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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature


by Oakbay (oakbay [at]
Far Right Hate Group to Visit Oakland April 15th
Members of the Little Green Footballs Web Site have organized as a far-right Gang. This picture shows their gang clothes. The bald individual is the #2 guy at LGF, Steve "Iron Fist" Johnson who is forming a militia-style wing of LGF under Charles Johnson, the reclusive founder of the sect. Next week, 15th-17th, large numbers of the 'Lizards' will be meeting in Oakland at the Waterfront Plaza hotel. They have expressed a desire to harm 'moonbats' (liberals) and 'Iron Fist' has warned liberal residents of Oakland to 'stay home' while the Lizards are in town. Iron Fist has also posted how he's going shopping for knives as soon as he arrives (his preferred weapon, along with gasoline), and posted gory instructions on LGF how to 'kill a moonbat'. Stay away from these people! Photograph them from a safe distance and post on Indymedia.

Here's a link to 'Iron Fist's' instructions on killing 'moonbats'.
by Tom (tom [at]
Here's a post from Iron Fist's buddy 'realwest'. It really pulls your heart strings -- that brave brave old man.

Only problem, according to the 9/11 lists, he doesn't exist.
And what did those brave 'fact-checking' lizards do when this was pointed out? Attack the people who pointed it out and back their lying buddy even though they *knew* it was an outrageous lie.

Of course, if a 'leftist' had told a whopper like this...


#87 realwest 3/11/2005 09:48AM PST
#18 Iron Fist - What you said, in Spades. My Dad, who was 79 at the time, just happened to be there when the rescue workers were running into the ruins, so he started to go in to help what everyone believed were still living people. A Port Authority P.O. tried to keep him out saying he was too old and would only get in the way.
Then the Port Authority cop turned back to business and my Dad rushed in. They never found him. Or his body. One of my Dad's friends was with him and told us the story. It's why I can't look at the 9/11 photos anymore.
by Angel Michael (soon a cleansing [at]
LGF=hate site? Talk to me about psychotic projection.
You guys are so scared, you're pissing in your pants. Not a single one amongst you has enough nerve or character to face anyone from LGF or the right in honest debate, much less combat. No wonder you lose all the time.
by Felix Kasza (google it; it's public.)
I would like to point out that I do not post much at LGF, and that you may have overlooked me for that reason. Please be so kind as to add my name to the list of Lizardoid Minions that you maintain.

by mickthemick
Wow! So now we're a "right-wing" gang! Maybe we can "drive by" SF Indymedia some time and flash our "gang hand signs!"

You Indymedia folks are hysterical! And by "hysterical" I mean that you are both apeshit crazy and knee-slappingly funny.
by annie from mount tam
Wow.. I checked the 9/11 list. A friends uncle died in the WTC. That story can't be true. There was only one 79 yr old guy killed at the WTC and he worked there.

What a loser to post that. And the LGF crowd are backing him?

That (and the ridiculous posts here) tells you all you need to know about them.

by Michele (michelemilesbr [at]
Count me in as a gang member, too, while your outing "hate gangs," because I've read and posted on LGF.

Though I do hate anti-semetic types, and terrorists...

And I hate how the word racist and facist is thrown around so that the terms mean nothing these days.
by Mike Walker (mrmikewalker [at]
I swear that's the I-Man on the left.

For the record, Charles Johnson is not a racist. He really does love many Arabs. The peace loving reasonable kind. He also love Muslims who are not fanatics. He hates, and I mean HATES, Islamic fundamentalists who would have women kept at the home in bee suits, jews killed, non-muslims subjugated to dhimmi status, homosexuals thrown off roof tops, and rock and roll banned.

Those of you on the Left who find convenient bedfellows with these fascists have set back the cause of "progressive" politics a good century. I don't expect my comments to have any real effect on your positions, but you should not allow yourself the false belief that those who disagree with you are just reactionary fascists or sheeple.

What we are is disgusted and concerned about your supporting of these islamofascists and we will do everything in our power to see to it that the right side prevails.

