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Is NCANS a Fraud ?

by Tony Ryals (endoscam [at]
Of course it's not,if it's,NCANS.ORG or, North Carolina Association of Nursing Students.On the other hand if it is the National Coalition Againt Naked Short Selling,or NCANS.NET,it is serious fraud. One seeks to heal,the other seeks to rob,including from retired folks. has opened an account with Wells Fargo in San Diego,California to solicit donations with their attorneys,SADR & BARRERA, being in that city as well.Both Bob O'Brien and Patrick Byrne of claim to receive most donations from 'small investors' but it appears to represent insiders to penny stock scams.

Mary Helburn,titular head,is residing in Los Altos ,California I believe and as her letter re the SEC shows these people are all too self confident in their scam,almost as if they feel they have friends or protectors in Washington,D.C., AND THEY APPEAR TO.

The only known address for the or the related group is a Cheetah striptease club in Las Vegas.This Cheetah striptease club is or was owned by the Galardis father and son and was convicted of bribing the San Diego city council !!

See also:More on Charles Schwab's illegal pump and dump accounts

The quote below is from ' Bob O'Brien' of who I believe is James Dale Davidson,founder of National Taxpyers Union,and a major penny stock fraud and stock manipulator in general.

'Wow. That sure is compelling. NCANS sounds like NAANSS, somewhat, if you lack the ability to comprehend subtleties like consonants, and feel that all things are fungible. FWIW, there is a closer fit - NCANS - which is a nursing student organization. Maybe you can Google it and locate 15 articles on nursing students...?'

- Bob O'Brien

James Dale Davidson is,like the NTU he founded, associated with the far right.Richard Mellon-Scaife, the Lord Rees-Mogg,and Steve Forbes are some of his colleagues.He must know Norquist who is NTU connected since the 1980's at least.The People for the American Way include it in their far right organizations list but neither they nor the present website mention Mr.Davidson.

While I have voiced my opinion since February,(when an ad-letter by NCANS was placed in the Washington Post claiming the greatest danger to investing SS funds in the stock market was 'naked shorting'),that was a fraud by penny stock promoters and manipulators,so far,the SEC has done nothing to stop this organization with ties to British Virgen Islands and offshore where U.S. penny stocks are often dumped on defrauded Americans from.I believe it is related to James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Association or to those with ties to him.

Since the ad appeared has opened an account with Wells Fargo in San Diego,California to solicit donations with their attorneys,SADR & BARRERA, being in that city as well.Both Bob O'Brien and Patrick Byrne of claim to receive most donations from 'small investors' but it appears to represent insiders to penny stock scams.

They also run an website to promote the stock NFI a 'reit' that uses many aliases to also promote on the Yahoo NFI website to lure others into their scams.Mary Helburn,titular head,is residing in Los Altos ,California I believe and as her letter re the SEC shows these people are all too self confident in their scam,almost as if they feel they have friends or protectors in Washington,D.C., AND THEY APPEAR TO.

Below is a link to sandiego.indymedia that mentions that the only known address for the or the related group is a Cheetah striptease club in Las Vegas.This Cheetah striptease club is or was owned by the Galardis father and son and was convicted of bribing the San Diego city council !!

The link will, besides my writing and a Carol Remond of WSJ interview with 'Bob O'Brien',about's use of the Cheetah Club address,have another link to a video infomercial made by this group using a supposedly reputable Georgetown professor,James Angel, backing and promoting their scam ! He claims never to have heard of James Dale Davidson but I doubt that seriously.I think he aided and abetted the scam.

That link is also here:

And as for political clout,Utah's Senator Bennett,(where Patrick Byrne and is headquartered),can be seen in the video as well claiming 'naked shorting' is a serious problem and demanding the SEC do something ! This is a fraud but with Beltway connections in my opinion, including James Dale Davidson founder of the far right National Taxpayers Union.

Mary Campbell in that video who claims to have lost all her and her brain damaged nephew's investments is really Mary Campbell Hellburn,titular head of NCANS,BECAUSE 'BOB O'BRIEN' REFUSES TO IDENTIFY HIMSELF AND OWN UP TO OR TAKE

Mr.Davidson,the far right founder of,was also behind the creation of NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling that was located in the same Blaine,Washington office of Genemax,GMXX, another penny stock he and convicted Canadian securities scamsters touted or promoted as a victim of 'naked short selling'.

This was for the purpose of diverting the attention of investors they were defrauding from the manipulation and dumping of millions of shares into the market for personal gain.Possibly even money laundering for themselves and their far right causes was involved,but it was an illegal pump and dump the SEC did nothing about.

