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12/7Nat Labor Conf Building Support

by Port Workers Solidarity Committee (solidarity1934_2002 [at]
National and international support is building for a SF Labor Conference against Taft-Hartley & Union Busting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday Nov 26

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Support is building up nationally and internationally for the upcoming December 7 Labor Conference Against Taft-Hartley and Union Busting. There will be a delegation of Liverpool dockers and a representative from the striking UK Fire Brigades Union as well as a representative of the Brazilian CUT. The brazen attacks by Bush against Federal workers with the passing of the Home Land Security Department which eliminates union rights to 170,000 workers and his order to privatize 850,000 is a declaration of war against all working people. The importance of this conference in this light grows daily.
The next meeting of the planning committee will be on Tuesday November 26, 2002 at 7:00PM at ILWU Local 10 which is located at 400 North Point/Mason St. 2nd Fl.
I have included a list of the new endorsers. You do not have to be a delegate from your local to attend the conference. Also I have enclosed a list of the planned workshops.
If you need copies of the brochures please let us know.
In Solidarity,
Steve Zeltzer
co-chair Port Workers Solidarity Committee

Proposed Schedule & Panelists
9:00 Registration
9:30 Welcome & Intros, and conference focus

10:00 Plenary Panel Discussion

11:00 – 12:30 Workshops Session 1

History Of Taft-Hartley & How To Fight It
Lee Sustar -ISO, Tim Stinson -The Organizer, Herb Krasdorf (invited), Jack Heyman ILWU Local 10, Steve Stallone Editor ILWU Dispatcher

Labor And The War
Clarence Thomas -ILWU Local 10 Secretary Treasurer, Labor For Peace & Justice, Joel Schor -SUP, Ryan Murphy -AFA Delegate To SF Labor Council, Ralph Schoneman -UAW 1981

Repression Of The Labor Movement & Immigrants
Ricardo Ortiz -BAWDN, LION, SF Day Laborers, Lawrence Thibeaux -ILWU 10, MDI Representative

Union Busting, Privatization & Deregulation At Home
Jennifer Salazar-IAM 1871 Member, Charles Minster-LIUNA 261, Carl Bryant-NALC 214, Mary Ann Ring-UC AFSCME 3299, Mike Griffin-War Zone Education Fund (invited)

Technology & Its Impact On The Workplace
Ron Kelch -News & Letters, Lee Sandahl, ILWU34

12:30 Lunch – (Sandwich & refreshment provided)
Videos & Working Groups

2:00 – 3:30 PM Workshops Session 2

A Labor Media Strategy To Fight Corporate Propaganda
Rene Ducroux -ILWU34, Todd Davies-LaborTech, John Hamilton-WINS, Wes Brain SEIU 503 UPPNET, Carl Bryant-NALC 214 TV214, Erin Poh-N. Cal Media Workers Guild/Typographical Union

Organizing The Unorganized
Ruah Graff-UTW-CWA, Joshua Sperry-CWA9423, GCIU 4 Representative, Cary Dahl ILWU Local 6 Bike Messengers

The Community & Labor
Alliance For Sustainable Jobs & Environment, Global Exchange rep.

Labor & The Fight Against FTAA
Alan Benjamin-OPEIU3/SFLC, Gino Pepi-ATU 1555, Art Persyko-IBT85

The ILWU, Internationalism & The Global Struggle
Jack Heyman ILWU 10, Leonard Riley, ILA Local 1422, Howard Keylor ILWU 10 retired, Robert Irminger Neptune Jade Committee & IBU-ILWU SF Area

3:30 – 5:00 Closing Session & Proposals For Action From Workshops

7:30PM Transportation Workers International Solidarity Rally
At ILWU Local 10 Hall - 400 North Point/Mason St. SF

Endorsed by

ILWU International
ILWU Local 10
San Francisco Labor Council
Alameda Labor Council
South Bay Labor Council
IBT Joint Council 7
SF Maritime Trades Port Council
ILA1422, Charleston South Carolina
IBU-ILWU Bay Area Chapter
SEIU 790
ATU 1555
GCIU Local 4
NALC 214
BART Chapter SEIU 790
NWU-UAW Chapter 3
California Media Workers Guild/Typographical Union
Labor Committee For Peace & Justice
Alliance For Sustainable Jobs & Environment
Port Workers Solidarity Committee
Global Exchange

Please Send Registrations/Endorsements & To Get More Information Contact
P.O.Box 15086
San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 820-3927
Email solidarity1934_2002 [at]
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