And guess what Islamonazi lover -- I even voted for kerry!!
by NAR9350
Do soap not dope keep it clean! That's what my partner keeps telling me. I'm sorry but your pots a little cracked. What you be smoking lately dude! Charles Johnson of LGF is no far right wing Nazi. I think you should do a little "googling" before you label folks with that moniker. You're wasting bandwidth here and time. Now if you want to talk about some real fascist folks lets talk about our enemy. This Country is a war with a very cunning, barbaric, transnational enemy that wants us all dead according to their interpretation of their ideology. Islamofasicsim is a relic of the 12th Century that has no place in our time. You wasting time quibbling about nits. If you are at all interested we have a short strategic window of opportunity to deliver the enemy a crushing and fatal blow. The Mad Mullahs of Iran will go nuclear soon if no action is taken. The strategic consequences of this happening are unimaginable for the free world. The Iranian people are on the verge of overthrowing this fascist regime. They need to know that the free world supports them. And here you are throwing barbs back and forth over silling little crap. Go up and spend sometime helping on something that really matters. We must crush this enemy and wipe their silly little asses and this ideology of hate and evil from the face of this earth. OK I'm done now. Go here if you dare! Link Here
by Scott Dr.
Dear LLL members,

Kindly take your antipsychotic medications. Youmust have missed a few doses. Your public behavior is getting embarrassing.

Antipsychotic drugs are often very effective in treating certain symptoms of schizophrenia, particularly hallucinations and delusions; unfortunately, the drugs may not be as helpful with other symptoms, such as reduced motivation and emotional expressiveness. Indeed, the older antipsychotics (which also went by the name of “neuroleptics”), medicines like haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (Thorazine), may even produce side effects that resemble the more difficult to treat symptoms. Often, lowering the dose or switching to a different medicine may reduce these side effects; the newer medicines, including olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal), appear less likely to have this problem. Sometimes when people with schizophrenia become depressed, other symptoms can appear to worsen. The symptoms may improve with the addition of an antidepressant medication.

I bunch of sit at home middle aged balding white male losers who sit around all day gossiping about how much that hate and are oppressed by leftists are going to have a treky style convention in Oakland? Who cares? To make them out to sound a threat is rewarding them for their right-wing behavior. They are nobodys who want to seem imporant and the more you make them out to be a threat encourages their dittohead online whining. To protest or organize against Bill Oreilly, Mike Savage, Rush Limbaugh types gives them power since they thrive off a belief that they have it so much worse than everyone else and are being oppressed by some mythical liberal elite.
by just wondering
What are you saying here? Are you that they aren't a threat? Is that what you're saying?
by Dr Evil
This is the kind of racist crap posted on LGF

lgf: Road Map to Nowhere
... You've killed them at a rate of 40 per week since the start of the second
intifada. Oh, I know, they're just mentally deficient, subhuman ragheads. ... - 147k - Cached - Similar pages

lgf: Congress Wipes Out Bunker Buster Research
... If we can't put together some kind of bunker buster then you'll know for sure
what kind of hide aways the ragheads will be in. ... ?entry=13706_Congress_Wipes_Out_Bunker_Buster_Research - 230k - Cached - Similar pages

lgf: Anti-War War Reporter
... trapped bodies and the fake surrenders of these ragheads in the OPORD. ...
Please tell your fellow ragheads not to use the mosque as a staging area for ... - 275k - Cached - Similar pages

lgf: Motion Sensor Found on Philly Tracks
... Let's go get some ragheads. Screw Bush, we need some genocide. War on terror -
who cares? Either it's about killing brown people or I'm doing it myself. ... - 131k - Cached - Similar pages

lgf: Oil Ticks Bash Flipper
... When the frogs do wake up, it'll be the ragheads who will get destroyed. ...
Soddys we can't just say "Bite Me Ragheads" and walk away from their oil. ... - 256k - Cached - Similar pages
by sneering anonymous coward
The person who posts at LGF under the nick 'jheka' and who is planning a 'moonbat' hunt with LGF sociopath 'ironfist' was outed long ago here:

I'm just passing along information that already exists in the public domain.

So sue me.

Better yet Quilly, ask yourself why an officer of the court is planning a meet-up with a self-professed convicted felon who purports to be travelling to California to seek out and do violence to 'moonbats.'
by WhistleBlower
This Johnson guy didn't just brag about being a felon, he's also bragged about his guns.

Felons aren't supposed to own guns. He 'covered' that by claiming his 'NCIC record was 'wiped clean'. (Something that never happens).

Nice company for an Officer of the Court. An active criminal.

He also posted about throwing molotov cocktails at Katherine Kramer's house (as a 'joke' of course) and how he enjoys setting people on fire.
Naturally, he gets a lot of praise at Little Green Footballs.

by the People hate moonbats (aoie [at]
Somebody on LGF posted a funny message about wishing he could waste moonbats, so the folks at Indymedia create a story about "gangs" and "sects" at LGF.

