Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Federal Cops Defending Their Employer

by blech
One interesting part of protests at a federal building is that the cops are federal. Here are some pictured of the police at the protest this morning. The cop after the photo marked loose cannon ran up to and hit protesters with his batton without provocation. The cop marked as undercover with the white hat helped with an arrest while his partner has been at many past protests.
§Federal Marshal and Loose Canons Boss
by blech
§Loose Canon
by blech
§Loose Canon
by blech
§Federal Marshals
by blech
§undercover cops or building guards
by blech
§undercover cops or building guards
by blech
§undercover cops or building guards
by blech
§undercover cops or building guards
by blech
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by ?
The cops outside were a mixture of Federal Marshals and SFPD. The undercovers could have been local, state or federal and it would probably be hard to find out. But who are those weird looking cops inside the building? Their riot gear looked more expensive than that worn by the Federal Marshals outside.


Where were you hippie fucks when Bill Clinton sent our armed forces to Haiti? Or how about when he said that we needed to go occupy Bosnia for "a few months", but we ended up being there for 4 years? Or how about when he sent our boys to Somalia and they got murdered and dragged up and down the streets of Mogadishu while the whole fucking world was watching on TV? Were you guys protesting? OF COURSE NOT. You are only protesting because there is a Republican in office.

And why do you give a shit if we enter Iraq and replace Saddam Houssein? Saddam is a known murderer, theif, tyrant, oppressor, dictator and terrorist. By resisting the Bush Administration's plans to replace the Houssein rigime, you are esencially defending a murderering terrorst. WHY? Houssein has had way too many fucking chances, and he is WAY PAST DUE for replacement. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

And who fucking cares if this *IS* about oil? Why should a tyrannical 'leader' like Saddam Houssein be allowed to control and influence any amount of the region's oil? I hope we fucking take Saddams oil away and pay the citizens of Iraq a fair price for it.

Which leads me to my next point - The citizens of Iraq also stand to gain from the replacement of Saddam Houssein. They stand to gain freedom from murder and oppression. They stand to gain a better way of life. They stand to gain participation in a free market where their skills and ideas are worth financial security and wealth for their families.

And what about terror? None of you fucking liberal idiots have the fainest clue what it is going to take to protect innocent people from terror. Terror is happening almost every day, and the only way to stop it is to weed it out at its source. Leaders like Yasser Arafat and Saddam Houssein LIE to the media when they say that they have no control over acts of terror on their soil. It is by definition a lie because they are dictators - nothing happens in their countries that is not under their control or beyond their knowledge. Not to mention the question of where the money comes from that supports terror. It's not cheap to run around the world and blow things up. "Leaders" like Arafat and Houssein most certainly support terror and need to be taken from power and replaced.

Why don't you just admit it: You are protesting because there is a Republican in the White House, not because you particularly know a fucking thing about freedom, democracy, history, terror, money, oil or logistics. Most of you are just liberal 'carbon copies' who only go out to protest our President because all of your fucking friends do. It's 'cool' to be an anti-American degenerate loser in the Bay Area.
by red-and-black
Actually, many of the people who contribute to and read this site are just as much against Clinton as they are against Bush. It is just that your political understanding is so limited that you assume everyone is either a Republican or Democrat. Sites like this serve to inform people like you. So you can either shut up and listen a bit, or you can continue embarrassing yourself.
by surfdancer
Yeah, they stand to gain a lot: like all the jobs as morticians burying hundreds of thousands of people (usually elderly and children) who die from lack of infrastructure, like the last time we bombed Iraq. Gee, and I guess all those jobs rebuilding the water supplies, roads, etc... they just finished rebuilding from the last time we bombed them! Yeah, other countries don't need to actually VOTE to change their government, they can just have the US bomb them, good change is bound to come, and all those other things they gain..
by surfdancer
Yeah, they stand to gain a lot: like all the jobs as morticians burying hundreds of thousands of people (usually elderly and children) who die from lack of infrastructure, like the last time we bombed Iraq. Gee, and I guess all those jobs rebuilding the water supplies, roads, etc... they just finished rebuilding from the last time we bombed them! Yeah, other countries don't need to actually VOTE to change their government, they can just have the US bomb them, good change is bound to come, and all those other things they gain..
by surfdancer
I believe it was this fella who yelled in the faces of absolutley peaceful protesters (standing across the pedestrian entrance beside the driveway and booth) "I'm just *** tired of you!!" "Get out of my way!!!" then he proceeded to physically assault the protesters, after which the protesters were held down by police, and I believe one was arrested. (I'm so glad we're going to war for democracy in other countries.) I had no idea that fella was the boss, that is very frightening. Bad enough for a rookie/newbie to act like that, but the boss??? FEDS, are you watching??? If civil rights violations aren't bad enough for you, how about this: I'm a taxpaying citizen and don't want to pay the lawsuits this idiot will generate!!! Fire Him 1. before he hurts a citizen, 2. before he again violates civil rights and 3. before we taxpayers have to pay for those!!!
by Adrienne Johnson (judgoodman [at]
In the very beginning, I was at the side exit and one "regular looking guy" flashed his badge and said he was a U.S. Marshal. If that helps at all. . .
by real lives
How about just two guys walking down the street!
by Colin
So many Americans have been brainwashed by the media it isnt funny.

You think this war has something to do with weapons of mass destruction? Did you even know that the gas used on the kurds was manufactured by Americans providing technical expertise to Saddam a couple of decades ago, when they were our 'key' ally against Iran.

No wonder our 'allies' our reluctant to help us pursue this oil war. They might be next.

Do you know that Iraq has the worlds 2nd biggest oil reserves..didnt think so. If youre as uneducated, GET A JOB, as you seem to be, go back to serving Big Macs. If your mind is already made up, whats the point of learning anyway?

by ugly spotter
these mugs are ugly! when you think that the blood-drenched wheel of the u.s. government is run by these cogs...
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