James Dale Davidson was CEO of GMXX during this time and they were promoting a supposed 'cancer vaccine' from the University of British Columbia in order to lure naive invetors into the scam.It does not matter if a vaccine could immunize against cancer or not,the intent was securities fraud and to dump millions of worthless shares on scammed investors and probably laundering the stolen money offshore through LOM of Bermuda etc.

Senator Bennett,penny stock scam,Cheetah Club

Also .

To SEC : James Angel,Georgetown University,Aids Penny Stock Fraud

NCANS.NET is also greatly funded by Patrick Byrne who, along with his father who made his $ billion through Geico insurance,paid for a $1 million campaign against John Edwards all by themselves !! It had a website called,I believe,and painted Edwards as an enemy of doctors.Byrne is now using attorney John O'Quinn of Texas,who was accused in North Carolina of 'ambulance chasing',to claim his is being shorted illegally by a hedge fund,Rocker Partners.

He is also,as I said,funding who fraudulently claim the company is a victim of 'naked shorting' as a means of promoting,unsuccessfully so far,his highly overvalued and probably illegally self manipulated stock.This link below from Charlottesville inddymedia should fill in some of those details as well as mention the paradox of attorney John O'Quinn's defense.BUT OF COURSE ATTORNEY O'QUINN HAS BEEN DEFENDING PENNY STOCKS WHO HAVE USED THE FRAUDULENT 'NAKED SHORT' CLAIM TO DEFRAUD THEIR OWN INVESTORS SINCE 2002.He may have a James Dale Davidson connection himself :

Has Texas Attorney John O'Quinn covered up stock fraud and money laundering ?


Below are my comments from Mark Cuban's of February and 'Bob O'Brien's reply.It is clear from his reply that 'Bob O'Brien',who refuses to reveal his real name,is either James Dale Davidson or plagiarizing his 'NAANSS' 'anti-naked shorting' scam to a 't'.And it is also clear that he is aware of NCANS of North Carolina and although knowing his website is controversial,with a striptease club for an address,and I believe knowing full well his site was for running a scam and fraud on American investors,even retirees,he premeditatedly chose to use the acronym ,'NCANS',of a most reputable and ethical nursing association in North Carolina for a scam!

And he has made threats to the safety and lives of others over the internet on Yahoo ! Note 'Bob O'Brien's statement below mine from Mark Cuban's, of February, who began a discussion on his blog soon after the Washington Post letter-ad appeared.

I just wanted to bring this misuse of the North Carolina Association of Nursing Students acronym TO THE ATTENTION of NCANS of North Carolina so they would know if someday they mention NCANS and are met with a distrustful look it is because of Patrick Byrne of and the alias Bob O'Brien who he has paid to promote the stock fraud known also by the acronym NCANS.

Posted Feb 27, 2005, 6:07 PM ET by Tony Ryals
Naked Short Scam A Fraud or Who Sent Letter To Bush

If you go to 'SS Funds Invested in manipulated markets',(, discussion you will find posts from the alias 'Bob O'Brien' responsible for the recent ad in the Washington Post warning President Bush of the dangers of 'naked shorting'to Social Security investing.

Had the SEC taken my SHO commentary re 'naked shorting' to heart back in December 2003,(which can be found under a google search for the acronym 'naanss'or a google search for 'naanss davidson schwab' that will lead directly to my comments with those terms highlighted in the cache),I believe much money defrauded by that particular penny stock scam could have been prevented.

That they did not on the other hand has allowed this fraud or the use of the claim of naked shorting,to tout a stock or divert investor attention from more important fundamentals such as indider or death spiral sales of shares into the market, to spread to other larger cap and equally speculaive if not downright suspicious, larger cap stocks. and Dr.Patrick Byrne is at the forefront of making or insinuating this claim through placement of an open letter to President Bush equating 'naked shorting' with the stability of SS and consequently as the biggest threat to market stability.

This claim alone,besides using fear of SS's security,IS HIGHLY UNLIKEY AS THE LARGEST THREAT TO MARKET STABILITY !!

'NAANSS' stands for 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling' and it was housed in the Blaine,Washington office where Genemax penny stock was touted to $20 per share and dumped by insiders,(possibly through LOM of Bermuda's U.S. ACCOUNTS) to below a dollar about as fast.

The 'national' in NAANSS title is suspiciously similar to 'NCANS' or 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling' who placed the ad or open letter to President Bush in the Washington Post this month. And Davidson has a history of political fraud. cyberfraud, and securities fraud,although for some reason he remains untouchable.

He is friend of Richard Mellon-Scaife,Lord Rees-Mogg etc..Founder of National Taxpayers Union,(that Steve Forbes among others has been involved with),Agora Publications,,etc.