Hey moonbats, you got lied to by your own guys at Indymedia. There are no gangs at LGF. Charles doesn't lead a "sect." LGF is just a blog.

You should be mad at Indymedia for lying to you and making you look like fools to the world.

And by the way, you Lefties think you're for "the People", but the People hate your guts.
by One Of The People
If LGF is 'just a blog' why are they wearing gang colors?

And why is a felon giving instructions on how to 'kill a moonbat'?

You think that's funny? This same guy, 'Iron Fist', brags about his skills 'cutting fingers off" and advises Oakland residents to 'stay home"?

LGF is a disgusting far-right exremist hate site. It will never have any stature.
by yep
"If LGF is 'just a blog' why are they wearing gang colors?"
What does that even mean? So they have jackets....

"And why is a felon giving instructions on how to 'kill a moonbat'? "
A lot of poeple are convicted felons and a lot of poeple make vague hyperbolic threats online. Since "moonbat" doesnt really mean anything and Oakland is a pretty tough city to mess around in what exactly is the fear? Are you really afraid of a few middle-aged overweight white guys rampaging through downtown Oakland attacking people?

Of course Im taking you fear at face value. I wouldnt be too surprised if all these posts about LGF are just a publicity stunt for them since parnoid right-wingers are more likely to take themselves seriously if they think others do.
by sneering anonymous coward
Lets see what the Fister has to say about this gang thingy:

#557 Iron Fist 4/8/2005 10:56PM PDT

#551 Quilly Mammoth,

What you are really talking about is a gang Club.


Why do you think I've done the Colors thing?

I'm 100% there.

If you and I are wearing the same Colors, that says all that needs sayin'.

As far as I'm concerned, that extends into the real world. I don't know if you are aware of what the various Brothers and Sisters have done for other members, but it doesn't stop at the firewall.

LGF is a community, and we at least try to take care of our own.

Time for all of us to step up a bit.

Hmmmmmm...I wonder what the Fister means by "it doesn't stop at the firewall." and "time for all of us to step up a bit?"

by another anon coward
Well, if they say it's a gang, and they have gang colors, guess what: they're right -- it's a gang.

And when a guy like Fist, who claims felony manslaughter on his resume, posts messages about buying weapons as soon as he arrives in california, and is enthusiastically supported by other LGF Gang Members, it's wise to keep an eye on these people.

I reckon LGF posted this article themselves so they could finally prove us what a bunch of loons they are. Yeah, here they come, pooring out of the walls like white ants.

Sorry guys, I gave all my peanuts to the elephants. Later maybe.
by Dom
Well, I comment at LGF from the UK and don't expect to be joining any gangs. The above pic doesn't represent all LGFers - it's a conservative website, not a biker gathering. In fact LGFers have been getting together for some time. The fact is it's a famliliar community and after a while you propose getting to know each other locally. In spite of the above macho conversations that's all there is to it.

I daresay there's a few nutters at Indymedia too. In fact the expression for this kind of site is 'the lunatics are running the asylum.' Which is a general view, so please don't take it personally. Nutter.
by Raid
"...the expression for this kind of site is 'the lunatics are running the asylum.' Which is a general view, so please don't take it personally. Nutter."

So then WTF are you doing here, bugger?
by heh
"Good for you Indymedia types. You keep your eye on the big bad weblog comment people and their nefarious "gang"."

I'm guessing there is one person posting about this obsessively and nobody else cares. Perhaps they are a lefty loony but its about as likely the person posting all this shit about LGF is a right-wing supporter who wants to drum up something exciting for this convention. Afterall without something like this to talk about what would there be to do? A bunch of pasty faced KKK wanabes who sit all day in front of computers doesnt make for an exciting convention. I guess there will be whining sessions about how opressed white males are by the left-wing media and perhaps a session attacking elite Universities for being intollerent to the views of those who could never hope of getting in but what else???
by its going to be great
We will have a videos of the Arizona Minutemen, were trying to get Savage come and say a few words and there will be plenty of fun activities like a moon-pie/bat eating contest, for women showing up we are going to have an Ann Coulter look-alike contest and there will be an anti SB40 march up International Ave to the DMV. We have rented out a shooting range and have made some targets that looks like local moonbats and of course none of you is going to want to miss the football game (with little green footballs) thats planned for Mosswood Park. Plus what do you all think of all you can eat BBQ!!!
by Ivar E. Breathutake
"...pasty faced .... white males"

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Seriously, you have one self-styled motorcycle club type with his fancy emblem, meeting with a few other LGF readers to hoist a few beers and snark on the leftists, and suddenly they're a gang and a dangerous threat. I doubt that Iron Fist is taken seriously even on LGF. It's doubtful that most people there would want to dress in MC colors and look for trouble. A good argument, yes; violent confrontation, no.
by Not Laughing
Sure, it could just be a short ugly bald guy trying to impress his friends, but if you read what he posted, you got to wonder. People who do crazy things often brag about it in advance (that kid on the reservation who killed all those people?????)

