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Indybay Feature

ILWU Rally in Oakland

by Marc Buchalter (marcb [at]
ILWU and supportes rally at teh Oakland Federal Building, Local Politicians, and community express support fro the ILWU and opposition to interference from the White house in labor negotiations.
§Community supports ILWU
by Marc Buchalter (marcb [at]
§Jerry Brown supports ILWU
by Marc Buchalter (marcb [at]
Jerry Brown, former Gov. and current Mayor of Oakland, tries on ILWU Cap invokes his history of support for the ILWU and expresses opposintion the Bush Administration threats to interfere with negotiations.
§Jack Heyman addresses ILWU
by Marc Buchalter (marcb [at]
Business Manager of the ILWU addresses Local 6 and their supproters.
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by vic
About Jerry's history with the union.

I'm sorry, but both Jerry and Willie have been assholes about 9 out of 10 important things in their cities and it pisses me off to see them suddenly being held up as 'good guys,' because they side with huge labor - what about selling out their cities??? What about all the low-income, the artists, the minorities, the ballots for chrissakes! Suddenly now they're great?

I know this union has done great and powerful and important things - so how does that work with people like Willie and Jerry? I'm lost.

Is labor really on the side of Willie and Jerry, who are pushing out everyone who isn't a homeowner or a millionaire as fast as they possibly can because they side with labor on labor issues?

It's like Gray Davis throwing an occassional bone to gays and lesbians, or minorities, so they can ignore the 99% of shit that he does otherwise.

I don't mean to be rude, I just don't know the whole picture here and it seems bizarre from my viewpoint.
by ken morgan
Vic's criticisms of BOTH Mayor Browns is right on the mark. Unfortunately, the leadership, and much of the membership, of US unions still have unjustified illusions in the Democratic Party. The same Democratic party, that not only betrays labor, but also turns it's back on the poor and disenfranchised. Nevertheless the Longshore workers struggle, is one that we all have to support, non-union as well as union workers.
by someone who knows
Jerry Brown -- friend of labor? That's a laugh!

Hey, Jerry -- ask your "social companion" Gust how many GAP employees are unionized. Thought so.

He's an egotistical pig. Don't encourage him.
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