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Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
Due to unforseen publicity SF SEC backed down from subpeonas issued to Dow Jones business journalists Herb Greenberg and Carol Remond.It
appears to be a warning from the Beltway to all journalists to back off of Patrick Byrne and investigation that could implicate many politicians and far right Beltway denizens including James Dale Davidson,founder of National Taxpayers Union and of the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster'smear campaign who may launder money in penny stock scams and illegal pump and dump scams for some Beltway politicos and insiders.Charles Schwab knows a lot but he ain't talking and the SF
SEC IS NOT LIKELY TO ASK.Are there any investigative journalists left in the Bay Area ? Didn't think so.This is related to a Patrick Byrne and his pump and dump vs. Rocker Partners Hedge Fund ongoing in Marin County as I type.

SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

Due to unforseen publicity SF SEC backed down from subpeonas issued to Dow Jones business journalists Herb Greenberg and Carol Remond.It
appears to be a warning from the Beltway to all journalists to back off of Patrick Byrne and investigation that could implicate many politicians and far right Beltway denizens including James Dale Davidson,founder of National Taxpayers Union and of the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster'smear campaign who may launder money in penny stock scams and illegal pump and dump scams for some Beltway politicos and insiders.Charles Schwab knows a lot but he ain't talking and the SF
SEC IS NOT LIKELY TO ASK.Are there any investigative journalists left in the Bay Area ? Didn't think so.This is related to a Patrick Byrne and his pump and dump vs. Rocker Partners Hedge Fund ongoing in Marin County as I type.

Below take link to Gary Weiss',ex 'Business Week' journalist and author of 'The Mob on Wall Street', blogspot.(He has a new book coming out.)
This will give you Gary's informed insight into the subpeonas and the SF
SEC BEHAVING AS 'KEYSTONE COPS'.Personally I believe it is much worse than that.Below the link to Gary Weiss' blog is my letter to the SEC and my take on the subject including dishonorabe mention of both
Charles Schwab pump and dump accounts for Davidson and Endovasc who used a Stanford patent to promote and dump worthless shares and defraud investors such as myself.Stanford University,Charles Schwab's Alma Mater,made off like bandits on the fraud as well as Stanford researchers Chris Heeschen and John Cooke which may have included money laundering with unaudited shares in Kuala Lumpur or Dubai !
Take this link to The Royal Gazette article,'Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim' to learn more about Charles Schwab's aiding and abetting LOM of Bermuda in illegal pump and dump fraud and I believe possible money laundering with myriad penny stocks as market maker :

Also indybay pdf file file at bottom with letter to me from Schwab in 2003 threatening me for speaking out and a 'share holder' agreement to deposit 'up to 30 million' Endovasc shares into one Schwab account for illegal pump and dump and probable money laundering !
Tony Ryals

Saturday, February 25, 2006
The SEC's Keystone Kops in Action

Dear SEC,

I thought I would bring to your attention AGAIN a major penny stock
tout website called that you may have heard of
before.Why has the SEC allowed David Patch,WHO IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN A VICTIM OF 'NAKED SHORTING', and others to use that fraudulent claim for massive securities fraud ? Why has the SEC ALLOWED SUCH FRAUDS AS Michael Zwebner's 'UCSY' to use dead and dieing Americans in Iraq or even Israeli soldiers and tsunami victims to tout a fraud and dump shares on naive Americans and run the scam on German markets as well ? And to use the name of the President of Israel Moshe Katsav or Moshe Katzav in his fraud ? Can you tell me if Mr.Katzav approves of this fraud that connects his name with Mohamed Hadid who has run a number of frauds with Zwebner and is associated with a Muslim charity investigated for possible links to terrorism in Herndon,Virginia ?

Do you really believe Herb Greenberg's and Carol Remond's
investigative reporting is a greater threat to securities fraud than and the people who run it and block my posts so that
massive penny stock fraud with unaudited shares,registered or
not,including probable money laundering in Kuala Lumpur and Dubai
with those shares, etc.with or possibly even SRA International shares
that the SEC should be auditing is not disturbed?

Do you really believe the SEC serves a purpose in slandering and
defaming Greenberg and Remond which only lends the penny stock 'naked short' fraud death threat mafia credibility ? Meanwhile you don't even do the job John Reed Stark's SEC Internet Fraud Department should be doing and warning against that fraud ? If you refuse to stop the fraud and death threats at least don't make an
obvious effort to help them by harrassing the only ones, journalists,who are warning because you don't do your real job.There is the danger your harrassment of these journalists will be taken seriously by naive investors as I once was and they will begin to take the and its various related scam websites seriously and believe Carol Remond who woke me up years ago about Endovasc is a crook rather than the ncans mafia that should be identified so that Remond or Greenberg might have the option to at least sue them for defamation and possibly putting them out of business because you will not.

INTERNATIONAL'.Have you asked the management of SRA International,who the SEC has given over a $100 million to I believe,if they have any idea why SRA International shares are being promoted by the same boiler room that vomited untold millions of Endovasc and other U.S. penny stock shares all over Asia and terrorist money laundering suspect states such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai that they also operate out of ? Even Hong Kong warns their own citizens about them yet you allow them unaudited numbers of U.S. shares that terrorists or common criminals can launder money with and don't even require them to disclose or even be mentioned in Endovasc SEC filings and then allow them and their Arizona attorney to fraudulently claim Endovasc is 'naked shorted' in communication to me ! Hello ?

Doesn't the SEC have some obligation to inform our Congress and our
scams and they,although incorporated in Nevada as usual I believe, have a Dubai connection as well ?