Look at his actual words, written about THIS visit to Oakland:

#278 Iron Fist 3/21/2005 07:37PM PST

Yeah, the PRC has some nutcase laws on knives. Blade has to be less than 2" long, but it can be a switch. Go figure.

That actually makes it more dangerous, not less. If I have a big fighter, I'll try and cut off some fingers or something. Hell, they can generally sew 'em back on. A little blade means femorals, kidneys, brachials, and carotids. I have to go for the kill-shot because the blade can't perform the disabling strike.

Not to mention the fact that most people are going to wilt if I pull out an 8" fighter.

A 2" blade doesn't look lethal. Go in just above the pubic bone 1" to the left of the naval, yank it 1" to the right of it. 100% dead. No chance of survival.

The target is the aorta just before it bifurcates into the femoral arteries. If you miss and just get a femoral, oh well.

Personally, I hope they stay home."

He's telling US he hopes WE stay home, because he's visiting Oakland?

Well, I tell you what I'm doing. I'm making color xeroxes of that picture and including the words of Mr Fist. We're going to post them all around Jack London and at least give those of us who choose NOT to stay home a heads up to keep away from these violent right-wing lunatics.
by David (aoije [at]
Nobody's even heard of this "gang" on LGF.

If the bald dude had been wearing a t-shirt with a logo instead of a black leather jacket, would moonbat have even posted this picture? I doubt it very much.

You've been had. Lied to. And not by some rightwinger at a "hate site", but by a moonbat on your own precious indymedia. You got lied to, and now you look like fools.
by Oaklander
Maybe so, Dave, but maybe not. Hey, its not us 'moonbats' calling them a 'Gang' the dude does it himself. See above. And it's not us saying they want to do harm, ditto. Sure maybe its just some ugly short bald guy trying to be a 'big man', but those are his words. I've read over at LGF and he is the leader there. I mean, they got some namby-pamby dude called 'Charles' who does the website, but its clear that their leader is this Iron Fist dude. Yeah, you can laugh at him, but everyone laughs at nutcases before they do something evil. Then people aren't laughing. I think staying away from these people is a good idea.
by foreign devil
Are you people for real? Is this a joke? Puhleeze--shove your chairs back...put your hands on your desk and PUSH DOWN TO STAND UP! Now...go outside and GET SOME FRESH AIR! You've all been in your caves too long and are starting to sound even battier than usual!

If you want to be taken've got to stop with the conspiracy're all beginning to sound BARKING MOONBATS! ^^%<sub>^</sub)^
by ThePityofitAll
I hate to break it to you, Oaklander, but I inhabit lgf, and I don't take Iron Fist seriously. He certainly isn't a "leader" of much.....If he is violent, he's probably pretty bad at it (e.g. strictly petty stuff) because truly violent and dangerous people aren't always saying "Look at Me! I'm very bad!".

Dangerous characters just do it, and don't talk about it much, and certainly not in print on a weblog......

If Iron Fist is as baaaaaad as he sometimes seems to suggest, then he isn't very smart, and while dumb people can be violent, they are very easy to avoid, if you have common sense.

of couse, I'm posting this on Indymedia, so perhaps that last caveat is more important than I like to think it should be........
by Not that amused
Ah, so your Iron Fist was just kidding when he said:

" Why do you think I've done the Colors thing?

I'm 100% there.

If you and I are wearing the same Colors, that says all that needs sayin'.

As far as I'm concerned, that extends into the real world.
I don't know if you are aware of what the various Brothers and Sisters have done for other members,
but it doesn't stop at the firewall.

LGF is a community, and we at least try to take
care of our own.

Time for all of us to step up a bit. "

This same Iron Fist has posted numerous times about democrats being 'the enemy' and the need to 'take action', he also boasts about having killed people.

But it's all just good fun, right?
by Oaklander
"Dangerous characters just do it, and don't talk about it much, and certainly not in print on a weblog."

Yeah, unless they do, Like that kid on the reservation. He posted plenty of violent fantasies.

