in 2002,James Dale Davidson is the jerk who claimed 'Clinton killed Vince Foster'.
Yeah one of his pals claimed the Israelis did it,hee hee.

Anyway you could Google 'james dale davidson ryals' and find all I've written about him probably.Or 'james dale davidson amenni nannaco' for one of Davidson's Dubai scams.Or google
'bellador group' for a boiler room in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur I think Davidson if not CIA is connected to.

Actually besides robbing me blind I'm outraged that post 911 these people whoever they are including Davidson are using Dubai for penny stock fraud and probably money laundering.Do you think that makes anyone in Israel more secure ? I didn't think so.

What you all could do is scream real loud to the U.S. government or the SEC if not the FBI and CIA and have them investigate and James Dale Davidson and if he is too Beltway connected, so what ? You see in being naive and putting all I had into that Stanford patent because of a nostalgia for the U.S. I ended up not only losing everything but finding I probably helped criminals at best if not arms dealers for all I know to launder money with U.S.penny stock shares I now know the U.S. SEC does not audit thus money flow can't be audited and money laundering in Kuala Lumper,Dubai,etc. was probable.Do you think you are more secure where you are when the U.S. government is allowing money to be laundered with U.S. penny stocks in Dubai ? I didn't think so.

So you say you help people in need ? Then help me already.I am a foremost expert in the 'naked short scam' or to make it more confusing the supposed 'anti-naked short selling' scam.And James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. of Baltimore is its virtual father.They even threaten my life over the internet and the SEC and John Reed Stark who will be the subject of my next article does nothing if not aid and abet.Funny Zwebner never used that scam but only recently has allowed a scam website related to my foes has begun to claim 'UCSY' a victim of 'naked short selling'.Do a google search,'ucsy',I believe that would find it.

Also I was the 'wolfblitzzer0' alias on 'UCSY' message board that gave reason in Zwebner's mind to sue CNN and the real Wolf Blitzer for $100,000,000 !! And no contrary to his claim I could care less if he had a milkshake with his cheeseburger,hee hee.

So below as you can see Zwebner used you just as he used Moshe Katsav to 'pump and dump' his worthless 'UCSY' shares.Your last name is
probably purposefully changed to 'Lutsky'just as he probably used a 'z' for Katzav hoping to get maximum pr value but hoping no one google searched 'gal lutsky' where that name turns up the press
release below.

So I think some good could come out of this bad if you all in Israel now realise someones from the U.S. and Britain for sure are using Dubai and the UAE for U.S. penny stock fraud and probable money laundering and IT IS NOT in your or anyone you care about's interests that they continue.And I don't care if they are CIA or Beltway fraudsters they need to be exposed.

I know that this is complex but it appears you have contacts to analyze what I am saying and you or they can email me with any qustions whatsoever.

Tony Ryals

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Hosts Official Visit by Sri Lankan Ambassador to Israel at the AirWater Production Facility

Thursday January 6,1:42 pm ET

Ambassador Sees AirWater Machines in Production, and Approves Water Taste and Quality; First Three AirWater AW500 Machines Set to Leave Israel for Colombo, Sri Lanka Next Week

MIAMI, FL--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 6, 2005 -- Universal Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) subsidiary AirWater Corporation,company president Michael J Zwebner announced that the company today hosted an official visit by his Excellency Sri Lankan Ambassador Mr. Tissa Wijeratne to the AirWater production facility in Israel. The Ambassador came to see the production of the latest AirWater machines destined for imminent delivery to the special refugee food camps being
set up in Sri Lanka.


Michael Zwebner made the following statement: "We have agreed to supply the first 3 AirWater Machines of AW500 type, to a new special food camp being set up in the worst hit areas in Sri Lanka by Mrs. Gal Lutsky.
This special food camp will provide over 5,000 meals daily to survivors of the recent Tsunami disaster.

"In addition, we are also shipping out additional AirWater Machines as well as a special Water Bag Bottling Machine, capable of filling 18,000 half liter bags of water daily. We intend to do all we can to provide water and food to these poor victims."


AirWater Corporation has launched a worldwide appeal for funding to assist the company to manufacture and immediately donate and deliver an
unlimited amount of AirWater machines to areas worst affected by the recent Tsunami. Mr. Zwebner stated: "As a company, there is only so much we can do ourselves. We are now appealing to the public at large to recognize the special ability of our organization to manufacture and deliver the very best product available, our unique AirWater Machines,
and help us to deliver clean, pure and drinkable water to the millions of homeless survivors in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia. We have taken upon ourselves to ship the first 20 AirWater Machines to Sri
Lanka, but this is a small drop in the ocean to the needs of the millions of survivors that all need drinking water daily. We hope that people will respond positively to our international request. Our intentions at this time are to make available drinkable water to as
many people as possible."

Our company web site has been updated to enable the public to make donations and/or sponsorships on line. Donors and Sponsors are invited to visit, and click on SPONSOR. All major credit cards are acceptable.

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary Airwater Corporation to Provide 5 Airwater Machines to Large Scale Feeding Station and Medical Facility for Tsunami Homeless Victims in Sri Lanka

Thursday January 13,9:20 am ET

Airwater Machines Ideal and Best Solution for
"Water" Supplies; Camp to Provide 5,000 Meals Per Day

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 13, 2005 -- Universal
Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that
the company is providing 5 machines for a large scale feeding and medical facility located in the Tsunami devastated area in south Sri Lanka.


The feeding camp is being set up by Mrs. Gal Lusky, is leading a large contingent of volunteers from Israel under the umbrella of ISRAAID. ISRAAID comprises of the following NGO''s, Israel National Civil Society
Relief Force, which has 40 associations under its umbrella to provide relief and disaster aid to the homeless victims of the Tsunami affected
areas in Sri Lanka. Under her leadership, she has been instrumental in obtaining supplies of hundreds of tons of food and medical equipment which has been donated in the main by Israeli companies, as well large donations of cash contributions from the Israeli public.

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Secures Fully Paid Firm Order for 120 AirWater Machines for Delivery to Texas, USA

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary Airwater Corporation to Provide 5 Airwater Machines to Large Scale Feeding Station and Medical Facility for Tsunami Homeless Victims in Sri Lanka

Thursday January 13,9:20 am ET

Airwater Machines Ideal and Best Solution for "Water" Supplies; Camp to Provide 5,000 Meals Per Day

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 13, 2005 -- Universal
Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) subsidiary AirWater
Corporation company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today that
the company is providing 5 machines for a large scale feeding and
medical facility located in the Tsunami devastated area in south Sri


The feeding camp is being set up by Mrs. Gal Lusky, is leading a large contingent of volunteers from Israel under the umbrella of ISRAAID. ISRAAID comprises of the following NGO''s, Israel National Civil Society
Relief Force, which has 40 associations under its umbrella to provide relief and disaster aid to the homeless victims of the Tsunami affected areas in Sri Lanka. Under her leadership, she has been instrumental in obtaining supplies of hundreds of tons of food and medical equipment which has been donated in the main by Israeli companies, as well large donations of cash contributions from the Israeli public.


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