And his 'StrategicInvestments' mailing
had ex CIA Chief Colby's name on letterhead when he sent mass mailing claiming Clinton killed Vince Foster.

I could go on and am willing to provide more info and documentation of the use of the 'naked short claim' to actually cover up massive pump and's Dr.Byrne has got himself in sleezy company with this naked short fraudstser O'Brien or dirtydirtydeeds' as he calls himself on yahoo's ostk and nfi message boards.

His website originated in B.V.I. home of many penny stock scams and although he would not identify himself he appears to write in a style very similar to that of James Dale Davidson as well.

20. Posted Feb 27, 2005, 7:13 PM ET by Bob O'Brien
Wow. That sure is compelling. NCANS sounds like NAANSS, somewhat, if you lack the ability to comprehend subtleties like consonants, and feel that all things are fungible. FWIW, there is a closer fit - NCANS - which is a nursing student organization. Maybe you can Google it and locate 15 articles on nursing students...?

Thanks for sharing that, as well as for clogging Mark's thread with a bunch of cut and paste irrelevancies.

Cat sounds like Rat. Rats must be cats. I get it. We allllll get it.

Perhaps for your next trick you can paste every article written by anyone advancing any conspiracy story or anti-O'Brien theory.

Nice work, Tony. Bravo. It certainly is a refreshing break from an actual on-topic, reasoned discussion of the issue. BTW, is Elvis coming over for dinner, or is it Jim Morrison tonight?

You know how Jim hates the legumes...



An Open Letter on The Abuse of Naked Shorting

February 8, 2005

George W. Bush, President of the United States

William H. Donaldson, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Chuck Hagel, Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Securities and Investment

Richard Baker, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises.

Dear Mr. President and Honorable Chairmen,

As Congress considers incorporating private investment accounts into Social Security, it is essential that equity markets be fair, transparent, and not subject to flagrant abuse.

Unfortunately, illegal naked short selling is rampant in the markets today. It has been permitted to flourish unchecked, doing serious damage to the market value of many sound businesses, and is literally stealing money from the widows, retirees, and other small investors who purchased stock in these companies.

Naked short selling has been illegal since 1933, when the SEC was established. It was banned because naked shorting resulted in significant abuses that contributed to the crash of ’29.

That the problem still exists today is undeniable. The SEC recently enacted Regulation SHO (for SHORT selling). The Regulation creates a list of companies whose stock has been sold but not delivered in significant amounts. "Naked" short shares have, in effect, been counterfeited. They are as different from normal short shares as fake money is from real money. The ability to print counterfeit shares at will allows a hedge fund to destroy a company’s value over time by creating an artificial (and fraudulent) supply of stock. If this were cash, computers, or jewelry, the perpetrators would be behind bars. Yet apparently the rules are different for Wall Street—the SEC, the NYSE, and the NASDAQ exact no meaningful penalties, thereby allowing the practice to continue.

Though the recently instituted Regulation SHO Threshold list informs investors on a day to day basis which stocks are experiencing "failures to deliver" (i.e., naked shorting), it does not disclose the size of the failures—the public has no way of knowing whether they are in the thousands or millions of shares. The DTCC (Depository Trust Clearing Corporation), the NYSE, and the NASDAQ, who compile the data and publish the list, won’t tell anyone how big the problem is. Yet there is no rule or regulation that prevents them from making that disclosure.

Shareholders deserve to know how many fraudulent shares exist for every security on the Regulation SHO list. By withholding the one piece of information that could level the playing field between the public and naked short sellers, the regulators are hurting the public by protecting the violators.

To make matters worse, the regulators charged with protecting the public are not only failing to enforce the rules on the books, they have decided to "grandfather" the "fail to deliver" violations that existed before January 7, 2005. This is like letting bank robbers keep the proceeds from their past robberies, while warning them that there will be toothless penalties if they rob the same bank again. To repeat—naked shorting has been illegal for 70 years.

The chief violators are unprincipled hedge fund operators who take advantage of the absence of meaningful penalties to target smaller companies. The brokerage community and the DTCC are complicit, as brokers receive a commission for every naked share traded and the DTCC receives a fee for every phantom share borrowed. The losers in the equation are the shareholders and the companies, who are defenseless against this systemic gritt.

Why is this lawless predation on the investing public not only condoned, but also rewarded by excusing all pre-January 2005 violations? Who benefits other than the violators? Who is being shielded? Where is the consideration for the millions of unsuspecting investors seeking to supplement their retirement income—people who innocently rely on a "level playing field?" Where is a Congressional Oversight Committee? Where is the media?