I agree that stupid violent people should be avoided. Thats the entire point of these posts here - to warn Oaklanders to give these people a wide berth. Iron Fist has also posted that he gets drunk a lot. Who knows what could happen late at night -- Fist with his peers to whom he's bragged so much, he has his 'new' weapons and he imagines someone is looking at him funny -- a 'moonbat'. At this point, he is dangerous - he has to 'prove' himself. This is exactly how bad things happen.

Yeah, it's probably all bullshit. But if it isn't....
And you LGFers who think it's all just a big joke aren't exactly on the line, are you?

No, threats of violence should be taken seriously. Gang behavior is especially dangerous. Just because Fist is stupid enough to post it doesn't mean he wouldn't do it.
by ThePityofitAll
Dangerous characters just do it, and don't talk about it much, and certainly not in print on a weblog."

"Yeah, unless they do, Like that kid on the reservation. He posted plenty of violent fantasies. "

Right. But that was a kid, and children posting lots of repetitive violent fantasies is abnormal, because children are constantly fantasizing about all kinds of things. To write them out at length is unusual, because it means that the kid has monotonic fantasies. Adults do not fantasize quite so much, and they fantasize about fewer subjects, so unless the fantasies are repetitive, obsessive, detailed and graphic (and odd as they are, Iron Fist's postings don't attain that level: I've seen the real stuff) they are usually just fantasies: their expression doesn't imply monomania.

"I agree that stupid violent people should be avoided. Thats the entire point of these posts here - to warn Oaklanders to give these people a wide berth."

So you don't think that a bald person wearing skulls on his leather vest in a bar is, you know...sufficient warning that maybe he's gonna be a pest if you annoy him? Duh.

"Iron Fist has also posted that he gets drunk a lot. Who knows what could happen late at night -- Fist with his peers to whom he's bragged so much, he has his 'new' weapons and he imagines someone is looking at him funny -- a 'moonbat'. At this point, he is dangerous - he has to 'prove' himself. This is exactly how bad things happen. "

Glory are dreaming. You are describing the actions of a 12-15 year old. Let's say Iron Fist is as pathetic as all that. You don't think that maybe (again) drunk people with shaved heads and flaming skulls shouldn't be avoided? You think that someone needs to be warned? You think this sort of person is a dangerous GANG leader? LOL!

"Yeah, it's probably all bullshit. But if it isn't....
And you LGFers who think it's all just a big joke aren't exactly on the line, are you? "

What exactly do you think someone would have been likely to do if this "warning" hadn't been posted?

"No, threats of violence should be taken seriously. Gang behavior is especially dangerous. Just because Fist is stupid enough to post it doesn't mean he wouldn't do it. "

OK, so you have a guy you think is likely a wanker, and a dumb one, leading a gang? "Cmon. This is hysterical. Free advice: if you don't like violence, don't get into arguments over politics in bars. Amazing....

by Oaklander
I'm very worried about these people. Iron Fist is a scary dude. Did you know he brags about killing people? Did you read the knife post? I'm printing the pictures too and I'm gonna staple them everywhere along with his knife quote and his gang quote.

If he was kidding about starting a gang why did he say he was serious? Answer: he wasn't kidding.

He says 'I hope they stay home'

Stay in Knoxville with your cracker friends.

P.S. As a felon, how come you own all those guns?

Isn't that against the law?
by Mofo
You gotta laugh at the LGF clowns. Look at their guy 'realwest'. He posted this sob story on LGF about his hero father who died rescuing people on 9/11 -- totally made up story. All the little lizards chime in: oh, so sorry.. thank you for your service to our country.. what a brave man... blah blah blah.
Whole thing was made up. No one on the 9/11 lists matches this story. (Which realwest had told different versions of anyway). So you gotta believe they're just a bunch of bullshit artists. Also, this 'tough guy' Iron Fist. -- people who talk tough like that are basically scared little cowards trying to impress anyone.
by foreign devil
You don't know what you're talking about and you know nothing about Iron Fist or the LGF community. You are banning people who wish to visit their friends in Oakland? Who the heck are you to ban anyone? You are a bully on the threads, with an overactive imagination. You aren't worth having discussion with because you want control of the conversation and to order everyone else to do what you say.

Last time I looked this was still a free country and Iron Fist or anyone else is free to visit the SanDiego or Oakland area anytime he likes [ed. "and/or his parole officer lets him!"] ;> [/joke mode]

Stop taking yourselves so seriously. The LGF community is against TERRORIST (especially that being waged against the US and Israel which country, the LGFers believe, has EVERY RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF!) Occasionally Charles will post on other subjects but while the war against fundamentalist radical Islam is being waged (which includes Israel's efforts to defend herself from Palestinian Islamists waging jihad), most articles on the blog will pertain to the war in some form.

