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DAVE KERSTING: How to dissect Zionist arguments (which are based on racist assumptions)

by Dave Kersting
Dave Kersting answers the arguments of a typical Zionist. It becomes clear in this analysis that Zionists rely on racist tricks and assumptions in order to justify what they have done and what they continue to do (e.g. the most racist assumption is that somehow "the Arabs" -- a collective group rather than individuals -- are just inherently anti-Semitic and their violence towards Zionists has nothing at all to do with what Zionists did to them or had planned for their homeland of Palestine. How would Chinese have reacted? Would we now being hearing about the inherent anti-Semitism of the Chinese had the Zionist enterprise been conducted in China?
Martin Sall writes: In 1920 and 1921 and 1929, there were no territories of 1967 to impede peace between Jews and Arabs. Indeed, there was no Jewish State to upset anybody.

Dave Kersting replies:
Martin Sall treats the demi-Zionist "end the occupation" argument as if it were the best we can do. He responds to those who meekly ask Israel to "return to the 1967 borders" and beg its leaders for a Zionist "two-state (apartheid) solution" which would limit Jewish supremacy (and perpetual banishment of ethnically unwanted original populations) to MOST of Palestine - compensating the Palestinians by declaring an equally racist, Arab-supremacist "Palestinian state" under the walls, watchtowers, and warplanes of the Zionists. That entire discussion is, itself, the Zionist trick - as the absurdity of the goal merely proves that such discussions THEMSELVES are the ideal Zionist conditions: the ZIONISTS know that trying to make racism work "peacefully" can only assure endless boondoggles, breakdowns, generous offers, accidents, overreactions, and more of the same relentless Zionist expansion.

Martin Sall's response was written for the Zionists masses (and many "progressives"), who "don't know" that the racist intention of dispossessing the Palestinians and creating a Jewish state was perfectly clear by 1919, as reported by every observer, including the King-Crane Commission, sent by President Wilson to study the situation. King-Crane also reported that the British officers in the area agreed that the Zionist plan would require force of arms. Violent racist conquest does not occur in more overt and documented forms.

In the Zionist perspective, the local population (the families referred to as "the Arabs") had insufficient respect for Eastern European claims and failed to accept their ethnic-cleansing and run away "peacefully" - thus showing their true colors as anti-Semitic terrorists.

The Zionists had also been buying up land - through illegitimate records of the recent Turkish occupiers - and evicting its occupants on the basis of Imperial Turkish legalities, which denied the occupants' right to possess the land they had worked for generations.

Zionist power in Palestine began as an extension of (fully bogus) Turkish Imperial authority.

Even in the best light, the Zionist campaign to "purchase" Palestinian land, evict non-Jews, and create "Jewish-only" zones, would violate modern statutes against flaming racism. Such statutes reflect the fact that orchestrated campaigns of ethnic discrimination are de-facto forms of violent racism, which always cause horrible injustice and endless conflict - until they are reformed. With or without a written statute, the RACISM remains the same, and so does the damage to BOTH SIDES, until the racism is ended. An openly-announced campaign to transform Sid or Daniel's hometown into an officially racist state, in which their ethnicity was to be unwelcome, would certainly upset EVERYBODY in the entire town, region, state, and nation - even Sid and Daniel I suspect. The perpetrators would, of course, be arrested at once. In Palestine, the British occupiers would not LET the legitimate local authorities arrest the openly-declared racist invaders. But we are supposed to think "the Arabs" are subhuman for feeling the way any people would feel in that situation and for doing what any people would do.

Martin Sall: Nevertheless, the same oppressed and repressed Palestinians slaughtered tens of Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Safed and Hebron. Indeed, 67 Jews were slaughtered one day in Hebron in 1929. Dear world, why did the Arabs - the Palestinians - massacre 67 Jews in one day in 1929?

Those who actually do want peace consider that a valid question, which really should be answered; it is not just a rhetorical Zionist jape, as Martin Sall intends it, to elicit racist guffaws against the fundamental inferiority of people who would do such things, presumably for no reason. Apparently, we are supposed to assume Palestinian people are just born anti-Semitic - and they had hoped and prayed all their lives that thousands of Jews would come from Eastern Europe, start evicting the local population, and provide a pretext for slaughter. Do Sid and Martin actually need us to remind them that those who killed Jews, in riots that included violence on both sides, should have been caught and punished if possible? People who only notice the ethnicity of their antagonists and then condemn "the Arabs - the Palestinians" in general, are openly declaring themselves as racist as can be. The thing is, "Arab" ethnicity has nothing to do with anything. The locals' only problem was that they were not "Jewish" enough for the intended "Jewish state." The point is that ANYONE, ANYWHERE ON EARTH - any people - would have responded to that racist takeover campaign with the same standard human responses. In the US, the perpetrators would be arrested and put in jail. In other places, where the law is not allowed to move sensibly, eruptions of counter-violence - against the violence of ethnic displacement - would be inevitable. If the "Jewish state" had been promoted in China, the Zionists would have encountered the same resistance, sometimes peaceful, sometimes violent, from the Chinese locals, and so the Zionists would have had to teach us to hate "the Chinese" as genetically and pathologically anti-Semitic. We would have been hearing, all our lives, how "the Chinese" had "tried to strangle the Jewish state in its cradle" and how "the Chinese" are just sort of LIKE that.

Martin Sall: Could it have been their anger over Israeli aggression in 1967? And why were 510 Jewish men, women and children slaughtered in Arab riots between 1936-39? Was it because Arabs were upset over 1967?

