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Fox News Libeled the Tehran Times :::Corrected:::

by Edward Campbell (the_destitute [at]
By Edward Campbell TUCSON, July 14—Fox News infotainment shock jock Scott Norvell commented on an article he never researched. Without contacting me, the Pentagon or the CNRRC he comes to the conclusion that naming a web server "Gestapo" merely suggests that one is a "geek" and not a white supremacist in an article published on July 12.
He insinuates several things about my article that are neither stated nor implied. The first is that I am in a “tizzy” when I gave little more than a dry factual report indicative of an AP article with a byline. He said that I claim to have “proof” of facts I never claimed and sensationalizes where there is no sensation. For one thing, I never used the phrase “proof that the U.S. military is overrun with neo-Nazis”. What is more disturbing, however, is the manner in which he lifts and attenuates my phrases. The way he chops and mutilates the quotations form my sources, and presumes to republish them, smacks of plagiarism. It is here that he supposes to assault journalism as a profession.

I never said that the US military is overrun with neo-Nazis. What I do say is that anyone who would name a computer “Gestapo” must be a white supremacist, but that is not in my original article.

I only report what my sources said to me. Norvell is not only a paranoid, he is also a quack. He omits lingering questions that my article raises; such as, why was this computer not registered with the DoD? Is possible that there are other web servers online in the US military that are unknown to the Department of Defense? Perhaps my suggestion here is a little overrated. It could be standard operating procedure within the DoD to allow unidentified servers, unaccounted for computers online is that a problem? Even if it is their policy, it remains a question as to whether or not it should be. This however is meanders away from the central point of the article as a whole.

The tacit underlying statement asserted by the proud use of the use of the world “Gestapo” is that there is a secret Nazi within the US military. Almost anyone not affiliated with white supremacist ideology would immediately draw that conclusion.

“Gestapo” skulked in cyberspace; like a submarine “Gestapo” surfaced, drew air, and again submerged, it moved about as a hidden hand from a shadowy, unidentified, source. Rational people find this disturbing.

The implication of this is that there probably is more to “Gestapo” than the Pentagon has told us so far. Computers don’t get named by accident. And they get sinister names like “Gestapo” by design. First the seed of Nazism is in the mind and later it is an expression in the material world. “Gestapo” did things. What did it do?

The CNRRC has a white supremacist working in their computer network station. That individual’s e-mail address is rayna [at]

If the Department of the Navy says there is no cause for alarm on the question of “Gestapo”, we say the burden of proof is theirs. The word “Gestapo” speaks for itself; and it says the CNRRC has at least one Nazi sympathizer within it. We otherwise have nothing left to prove.

Who is Rayna? We must know. The public must know and has the right to know. It is the responsibility of the US Navy assure the public that the Navy is in fact not overrun with neo-Nazis and that the neo-Nazi that does exist there has been removed.
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