LGFers, including Iron Fist, don't HATE anyone! We hate the BEHAVIOR of certain fundamentalists who believe chucking bombs at: first US troops and then their own Muslim people is a legitimate method of 'persuasion' against debate about democratic economic and governing principles.

I have never been on a thread at this Indymedia site before (or most of them for that matter). If you and the other posters wish to be taken seriously in the national debate, of which you are now a part, then it behooves you to bone up on what is ACTUALLY BEING SAID and not what your wish fulfillment scenario said. If you can't do that...if you can't realign your thinking about who is and is not the 'enemy' (and believe me it is NOT the LGF crowd), then you will be of no use to your country (or yourself, for that matter) in the ideological debate that is raging across the globe right now.

Did you know, for instance, that one of the main reasons the Iraqis were able to take their courage and their lives in their hands and go and vote was because through bloggers many of them had talked to, they knew that the world was different than Zarqawi and Muqtada al-Sadr and Iran was trying to tell them it was. They KNEW from the bloggers outside that if they got their courage up and VOTED FOR WHAT THEY WANTED the insurgents would realize how many people were against them. And that's what has happened. As with the late Pope when he went to Poland the first time and all the people came to see him and realized how many of them there were, the people of Iraq, even those without computers, realized FOR THE FIRST TIME HOW MANY OF THEM THEY WERE AND IT GAVE THEM COURAGE!
by RWF (restes60 [at]
[Stop taking yourselves so seriously. The LGF community is against TERRORIST (especially that being waged against the US and Israel which country, the LGFers believe, has EVERY RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF!) Occasionally Charles will post on other subjects but while the war against fundamentalist radical Islam is being waged (which includes Israel's efforts to defend herself from Palestinian Islamists waging jihad), most articles on the blog will pertain to the war in some form.]

The short version: Arabs killing Americans and Israelis is bad, but Americans killing Arabs is good, even if the President has to rely upon lies and deception to get the American public to accept it.

by Cynical Prosecutor
Those of you who don't believe that a criminal history can be wiped clean simply don't know the law. Nearly every state has statutes in place that allow for records to be expunged, convictions to be set aside, arrests to be wiped out, records to be sealed, etc.

Sheesh, maybe you should actually know what you are talking about before you start posting a bunch of ignorant nonsense?
by Here You Go, Dave
Here's what Fisty had to say at LGF about the gang:
Someone said, 'sounds like a gang', fisty's reply:

" Why do you think I've done the Colors thing?

I'm 100% there.

If you and I are wearing the same Colors, that says all that needs sayin'.

As far as I'm concerned, that extends into the real world.
I don't know if you are aware of what the various Brothers and Sisters have done for other members,
but it doesn't stop at the firewall.

LGF is a community, and we at least try to take
care of our own.

Time for all of us to step up a bit. "

It's in the threads above, but you were so busy telling
us moonbats off, you prob. didn't see it.

This guy has virtually taken over LGF. He is their new leader.
The guy Charles is a tiny little shrimpy guy who is totally in awe
of Fisty and lets him say anything on LGF.

All the Lizards are loyal to the Fist now.
And he is dangerous.

by um
For all yall comming from
talking about how crazy those folks at Indymedia are for being afraid of you, take a closer look at when things were posted and look around and see if any of the original posters match names of normal posters over here.

This post itself was posted by the same person who posted the response on LGF. 90% of the comments are from LGFers and friends of LGF trying to provoke them. If you want to consume bandwidth and engage in flamewars why not argue with yourself on your own site. I doubt many normal posters on this site know or care about your site and all these comments are mainly a waste of space and time.
by John Brown
are you guys serious? i read over at LGF and laugh at Iron FIst's crap! NO ONE is "loyal" to him and charles certainly IS still the King of the Blog. you guys are ridiculous.
Looks like IRON FIST has made it to

by garth (ga [at]
damn, you LGF people are funny. the funniest part is that you buy it...lordy.
by jez b (js [at]
I love the comment: "LGF is a disgusting far-right exremist hate site. It will never have any stature". 1. the site can only be considered far right by those of the far left. 2. The site already has 'stature'. Indeed, it has been voted best blog in several polls, including one held by that well-known far-right reactionary newspaper The Wshington Post(!!!!) as well as the Wizbang 2003 Weblog Awards.
by LGF-little goon fuckheads..LOL!
Just a bunch of regurgitated AM-whackjob radio tripe. Unquestioning jingoism, racism and fear rule their shallow rants. Pathetic.
by treblanews (treblanews [at]
Gang of One
by Angel Michael
<I>Not a single one amongst you has enough nerve or character to face anyone from LGF or the right in honest debate, much less combat. No wonder you lose all the time. </I>