We would also hear all sorts of Zionist comedy about WHY "the Chinese" went around slaughtering Jewish men, women, and children - the hilarious conclusion being that "the Chinese" are just born anti-Semitic - because if they WEREN'T, they would have accepted their "legal" (albeit racist) dispossession "peacefully" like normal people. Comparing numbers and horrors is stupid, but plenty of local Palestinians were killed, due to the racist takeover of their land, before, during, and after the conflicts in question. The entire indigenous leadership was murdered, executed, or expelled by the British - on behalf of Zionism. Those who want peace do not seek to dehumanize either side: we decry the racist POLICIES that are illegal in decent places precisely BECAUSE they always entail violence, or more correctly - as Martin Luther King said - such policies ARE violence, in and of themselves. Martin Sall fails to mention that the Zionists were the primary terrorists, even against the British for failing to hand Palestine over to them fast enough.

Martin Sall: And when you, world, proposed a UN Partition Plan in 1947 that would have created a "Palestinian State" alongside a tiny Israel and the Arabs cried "no" and went to war and killed 6,000 Jews - was that "upset" caused by the aggression of 1967?

The scheme to take more than half of Palestine and turn it into an officially racist-supremacist "Jewish state" - a self-declared "settler-state" - in extreme contradiction of the will of the indigenous population, is a classic case of violent racist aggression. Its endorsement by a clique of Imperial Powers - or by ANY self-proclaimed authority - does not make it any less racist or violent. Nor was any such power claimed by the UN anywhere in its charter. The whole vote was a Zionist-sponsored charade. But it's great when the Zionists cite that Partition Plan as their authority, because it totally explodes any denials of racism. Even if the UN could legitimize racist invasion, that would not render the racism any less racist: the Partition Plan only gives Zionist racism a stamp of bogus approval. The main problem is that no approval, of any kind, can make racism work "peacefully." That is why decent people have learned to oppose it.

Again, no people on Earth would allow the creation of a brand-new state in their region - and this would remain true, EVEN if the invaders held up their religious books and read how their "God" had given the place to them. If Sid, Martin, and Daniel try that here in California, the police will cry "no" and "attack" them and put them somewhere where they can't hurt themselves. Far more than 6000 Palestinians were killed, as 750,000 of them were being ethnically-cleansed according to the long-avowed Zionist plan. Only in a Zionist universe do people travel hundreds of miles to create a new state, and ethnically-cleanse most of the population, and then tell their children they did it because they were "attacked."

Martin Sall: And, by the way, dear world, why did we not hear your cry of "upset" then? The poor Palestinians who today kill Jews with explosives and firebombs and stones are part of the same people who - when they had all the territories they now demand be given to them for their state -attempted to drive the Jewish state into the sea. The same twisted faces, the same hate, the same cry of "itbach-al-yahud" (Massacre the Jew!) that we hear and see today, were seen and heard then. The same people, the same dream - destroy

And where does the Zionist logic lead - again to the same conclusion: the Palestinians are simply murderous, born with twisted faces, and only a dream to destroy; and they do this for no reason. The Zionist distortion runs like this, starting with reality: 1.) The Palestinians want to go home and live as equals. 2.) That return would end the Jewish supremacy that was the whole purpose of their dispossession in the first place. 3.) So let's confuse our children - and the stupidest adults - with the lie that asking Jews to live as equals means "driving the Jewish state into the sea." When Nazi Germany occupied Holland, many Dutch people shouted, with twisted faces "Kill the Germans." When US troops were marching through Vietnam, many Vietnamese people, with twisted faces, shouted "Kill the Americans." And when Jews march through Palestine, building their "Jewish-only" settlements, shooting anyone who resists or throws a stone, and expanding their "Jewish state," it is only natural for the victims to shout "kill the Jews." No, the problem in Holland was NOT a bunch of Dutch terrorists, reveling in their innate anti-Germanism, and delighted at the opportunity to kill Germans. The problem in Vietnam was not the natural inferiority of Vietnamese people, who jealously hate Americans and lured them into their streets and fields, for no reason, in order to kill them with "explosives, firebombs, and stones." And no, the Palestinians do not hate people who do not rob and murder them.

As to those who will say it is a waste of time to talk to these Zionists: I certainly don't blame anyone for having no interest - if they already know how to respond, in public, to the Standard Zionist Line, which is so consistent and so dumb. But all over the campuses, well-meaning ethnic-equality activists and peace activists are finding exactly the same worn-out and openly racist arguments or japes, as taught at Zionist summer-camps.

And, odd as it may seem, WAY TOO MANY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RESPOND.

That is WHY the "anti-war" movement has so stupidly deemed this a "difficult issue" - so "difficult" that Zionism is still timidly avoided by the mainstream "anti-war" organizers.

I appreciate this list because it gives these Zionists a chance to get the classic Zionist case out onto the dissecting table, under lights and cameras. I know it's absurdly easy and seems terribly obvious, but all the "progressive" waffling does not reflect that easyness and obviousness at all.

Those on this list who already know or who just don't care may, of course, freely delete my posts. My main purpose is to marshal the argument, for its own sake - and also to send it to other lists, where people feel it's important to stay on top this stuff.

I certainly don't intend this stuff for the little creeps themselves.

These Zionists on this list are really on a roll - damning themselves and their ideology wonderfully, and it all goes into the file marked "Zionism 101."
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Some other differences...
Fri, Sep 19, 2003 7:49AM
Get bare facts!
Fri, Sep 19, 2003 12:04AM
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 1:53PM
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 1:16PM
You're always wondering
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 8:53AM
since you asked . . .
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 8:34AM
Count Folke Bernadotte
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 6:08AM
you're always wondering
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 1:48AM
just wondering
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 12:26AM
anti CFB
Thu, Sep 18, 2003 12:21AM
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