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Indybay Feature

Black Parents Considering Student Strike Over School Closings

by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Black parents met in the memorial room of the Martin Luther King Jr. Waterfall to stop what one city supervisor called the "death of black San Francisco" through the closing of dozens of schools in black and low-income neighborhoods. The decision by the San Francisco Unified board has been delayed until today January 19. Omar Khalif, one of the organizers of the Black Parents Together movement, urged parents to participate at the school board meeting, and says that a school strike may be possible. “Some people in the African-American community are mulling it over,” said Kahlif. “It’s the type of thing that could happen overnight.”
"Our schools and students have not been given the five year period of school improvement required under the No Child Left Behind Act,” said Khalif. “The district has not provided parents with the required outreach or the mandated percentage of Title 1 funding for parent development."

More than 30 percent of black students in the district face closings or school mergers.

Several education advocates, including organizer Liz Jackson-Simpson, explained the reasons a strike could occur. Simpson said the closings will place many students in danger due to gang boundaries and rivalries. She also noted that black students face such barriers as no working bathrooms in their schools, calling into question the rationales used by the school district to justify closings.

Pat Scott, director of Booker T. Washington Community Center, said the district is not providing information and resources for parents to know how to support their children, citing the news that the district is returning $750,000 in Title 1 funds, which are required to be made available for tutoring with students not meeting proficiency standards. The district has the lowest test scores for black students of any urban school district in the state.

Supervisors Sophie Maxwell and Ross Mirkarimi attended the Saturday meeting inside the second largest memorial to Dr. King in the nation. Maxwell emphasized the urgency that parents speak out this week to save schools in her 10th district in the southeastern part of the city. "The district did not give parents a meaningful opportunity to have input," said Maxwell.

Mirkarimi said, "I can't emphasize this enough -- nothing less than the future of black San Francisco is at stake."

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by ?
The reason schools on the east side are closing is that the population there is shrinking. Schools on the west side are full and getting more crowded. It's not about race (and all of these people know this; more grandstanding and playing the race card). As to a strike - go ahead, if you want your kids to fall even further behind everyone else. Ross is ridiculous. "Back San Francisco" has been shrinking for 25 years and will continue to do so. After the projects are closed, it will shrink even faster.
by .
no doubt this white poster wants blacks out of the WHOLE country.
by ?
I don't. I didn't say that, as you can see. Perhaps you are projecting.
Some thoughts upon reading this very important and informative article:

1. The return of desperately needed $750,000 meant for tutoring low-achieving students is excellent proof that these school closures are contrived and a means of gentrifying San Francisco, effectively eliminating the black workingclass and much of the rest of the workingclass from San Francisco. Most of the rest of the workingclass are non-citizens and thus it is left to the citizens of more generations than most of us, the locomotive of American history known as the black workingclass, to take the lead.

2. Willie Brown never has been a friend of the black workingclass community. The Willie Brown Democratic Club changed its name to the Sojourner Truth Democratic Club immediately after the 49er Stadium Swindle election of June 3, 1997 perpetrated and led by then mayor Willie Brown, during which Brown and his organized crime thugs ctampered with our vote, and especially the vote in Bayview Hunters Point, so that the results were changed from 70% No to 52.5% "yes." He then had murdered the chief witness in an election fraud lawsuit filed December 3, 1997, Delores Evans, and 5 children, in a mysterious fire in their Housing Authority home on December 13, 1997, just as Evans was about to testify the election fraud she witnessed in her Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood as a poll worker in that horrifying election. The fire inspector told the Hearst Examiner they could have escaped but someone stopped them. This same election fraud was perpetrated by Brown in 1999 when he ran for re-election against pro-tenant supervisor Tom Ammiano, and Tom Ammiano actually won. It was again perpetrated by Brown's equally despicable darling of the same Chamber of Commerce, real estate, gambling, anti-rent control interests as Brown, namely Gavin Newsom, in his race against Green Party Supervisor Matt Gonzalez, and Gonzalez actually won.

The election fraud team consisted, in part, of the Housing Authority, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, TURF, Walden House, Glide Church and Cecil Williams, 3rd Baptist Church and Amos Brown, Nation of Islam, the Chamber of Commerce, the San Francisco Police Department, the Democratic Central Committee and the Republican Central Committee.

It was the socialist Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party which opposed the 49er Stadium Swindle.

Willie Brown became a millionaire by being the leading gambling legislator in Sacramento, and a strong spokeperson for the real estate industry, which opposes rent control. He only defended civil rights protesters in the 1960s because as a young lawyer, he needed the paycheck. He was never part of any progressive movement. Kathleen Cleaver of the Black Panther Party ran on the Peace & Freedom Party ticket against Willie Brown in one of his early races for Assembly as Brown was already reactionary by then. Willie Brown was also an active supporter of black people removal with the use of the Redevelopment Agency, an outfit that is used today for the same purpose. This writer remembers the whole era very well and you can rest assured, Willie Brown was never any kind of "progressive."

For more on all of this concerning Willie Brown, see:

3. A strike that shuts down the entire school system is an excellent idea. The school loses money when the children do not show up, so this should force the school district to change its evil ways. Hopefully, the teachers and classified personnel are willing to join in this strike as they are also losing their jobs. The outrage and obvious racism and contempt for the workingclass is widespread in San Francisco and we in the community, both with and without children, of all colors, will support this strike.

We should all note when this is taking place. It is taking place 1.5 years before the next mayoral election in November 2007. Newsom obviously hopes to be elected legitimately next year, and that can only happen if the workingclass, tenant vote is smaller. This destruction of a workingclass vote will have serious adverse effects on workingclass seniors as we will be a minority and thus vulnerable to loss of affordable senior housing as there will be no mass base of support for our needs.

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On Strike, Shut it Down!
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