I’m an 3L that got lucky and found LGF registration opened and signed up. Tried that “honest debate” thing for a few months. LGF’ers debate consisted of name calling, rumors, miscomprehension of news articles and what I posted, threats and joy in the death of anyone that didn’t agree with them. Chuckles the clown, (Nazi/Fascist) banned me for calling the preznit “Chimpy”.

#1564 Charles 8/11/2005 8:18:15 PM
Deranged lefties who use the term "Chimpy" to refer to the President will now be banned automatically. I'm really, really tired of that crap.

But this is acceptable and welcome at "Little Green Footballs":

Iron Fist 12/7/2005 6:56:21 PM
#4 aafflyer, Bombers? No, no, no, no, no. They want nukes, I say we give them some. It is, after all, only neighborly. Orbit rain of bottled sunshine. All of it they can stand.

Open and honest debate my ass.

<I>much less combat</I>

ROTFLMAO This from the 101st fighting keyboard brigade, CHICKEN HAWK division.

LGF’ers Go do a search for “treblanews” at LGF, comments only, and you’ll see what a farce debate is at LGF

by A. Perez
LGF only allows registration for comments on "some Saturdays" hahaha.
They should use their bravery to go to Iraq and "support our troops".
by Steve-o
Right-wingers love Capitalism, a system which puts the individual and his business interests above the state. Left-wingers prefer the state to have more power than individuals and corporations, which brings up this question:

Why do Leftists refer to Right-Wingers as Nazis and Fascists? Nazism and Fascism are Socialist Movements, and are Leftist at their core.

"Fascism" is a term that was originally coined by the Italian dictator Mussolini to describe his adaptation of Marxism to the conditions of Italy after World War I. Lenin in Russia made somewhat different adaptations of Marxism to the conditions in Russia during the same period and his adaptations came to be called Marxism/Leninism. Mussolini stayed closer to Marx in that he felt that Italy had to go through a capitalist stage before it could reach socialism whereas Lenin attempted to push Russia straight from semi-feudalism into socialism. Mussolini's principal modification of Marxism was his rejection of the notion of class war, something that put him decisively at odds with Lenin's "Reds".

If the term "Fascism" means anything of itself it means "Groupism" -- as the fasci of Italy at the time were simply groups of political activists. The fasces of ancient Roman times were of course the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the great strength of the organized Roman people. The idea again was that people were stronger in groups than as individuals.

Mussolini's ideas and system were very influential and he had many imitators -- not the least of which was Adolf Hitler -- and some even survived World War II -- such as Peron and Chiang Kai Shek. Fascism was a nationalist form of extreme socialism whereas Trotskyism was/is a internationalist form of extreme socialism -- with Leninism being somewhere in between.

So was Mussolini a totally original thinker? Not at all. Students of ancient history see Sparta as the first Fascist State and students of Marx identify Fascism with "Bonapartism," the type of regime devised by Napoleon Bonaparte and revived by his nephew Napoleon III. But Mussolini was quite intellectual and his thinking was in fact much more up-to-date than that would suggest. He was certainly influenced by Marx and the ancient world but he had a whole range of ideas that extended beyond that. And where did he turn for up-to-date ideas? To America, of course! And the American ideas that influenced him were in fact hard to miss. They were the ideas of the American "Progressives". And who was the best known Progressive in the world at that time? None other than the President of the United States -- Woodrow Wilson -- the man who was most responsible for the postwar order in Europe. So Mussolini had to do little more than read his newspapers to hear at least some things about the ideas of the very influential American Progressives. And who were the Progressives? Here is one summary of them:

"Originally, progressive reformers sought to regulate irresponsible corporate monopoly, safeguarding consumers and labor from the excesses of the profit motive. Furthermore, they desired to correct the evils and inequities created by rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. Progressivism ..... asserted that the social order could and must be improved..... Some historians, like Richard Hofstadter and George Mowry, have argued that the progressive movement attempted to return America to an older, more simple, agrarian lifestyle. For a few progressives, this certainly was true. But for most, a humanitarian doctrine of social progress motivated the reforming spirit"

The summary of Progressivism above is from De Corte (1978). Against all his own evidence, De Corte also claims that the Progressives were "conservative". Why? Because there was something else about the Progressives that profoundly embarrasses both De Corte and all modern Leftists: The Progressives were keen eugenicists. So DeCorte tries to evade that. See here and here and also Pickens (1968) for the Leftist committment to eugenics prior to World War II.