Most importantly: how can private accounts be made part of the Social Security system when such flagrant abuse and manipulation of the equity markets goes on?

What must be done:

We have no quarrel with legitimate short selling, which can serve a valid and useful function in the markets. But as a group of shareholders who own some of the stocks on the Regulation SHO Threshold list, we call on the SEC and our elected officials to put a full stop to the illegal, abusive practice of naked short selling. The following four actions are essential at a minimum:

1) Enforce the existing rules. No exceptions. No looking the other way. The rules were written to protect the public by preventing naked shorting. Enforce the rules with meaningful penalties and prosecutions.

2) The DTCC and the Exchanges must disclose the number of shares that have not been delivered each and every day, for each company on the Threshold list.

3) Eliminate the grandfathering of existing undelivered stock sales. Enforce the buy-in provisions on ALL naked short positions, not just the latest violations.

4) Demand accountability for how this breach of the public trust occurred, and fix the problem rather than covering it up.

There is no excuse for allowing a group of predators to fleece the public and victimize sound companies for their own profit. This is one of the rare problems that can be solved quickly, easily, and at no cost—except to those who have abused the rules. The SEC has to stand up to the community it is supposed to be regulating, enforce the law, and eliminate the grandfathering of violations that occurred prior to an arbitrary date in January.

Until the illegal abuses in the markets are corrected, private investments in Social Security cannot be considered secure.


NCANS — The National Coalition Against Naked Shorting © 2005


A WORD FROM PATRICK BYRNE from his own website:
Posted Feb 16, 2005, 12:13 PM

Obrien posted my long strand from last night all in one (logically sequenced) order over on .

I recommend you read there, along with the following:

1) The ad we took out in the Washington Post:

2) My letter concerning Carol's article:

And Obrien's deconstruction of Herb Greenberg:


Letter from the bizar titular head of NCANS,Mary Helburn, who appears to be either suggesting SEC employees commit mass suicide or someone do it for them !!!:

Bare truth about naked shorting

A letter from Mary Helburn, USA

Dear JUST Response and Joel Hirschhorn,

Re: Economic corruption US style

Wall Street depends on volatility, and volatility is a function of news. Reuters owns Instinet. We should be able to invest in a company without worrying that its capitalization is going to be withdrawn by short-sellers. We should be able to invest in a company without worrying about the DTCC watering down our investment with counterfeit shares. Bob O'Brien is a real person. I admire him so much for what he is doing and because of him I was willing to put my real name on this.

The rules have changed to suit the foxes. This one is the most subtle and lies at the heart of the fraud. A broker hires someone to locate a share to borrow. This gives him "reasonable expectation of delivery". When the shares are not located and becomes an FTD, the system kicks in and the DTCC prints up a new counterfeit shares borrowed from the pool they control. Wham, bam, thank you, Mam! He games the system by transferring the legitimate responsiblity to someone who is in place simply to help execute the fraud. The DTCC has committed fraud by lending shares rather than having the broker buy-in the open market as the law requires. We have a sell-side bias then that allows the price to be manipulated down.

I think George Bush earnestly believes in this privatization and I also believe that Charles Schwab is behind it. Schwab was behind the tax cuts and consults with the President.

The whole system is pretty complex. People's eyes glaze over when you start talking about naked shorting. Two per cent doesn't sound like much to start, but it is a huge amount to be administered by the banks and brokers. It is 2% more than the banks and brokers currently have. They are fighting for market share with decreased commissions and that is why the market is becoming so nasty. There are going to be take-overs. The NYSE will probably go public and be owned by the seats. It will eliminate the specialists and compete in the pre/after hours.

I would like to ax everyone at the SEC since they have failed. I would like a prosecutor-type to come in with a scythe and cut off heads. In Japan, this kind of failure would call for suicide. Is there anyone that has the integrity to pull this off?

Your article was so good and so deep! Thank you.

Thanks again for taking a lead role in exposing a huge and important issue.

Mary Helburn
Executive Director
National Coalition Against Shorting
Cleveland, Ohio - USA

Note: This letter was published by JUST Response on February 27 2005.


And this from Mary Helburn again who is supposedly sueing Rocker Partners hedge fund with's Patrick Byrne for losses she claims to OSTK stock investment due entirely to Rocker Partners with no questions at all about the questionable management of by Patrick Byrne himself and how much he has done to manipulate his own overvalued stock.In case you viewed the NCANS video infomercial the woman who calls herself Mary Campbell,is also really Mary Helburn and never discloses this critical fact as she decries her unproven losses from 'naked short selling' of her penny stocks:

Making money the new-fashioned way

Sunday, December 05, 2004

To the Editor:

I came across your publication and article while checking out another, what I consider to be, friviolous lawsuit against a company of which I hold shares.

