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The First Peak Oil Conference in Bangalore, India

by Davdi Room (dave [at]
Press relase for the first peak oil conference in India
When the Gushing Stops...
A Peak Oil Conference in Bangalore, India

Post Carbon Institute is proud to be a supporting partner for "When the Gushing Stops", a Peak Oil Conference on January 28, 2004 in Bangalore, India. The conference coordinator is our colleague, Vasanth Rajendran of Project Agastya. He spearheaded the conference after organizing a screening of The End of Suburbia in a class he taught at a nearby University.

Many of his students lost interest in the film during the initial sequence about suburbia; the assignment reports he recieved from the students were a mixed bag, with only a couple being noteworthy. In retrospect, he realized the U.S. focus of the film and India's focus on meeting immediate needs made it challenging for students to connect withe film. Vansath realized "with respect to peak oil, we need to address the unique circumstances of India and Indians". Undeterred, he pitched the idea of a conference to Project Agastya.

Project Agastya (an initiative of the 25/Bangalore Foundation, whose aim is to transform Bangalore into a Sustainable Eco-city by the year 2025), the Bangalore Management Association, and the Institution of Engineers (Karnataka State Chapter) are the chief organizers of the conference.

Post Carbon Institute is providing programming assistance including video footage of Colin Campbell, Matt Simmons, and Richard Heinberg for a plenary session, Global Public Media DVDs for participants, and publicity. We are also accepting donations for the conference through our online commerce system.

Donate to the conference

This is believed to be the first such conference to be held in the Southern Hemisphere among developing and under-developed nations, and will examine the difficulties created when the world reaches peak oil production, the ramifications for India, and the responses.

One of the stated objectives of the conference is to create a working group tasked with the organization of an international Workshop/Conference on Peak Oil in middle to late 2005. Post Carbon Institute intends to be part of the working group, and is hopeful that China will be involved. It is important that developing countries begin preparing for an energy- constrained future and especially crucial that India and China, the world’s most populous nations, are engaged in conversation and action.

Because the focus of virtually all foreign aid and charitable contributions on the aftermath of the Tsunami, the conference needs your help raising funds.

Donate to "When the Gushing Stops..."
A Peak Oil Conference in Bangalore, India

$4000 US
Raised so far
$1990 US
Funds required by January 27th
$2010 US



Press Releases

17 January 2005: Post Carbon Institute Participates in Bangalore Peak Oil Conference

17 January 2005: When the Gushing Starts... A Peak Oil Conference in Bangalore

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