Here is a brief summary of the "Progressive" era from a non-Leftist perspective:

"The Progressive Era is a period of one big lie after another, crafted upon the false belief that modern government somehow could replace a free market, private property order and create an economy marked both by prosperity and "fairness." From "scientific" management to "enlightened" religion (called theological liberalism and, later, secularism) to Prohibition to "objective" journalism, the belief was that modern society had found the key to "onward and upward" progress."

The Progressive movement swept America from roughly the early 1890s through the early 1920s, producing a broad popular consensus that government should be the primary agent of social change. To that end, legions of idealistic young crusaders, operating at the local, state, and federal levels, seized and wielded sweeping new powers and enacted a mountain of new legislation, including minimum wage and maximum hour laws, antitrust statutes, restrictions on the sale and consumption of alcohol, appropriations for hundreds of miles of roads and highways, assistance to new immigrants and the poor, women's suffrage, and electoral reform, among much else....

Yet the Progressive Era was also a time of vicious, state-sponsored racism. In fact, from the standpoint of African-American history, the Progressive Era qualifies as arguably the single worst period since Emancipation. The wholesale disfranchisement of Southern black voters occurred during these years, as did the rise and triumph of Jim Crow. Furthermore, as the Westminster College historian David W. Southern notes in his recent book, The Progressive Era and Race: Reform and Reaction, 1900-1917, the very worst of it-disfranchisement, segregation, race baiting, lynching-"went hand-in-hand with the most advanced forms of southern progressivism." Racism was the norm, not the exception, among the very crusaders romanticized by today's activist left.

by Tuffy
First off, let me say that I am a hard-core conservative so this should make my story about LGF especially interesting. I had been reading there site for a while and make it apart of my daily rounds in seeking news on the internet, and wanted to be able to post comments there in hopes I could contribute to the conversations, maybe even gain some insight myself. I felt like this would be the "right" place for me to be. Finally, I was accepted into their fold (stumbled upon an open register) and in my first comment stated that I was new there. I received some welcoming comments and thought "Wow, this is great, these folks are great" and proceeded to join in the conversations. I will tell you that the responses at times were a biting, not at all the friendly exchanged I had hoped for. I got the feeling the members try to "outwit" each other, and it seems to be a SMALL number of people who dominate conversations and have basically turned it into a chat room. Again...not at all what I had expected once I got in and started to open my eyes. Well, when I first joined, I had thanked everyone for the welcome with a comment that said "Thanks for the warm welcome! You guys rock socks all the way to the laundry hamper!" I know...juvenile, but a cute comment that I've been saying as a term of endearment for years (I'm a chick), No big deal, RIGHT?? Wrong...late in the evening that night I was right in the middle of getting into a rather important conversation "I" thought (FINALLY), and I couldn't log in! It said "This user is blocked!. I'm like WTH??? Then I saw that Charles had written a vague comment saying something like "It appears someone is boasting" with a link to my first response "thank you for welcoming me, you guys rock socks all the way to the hamper" comment. And again, I'm like WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??? I couldn't believe it. I surmised that this guy actually thought there was some veiled leftist conspiracy going on, and I (a perceived leftist) had infiltrated his site. I shit you not, for the next few hours I watched his "minions" follow suit talking about socks and drawing correlations between them and liberals. A couple people asked what happened but quickly followed suit because Charles, their "Dear Leader" said there was something ominous about socks. It was sad and hysterical to watch these people spin out as if I was on the outside of a glass looking in and helpless to stop it. It was troubling. I no longer saw independent thinkers, but lonely people desperately trying to impress eachother, and a paranoid "leader" who tightly controls things at the press of a button, and plays them like a marionette. I DO see some of that gang mentality on there, and I witnessed some of the same hatred that one might see on some of the leftist blogs....they're isn't much difference in their "tone". I do give BIG props to Charles Johnson for his tireless work in uncovering the Dan Rather incident and he still digs up and uncovers necessary dirt that other media might otherwise ignore, and I commend him for it. Unfortunately, as a medium for open respectful dialog, I think true conservatives who believe in the principles they adhere to (free expression, respect for one another etc.), might want to go somewhere else.
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