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Indybay Feature

Shabbat Service with Israeli Refusnik

Friday, September 16, 2005
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Noe Valley Ministry
1021 Sanchez St. (between 23rd and 24th)
San Francisco, CA 94114

Beyt Tikkun’s Pot-luck Shabbat with Rabbi Michael Lerner and
Yonatan Shapiro, an Israeli refusnik
7:30 p.m.
Noe Valley Ministry
1021 Sanchez St. (between 23rd and 24th)
San Francisco, CA 94114

Celebrate Shabbat and learn about the current situation in Israel/Palestine.

Guest speaker at Friday night's pot-luck shabbat will be Yonatan Shapiro. Yonatan Shapiro, one of Israel's most well-known refusniks (a co-author of the famous "pilots" letter) and an organizer of an incipient group of joint Israeli and Pastestinian refusers who are partnering together to end the occupation, is visitng the Bay Area to speak publicly about his perspectives on:

• the refuser movement
• demonstrations against the wall
• the true nature of the Gaza disengagment

He will be with us during the veggie pot-luck dinner immediately after services.

ADMISSION PRICE: bring a main course vegetarian dish sufficient to feed 8-10 people for the pot-luck at which he will speak.

Beyt Tikkun is synagogue and community of people in the San Francisco Bay Area who seek a world of peace and justice, love and kindness--and who connect to the universe with awe, wonder and radical amazement at the grandeur of creation. Blending spiritual and social justice concerns in a way that is both completely authentic to Jewish tradition and yet simultaneously open to the wisdom and deepest truths of all humanity.

Call Emily or Kathryn at (415) 575-1432 for any other questions
Added to the calendar on Fri, Sep 16, 2005 9:08AM
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