And he,as you know began,NAANSS before NCANS existed and pumped and dumped both Genemax and Endovasc through his Agora Inc tout fraud and cyber fraud machine using both Charles Schwab and LOM of Bermuda to manipulate and dump their worthless shares from .Then he or attorney John O'Quinn in his stead claimed Schwab,Refco, and Ameritrade 'naked shorted' shares of Endovasc when Schwab really provided the pump and dump account !! That is why I still suspect Refco and Ameritrade were also used for Davidson's dump of Endovasc because attorney John O'Quinn named them as the source of 'naked shorting' in Endovasc BusinessWire prs as well.

Speaking of attorneys,ex-SEC attorney Brent Baker who had pretended to be on my side as a defrauded investor when I enquired about a letter sent to the Dallas-Fort Worth office after the letter appeared on internet to them from David P Summers exposing Dwight Cantrell and 'Robber' Johnson's involvement with the Bellador Group boiler roomis now aiding and abetting NCANS and 'Bobo' or James Dale Davidson and Patrick Byrne in the naked short fraud.I have no idea why you can't identify the criminal Bob O'Brien or don't subpeona Patrick Byrne to obtain his identity rather than harrassing journalists he
himself threatens and calls names on the internet I would be loathe
to repeat in my letter to you.

Ragingbull knows where my computer is to block my warning posts on and Yahoo! blocks my posts and disappears my email,to give to your 'IT' expert SRA INTERNATIONAL OR THEIR CLIENTS AT CIA OR NSA FOR ALL I KNOW ! And 'BOBO'claims he can get me killed or macheted in Guatemala for $500 to the right 'cabby'.Yet you at the SEC don't have a clue about where Bob O'Brien is or the rest of the NCANS, probably Beltway,mafia is located ? You could just go almost next door to the National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria where you are both located and ask to speak to the 'brains' behind NAANSS and thus NCANS Mr.James Dale Davidson himself.Why don't you ? And of course the boys at SRA International or NSA or CIA aren't that far along in their internet technology yet either.Sure.

Why doesn't the SEC contact the New Jersey Star-Ledger and inform
them that a Gary Valinoti who appeared before them this past week and claimed his 'business' was destroyed by 'naked shorting' is a known securities fraud connected to the 'Bermuda Short'scandal I
believe,but definitelyone who has dumped unregisterd shares to defraud his own investors in Jag Media Holdings. Why is he allowed now to lie before the New Jersey legislature and the SEC does nothing ? Why does the SEC harrass our few good business journalists and let James Dale Davidson and Patrick Byrne lie threaten and inmtimidate ?

And why is the fraud David P Summers who lied about being a doctor
and Dwight Cantrell who now heads the Montgomery Texas ongoing
biofraud Endovasc still committing more fraud and Bellador Group
still promoting the next new batch of hundreds of million more new
shares you and Nevada allow them to print and dump.Why ?

It is 'Bob O'Brien' who I am sure has a James Dale Davidson and thus
Agora Inc connection and Patrick Byrne who are promoting myriad
worthless penny stock pumps and dumps and committing fraud on Yahoo and directing others to their scam websites from there who are
committing fraud NOT Herb Greenberg or Carol Remond.'Bobo' is the one who mentioned a 'boat' named 'James Davidson' and a person by that name providing phones and contributions for the fraud.He is also the one who hints he could get me killed for $500 and hinting a 'machete fight'.So why do you choose to harrass the journalists who seek to expose him ?

If I am in anyway mistaken or misinformed in anything I have said
please let me know.Does the SEC and its internet fraud division and
John Reed Stark not agree that someone should warn about Bellador
Group ? Does the SEC not take seriously that that boiler room in
Kuala Lumpur is promoting SRA International shares when it is the
SEC's own IT expert as well as a contractor to NSA,CIA,NAVY,GAO, AND FBI AND DOJ,I BELIEVE ? And that's not even all the corporate welfare the U.S. gov has blessed them with and they claim AML or anti-money laundering expertise so why are they not concerned about Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur's interest in their shares ?
Meanwhile they use the corp welfare you all dole out to them to
promote and tout their sharers who knows where and dump them as well for their personal gain.

Below is more touting from the ragingbull evsc message board.Can you
inform me as to whether or not Endovasc still has involvement with
Bellador Group? I believe they must or Mr.Taylor of would not still be promoting their worthless
shares on his Dubai or Kuala Lumpur website, would he ?

Tony Ryals

'moshe katzav michael zwebner',

By: patiencepays0
24 Feb 2006, 04:10 PM EST Msg. 18499 of 18504
(Msg. is a reply to by None.)
This is my last post, and I've said enough already. If your not in
then it's your loss. Maybe those that are not should do some DD over
the weekend. I may pop in from time to time over the next month or so
to say hello. I feel like i'm pumping and I don't want to do that.
.25+ near term, .50 .75 med. GLTA

Liprostin Phase III
Endothil-cr at GNC 59$
Biodegradeable stent(s)
Basic Research royalty
Short pos. covering
More in the pipeline

(Voluntary Disclosure: ST Rating- Strong Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy)

By: different_drummer0
25 Feb 2006, 11:31 AM EST Msg. 18500 of 18504
(Msg. is a reply to 18498 by meangene53.)
MeanG (TOS reports): Well, from the looks of things...

If the TOS reports affected Grinny: Wow, incredible!

If Grinny is simply taking a break: Oh we go again!

I'm hoping for the former and not the latter.

Enjoy the weekend.


By: different_drummer0
25 Feb 2006, 11:41 AM EST Msg. 18504 of 18504
(Msg. is a reply to by None.)
EVSC folks: This RB is rather slow...

Please excuse the repeat posts.


Yahoo protects stock mafia , death threats

Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey, Asa Hutchinson,
Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and dump account ! :

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