Everyone has to make a living. I'm making mine by buying stocks of companies that get sued in class action lawsuits. It is all part of the scheme by short-sellers to drive the price down and make money. I go long.

I am able to retire because of a lawsuit. One of my stocks was sued by the usual suspects, but the complaint was so outrageous, I quadrupled my holdings and now have an income for life.

I've been investing for three years and this was just too good not to "let happen!" I got my first big dividend check yesterday on 20,000 shares. I bought them on margin and pay 4% interest and they are paying me 14% dividends.

The longs just love to share the news. We shareholders have our own website and you are welcome to join our discussion on the NFI Yahoo message board. It is a hoot.

You can see the website "as featured in the Wall Street Journal and Kansas City Business Journal." Boy, we would love to have a line including your Madison County Record!

Be sure to visit this site and get insight into what shareholders are doing to fight back without hiring lawyers.

Mary Helburn
Los Altos, Calif.

Do a google search 'james dale davidson' and you will find his self promoting books done with former'Financial Times' of London editor Lord William Rees-Mogg.Do a google search of,'james dale davidson national taxpayers union' and you will find him.He was the founder of National Taxpayers Union in 1969 and,like Clinton,a Rhodes scholar and Oxford graduate.He claims to have been a supporter of Clinton but later is the man responsible for organizing the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' psy-ops campaign and used ex-CIA Chief William Colby's name on the letterhead of his Strategic Investment newsletter to do so.

This was because Colby was paid to have his name on the
letterhead to tout Davidson's stock scams and we have no reason to believe Colby supported Davidson in his anti-Clinton campaign or believed Clinton killed Vince Foster but he died in a mysterious drowning about a year later in 1996 so we'll probably never know what Colby really believed.

A google search of 'james dale davidson national taxpayers union 2003 Retirement Club Tighe' will turn up a strange incident of Davidson soliciting donations from retired folk supposedly for NTU using a P.O.Box rather than the NTU's own address in Alexandria, Virginia.

This I find this strange because he is no longer officially listed by the NTU website although he was its founder in 1969.Also he used the NTU office in Alexandria, Virginia in the past to keep share certificates of a penny stock,'MIVT',or MIV Therapeutics for himself and his minor children and no doubt other penny stock shares he held and manipulated from Bermuda to who knows where.

If you do a google search of NTU and the P.O.Box James Dale Davidson apparently used to solicit donations you will find no NTU connection ! Here's a portion of the
letter soliciting donations from James Dale Davidson to NTU received apparently from Davidson to a Mr.Tighe in Florida and Tighe's reply :

Apparently the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) got hold of my address, figured I was a conservative, and decided I was alive, vulnerable, and supportive of NTU's conservative position on the income tax. As a result, James Dale Davidson, its founder, sent me an "Official Registered Survey," which he wanted me to fill out and submit--with my generous donation, of course. Having for the past several years received requests to complete such "surveys," I sent Mr. Davidson the following response--sans "my most generous contribution of ___$1,000 or ___$500 or ___$100 or ___$50 or ___$25 or ___Other." Can't afford the big bucks? How about ___$9.00 to pay for processing the survey? Here's my response:

Mr. James Dale Davidson, Founder
National Taxpayers Union
Post Office Box 1471
Alexandria, VA 22313-9875
Dear Mr. Davidson:

Thank you for sending me the "Official Registered Survey" list of questions NTU wants me to answer. Since the instructions at the top of the page make clear that you want to "determine public support for these programs," I assumed you wanted unbiased replies, not rubber-stamped support for your agenda.

Unfortunately, your "survey" calls for the rubber stamp. For instance, at the end of the list of questions, you put this directive, apparently for my signature: "I, Don Tighe, want to do my share to help the National Taxpayers Union close down the IRS and win the Fair Tax." Now, Mr. Davidson, how did you know I wanted to help the Union close down the IRS and win the Fair Tax?

Don Tighe

I have already explained my reasons for believing NCANS is NAANSS elsewhere and that James Dale Davidson is behind it.I have had personal correspondence with James Dale Davidson over the 100% loss of my investment with Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas and will add it later as further commentary.

Google searches of 'james dale davidson o'brien' or 'naanss' or 'naanss ncans' etc. should lead you to some of that.On June 2 'ncansd3',(one of 'Bob O'Brien's' admitted tout aliases on Yahoo),said 'a boat' named 'James Davidson' and implied NCANS donations had been deposited and cell phones paid using that name.

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